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  1. a-series of time
  2. ab esse ad posse valet consequentia
  3. abandonment
  4. Abbagnano, Nicola (1901–90)
  5. Abderites
  6. abduction
  7. Abduh, Muhammad (1849–1905)
  8. Abelard, Peter (1079–1142)
  9. abhidharma
  10. abninivesha
  11. abortion
  12. Abrabanel, Isaac (1437)
  13. Abrabanel, Judah (c.1463–c.1523)
  14. absolute idealism
  15. absolute theory of space
  16. Absolute, the
  17. absolutism
  18. abstract ideas
  19. abstract/concrete
  20. abstraction
  21. absurd
  22. Abunaser
  23. Academy of Athens
  24. Academy of Florence
  25. acatalepsy
  26. acceptance
  27. access
  28. accessibility relation
  29. accident
  30. accident, fallacy of the
  31. accidentalism
  32. accidie
  33. Achilles and the Tortoise
  34. acosmism
  35. acquaintance and description
  36. acrasia
  37. act utilitarianism
  38. act-object ambiguity
  39. act-object psychology
  40. action
  41. action at a distance
  42. active euthanasia
  43. activism
  44. acts, mental
  45. acts/omissions doctrine
  46. actual
  47. actualism
  48. actuality and potentiality
  49. actualization
  50. ad hoc hypothesis
  51. ad hominem argument
  52. ad infinitum
  53. Adam of Wodeham
  54. Adams's thesis
  55. adaptation
  56. Adelard of Bath (c.1070–c.1145)
  57. adhyatman
  58. adiaphora
  59. Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund (1903–69)
  60. advaita
  61. adverbial theory
  62. adverbs
  63. Aenesidemus of Cnossos
  64. Aesop
  65. aesthetic
  66. aesthetic attitude
  67. aesthetic detachment
  68. aesthetic properties
  69. aesthetic values
  70. aestheticism
  71. aesthetics
  72. aether
  73. aetiology
  74. aeviternity
  75. affective
  76. affirmative action
  77. affirmative and negative propositions
  78. affirming the antecedent
  79. affirming the consequent
  80. after-image
  81. agapē
  82. agathon
  83. age of reason
  84. agent
  85. agent-causation
  86. agent-centred morality
  87. agent-neutral/agent-relative
  88. agglomeration
  89. agnoiology
  90. agnosticism
  91. agreement, method of
  92. Agricola, Rudolph (1444–85)
  93. Agrippa
  94. Agrippa of Nettesheim
  95. ahamkara
  96. ahanta
  97. ahimsa
  98. AI
  99. aitia
  100. Ajdukiewicz, Kazimierz (1890–1963)
  101. akolasia
  102. akoluthic
  103. akrasia
  104. al Sabziwari, Al-Hajj Mula Hadi (1797)
  105. al-Farabi
  106. al-Farabi, Abu Nasr (c.870–950)
  107. al-Ghazali
  108. al-Ghazali Abu Hamid Muhammad (1058–1111)
  109. al-Kindi
  110. al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf (d. after ad 866)
  111. al-Razi, Abu Bakr
  112. al-Razi, Abu Bakr (d. 925)
  113. al-Razi, Fakhr Al-Din
  114. al-Razi, Fakhr Al-Din (1149–1209)
  115. al-Sijistani, Abu Sulaiyman Muhammad
  116. al-Sijistani, Abu Sulaiyman Muhammad (c.932–c.1000)
  117. alaya-vijnana
  118. Albert of Saxony (1360–90)
  119. Albert the Great (c.1200–80)
  120. alchemy
  121. Alcinous
  122. Alcmaeon of Croton
  123. Alemanno, Yohanan ben Isaac (1433)
  124. aleph
  125. alethic
  126. Alexander of Aphrodisias
  127. Alexander of Hales (c.1185–1245)
  128. Alexander, Samuel (1859–1938)
  129. Alexandrian School
  130. Algazel
  131. algebra
  132. algebraic number
  133. algorithm
  134. alienans
  135. alienation
  136. aliorelative
  137. all
  138. Allais paradox
  139. allele
  140. allographic
  141. Almegest
  142. als ob
  143. alter ego
  144. alterity
  145. alternation
  146. Althusser, Louis (1918–90)
  147. altruism
  148. ambiguity
  149. ambiguous middle, fallacy of
  150. Ambrose, St (c.340–97)
  151. Ammonius Saccas (fl.200–50)
  152. amor fati
  153. amoral
  154. amphiboly
  155. ampliative argument
  156. anagoge
  157. analogy
  158. analysandum
  159. analysans
  160. analysis
  161. analysis, paradox of
  162. analytic(al) philosophy
  163. analytic, transcendental
  164. analytic/synthetic
  165. anamnesis
  166. anangkē
  167. anaphora
  168. anarchism
  169. anattavada
  170. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (500)
  171. Anaxarchus
  172. Anaximander of Miletus (610)
  173. Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. c.546 bc)
  174. ancestral relation
  175. and
  176. Anderson, John (1893–1962)
  177. andreia
  178. androcentrism
  179. androgyny
  180. Andronicius of Rhodes
  181. angst
  182. anguish
  183. anima mundi
  184. animal rights
  185. animal spirits
  186. animal thought
  187. animism
  188. Anniceris (fl. c.320–280 bc)
  189. anoetic
  190. anomalous monism
  191. anomie
  192. anosognosia
  193. Anschauung
  194. Anscombe, Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret (1919–2001)
  195. Anselm, St (1033)
  196. antecedent
  197. anthropic principle
  198. anthropocentric
  199. anthropology
  200. anthropomorphism
  201. anthroposophy
  202. anti-realism
  203. antilogism
  204. antinomianism
  205. antinomy
  206. Antiochus of Ascalon (c.130–68 bc)
  207. antiperistasis
  208. antiphasis
  209. Antiphon (c.480–411 bc)
  210. Antisthenes (c.445–c.360 bc)
  211. antisymmetric
  212. antithesis
  213. antonym
  214. anxiety
  215. apatheia
  216. apathy
  217. apeiron
  218. aphaeresis
  219. aphasia
  220. apocatastasis
  221. apodeictic
  222. apodosis
  223. Apollonian/Dionysian
  224. apologetics
  225. apophansis
  226. aporia
  227. appearance/reality
  228. apperception
  229. appetitive
  230. Apuleius (c. ad 125–80)
  231. Aquinas, St Thomas (c.1225–74)
  232. Arcesilaus (c.316–242 bc)
  233. archē
  234. archetype
  235. Archimedean
  236. Archimedean point
  237. architectonic
  238. Archytas (fl. 400–350 bc)
  239. Arendt, Hannah (1906–75)
  240. aretē
  241. argument
  242. argument from analogy
  243. argument of a function
  244. argumentum ad
  245. Arian heresy
  246. Aristippus of Cyrene (c.435–350 bc)
  247. aristocracy
  248. Ariston of Chios
  249. Aristotelianism
  250. Aristotle (384–322 bc)
  251. arithmetic
  252. arithmetization
  253. Arius Didymus
  254. arkhe
  255. Arminius, Jacobus (1560–1609)
  256. Armstrong, David Malet (1926–2014)
  257. Arnauld, Antoine (1612–94)
  258. arrow paradox
  259. Arrow's theorem
  260. art, philosophy of
  261. artificial intelligence
  262. artificial language
  263. artificial life
  264. ascetic
  265. ascriptivism
  266. aseity
  267. assertion
  268. assertion sign
  269. assertoric
  270. association of ideas
  271. associationism
  272. assumption
  273. assurance game
  274. Astell, Mary (1666–1731)
  275. asymmetric
  276. asymptotic
  277. ataraxia
  278. Athanasius (c.297–373)
  279. atheism
  280. Atheismusstreit
  281. atman
  282. atomic formula/sentence
  283. atomism
  284. atomism, logical
  285. atonement
  286. attitude
  287. attribution theory
  288. attributive
  289. aufheben
  290. Aufklärung
  291. Augustine of Hippo, St (354–430)
  292. Augustinian view of language
  293. Aurelius, Marcus (ad 121–80)
  294. Aurobindo Ghose (1872–1950)
  295. Aussonderungsaxiom
  296. Austin, John (1790–1859)
  297. Austin, John Langshaw (1911–60)
  298. autarkia
  299. authenticity
  300. authoritarian personality
  301. authority
  302. autological
  303. automaton
  304. autonomy of ethics
  305. autonomy/heteronomy
  306. autonymy
  307. autotelic
  308. Avempace (1085)
  309. Avenarius, Richard (1843–96)
  310. Averroës (1126–98)
  311. Avicebron
  312. Avicenna (980–1037)
  313. avidya
  314. avowals
  315. awareness, sense
  316. axiarchism
  317. axiology
  318. axiom
  319. axiom of choice
  320. axiom of comprehension
  321. axiom of consistency
  322. axiom of extensionality
  323. axiom of infinity
  324. axiomatic method
  325. Ayer, Alfred Jules (1910–89)
  326. b-series of time
  327. Babbage, Charles (1792–1871)
  328. Bachelard, Gaston (1884–1962)
  329. backward causation
  330. Bacon, Francis (1561–1626)
  331. Bacon, Roger (c.1214–92)
  332. Baconian method
  333. bad faith
  334. Bain, Alexander (1818–1903)
  335. Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1895–1975)
  336. Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1814–76)
  337. bald man paradox
  338. Balguy, John (1686–1748)
  339. ball of wax example
  340. Bañez, Domingo (1528–1604)
  341. Bar Hayya, Abraham (c.1016–c.1136)
  342. Barbara
  343. barber paradox
  344. Barcan formula
  345. bargaining theory
  346. Barth, Karl (1886–1968)
  347. Barthes, Roland (1915–80)
  348. base and superstructure
  349. basic action
  350. basic statements
  351. Bataille, Georges (1897–1962)
  352. Baudrillard, Jean (1929–2007)
  353. Bauer, Bruno (1809–82)
  354. Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb (1714–62)
  355. Bayes's theorem
  356. Bayesianism
  357. Bayle's trilemma
  358. Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706)
  359. Beattie, James (1735–1803)
  360. beauty
  361. Beauvoir, Simone de (1908–86)
  362. Beccaria, Cesare (1738–94)
  363. becoming
  364. beetle in the box
  365. begging the question
  366. behaviour therapy
  367. behaviourism
  368. being
  369. being in-itself/for-itself
  370. being, hierarchy of
  371. belief
  372. belief, ethics of
  373. Bell's theorem
  374. bellum omnium contra omnes
  375. benevolence
  376. Benjamin, Walter (1892–1940)
  377. Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832)
  378. Bentley, Richard (1662–1742)
  379. Berdyaev, Nikolai (1874–1948)
  380. Bergmann, Gustav (1906–87)
  381. Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859–1941)
  382. Berkeley, George (1685–1753)
  383. Berlin, Isaiah (1909–97)
  384. Bernard of Chartres (fl. 1114–26)
  385. Bernard, St (1090–1153)
  386. Bernoulli's theorem
  387. Berry's paradox
  388. Bertrand's box paradox
  389. Bertrand's paradox
  390. best explanation, inference to
  391. best of all possible worlds
  392. best, principle of the
  393. Beth's definability theorem
  394. Bhagavad Gita
  395. bhakti
  396. biconditional
  397. bijection
  398. binary operation
  399. binary relation
  400. bioethics
  401. biology, philosophy of
  402. bit
  403. bivalence, principle of
  404. black box theory
  405. Blackstone, William (1723–80)
  406. blindsight
  407. Bloch, Ernst Simon (1885–1977)
  408. block universe theory of time
  409. Blondel, Maurice (1861–1949)
  410. Bobbio, Norberto (1909–2004)
  411. Bodin, Jean (c.1529–96)
  412. body
  413. Boehme, Jacob (1575–1624)
  414. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (c.475/480–525/6)
  415. Bogdanov, Alexandr Alexandrovich (1873–1928)
  416. Bohr, Niels (1885–1962)
  417. Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844–1906)
  418. Bolzano, Bernard (1781–1848)
  419. Bonaventure, St (1217)
