
4chan Hazbin Hotel story - kissing

Jan 23rd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #558
  2. ---------
  3. the story:
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  5. >Vaggie switches jobs with Velvet
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  7. >that look in her eye
  8. if looks could kill...
  9. -
  10. >How about this look then? (pic of crazy vaggie)
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  12. oh fuck now thats the look you get when you really fucked up!
  13. option 1) RUN
  14. option 2) Get impaled and kissed in that order
  15. option 3) Kiss her in hopes it stops her
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  17. >"Anon~"
  18. >"where's my kiss Anon~"
  19. >Vaggie kicks in Anons door to see him huddled in a corner
  23. -
  24. >And then Vaggie violently deep-mouth kissed Anon until he passed out from lack of oxygen
  25. >And then she took a selfie with his unconscious body and posted it to her voxtagram
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  30. >The other residents of the hotel discover that there's now an open access kiss-slut kicking around the place
  31. >Their faces when
  32. -
  33. >Angel Dust is a gentle kisser
  34. >Lets Anon breath whenever he needs to
  35. >Doesn't get too invasive
  36. >He's used to having his mouth treated in aggressive, humiliating, violent ways
  37. >He really just wants to remember what its like for kissing to be pleasant and relaxing
  38. >He just wants hours and hours of light, friendly smooching
  39. -
  40. >Angel needs some calmness in his life
  41. >Angel seeks refuge in Anon because he's a good listener.
  42. >Anon really doesn't too much for this gay touchy feely bs
  43. >Angel proceeds to tell Anon his whole life story and sobs the entire time
  44. >Anon wishes he was in his room playing the latest flavor of the month FPS game
  45. -
  46. >While Anons day dreaming about Call of Battlefield 78 Angel dust has gotten really close to his face
  47. >Anon snaps out of it to late and Angels already kissing him through tears
  48. >Anon has no idea why he's doing this
  49. >Angel finally breaks the kiss and blushes a little
  50. "So why am I here again?" Asks Anon
  51. --
  52. >Niffty is not a gentle kisser
  53. >She's at least as merciless on the whole "breathing" thing as Vaggie
  54. >But also literal choking
  55. >Of her
  56. >And hairpulling
  57. >And ear biting
  58. >And leaving hickies all over the place
  59. >But hey, at least she smells like strawberry shortcake and her hair is super soft
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  61. >Husk first roped Anon into being his kiss slut for the afternoon after winning a hand of poker on a pair of threes (Anon has rotten luck)
  62. >Husk insists that Anon drink with him while they make out
  63. >He's not overly-aggressive nor particularly gentle, but his kisses always leave the taste of peppermint schnapps or apple brandy lingering in Anon's mouth
  64. >His tongue isn't really "prickly" like an earth cat's is, but its certainly got, uh, texture to it. When he really starts to slip it in, Anon almost feels like he has some kind of sex toy in his mouth
  65. >The liplocking sessions with Husk only end when one of them finally ends up drunk enough to need a nap
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  67. >Baxter insists that he's only using Anon for "research" and that the vast amounts of time he spends tucked into Anon's lap staring into his eyes and intertwining their tongues don't really count as kissing
  68. -
  69. >For the first time in weeks, Anon has some time alone
  70. >The hotel is unusually quiet
  71. >Everyone seems to be busy
  72. >So he has the run of the place, more or less
  73. >No one trying to suffocate him with their mouths
  74. >He can finally play Cogs of Battle 9 all day without anyone kicking his door off the hinges and forcing their tongue down his throat
  76. >Alastor however, can teleport, so he doesn't need to kick the door in to get to Anon
  77. >Anon immediately has a brief heart attack
  78. >Nothing this guy has up his sleeve is ever good
  79. >And the only thing anyone in the hotel seems to be interested in him for is aggressive kissing
  81. >And Alastor is an admitted cannibal
  82. >Letting him lean in for a kiss seems like a worse decision than trying to invade Russia during the winter
  83. >But the Radio Demon is a lot faster and stronger than your average sinner
  84. >Anon will have even less success escaping him than he's had with Vaggie
  86. >"Anon..."
  87. >Alastor brings their faces close together
  88. >Oh fuckohgodohfuckohshit this is going to be worse than Green Inferno pleasesomeoneanyonefuckingHELP
  89. >Alastor drops his head a little lower
  90. >"...could I trouble you for a kiss on the forehead?"
  92. >...nani?
  93. >The fuck?
  94. >The asexual cannibal wants a legit kiss on the forehead?
  95. >WHY?
  96. >Alastor's smile shifts to be just a little more genuine
  97. >"It reminds me of simpler times"
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  99. inb4 Anon has a mental breakdown one day after having to deal with the constant kissing and everyone starts to feel guilty
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  101. >anon's sitting on the roof trying to figure out when things went so wrong
  102. >at first it wasn't such a big deal, in fact you were teasing vaggie with a peck on the cheek
  103. >she kinda blushed and tried to turn the tide of embarrassment back onto you by giving you a straight smooch on the lips
  104. >THERE that was the point of no return
  105. >a silly joke just got out of hand
  106. >now what to do to stop it?
  107. >rip off your lips? nah they'll grow back in an hour or so
  108. >leave the hotel?
  109. >no not that either this place is at least kind of decenet when everyone isn't trying to pile on you
  110. >and then it hits him
  111. >Anon stands up with a sly grin on his face
  112. >its time to end this, and the only way he can is....
  113. >"Anon why are you covered in flextape?" says Vaggie shocked to see the sight in front of her
  114. "mmph mmph mmph kiffs" Anon grumbles
  115. >"Anon you can't walk around like that you look weird... like that one guy with the pyramid for a head"
  116. "Iffs knft kming oof"
  117. >"oh don't be silly here, let me get some scissors so I can at least understand what you're saying"
  118. "NMMPH NMMPH"
  119. >snip snip
  120. "I said NO! I wanted it to stay on! nooo-"
  121. >Vaggie grabs hold of Anon and kisses him with as much tounge as she can muster
  122. >Back to the drawing board Anon goes
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  126. >Anon's getting better at keeping the other crew members in check now
  127. >Anytime he's worn out he goes to see Charlie who gives him a little pick-me-up
  128. >Vaggie has a great time kissing the both of them, Charlie's almost on par with Anon when it comes to kissing even
  129. >Anons content now and accepts his new role and finds that showing people love brings love back in the end
  130. buddah buh bah buh ITS OVER NOW~
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