

Nov 2nd, 2013
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  1. It wasn't very long after you first brought Gina to the Treno estate when she happened to look out a window at the rolling green hills around the house with wonder. You realize after a moment that she's never actually seen grass before. And then her eyes fall on the trees dotting the landscape. An honest-to-god squeak escapes her lips as she's overcome with excitement, and she practically throws open the window and scrambles out. You barely have time to leave the house yourself as you notice she's running on all fours at one of them before climbing into its branches, nimble as a monkey.
  3. She swings from her tail, looking down at you and giggling like a little girl. "It's a tree! A tree, Theta! They're a lot bigger than I ever imagined!" she swings up, surprisingly nimble, climbing further, before settling on one of the branches. "Come on! Ooh, there's a bird's nest! Cheep cheep~" She starts bugging one of the owls that made their home there, though strangely it doesn't seem to mind. Come to think of it, it looks like the kind of owl you'd normally see at Black Mage Village. Mikoto must have brought some here.
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