  420. boo-hooray theory
  421. Boole, George (1815–64)
  422. Boolean algebra
  423. borderline case
  424. Borgès, Jorge Luis (1899–1986)
  425. Bosanquet, Bernard (1848–1923)
  426. Boscovich, Roger Joseph (1711–87)
  427. bound variable
  428. Bourbaki, Nicolas
  429. bourgeoisie/proletariat
  430. Boyle, Robert (1627–92)
  431. bracketing
  432. Bradley, Francis Herbert (1846–1924)
  433. Bradwardine, Thomas (c.1300–49)
  434. brahman
  435. brain
  436. brain in a vat
  437. brain transplants
  438. Braithwaite, Richard Bevan (1900–90)
  439. Brentano's thesis
  440. Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838–1917)
  441. Bridgewater Treatises
  442. Bridgman, Percy William (1882–1962)
  443. Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme (1755–1826)
  444. British empiricists
  445. Broad, Charlie Dunbar (1887–1971)
  446. Brouwer, Luitzen Egburtus Jan (1881–1966)
  447. Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600)
  448. Brunschvicg, Léon (1869–1944)
  449. brute fact
  450. Bryson of Heraclea
  451. Buber, Martin (1878–1965)
  452. Buchmanism
  453. Buddhism
  454. Buffier, Claude (1661–1737)
  455. Bultmann, Rudolf (1884–1976)
  456. bundle theory of the mind or self
  457. Burali-Forti's paradox
  458. Burckhardt, Jakob Christoph (1818–97)
  459. burden of proof
  460. Buridan's ass
  461. Buridan, John (c.1300–after 1360)
  462. Burke, Edmund (1729–97)
  463. business ethics
  464. Butler, Joseph (1692–1752)
  465. Butler, Samuel (1835–1902)
  466. Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges (1758–1808)
  467. cabbala
  468. Caird, Edward (1835–1908)
  469. Cajetan, Thomas (1468–1534)
  470. calibration paradox
  471. Callicles
  472. Calvinism
  473. Cambridge change
  474. Cambridge Platonists
  475. Campanella, Tommaso (1568–1639)
  476. Campbell, George (1719–96)
  477. Campbell, Norman Robert (1880–1949)
  478. Camus, Albert (1913–60)
  479. Canguilhem, Georges (1904–96)
  480. canonical
  481. Cantor's paradox
  482. Cantor's theorem
  483. Cantor, Georg (1845–1918)
  484. capabilities
  485. capacity
  486. capitalism
  487. Cardano, Girolamo (1501–76)
  488. cardinal number
  489. cardinal virtues
  490. cardinality
  491. Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881)
  492. Carnap, Rudolf (1891–1970)
  493. Carneades (c.214–129 bc)
  494. Carroll, Lewis
  495. Cartesian
  496. Cartesian circle
  497. Cartesian doubt
  498. Cartesian dualism
  499. Cartesian ego
  500. Cartesian product
  501. Carvaka
  502. Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1945)
  503. casualism
  504. casuistry
  505. catastrophe theory
  506. categorematic
  507. categorial grammar
  508. categorical proposition
  509. categorical/hypothetical imperative
  510. categories
  511. category mistake
  512. catharsis
  513. causa sui
  514. causal chain
  515. causal law
  516. causal nexus
  517. causal principle
  518. causal regress, infinite
  519. causal theory of identity
  520. causal theory of knowledge/justification
  521. causal theory of meaning
  522. causal theory of perception
  523. causal uniformity, principle of
  524. causation
  525. cause, immanent
  526. causes/reasons
  527. causes: material, formal, efficient, final
  528. cave, myth of
  529. Cavell, Stanley (1926– )
  530. Cavendish, Margaret (1623–73)
  531. Celsus
  532. central state materialism
  533. certainty and doubt
  534. ceteris paribus
  535. ch'eng
  536. chain of being
  537. chance
  538. Chang Tsai (1020–77)
  539. change
  540. chaos
  541. character
  542. characteristica universalis
  543. charisma
  544. charity, principle of
  545. Charron, Pierre (1541–1603)
  546. chastity
  547. Cheng Hao (1032–85)
  548. Chernyshevski, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1828–89)
  549. chi
  550. chicken
  551. chiliagon
  552. chimera
  553. Chinese Classics
  554. Chinese room
  555. Chisholm, Roderick Milton (1916–99)
  556. choice
  557. choice, axiom of
  558. Chomsky hierarchy
  559. Chomsky, Avram Noam (1928– )
  560. Christine de Pizan (1365–c.1430)
  561. chromosome
  562. Chrysippus (c.280–207 bc)
  563. Chrysippus' dog
  564. Chu His (1130–1200)
  565. chung or shu
  566. Church's theorem
  567. Church's thesis
  568. Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 bc)
  569. Cieszkowski, August von (1814–94)
  570. circle, vicious
  571. circle, virtuous
  572. circular reasoning/definition
  573. citizenship
  574. citta-matra
  575. civil disobedience
  576. civil society
  577. Cixous, Hélène (1937– )
  578. clairvoyance
  579. Clarke, Samuel (1675–1729)
  580. class paradox
  581. class struggle
  582. class, logical
  583. class, social
  584. classicism
  585. Cleanthes (c.331–232 bc)
  586. clear and distinct ideas
  587. Clement of Alexandria (ad c.150–c.215)
  588. Cleomedes
  589. Clifford, William Kingdon (1845–79)
  590. clinamen
  591. Clitomachus (186/7–110/9 bc)
  592. clock paradox
  593. clocks, image of the two
  594. closed
  595. closed formula
  596. Coase theorem
  597. Cockburn, Catherine (1679–1749)
  598. coextensive
  599. cogito ergo sum
  600. cognition
  601. cognitive achievement word
  602. cognitive architecture
  603. cognitive dissonance
  604. cognitive meaning
  605. cognitive pluralism
  606. cognitive psychotherapy
  607. cognitive science
  608. Cohen, Hermann (1842–1918)
  609. coherence theory of truth
  610. coherentism
  611. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834)
  612. collective
  613. collective goods
  614. collective unconscious
  615. collective/distributive
  616. collectivism
  617. Collier, Arthur (1680–1732)
  618. Collingwood, Robin George (1889–1943)
  619. Collins, Anthony (1676–1729)
  620. colour
  621. comedy
  622. commensurable
  623. commitment
  624. commodity
  625. common consent arguments
  626. common good
  627. common law
  628. common notions
  629. common sense
  630. common sense school
  631. commons, tragedy of
  632. communication
  633. communism
  634. communitarianism
  635. commutative
  636. commutative justice
  637. compactness theorem
  638. compatibilism
  639. compatible
  640. competence/performance
  641. complement
  642. complementarity principle
  643. completeness
  644. complex idea
  645. complex number
  646. composite idea
  647. composition/division, fallacies of
  648. compositionality
  649. compossibles
  650. comprehension
  651. comprehension, axiom of
  652. compresence
  653. compulsion
  654. computable functions
  655. computer
  656. Comte, Auguste (1798–1857)
  657. conation
  658. conatus
  659. conceive
  660. concept
  661. concept and object
  662. conceptual analysis
  663. conceptual role semantics
  664. conceptual scheme
  665. conceptualism
  666. conclusion
  667. concomitant variations, method of
  668. concrete
  669. concrete universal
  670. concretion, principle of
  671. concupiscence
  672. Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (1715–80)
  673. conditio sine qua non
  674. condition, necessary/sufficient
  675. conditional
  676. conditional probability
  677. conditional proof, rule of
  678. conditioning
  679. Condorcet, Marquis de (1743–94)
  680. configurationism
  681. confirmation theory
  682. confirmation, paradoxes of
  683. Confucianism
  684. Confucius (551–479 bc)
  685. conjunction
  686. connected
  687. connectionism
  688. connective
  689. connotation/denotation
  690. conscience
  691. consciousness
  692. consent
  693. consequence
  694. consequent
  695. consequentia mirabilis
  696. consequential characteristics
  697. consequentialism
  698. conservation principles
  699. conservatism
  700. consilience
  701. consistency, axiom of
  702. consistent/inconsistent
  703. constant
  704. constant conjunction
  705. Constant de Rebecque, Henri Benjamin (1767–1830)
  706. constative
  707. constitution
  708. constitutive/regulative
  709. constraint
  710. construct
  711. construction
  712. constructive
  713. constructive empiricism
  714. constructivism
  715. constructivism
  716. constructivism
  717. consubstantial
  718. contemplation
  719. content
  720. content, wide and narrow
  721. context
  722. contextualism
  723. contextualism/formalism
  724. contiguity, law of
  725. contiguous
  726. continence
  727. continental philosophy
  728. contingency
  729. continuity
  730. continuum
  731. continuum hypothesis
  732. contract, social
  733. contractarianism
  734. contradiction
  735. contradictory
  736. contrapositive
  737. contrary
  738. contrary-to-fact conditional
  739. convention
  740. convention T
  741. conventionalism
  742. conversational implicature
  743. converse
  744. converse fallacy of the accident
  745. conversion
  746. Conway, Lady Anne Finch (1631–79)
  747. cooperative principle
  748. coordination problem
  749. coordinative definitions
  750. Copenhagen interpretation
  751. Copernican revolution
  752. Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543)
  753. copula
  754. Cordemoy, Géraud de (1626–84)
  755. coreferential
  756. corollary
  757. corporeal
  758. corpuscularianism
  759. corrective justice
  760. correspondence theory of truth
  761. corrigible
  762. corroboration
  763. cosmogony
  764. cosmological argument
  765. cosmology
  766. cosmos
  767. count-noun
  768. counter-induction
  769. counterexample
  770. counterfactual conditional
  771. counterpart theory
  772. counting
  773. courage
  774. Cournot, Antoin Augustin (1801–77)
  775. Cousin, Victor (1792–1867)
  776. Couturat, Louis (1868–1914)
  777. covering law model
  778. Craig's theorem
  779. Crates of Thebes (c.365–285 bc)
  780. Cratylus
  781. creatio ex nihilo
  782. creation
  783. creationism
  784. credo quia absurdum est
  785. credo quia impossibile est
  786. credo ut intelligam
  787. Crescas, Hasdai ben Abraham (c.1340–c.1412)
  788. crisis theology
  789. criterion
  790. criterion of identity
  791. critical idealism
  792. critical legal studies
  793. critical realism
  794. critical theory
  795. Croce, Benedetto (1866–1952)
  796. crucial experiment
  797. Crusius, Christian August (1715–75)
  798. Cudworth, Ralph (1617–88)
  799. cultural relativism
  800. culture
  801. Culverwel, Nathanael (c.1618–c.1651)
  802. Cumberland, Richard (1631–1718)
  803. Curry's paradox
  804. curve-fitting problem
  805. custom
  806. cut elimination theorem
  807. cybernetics
  808. Cynics
  809. Cyrenaics
  810. d'Alembert, Jean le Rond (1717–83)
  811. daimon
  812. Damascius (c.462–c.550)
  813. Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)
  814. Danto, Arthur C. (1924–2013)
  815. dao
