
Post-RPGLB stuff

May 22nd, 2017
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  1. OK, so first off RPGLB was great, and a lot of fun even though I was pretty sick for half of it.
  2. However now that it's over, I'm going to be streaming a lot less than I was because I start my new job next week.
  3. This also means that when I do stream during the week, it will be short. Currently I'm not sure what I want to focus on for the next couple of weeks, and I'll be coming back to Xenoblade at some point soon to get sub-5, but I'm taking at least a short break from it.
  4. I might be learning some new shorter runs, relearning some older ones, or just doing some non-speedrun stuff for a while (LTTP Rando, fangame playing/development, other stuff idk).
  6. I'm still doing Forced co-op stuff with people for ESA, and there's some new fighting games coming out soon in addition to the ones I already play, so I might end up doing some more of that on stream as well.
  8. I'll probably do some more specific shoutouts or something from RPGLB at some point, but currently I'm still recovering a bit lol.
  9. If nothing else, I'm glad I met all the people I did, some of whom have been a long time coming. I hope to see some of you again soon if not all, but currently I have no idea what if any events I'll be able to make moving forwards from now.
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