  816. darshana
  817. Darwin machine
  818. Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82)
  819. Darwinism
  820. Dasein
  821. datum
  822. Davidson, Donald Herbert (1917–2003)
  823. de
  824. de facto/de jure
  825. de Finetti, Bruno (1906–85)
  826. de gustibus non disputandum
  827. de Maistre, Joseph Marie (1753–1821)
  828. De Morgan's laws
  829. De Morgan, Augustus (1806–71)
  830. de re/de dicto
  831. de Ruggiero, Guido (1888–1948)
  832. death
  833. death of God
  834. death with dignity
  835. death-of-the-author
  836. deceit
  837. decidability
  838. decision problem
  839. decision procedure
  840. decision theory
  841. deconstruction
  842. Dedekind cut
  843. Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard (1831–1916)
  844. deduction
  845. deduction theorem
  846. deductive closure principle
  847. deep/surface structure
  848. defeasible
  849. deferred ostension
  850. definiendum
  851. definiens
  852. definist fallacy
  853. definite description
  854. definition
  855. deflationary theories of truth
  856. degree
  857. degrees of perfection argument
  858. deictic
  859. deism
  860. deixis
  861. Deleuze, Gilles (1925–95)
  862. deliberation
  863. delusion
  864. demarcation problem
  865. Demetrius Lacon
  866. demiurge
  867. democracy
  868. democracy, paradox of
  869. Democritus of Abdera (c.460–c.370 bc)
  870. demonstration
  871. demonstrative reasoning
  872. demonstratives
  873. demythologizing
  874. Dennett, Daniel Clement (1942– )
  875. denotation
  876. denote
  877. denoting phrase
  878. dense order
  879. denumerable/non-denumerable
  880. deny
  881. denying the antecedent
  882. denying the consequent
  883. deontic
  884. deontic logic
  885. deontic paradoxes
  886. deontological ethics
  887. depiction
  888. depth grammar
  889. Derrida, Jacques (1930–2004)
  890. Descartes, René (1596–1650)
  891. description, knowledge by
  892. descriptions, theory of
  893. descriptive meaning
  894. descriptivism
  895. desert
  896. design, argument from or to
  897. designate
  898. designated value
  899. designator
  900. desire
  901. despair
  902. destiny
  903. detachment
  904. determinable/determinate
  905. determinism
  906. determinism, biological
  907. deus ex machina
  908. deus sive natura
  909. deviant causal chain
  910. Dewey, John (1859–1952)
  911. dharma
  912. Dharmakirti
  913. diachronic
  914. diagonal procedure
  915. dialectic
  916. dialectical materialism
  917. dialectical school
  918. dialectical theology
  919. dialetheia
  920. diallelon
  921. dianoia
  922. dichotomy
  923. dichotomy paradox
  924. a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter
  925. a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid
  926. dictum de omni et nullo
  927. Diderot, Denis (1713–84)
  928. différance
  929. difference principle
  930. difference, method of
  931. differentia
  932. Digby, Kenelm (1603–65)
  933. dignity
  934. dilemma
  935. dilemma of determinism
  936. dilemmas, moral
  937. Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833–1911)
  938. Ding an sich
  939. Diodorus Cronus
  940. Diogenes Laertius
  941. Diogenes of Apollonia
  942. Diogenes of Sinope (c.400–325 bc)
  943. Dionysian
  944. Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite ( 500)
  945. Diotima of Mantinea
  946. direct realism
  947. direction of fit
  948. dirty hands argument
  949. disanalogy
  950. disappearance theory
  951. disconfirmation
  952. discourse
  953. discourse ethics
  954. discourse semantics
  955. discovery, logic of
  956. discrimination
  957. disembodiment
  958. disenchantment
  959. disjoint
  960. disjunct
  961. disjunction
  962. disjunction elimination
  963. disjunction introduction
  964. disposition
  965. disquotational theory of truth
  966. distributed
  967. distribution
  968. distribution of terms
  969. distributive justice
  970. distributive laws
  971. disvalue
  972. divided line
  973. divine attributes
  974. divine command
  975. divine foreknowledge
  976. division, fallacy of
  977. doctor
  978. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (1832–98)
  979. Dōgen Kigen (1200–53)
  980. dogma
  981. domain
  982. dominance
  983. doomsday argument
  984. Dostoevsky, Fyodor (1821–81)
  985. double aspect theory
  986. double effect, principle of
  987. double negation
  988. double truth
  989. double-mindedness
  990. doubt
  991. doubt, Cartesian
  992. doxa
  993. doxastic logic
  994. doxography
  995. dravya
  996. dread
  997. dreams
  998. Du Châtelet-Lomont, Gabrielle-Émilie (1706–49)
  999. dualism
  1000. DuBois, William Edward Burghardt (1868–1963)
  1001. Ducasse, Curt John (1881–1969)
  1002. duck-rabbit
  1003. Duhem thesis
  1004. Duhem, Pierre Maurice Marie (1861–1916)
  1005. Dühring, Eugen Karl (1833–71)
  1006. Dummett, Michael Anthony Eardley (1925–2011)
  1007. Duns Scotus, John (c.1266–1308)
  1008. duration
  1009. Durkheim, Émile (1858–1917)
  1010. Dutch book
  1011. duty
  1012. Dworkin, Ronald (1931–2013)
  1013. dyadic
  1014. dynamic logic
  1015. dynamis/energeia
  1016. dyslogistic
  1017. dystopia
  1018. Eckhart, Johannes von Hochheim (c.1260–1328)
  1019. eclecticism
  1020. Eco, Umberto (1932– )
  1021. ecofeminism
  1022. ecology
  1023. economic man
  1024. economics, philosophy of
  1025. economism
  1026. ecstasy
  1027. ectype
  1028. education, philosophy of
  1029. Edwards, Jonathan (1703–58)
  1030. effect
  1031. effective procedure
  1032. efficient cause
  1033. effluxes, theory of
  1034. egalitarianism
  1035. ego
  1036. egocentric particular
  1037. egocentric predicament
  1038. egoism
  1039. eidetic images
  1040. eidetiker
  1041. eidola
  1042. eidos
  1043. eightfold path
  1044. eikasia
  1045. Einfühlung
  1046. Einstein, Albert (1879–1955)
  1047. Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment
  1048. élan vital
  1049. Eleatic stranger
  1050. Eleatics
  1051. elective affinity
  1052. elenchus
  1053. eliminative induction
  1054. eliminativism
  1055. Elis
  1056. élitism
  1057. Elizabeth of Bohemia (1618–80)
  1058. ellipsis
  1059. Elster, Jon (1940– )
  1060. emanationism
  1061. embodiment
  1062. emergent properties
  1063. Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–82)
  1064. eminently
  1065. emotion
  1066. emotive meaning
  1067. emotivism
  1068. empathy
  1069. Empedocles of Acragas (c.495–c.435 bc)
  1070. empirical
  1071. empiricism
  1072. empirio-criticism
  1073. empty set
  1074. en-soi
  1075. enantiomorphs
  1076. Encyclopédie
  1077. end in itself
  1078. endoxon
  1079. ends and means
  1080. endurance/perdurance
  1081. energeia
  1082. energeticism
  1083. energy
  1084. Engels, Friedrich (1820–95)
  1085. Enlightenment
  1086. Enneads
  1087. ens rationis
  1088. ens realissimum
  1089. entailment
  1090. entelechy
  1091. enthusiasm
  1092. enthymeme
  1093. entity
  1094. entrenchment
  1095. entropy
  1096. enumerable
  1097. enumerative induction
  1098. envelope paradox
  1099. environmental ethics
  1100. eo ipso
  1101. epapogē
  1102. ephemeral, fallacy of the
  1103. Epictetus ( 55–135)
  1104. Epicureanism
  1105. Epicurus (341–270 bc)
  1106. epigone
  1107. Epimenides
  1108. epiphany
  1109. epiphenomenalism
  1110. epiphenomenon
  1111. epistemic logic
  1112. epistemic privacy
  1113. epistemic relativism
  1114. epistemics
  1115. epistemology
  1116. epochē
  1117. equality
  1118. equipollence
  1119. equivalence relation
  1120. equivalence, material
  1121. equivalent
  1122. equivocate
  1123. Er, myth of
  1124. Erasmus, Desiderius (1466)
  1125. erastianism
  1126. erasure
  1127. Erfahrung
  1128. ergo
  1129. Erinyes
  1130. eristic
  1131. Eriugena, Johannes Scottus (c.810–c.877)
  1132. Erlebnis
  1133. eros
  1134. erotetic
  1135. error theory
  1136. eschatology
  1137. esoteric
  1138. ESP
  1139. esse est percipi
  1140. essence
  1141. essentialism
  1142. essentially contested concepts
  1143. eternal return
  1144. eternity
  1145. ether
  1146. ethical constructivism
  1147. ethical formalism
  1148. ethical naturalism
  1149. ethical objectivism
  1150. ethical relativism
  1151. ethics
  1152. ethics, applied
  1153. ethnology
  1154. ethnomethodology
  1155. Eubilides
  1156. Euclid (fl. c.300 bc)
  1157. eudaimonia
  1158. eudaimonism
  1159. Eudemus of Rhodes
  1160. Eudoxus of Cnidus (c.408–c.355 bc)
  1161. eulogistic/dyslogistic
  1162. euthanasia, active/passive
  1163. Euthyphro dilemma
  1164. evaluative
  1165. Evans, Gareth (1946–80)
  1166. event
  1167. evidence
  1168. evil genie
  1169. evil, problem of
  1170. evolution
  1171. evolutionary ethics
  1172. evolutionary psychology
  1173. evolutionism
  1174. ex falso quodlibet
  1175. ex nihilo nihil fit
  1176. examination paradox
  1177. exaptation
  1178. exchangeability
  1179. excluded middle, principle of
  1180. exclusive/exhaustive
  1181. exclusive/inclusive disjunction
  1182. exhaustive
  1183. existence
  1184. existence precedes essence
  1185. existential generalization
  1186. existential import
  1187. existential instantiation
  1188. existential proposition
  1189. existential psychology
  1190. existential quantifier
  1191. existentialism
  1192. exoteric
  1193. expected utility
  1194. experience
  1195. experiment
  1196. experimentum crucis
  1197. explanans/explanandum
  1198. explanation
  1199. explication
  1200. exploitation
  1201. exportation
  1202. expression
  1203. expressivism
  1204. extension/intension
  1205. extensionality, axiom of
  1206. external relations
  1207. external world
  1208. externalism
  1209. extrasensory perception
  1210. extrinsic properties
  1211. extrinsic value
  1212. fa
  1213. fact
  1214. fact/value distinction
  1215. facticity
  1216. factive
  1217. faculty psychology
  1218. faith
  1219. faith, bad/good
  1220. fallacy
  1221. fallibilism
  1222. false
  1223. false consciousness
  1224. false pleasure
  1225. falsidical
  1226. falsifiability
  1227. falsification
  1228. family resemblance
  1229. fancy
  1230. Fanon, Frantz (1925–61)
  1231. Faraday, Michael (1791–1867)
  1232. fascism
  1233. fatalism
  1234. Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801–87)
  1235. federalism
  1236. feeling
  1237. felicific calculus
  1238. felicity conditions
  1239. feminism
  1240. feminist ethics
  1241. Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe (1651–1715)
  1242. feng shui
  1243. Ferguson, Adam (1723–1816)
  1244. Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas (1804–72)
  1245. Feyerabend, Paul Karl (1924–94)
  1246. Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814)
  1247. Ficino, Marsilio (1433–99)
  1248. fiction
  1249. fictional names
  1250. fictionalism
  1251. fideism
  1252. fides quaerens intellectum
  1253. field
  1254. field theory, quantum
  1255. figure
  1256. Filmer, Robert (1588–1653)
  1257. final cause
  1258. finitary methods
  1259. finite set
  1260. finitism
  1261. finkish
  1262. first cause argument
  1263. first philosophy
  1264. first principles
  1265. first-order language
  1266. first-order logic
  1267. Five Ways, the
  1268. flaccid designator
  1269. Fludd, Robert (1574–1637)
  1270. flux, doctrine of
  1271. flying arrow paradox
  1272. Fodor, Jerry Alan (1935– )
  1273. folk psychology
  1274. follow
  1275. Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de (1657–1757)
  1276. Foot, Philippa (1920–2010)
  1277. Fordyce, David (1711–51)
  1278. foreknowledge
  1279. forensic
  1280. forgery
  1281. forgiveness
  1282. forgiveness, paradox of
  1283. form of life
  1284. form, substantial
  1285. formal cause
  1286. formal implication
  1287. formal language
  1288. formal system
  1289. formal/material mode of speech
  1290. formalism in art
  1291. formalism, legal
  1292. formalism, logical
  1293. formally, virtually, and eminently
  1294. formation rules
  1295. forms
  1296. forms of argument
  1297. Forrester's paradox
  1298. a fortiori
  1299. Foucault, Michel (1926–84)
  1300. Foucher, Simon (1644–96)
  1301. foundationalism
  1302. Four Books
  1303. four causes, doctrine of the
  1304. four humours
  1305. four noble truths
  1306. four-term fallacy
  1307. fourth dimension
  1308. frame problem
  1309. Frankfurt school
  1310. Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90)
  1311. free logic
  1312. free riders
  1313. free speech
  1314. free variable
  1315. free will
  1316. free will defence
  1317. freedom of speech
  1318. freedom, positive/negative
  1319. Frege, Gottlob (1848–1925)
  1320. Frege-Geach argument
  1321. frequency theory of probability
  1322. Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939)
  1323. friendship
  1324. fulguration
  1325. function, biological
  1326. function, logical
  1327. functional explanation
  1328. functional kind
  1329. functionalism
  1330. functor
  1331. fundamentum divisionis
  1332. future
  1333. future contingents
  1334. future generations
  1335. futurology
  1336. fuzzy sets/fuzzy logic
  1337. Gadadhara Bhattacharya (1604–1709)
  1338. Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900–2002)
  1339. Gaia
  1340. Galen of Pergamum (ad 129–c.210)
  1341. Galilean world view
  1342. Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)
  1343. gambler's fallacy
  1344. game theory
  1345. gamete
  1346. Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869–1948)
  1347. Gangesa (fl. c.1325)
  1348. Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655)
  1349. Gauguin problem
  1350. Gautama, Aksapada
  1351. Geach, Peter Thomas (1916–2013)
  1352. Gedankenexperiment
  1353. Geist
  1354. gender
  1355. genderlect
  1356. gene
  1357. genealogy
  1358. general will
  1359. generalization
  1360. generative grammar
  1361. generosity
  1362. genetic fallacy
  1363. genome
  1364. genotype
  1365. Gentile, Giovanni (1875–1944)
  1366. gentle murder, paradox of
  1367. Gentzen, Gerhard Karl Erich (1909–45)
  1368. genus
  1369. geometry
  1370. Gerard of Cremona (1114–87)
  1371. Gerard, Alexander (1728–95)
  1372. Gerdil, Giancinto Sigismondo (1718–1802)
  1373. Gerson, Jean (1363–1429)
  1374. Gersonides (1288–1344)
  1375. Gestalt
  1376. Gettier examples
  1377. Geulincx, Arnold (1624–69)
  1378. ghost in the machine
  1379. Giles of Rome (c.1247–1316)
  1380. Gilson, Étienne (1884–1978)
  1381. given, the
  1382. Glanvill, Joseph (1636–80)
  1383. glossolalia
  1384. gnosis
  1385. gnosticism
  1386. gnothi se auton
  1387. God
  1388. God of the gaps
  1389. God, arguments against the existence of
  1390. God, arguments for the existence of
  1391. God, attributes of
  1392. Gödel numbering
  1393. Gödel's theorem(s)
  1394. Gödel, Kurt (1906–78)
  1395. Godwin, William (1756–1836)
  1396. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832)
  1397. Goldbach's conjecture
  1398. golden age
  1399. golden mean
  1400. golden rule
  1401. good
  1402. good in itself
  1403. good will
  1404. Goodman's paradox
  1405. Goodman, Nelson (1906–98)
  1406. Gorgias of Leontini (c.485–c.380 bc)
  1407. grace
  1408. Gracián y Morales, Baltasar (1601–58)
  1409. grammar
  1410. grammar, deep and surface
  1411. grammatical form
  1412. Gramsci, Antonio (1891–1937)
  1413. gratitude
  1414. great-souled man
  1415. greatest happiness principle
  1416. Green, Thomas Hill (1836–82)
  1417. Gregory of Rimini (c.1300–58)
  1418. Grelling's paradox
  1419. Grice, Herbert Paul (1913–88)
  1420. Grosseteste, Robert (c.1168–1253)
  1421. Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645)
  1422. grue
  1423. guardians
  1424. guilt / shame
  1425. guru
  1426. Gyges
  1427. Habermas, Jürgen (1929– )
  1428. Hacking, Ian (1936– )
  1429. haecceity
  1430. Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich (1834–1919)
  1431. Hägerström, Axel Anders (1868–1939)
  1432. Halevi, Judah (c.1075–1141)
  1433. hallucination
  1434. halting problem
  1435. Hamann, Johann Georg (1730–88)
  1436. hamartia
  1437. Hamilton, William (1788–1856)
  1438. happiness
  1439. hardware/software
  1440. Hare, Richard Mervyn (1919–2002)
  1441. harm
  1442. harmony of the spheres
  1443. harmony, pre-established
  1444. Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus (1907–92)
  1445. Hartley, David (1705–57)
  1446. Hartmann, Eduard von (1842–1906)
  1447. Hartmann, Nicolai (1882–1950)
  1448. Hartshorne, Charles (1897–2000)
  1449. hatha-yoga
  1450. Hayek, Friedrich (1899–1992)
  1451. heap, paradox of the
  1452. heaven
  1453. hedonic calculus
  1454. hedonism
  1455. hedonism, paradox of
  1456. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831)
  1457. Hegelianism
  1458. hegemony
  1459. Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976)
  1460. Heisenberg uncertainty principle
  1461. hell
  1462. Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821–94)
  1463. Héloïse (1101–64)
  1464. Helvétius, Claude-Adrien (1715–71)
  1465. Hempel's paradox
  1466. Hempel, Carl Gustav (1905–97)
  1467. henological argument
  1468. henotheism
  1469. Henry of Ghent (c.1217–93)
  1470. Heraclides of Pontus
  1471. Heraclitus of Ephesus (d. after 480 bc)
  1472. Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776–1841)
  1473. Herbert of Cherbury, Edward (c.1583–1648)
  1474. Herder, Johann Gottfried (1744–1803)
  1475. hereditary property
  1476. heresy
  1477. heritability
  1478. hermeneutic circle
  1479. hermeneutics
  1480. Hermetic corpus
  1481. hermeticism
  1482. Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf (1857–94)
  1483. Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich (1812–70)
  1484. Hesiod (c.700 bc)
  1485. heterodox
  1486. heterological
  1487. heterologicality, paradox of
  1488. heteronomy
  1489. heterophenomenology
  1490. heuristic
  1491. hierarchy
  1492. Hierocles
  1493. higher-order logic
  1494. Hilbert's programme
  1495. Hinduism
  1496. Hintikka, Jaakko (1929– )
  1497. Hipparchia
  1498. Hippasus of Metapontum
  1499. Hippias (c.485–415 bc)
  1500. Hippocrates
  1501. historical explanation
  1502. historical materialism
  1503. historicism
  1504. history, philosophy of
  1505. Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679)
  1506. Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d' (1723–89)
  1507. Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich (1770–1843)
  1508. holism
  1509. holy spirit
  1510. holy will
  1511. homo economicus
  1512. homoeomereity
  1513. homoiousion
  1514. homological
  1515. homomorphism
  1516. homonyms
  1517. homoousion
  1518. homosexuality
  1519. homuncular functionalism
  1520. homunculus
  1521. Hooker, Richard (1554–1600)
  1522. Horkheimer, Max (1895–1973)
  1523. horns of dilemma
  1524. horseshoe
  1525. hsü
  1526. Hsün Tzu (fl. 298–238 bc)
  1527. Huai Nan Tzu
  1528. hubris
  1529. human nature
  1530. humanism
  1531. humanity, principle of
  1532. Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767–1835)
  1533. Hume's fork
  1534. Hume's law
  1535. Hume's principle
  1536. Hume, David (1711–76)
  1537. humour
  1538. humours, doctrine of the four
  1539. Husserl, Edmund Gustav Albert (1859–1938)
  1540. Hutcheson, Francis (1694–1746)
  1541. Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95)
  1542. hylē
  1543. hylomorphism
  1544. hylozoism
  1545. Hypatia (c.370–415)
  1546. hypostasis
  1547. hypostatic union
  1548. hypothesis
  1549. hypothetical
  1550. hypothetical imperative
  1551. hypothetico-deductive method
  1552. Hyppolite, Jean-Gaston (1907–68)
  1553. I and thou
  1554. I ching
  1555. Iamblichus ( 245–c.325)
  1556. Ibn Bajja
  1557. Ibn Daud, Abraham ben David Hallevi (c.1110–80)
  1558. Ibn Gabirol, Solomon (1021)
  1559. Ibn Khaldun, Abd al-Rahman (1336–1406)
  1560. Ibn Miskawayh, Ahmad ibn Muhammad (c.940–1030)
  1561. Ibn Rushd
  1562. Ibn Sina
  1563. Ibn Tufayl, Abu Bakr Muhammad (d. 1185)
  1564. icon
  1565. iconoclasm
  1566. idea
  1567. ideal evidence, paradox of
  1568. ideal language
  1569. ideal limit theory of truth
  1570. ideal market
  1571. ideal observer
  1572. idealism
  1573. idealization
  1574. ideational theory of meaning
  1575. identity
  1576. identity of indiscernibles
  1577. identity theory of mind
  1578. identity theory of predication
  1579. ideology
  1580. idiographic  / nomothetic methods
  1581. idiolect
  1582. idols of the mind
  1583. if
  1584. iff
  1585. ignoratio elenchi
  1586. illicit major
  1587. illicit minor
  1588. illocutionary act
  1589. Illuminationism
  1590. illusion, arguments from
  1591. image
  1592. imagination
  1593. imitation game
  1594. immanent
  1595. immaterialism
  1596. immediate
  1597. immortality
  1598. immutability
  1599. impartial spectator
  1600. impartiality
  1601. imperative
  1602. implication
  1603. implicature
  1604. implicit definition
  1605. import, existential
  1606. impossibility
  1607. impredicative definition
  1608. inalienable
  1609. inauthenticity
  1610. inclusive/exclusive disjunction
  1611. incoherent
  1612. incommensurable
  1613. incompatibilist
  1614. incomplete symbol
  1615. incompleteness
  1616. incompossible
  1617. incongruent counterparts
  1618. inconsistent
  1619. incontinence
  1620. incorrigible
  1621. indefinite description
  1622. independence
  1623. indeterminacy of translation
  1624. indeterminism
  1625. indexical
  1626. indicative
  1627. indicative conditionals
  1628. indicator word
  1629. indifference, principle of
  1630. indirect proof
  1631. indirect utilitarianism
  1632. indiscernibility of identicals
  1633. individual
  1634. individualism
  1635. individuation, principle of
  1636. indubitable
  1637. induction
  1638. induction by elimination
  1639. induction by enumeration
  1640. induction, mathematical
  1641. inductive logic
  1642. ineffable
  1643. inequality
  1644. inertial frame
  1645. inevitability
  1646. inference
  1647. inference to the best explanation
  1648. inferential role semantics
  1649. infima species
  1650. infinitary logic
  1651. infinite divisibility
  1652. infinite regress
  1653. infinite set
  1654. infinitesimal
  1655. infinity
  1656. infinity, axiom of
  1657. infirmation
  1658. informal fallacy
  1659. information theory
  1660. Ingarden, Roman Witold (1893–1970)
  1661. innate ideas
  1662. inscrutability of reference
  1663. instinct
  1664. institutional facts
  1665. institutional theory of art
  1666. institutions
  1667. instrumental value
  1668. instrumentalism
  1669. insufficient reason, principle of
  1670. integrity
  1671. intelligence
  1672. intelligent design
  1673. intension
  1674. intensional logic
  1675. intensive magnitude
  1676. intention
  1677. intentional fallacy
  1678. intentionality
  1679. inter finitum et infinitum non est pro-portio
  1680. interactionism
  1681. interests
  1682. internalism/externalism
  1683. interpretation
  1684. intersection
  1685. intersubjectivity
  1686. intervening variables
  1687. intolerance
  1688. intrinsic  / extrinsic properties
  1689. introspection
  1690. intuition
  1691. intuition pump
  1692. intuitionism
  1693. intuitionism
  1694. intuitionistic logic
  1695. invalid
  1696. inventio medii
  1697. inverse methods
  1698. inversion
  1699. inverted spectrum
  1700. invisible hand
  1701. Ionian school
  1702. iota operator
  1703. ipso facto
  1704. Irigaray, Luce (1930– )
  1705. irrational number
  1706. irrationalism
  1707. irrealism
  1708. irreflexive
  1709. is
  1710. is/ought gap
  1711. Ishmael effect
  1712. Isocrates (436–338bc)
  1713. isolationism
  1714. isomorphic
  1715. Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich (1743–1819)
  1716. Jainism
  1717. James, William (1842–1910)
  1718. James-Lange theory of emotion
  1719. Jansenism
  1720. Jaspers, Karl (1883–1969)
  1721. Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826)
  1722. jen
  1723. Jevons, William Stanley (1835–82)
  1724. Joachim of Fiore (1135–1202)
  1725. John of Salisbury (1115)
  1726. Johnson, Alexander Bryan (1786–1867)
  1727. Johnson, Samuel (1696–1772)
  1728. Johnson, Samuel (1709–84)
  1729. Johnson, William Ernest (1858–1931)
  1730. judgement
  1731. judicial review
  1732. Jung, Carl Gustav (1875–1961)
  1733. jurisprudence
  1734. just so story
  1735. just war
  1736. justice as fairness
  1737. justice, commutative
  1738. justice, distributive
  1739. justice, retributive
  1740. justification
  1741. justification by faith
  1742. Justinian (ad 482–565)
  1743. kabbala
  1744. kalam
  1745. Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804)
  1746. karma
  1747. katalepsis
  1748. katharsis
  1749. Kelsen, Hans (1881–1973)
  1750. Kemp Smith, Norman (1872–1958)
  1751. Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630)
  1752. Keynes, John Maynard (1883–1946)
  1753. Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye (1813–55)
  1754. killing
  1755. Kilvington, Richard (1302)
  1756. kind, natural
  1757. kinesis
  1758. KK-thesis
  1759. knowledge
  1760. knowledge by acquaintance and description
  1761. knowledge de re/de dicto
  1762. knowledge, causal theory of
  1763. koan
  1764. Köhler, Wolfgang (1887–1967)
  1765. König's paradox
  1766. Kotarbinski, Tadeusz (1886–1981)
  1767. Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich (1781–1832)
  1768. Kripke semantics
  1769. Kripke, Saul Aaron (1940– )
  1770. Kristeva, Julia (1941– )
  1771. Kristina Wasa (1626–89)
  1772. Kropotkin, Peter (1842–1921)
  1773. Kuhn, Thomas Samuel (1922–96)
  1774. Kundalini
  1775. Kyoto school
  1776. La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96)
  1777. La Forge, Louis de (1632–66)
  1778. La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de (1709–51)
  1779. La Mothe le Vayer, François de (1588–1672)
  1780. La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de (1613–80)
  1781. labour theory of value
  1782. Labriola, Antonio (1843–1904)
  1783. Lacan, Jacques (1901–81)
  1784. laissez-faire
  1785. Lakatos, Imre (1922–74)
  1786. Lamarckism
  1787. lambda notation
  1788. Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728–77)
  1789. Lamy, Bernard (1640–1715)
  1790. Lange, Friedrich Albert (1828–75)
  1791. language game
  1792. language of thought hypothesis
  1793. language, philosophy of
  1794. langue/parole
  1795. Lao Tzu
  1796. Laplace, Pierre Simon de (1749–1827)
  1797. large numbers, law of
  1798. Lassalle, Ferdinand (1825–64)
  1799. lateral thinking
  1800. Latitudinarianism
  1801. laughter
  1802. law of effect
  1803. law, philosophy of
  1804. lawlike
  1805. laws of nature
  1806. laws of thought
  1807. lazy sophism
  1808. learning paradox
  1809. least upper bound
  1810. Lebensphilosophie
  1811. lect
  1812. left
  1813. legal positivism
  1814. legal realism
  1815. legalism
  1816. Leibniz's law
  1817. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716)
  1818. lemma
  1819. Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870–1924)
  1820. Lesniewski, Stanislaw (1886–1939)
  1821. Lessing, Gotthold Ephram (1729–81)
  1822. Leucippus of Miletus (fl. 450–420 bc)
  1823. Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1908–2009)
  1824. Leviathan
  1825. Levinas, Emmanuel (1906–95)
  1826. Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien (1875–1913)
  1827. Lewis, Clarence Irving (1883–1964)
  1828. Lewis, David (1941–2002)
  1829. lexeme
  1830. lexical
  1831. li
  1832. Liar paradox
  1833. liberalism
  1834. libertarianism
  1835. libertarianism
  1836. libertins
  1837. liberty
  1838. licentious
  1839. Lichtenberg, Georg Cristoph (1742–99)
  1840. life
  1841. life, form of
  1842. life, meaning of
  1843. life, value of
  1844. light
  1845. limit number
  1846. limited independent variety, principle of
  1847. line, image of the
  1848. linear ordering
  1849. linguistic acts
  1850. linguistic determinism/relativism
  1851. linguistic philosophy
  1852. Lipsius, Justus (1547–1606)
  1853. literature, philosophy of
  1854. locality
  1855. Locke, John (1632–1704)
  1856. locutionary act
  1857. logic
  1858. logic, traditional
  1859. logical atomism
  1860. logical calculus
  1861. logical consequence
  1862. logical constants
  1863. logical construction
  1864. logical empiricism
  1865. logical fiction
  1866. logical form
  1867. logical implication
  1868. logical paradoxes
  1869. logical positivism
  1870. logical product
  1871. logical subject
  1872. logical sum
  1873. logical theory
  1874. logical truth
  1875. logically perfect language
  1876. logically private language
  1877. logically proper name
  1878. logicism
  1879. logistic method
  1880. logocentrism
  1881. logomachy
  1882. logos
  1883. Lombard, Peter (1095)
  1884. loneliness
  1885. Longinus
  1886. lottery paradox
  1887. Lotze, Rudolf Hermann (1817–81)
  1888. love
  1889. Lovejoy, Arthur O. (1873–1962)
  1890. Löwenheim-Skolem theorem
  1891. loyalty
  1892. Lucretius (99)
  1893. Lukács, György (1885–1971)
  1894. Łukasiewicz, Jan (1878–1956)
  1895. Lull, Ramon (c.1232–1316)
  1896. lust
  1897. Luther, Martin (1483–1546)
  1898. Lyceum
  1899. lying
  1900. Lyotard, Jean-François (1924–98)
  1901. Mach's principle
  1902. Mach, Ernst (1838–1916)
  1903. Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527)
  1904. MacIntyre, Alasdair C. (1929– )
  1905. macrocosm and microcosm
  1906. Madhva (c.1238–c.1317)
  1907. Madhyamika
  1908. magic
  1909. magnitude
  1910. Magus of the North
  1911. Mahavira
  1912. maieutic method
  1913. Maimon, Salomon (1754–1800)
  1914. Maimonides (1135–1204)
  1915. major premise
  1916. major term
  1917. Major, John (1467–1550)
  1918. majority tyranny
  1919. Makropoulos case
  1920. Malebranche, Nicolas (1638–1715)
  1921. malin génie
  1922. Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766–1834)
  1923. Mandeville, Bernard (c.1670–1733)
  1924. Manichaeanism
  1925. manifest image
  1926. manifold
  1927. Mannheim, Karl (1893–1947)
  1928. mantra
  1929. many questions, fallacy of
  1930. many-sorted logic
  1931. many-valued logic
  1932. Maoism
  1933. Marburg school
  1934. Marcel, Gabriel (1889–1973)
  1935. Marcus Aurelius
  1936. Marcus, Ruth Barcan (1921–2012)
  1937. Marcuse, Herbert (1898–1979)
  1938. Maritain, Jacques (1882–1973)
  1939. markets
  1940. Marsilius of Padua (1275)
  1941. Martineau, Harriet (1802–1876)
  1942. Martineau, James (1805–1900)
  1943. Marx, Karl (1818–83)
  1944. Marxism
  1945. masculinity
  1946. Masham, Damaris (1658–1708)
  1947. masked man fallacy
  1948. mass noun
  1949. master argument
  1950. master/slave morality
  1951. materia prima
  1952. material adequacy condition
  1953. material cause
  1954. material contradiction
  1955. material implication
  1956. material implication, paradoxes of
  1957. material mode of speech
  1958. materialism
  1959. mathematical induction
  1960. mathematical logic
  1961. mathematics, philosophy of
  1962. matter
  1963. matter of fact
  1964. maxim
  1965. maximin principle
  1966. maya
  1967. McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis (1866–1925)
  1968. Mead, George Herbert (1863–1931)
  1969. mean
  1970. mean
  1971. meaning
  1972. meaning postulates
  1973. means-ends reasoning
  1974. measurement
  1975. mechanism
  1976. median
  1977. medical ethics
  1978. Megarian school
  1979. Meinong, Alexius von (1853–1920)
  1980. meiosis
  1981. meliorism
  1982. Melissus of Samos (fl. 441–440 bc)
  1983. meme
  1984. memory
  1985. Mencius (371–289bc)
  1986. Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–86)
  1987. Meno's puzzle
  1988. mens rea
  1989. mental causation
  1990. mental events
  1991. mental illness
  1992. mental reservation
  1993. Mentalese
  1994. mentality
  1995. mention (and use) of words
  1996. mereological sum
  1997. mereology
  1998. merit
  1999. Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1908–61)
  2000. Mersenne, Marin (1588–1648)
  2001. metaethics
  2002. metahistory
  2003. metalanguage
  2004. metalogic
  2005. metamathematics
  2006. metamerism
  2007. metaphilosophy
  2008. metaphor
  2009. metaphysics
  2010. metempsychosis
  2011. method
  2012. method of doubt
  2013. methodological holism
  2014. methodological individualism
  2015. methodological solipsism
  2016. methodology
  2017. methods of agreement, concomitant variation, difference
  2018. microcosm
  2019. middle knowledge
  2020. Middle Platonism
  2021. middle term
  2022. Milesian school
  2023. Mill's methods
  2024. Mill, James (1773–1836)
  2025. Mill, John Stuart (1806–73)
  2026. millenarianism
  2027. millet seed paradox
  2028. Mimamsa
  2029. mimesis
  2030. mind, philosophy of
  2031. mind-body problem
  2032. minimalism
  2033. minor premise
  2034. minor term
  2035. miracle
  2036. mixture of labour
  2037. mnemic causation
  2038. Mo Tzu
  2039. modal logic
  2040. modal realism
  2041. modality
  2042. mode
  2043. model
  2044. model
  2045. model theory
  2046. modernism
  2047. modulo
  2048. modus ponens
  2049. modus tollendo ponens
  2050. modus tollens
  2051. moksha
  2052. molecularism
  2053. Molina, Luis de (1535–1600)
  2054. Molinism
  2055. Molyneux's problem
  2056. momentariness
  2057. monad
  2058. monadic
  2059. Monadology
  2060. monism
  2061. monophysite
  2062. monotheism
  2063. Montague grammar
  2064. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92)
  2065. Monte Carlo fallacy
  2066. Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de (1689–1755)
  2067. Monty Hall problem
  2068. mood
  2069. Moore's paradox
  2070. Moore, George Edward (1873–1958)
  2071. moot
  2072. moral argument for the existence of God
  2073. moral dilemmas
  2074. moral law
  2075. moral luck
  2076. moral motivation
  2077. moral particularism
  2078. moral philosophy
  2079. moral psychology
  2080. moral realism
  2081. moral rearmament
  2082. moral relativism
  2083. moral scepticism
  2084. moral sense theory
  2085. moral status
  2086. moral virtues
  2087. moralistes
  2088. morality
  2089. More, Henry (1614–87)
  2090. More, Thomas (1477)
  2091. morpheme
  2092. Moses ben Maimon
  2093. motion
  2094. motivation
  2095. mover, unmoved
  2096. moving rows paradox
  2097. Mu'takallimun
  2098. Mu'tazilites
  2099. Mulla Sadra (1571–1641)
  2100. Müller-Lyer illusion
  2101. multi-valued logic
  2102. Murdoch, Iris Jean (1919–99)
  2103. music
  2104. music of the spheres
  2105. mutatis mutandis
  2106. mutually exclusive/jointly exhaustive
  2107. mysticism
  2108. myth of Er
  2109. myth of the cave
  2110. myth of the given
  2111. n-place operation
  2112. n-place predicate
  2113. Naess, Arne (1912–2009)
  2114. Nagarjuna
  2115. Nagel, Ernest (1901–85)
  2116. Nagel, Thomas (1937– )
  2117. naive realism
  2118. naive subjectivism
  2119. name, logically proper
  2120. narrative competence
  2121. Nash equilibrium
  2122. nativism
  2123. natural deduction
  2124. natural kind
  2125. natural language
  2126. natural law theory
  2127. natural laws
  2128. natural numbers
  2129. natural rights
  2130. natural selection
  2131. natural theology
  2132. naturalism
  2133. naturalistic ethics
  2134. naturalistic fallacy
  2135. naturalized epistemology
  2136. nature
  2137. Naturphilosophie
  2138. necessary and sufficient conditions
  2139. necessary existence
  2140. necessary/contingent truths
  2141. a necesse ad esse valet consequentia
  2142. necessity
  2143. needs
  2144. negation
  2145. negative freedom
  2146. negative theology
  2147. Neo-Confucianism
  2148. Neo-Kantianism
  2149. Neo-Pythagoreanism
  2150. Neo-Taoism
  2151. Neo-Thomism
  2152. Neoplatonism
  2153. Nestorianism
  2154. neural net
  2155. Neurath's boat
  2156. Neurath, Otto (1882–1945)
  2157. neurolinguistics
  2158. neuroscience
  2159. neustic
  2160. neutral monism
  2161. New Academy
  2162. New England transcendentalism
  2163. new realism
  2164. new riddle of induction
  2165. Newcomb's paradox
  2166. Newman, John Henry (1801–90)
  2167. Newton's laws of motion
  2168. Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)
  2169. nexus
  2170. Nicholas of Autrecourt (c.1300–69)
  2171. Nicholas of Cusa (1401–64)
  2172. Nicod's criterion
  2173. Nicole, Pierre (1625–95)
  2174. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900)
  2175. nihil in intellectu nisi prius in sensu
  2176. nihilism
  2177. nirvana
  2178. Nishida Kitaro (1870–1945)
  2179. Nishitani Keiji (1900–1990)
  2180. nisus
  2181. no false lemmas principle
  2182. no-ownership theory
  2183. noble lie
  2184. noble savage
  2185. noema
  2186. noēsis
  2187. noetic
  2188. nomic
  2189. nominal definition
  2190. nominalism
  2191. nomological
  2192. nomothetic
  2193. non sequitur
  2194. non-being
  2195. non-cognitivism
  2196. non-constructive methods
  2197. non-contradiction, principle of
  2198. non-Euclidean geometry
  2199. non-monotonic logic
  2200. non-natural properties
  2201. norm
  2202. normal form
  2203. normative
  2204. Norris, John (1675–1711)
  2205. notation, logical
  2206. nothing
  2207. noumenon
  2208. nous
  2209. Novalis
  2210. Nozick, Robert (1938–2002)
  2211. null set
  2212. nullibism
  2213. number
  2214. numbers, law of large
  2215. Numenius of Apamea
  2216. Nussbaum, Martha (1947– )
  2217. Nyaya
  2218. Oakeshott, Michael Joseph (1901–90)
  2219. object language
  2220. objectivism
  2221. objectual vs. substitutional quantifi- cation
  2222. obligation
  2223. obligationes
  2224. oblique context
  2225. obscenity
  2226. observation
  2227. obverse
  2228. occasionalism
  2229. Ockham's razor
  2230. Ockham, William of (c.1285–1349)
  2231. Oedipus complex
  2232. Olivi, Peter John (1247)
  2233. Om Mani Padme Hum
  2234. omega
  2235. omega-complete, omega-consistent
  2236. omissions
  2237. omnipotence, paradox of
  2238. omnipresence
  2239. omniscience
  2240. one over many principle
  2241. one-place predicate
  2242. one-to-one correspondence
  2243. onomastics
  2244. ontic
  2245. ontological argument
  2246. ontological commitment
  2247. ontology
  2248. opacity and transparency
  2249. open question argument
  2250. open sentence
  2251. open society/closed society
  2252. open texture
  2253. operation
  2254. operationalism
  2255. operator
  2256. opposites
  2257. oppression
  2258. optimific
  2259. optimism and pessimism
  2260. or
  2261. order
  2262. ordered n-tuple
  2263. ordered pair
  2264. ordering relation
  2265. ordinal number
  2266. ordinary language
  2267. orexis
  2268. organic
  2269. organicism
  2270. organism, philosophy of
  2271. Organon
  2272. Origen (c.185–c.254)
  2273. original position
  2274. original sin
  2275. Orphism
  2276. Ortega y Gasset, José (1883–1955)
  2277. orthodox
  2278. ostensive definition
  2279. other minds
  2280. Other, the
  2281. other-regarding
  2282. ouden mallon
  2283. ought
  2284. ousia
  2285. overdetermination
  2286. overman
  2287. Owen, Robert (1771–1858)
  2288. owl of Minerva
  2289. Oxford Calculators
  2290. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
  2291. Oxford philosophy
  2292. pain
  2293. Paine, Thomas (1737–1809)
  2294. Paley, William (1743–1805)
  2295. Panaetius of Rhodes (c.185–109 bc)
  2296. panentheism
  2297. panglossian
  2298. panpsychism
  2299. pantheism
  2300. Pantheismusstreit
  2301. Paracelsus (1493)
  2302. paraconsistent logic
  2303. paradiastole
  2304. paradigm
  2305. paradigm case argument
  2306. paradox
  2307. parallel distributed processing
  2308. parallelism
  2309. paralogism
  2310. paranormal
  2311. parapsychology
  2312. paratactic
  2313. Pareto principle
  2314. Parfit, Derek (1942– )
  2315. Parmenides of Elea (b. c.515 bc)
  2316. parole
  2317. paronym
  2318. parsimony, law of
  2319. parsing
  2320. partial ordering
  2321. particularism
  2322. particulars
  2323. Pascal's wager
  2324. Pascal, Blaise (1623–62)
  2325. passion
  2326. passive euthanasia
  2327. past
  2328. paternalism
  2329. pathetic fallacy
  2330. Patocka, Jan (1907–77)
  2331. patriarchy
  2332. patristics
  2333. Paul of Venice (c.1369–1429)
  2334. Pavlovian conditioning
  2335. Peano's postulates
  2336. Pearson, Karl (1857–1936)
  2337. Peirce's law
  2338. Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839–1914)
  2339. Pelagianism
  2340. per accidens
  2341. per genus et differentiam
  2342. per se notum
  2343. perception
  2344. percepts
  2345. Percival, Tomas (1740–1804)
  2346. perdurance
  2347. perfect competition
  2348. perfect duty
  2349. perfect right
  2350. perfectibility
  2351. perfection
  2352. perfection, principle of
  2353. perfectionism
  2354. performance
  2355. performative utterances
  2356. Peripatetic school
  2357. peritrope
  2358. perlocutionary acts
  2359. Perry, Ralph Barton (1876–1957)
  2360. perseity
  2361. person
  2362. personal equation
  2363. personal identity
  2364. personalism
  2365. perspectivism
  2366. persuasive definition
  2367. pessimism
  2368. Peter Lombard
  2369. Peter of Spain (c.1205–77)
  2370. petitio principii
  2371. Petrarch (1304–74)
  2372. Phaedrus (c.140–70 bc)
  2373. Pharisees
  2374. phatic
  2375. phenomena bene fundata
  2376. phenomenalism
  2377. phenomenology
  2378. phenomenon
  2379. phenotype
  2380. Philip the Chancellor (1160)
  2381. Philo Judaeus (c.20 bc–c. ad 50)
  2382. Philo of Alexandria
  2383. Philo of Larissa (160–c.80 bc)
  2384. Philo(n) the Dialectician
  2385. Philodemus of Gadara (c.110–c.40 bc)
  2386. Philolaus of Croton (c.470–390 bc)
  2387. Philoponus, John (c. ad 490–c.570)
  2388. philosopher king
  2389. philosophes
  2390. philosophia perennis
  2391. philosophical anthropology
  2392. philosophical radicals
  2393. philosophy
  2394. phonetics
  2395. phonocentrism
  2396. phoronomy
  2397. phrastic/neustic
  2398. phronēsis
  2399. physicalism
  2400. physico-theological argument
  2401. physics, philosophy of
  2402. physis
  2403. Piaget, Jean (1896–1980)
  2404. Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni (1463–94)
  2405. picture theory of meaning
  2406. pietism
  2407. Plato (c.429–347 bc)
  2408. platonic love
  2409. Platonism
  2410. pleasure
  2411. pleasure principle
  2412. Plekhanov, Georgy Valentinovich (1856–1918)
  2413. plenitude, principle of
  2414. plenum
  2415. pleonotetic logic
  2416. Plotinus (c. ad 205–70)
  2417. pluralism
  2418. pluralitive logic
  2419. plurality of causes
  2420. Plutarch (c. ad 50–c.120)
  2421. pneuma
  2422. pneumatology
  2423. poiēsis
  2424. Poincaré, Jules Henri (1854–1912)
  2425. polar concepts
  2426. polis
  2427. Polish logic
  2428. Polish notation
  2429. politics, philosophy of
  2430. polyadic
  2431. polysemy
  2432. polysyllogism
  2433. polytheism
  2434. Pomponazzi, Pietro (1462–1525)
  2435. pons asinorum
  2436. Popper, Karl Raimund (1902–1994)
  2437. population
  2438. pornography
  2439. Porphyry (c. ad 232–305)
  2440. Port-Royal
  2441. Posidonius of Apamea (c.135–51 bc)
  2442. posit
  2443. positive freedom
  2444. positive law/positive theology
  2445. positivism
  2446. possibility
  2447. possible worlds
  2448. post hoc ergo propter hoc
  2449. Post, Emil Leon (1897–1954)
  2450. a posteriori
  2451. postmodernism
  2452. poststructuralism
  2453. postulate
  2454. potentiality
  2455. pour-soi
  2456. poverty of the stimulus
  2457. power
  2458. power
  2459. power set
  2460. practical reason
  2461. practical syllogism
  2462. praedicabilia
  2463. praedicamenta
  2464. pragmatic contradiction
  2465. pragmatic theory of truth
  2466. pragmaticism
  2467. pragmatics
  2468. pragmatism
  2469. praise and blame
  2470. pramana
  2471. praxeology
  2472. praxis
  2473. prayer
  2474. pre-established harmony
  2475. precognition
  2476. predestination
  2477. predetermination
  2478. predicables
  2479. predicate
  2480. predicate calculus
  2481. predication
  2482. predicative
  2483. predictability
  2484. prediction paradox
  2485. preexistence
  2486. preface paradox
  2487. preference-utilitarianism
  2488. premise
  2489. prenex normal form
  2490. prescriptive definitions
  2491. prescriptivism
  2492. presence, metaphysics of
  2493. presentism, pastism
  2494. Presocratics
  2495. presupposition
  2496. pretending
  2497. Price, Richard (1723–91)
  2498. Prichard, Harold Arthur (1871–1947)
  2499. Priestley, Joseph (1733–1804)
  2500. prima facie
  2501. primary/secondary qualities
  2502. prime matter
  2503. prime mover
  2504. primum mobile
  2505. principium individuationis
  2506. principle of charity
  2507. principle of contradiction or noncon- tradiction
  2508. principle of double effect
  2509. principle of excluded middle
  2510. principle of indifference
  2511. principle of individuation
  2512. principle of insufficient reason
  2513. principle of plenitude
  2514. principle of sufficient reason
  2515. principle of utility
  2516. principle of verifiability
  2517. prior probability
  2518. a priori/a posteriori
  2519. prisoners' dilemma
  2520. privacy
  2521. privacy
  2522. private language
  2523. private/public distinction
  2524. privileged access
  2525. pro tanto
  2526. pro-attitude
  2527. probabilism
  2528. probability, philosophy of
  2529. problem of evil
  2530. problem of induction
  2531. problem of other minds
  2532. problematic
  2533. procedural justice
  2534. procedural semantics
  2535. process
  2536. process-product ambiguity
  2537. Proclus (c.410–85)
  2538. Prodicus
  2539. progress
  2540. prohairetic logic
  2541. projectibility
  2542. projectivism
  2543. prolepsis
  2544. proletariat
  2545. promise
  2546. proof
  2547. proof theory
  2548. propaganda
  2549. propensity
  2550. proper names
  2551. proper subset
  2552. property
  2553. property
  2554. proposition
  2555. propositional attitude
  2556. propositional calculus
  2557. propositional function
  2558. proprium
  2559. prosentential theory of truth
  2560. prosody
  2561. Protagoras of Abdera (c.490–420 bc)
  2562. protasis
  2563. Protestant work ethic
  2564. protocol statements
  2565. prototype theory
  2566. protrepticus
  2567. Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809–65)
  2568. Providence
  2569. proximate/remote cause
  2570. proxy function
  2571. prudence
  2572. Pseudo-Dionysius
  2573. pseudo-statement
  2574. psyche
  2575. psychical research
  2576. psychoanalysis
  2577. psychokinesis
  2578. psycholinguistics
  2579. psychological egoism
  2580. psychological hedonism
  2581. psychologism
  2582. psychophysical laws
  2583. psychophysical parallelism
  2584. Ptolemaic system
  2585. Ptolemy (fl. ad 146–170)
  2586. public choice
  2587. Pufendorf, Samuel von (1632–94)
  2588. punishment
  2589. pure
  2590. purusa
  2591. putative
  2592. Putnam, Hilary (1926– )
  2593. Pyrrho of Elis (c.365–275 bc)
  2594. Pythagoras (b. c.570 bc)
  2595. Qi
  2596. qua
  2597. quadrivium
  2598. quaestio
  2599. qualia
  2600. qualitative identity
  2601. qualities
  2602. qualities, primary/secondary
  2603. quality of life
  2604. quantification theory
  2605. quantifier
  2606. quantifier shift fallacy
  2607. quantity of propositions
  2608. quantum logic
  2609. quantum mechanics
  2610. quasi-memory
  2611. quasi-realism
  2612. question, begging the
  2613. quiddity
  2614. quietism
  2615. Quine, Willard van Orman (1908–2000)
  2616. Quine-Duhem thesis
  2617. quintessence
  2618. Quintilian, Marcus Fabius (c. ad 35–c.90)
  2619. quotation
  2620. racecourse paradox
  2621. racism
  2622. Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli (1888–1975)
  2623. radical interpretation
  2624. radical translation
  2625. Ramakrishna movement
  2626. ramified theory of types
  2627. Ramsey sentence
  2628. Ramsey test
  2629. Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903–30)
  2630. Ramus, Petrus (1515–82)
  2631. Rand, Ayn (1905–82)
  2632. random variable
  2633. randomness
  2634. range
  2635. range theory of probability
  2636. ratiocination
  2637. rational
  2638. rational choice theory
  2639. rational number
  2640. rational reconstruction
  2641. rationalism
  2642. rationality
  2643. rationalization
  2644. ravens, paradox of
  2645. Rawls, John (1921–2002)
  2646. reader response theory
  2647. real
  2648. real definition
  2649. real essence
  2650. real number
  2651. realism/anti-realism
  2652. reality
  2653. reason
  2654. reason, principle of insufficient
  2655. reasoning
  2656. reasons/causes
  2657. reciprocity
  2658. recognition
  2659. recollection, argument from
  2660. recurrence, eternal
  2661. recursive
  2662. redefinition, high/low
  2663. reducibility, axiom of
  2664. reductio ad absurdum
  2665. reduction sentence
  2666. reductionism
  2667. redundancy theory of truth
  2668. reference
  2669. referent
  2670. referentially opaque/transparent
  2671. reflective equilibrium
  2672. reflexive
  2673. refute
  2674. regimentation
  2675. regress
  2676. regulative principles
  2677. Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953)
  2678. Reid, Thomas (1710–96)
  2679. reification
  2680. reincarnation
  2681. Reinhold, Karl Leonhard (1758–1823)
  2682. relation
  2683. relations of ideas
  2684. relations, internal/external
  2685. relative identity
  2686. relativism
  2687. relativity theory
  2688. relevance logics
  2689. reliabilism
  2690. religion, philosophy of
  2691. religious experience
  2692. religious language
  2693. remainder
  2694. remembering
  2695. remote cause
  2696. Renouvier, Charles (1815–1903)
  2697. replacement, axiom of
  2698. representation theorem
  2699. representation, political
  2700. representationalism
  2701. representative theory of perception
  2702. republicanism
  2703. res cogitans
  2704. res extensa
  2705. residues, method of
  2706. respect for persons
  2707. responsibility
  2708. resurrection
  2709. retributive justice
  2710. retrocausation
  2711. retrodiction
  2712. revealed theology
  2713. revelation
  2714. revenge
  2715. revolution
  2716. rhetic
  2717. rhetoric
  2718. Richard Rufus (d. c.1260)
  2719. Richard's paradox
  2720. Ricoeur, Paul (1913–2005)
  2721. right
  2722. right action
  2723. rights
  2724. rigid designator
  2725. ring of Gyges
  2726. Romanticism
  2727. Rorarius, Hieronymus (1485–1556)
  2728. Rorty, Richard McKay (1931–2007)
  2729. Roscelin de Compiègne (c.1050–c.1125)
  2730. Rosicrucianism
  2731. Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio (1797–1855)
  2732. Ross, Alf (1899–1979)
  2733. Ross, William David (1877–1971)
  2734. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78)
  2735. Royce, Josiah (1855–1916)
  2736. rule of inference
  2737. rule of law
  2738. rule of succession
  2739. rule utilitarianism
  2740. rule-following considerations
  2741. rule/principle
  2742. Russell's paradox
  2743. Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (1872–1970)
  2744. Ryle, Gilbert (1900–76)
  2745. Saadia ben Joseph (882–942)
  2746. saccade
  2747. sacrifice
  2748. sacrificium intellectus
  2749. Sadducism
  2750. Sade, Donatien Alphonse, marquis de (1740–1814)
  2751. Sadra, Mulla
  2752. Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy (1760–1825)
  2753. sakti
  2754. salva veritate
  2755. samadhi
  2756. Samkhya
  2757. samsara
  2758. Sanai, Hakim (c.1046–1141)
  2759. Sanches, Francisco (1551–1623)
  2760. Sankara
  2761. Santayana, George (1863–1952)
  2762. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
  2763. Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905–80)
  2764. sarvastivada
  2765. satisfaction
  2766. satisfiable
  2767. satisfice
  2768. Saussure, Ferdinand de (1857–1913)
  2769. Scandinavian realism
  2770. scepticism
  2771. Scheler, Max Ferdinand (1874–1928)
  2772. Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854)
  2773. schema
  2774. Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott (1864–1937)
  2775. Schiller, Johann Cristoph Friedrich (1759–1805)
  2776. Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772–1829)
  2777. Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst (1768–1834)
  2778. Schlick, Friedrich Albert Moritz (1882–1936)
  2779. Schmitt, Carl (1888–1985)
  2780. scholasticism
  2781. Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860)
  2782. Schrödinger's cat
  2783. science, philosophy of
  2784. scientia media
  2785. scientific method
  2786. scientific realism
  2787. scientism
  2788. scope
  2789. Scotism
  2790. sea-battle
  2791. second-order logic
  2792. secondary qualities
  2793. secundum quid
  2794. self
  2795. self-caused
  2796. self-contradiction
  2797. self-control
  2798. self-deception
  2799. self-defeating
  2800. self-evident
  2801. self-fulfilling
  2802. self-intimating
  2803. self-realization
  2804. self-reference, paradoxes of
  2805. self-refuting
  2806. self-regarding
  2807. self-respect
  2808. selfish gene
  2809. Sellars, Wilfrid (1912–89)
  2810. semantic ascent
  2811. semantic engine
  2812. semantic holism
  2813. semantic paradoxes
  2814. semantic theory of truth
  2815. semantics
  2816. semiology
  2817. semiotics
  2818. sempiternity
  2819. Sen, Amartya (1933– )
  2820. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (4 bc–ad 65)
  2821. Sengzhao (ad 384?–414)
  2822. sensa
  2823. sensation
  2824. sensationalism
  2825. sense and reference
  2826. sense data
  2827. sensibilia
  2828. sensibility
  2829. sensible knave
  2830. sensible world
  2831. sensorium
  2832. sensus communis
  2833. sentence
  2834. sentential connective
  2835. sentential function
  2836. sentential operator
  2837. sentimentalism
  2838. separation, axiom of
  2839. sequence
  2840. sequents, calculus of
  2841. set
  2842. set theory
  2843. set-theoretic paradoxes
  2844. Seven Deadly Sins
  2845. Seven Sages
  2846. sex and sexual desire
  2847. sexism
  2848. Sextus Empiricus (fl. 200)
  2849. Shaftesbury, 3rd Earl of (1671–1713)
  2850. shame
  2851. Shankara (c.788–820)
  2852. Shao Yong (1011)
  2853. Sheffer's stroke
  2854. Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822)
  2855. Shepherd, Mary (1777–1847)
  2856. Sherwood, William (1200)
  2857. Shinto
  2858. ship of Theseus
  2859. shunyata
  2860. Sidgwick, Henry (1838–1900)
  2861. Siger of Brabant (c.1240–1284)
  2862. sign/symbol
  2863. Simmel, Georg (1858–1918)
  2864. simple enumeration
  2865. simple/complex ideas
  2866. simplicity
  2867. Simplicius
  2868. Simpson's paradox
  2869. simulation
  2870. sin
  2871. singular term
  2872. singularity
  2873. Sinn/Bedeutung
  2874. Sins, Seven Deadly
  2875. Sittlichkeit
  2876. situation ethics
  2877. situation semantics
  2878. Skinner, Burrhus Frederick (1904–90)
  2879. Skolem normal form
  2880. Skolem paradox
  2881. Skolem-Löwenheim theorem
  2882. slave morality
  2883. slingshot
  2884. slippery slope
  2885. Smart, J. J. C. (1920– )
  2886. Smith, Adam (1723–90)
  2887. social action
  2888. social choice theory
  2889. social constructivism
  2890. social contract
  2891. social Darwinism
  2892. social laws
  2893. social philosophy
  2894. social science, philosophy of
  2895. social welfare function
  2896. socialism
  2897. society
  2898. Socinianism
  2899. sociobiology
  2900. sociology
  2901. sociology of knowledge
  2902. Socrates (469–399bc)
  2903. Socratic fallacy
  2904. Socratic irony
  2905. Socratic method
  2906. Socratic paradox
  2907. soft determinism
  2908. software
  2909. solipsism
  2910. solo numero
  2911. some
  2912. Sophia, Electress of Hanover (1630–1714)
  2913. sophismata
  2914. Sophists
  2915. sophrosynē
  2916. Sorel, Georges (1847–1922)
  2917. Sorge
  2918. sorites paradox
  2919. sortal
  2920. Soto, Domingo de (1494–1560)
  2921. soul
  2922. sound
  2923. soundness
  2924. sovereignty
  2925. space
  2926. space-time
  2927. spatiotemporal continuity
  2928. species
  2929. speciesism
  2930. specious present
  2931. speckled hen example
  2932. speculative philosophy
  2933. speech acts
  2934. Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903)
  2935. Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936)
  2936. Speusippus (c.407–339bc)
  2937. Spinoza, Benedictus de (1632–77)
  2938. spirit
  2939. spiritualism
  2940. split-brain phenomena
  2941. spontaneity/indifference
  2942. square of opposition
  2943. St Petersburg paradox
  2944. stadium paradox
  2945. Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, Mme de (1766–1817)
  2946. stag hunt
  2947. Stagirite, the
  2948. standard model
  2949. state of nature
  2950. statement
  2951. statistical explanation
  2952. Steiner, Rudolf (1861–1925)
  2953. Stephen, Leslie (1832–1904)
  2954. stereotype
  2955. Stevenson, Charles Leslie (1908–79)
  2956. Stewart, Dugald (1753–1828)
  2957. sthenic
  2958. Stillingfleet, Edward (1635–99)
  2959. stipendium peccati mors est
  2960. stipulative definition
  2961. Stirner, Max (1806–56)
  2962. stoa
  2963. stochastic process
  2964. Stoicism
  2965. Strato of Lampsacus (d. 269 bc)
  2966. Stratonician presumption
  2967. Strauss, David Friedrich (1808–74)
  2968. Strauss, Leo (1899–1973)
  2969. straw man
  2970. Strawson, Peter Frederick (1919–2006)
  2971. stream of consciousness
  2972. strict implication
  2973. strict implication, paradox of
  2974. structuralism
  2975. structure, deep and surface
  2976. Sturm und Drang
  2977. Suárez, Francisco (1548–1617)
  2978. sub specie aeternitatis
  2979. subaltern
  2980. subconscious
  2981. subcontraries
  2982. subject
  2983. subject-object
  2984. subjective idealism
  2985. subjective probability
  2986. subjectivism/objectivism
  2987. sublimation
  2988. sublime
  2989. subsistence
  2990. substance
  2991. substitutional quantification
  2992. substitutivity salva veritate
  2993. substrate
  2994. success word
  2995. sufficient condition
  2996. sufficient reason, principle of
  2997. Sufism
  2998. Suhrawardi
  2999. sui generis
  3000. suicide
  3001. sum set
  3002. sum set, axiom of
  3003. summum bonum
  3004. Sun Tsu
  3005. sunyata
  3006. Sunzi
  3007. supererogatory
  3008. superman
  3009. supervaluation
  3010. supervenience
  3011. suppositio
  3012. sure thing principle
  3013. surface structure
  3014. surjection
  3015. survival and immortality
  3016. sutra
  3017. Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688–1772)
  3018. syllogism
  3019. symbolic logic
  3020. symmetric
  3021. sympathy
  3022. symptom
  3023. synaesthesia
  3024. syncategorematic
  3025. syncretism
  3026. synderesis
  3027. syndicalism
  3028. synonym
  3029. syntactic engine
  3030. syntax
  3031. synthesis
  3032. synthetic
  3033. system of logic
  3034. systematic ambiguity
  3035. systems theory
  3036. T-sentence
  3037. tabula rasa
  3038. tacit
  3039. Tagore, Rabindranath (1861–1941)
  3040. tantra
  3041. tao
  3042. Taoism
  3043. tarot
  3044. Tarski, Alfred (1901–83)
  3045. tarwater
  3046. taste
  3047. tautology
  3048. Taylor, Charles (1931– )
  3049. Taylor, Harriet (1807–58)
  3050. te
  3051. technē
  3052. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881–1955)
  3053. Tel Quel
  3054. telekinesis
  3055. teleo-functionalism
  3056. teleological argument
  3057. teleology
  3058. telepathy
  3059. teleportation
  3060. Telesio, Bernardino (1509–88)
  3061. telos
  3062. temporal stage
  3063. tender and tough-minded
  3064. tense logic
  3065. term
  3066. terminus ad quem
  3067. terrorism
  3068. tertiary qualities
  3069. tertium non datur
  3070. Tertullian's dictum or paradox
  3071. Tertullian, Quintus Septimus Florens (ad c.160–c.240)
  3072. testability
  3073. testimony
  3074. texture
  3075. Thales of Miletus (fl. 585 bc)
  3076. Theaetetus (c.414–c.369 bc)
  3077. theism
  3078. thema
  3079. Themistius (ad c.317–88)
  3080. theodicy
  3081. theological virtues
  3082. theology
  3083. Theophrastus (c.370–c.288 bc)
  3084. theorem
  3085. theory
  3086. theory of descriptions
  3087. theory of types
  3088. theory-laden
  3089. theory-theory
  3090. theosophy
  3091. thermodynamics, laws of
  3092. Theseus, ship of
  3093. thesis
  3094. theurgy
  3095. thick terms
  3096. thing in itself
  3097. thinking
  3098. third man argument
  3099. Thomasius, Christian (1655–1728)
  3100. Thomism
  3101. Thoreau, Henry David (1817–62)
  3102. thought experiment
  3103. Thrasymachus (fl. c.430–400 bc)
  3104. three prisoners, paradox of
  3105. tickles
  3106. Tillich, Paul (1886–1965)
  3107. timarchy
  3108. time
  3109. time travel
  3110. time's arrow
  3111. time-lag argument
  3112. time-slice
  3113. Timon of Phlius (c.320–230 bc)
  3114. Tindal, Matthew (1657–1733)
  3115. tit for tat
  3116. token-reflexive
  3117. token-token identity
  3118. Toland, John (1670–1722)
  3119. toleration
  3120. Tolstoy, Count Leo (1828–1910)
  3121. tone
  3122. tonk
  3123. topic-neutral
  3124. totalitarianism
  3125. toxin puzzle
  3126. trademark argument
  3127. tradition
  3128. traducianism
  3129. tragedy
  3130. transcendental
  3131. transcendental analytic
  3132. transcendental argument
  3133. transcendental idealism
  3134. transcendental number
  3135. transcendental signified
  3136. transcendentalism
  3137. transfinite induction
  3138. transformation rules
  3139. transitive
  3140. translation
  3141. transmigration of souls
  3142. transparent
  3143. transposition
  3144. transubstantiation
  3145. transvaluation of values
  3146. transworld depravity
  3147. tree of Porphyry
  3148. Trinitarianism
  3149. trivium
  3150. trolley problem
  3151. trope
  3152. Trotter, Catherine
  3153. trust
  3154. truth apt
  3155. truth conditions
  3156. truth definition
  3157. truth function
  3158. truth predicate
  3159. truth table
  3160. truth theory
  3161. truth-value
  3162. truth/falsity
  3163. truthfulness
  3164. truthmaker principle
  3165. Tung Chung-shu (c.179–c.104 bc)
  3166. Turing machine
  3167. Turing test
  3168. Turnbull, George (1698–1748)
  3169. Twardowski, Kazimierz (1866–1938)
  3170. twin-earth
  3171. twins paradox
  3172. two-clock paradox
  3173. two-envelope paradox
  3174. two-place predicate
  3175. two-way interactionism
  3176. tychism
  3177. type-token ambiguity
  3178. type-type identity
  3179. types, theory of
  3180. tzu jan
  3181. Übermensch
  3182. Udayana
  3183. ugliness
  3184. Ulysses
  3185. Unamuno, Miguel de (1864–1936)
  3186. uncertainty principle
  3187. unconscious
  3188. underdetermination
  3189. understanding
  3190. undistributed middle, fallacy of the
  3191. unexpected examination paradox
  3192. uniformity of nature
  3193. union
  3194. unit set
  3195. unity of science
  3196. universal generalization
  3197. universal grammar
  3198. universal instantiation
  3199. universal language
  3200. universal proposition
  3201. universal quantifier
  3202. universal, concrete
  3203. universalism in ethics
  3204. universalizability
  3205. universals
  3206. universe of discourse
  3207. univocal
  3208. unmoved mover
  3209. Upanishads
  3210. use
  3211. use/mention distinction
  3212. utilitarianism
  3213. utility
  3214. utility calculus
  3215. utopia
  3216. vacuous
  3217. vague objects
  3218. vagueness
  3219. Vaihinger, Hans (1852–1933)
  3220. Vaisheshika
  3221. validity
  3222. Valla, Lorenzo (1407–57)
  3223. valuation
  3224. value
  3225. value of a function
  3226. value-free
  3227. Vanini, Giulio Cesare (c.1584–1619)
  3228. vanity
  3229. variable
  3230. variable realization
  3231. Vasubandhu
  3232. vat, brain in a
  3233. Vatsyayana
  3234. Vattimo, Gianni (1936– )
  3235. Vauvenarges, Luc de Clapiers de (1715–47)
  3236. Veblen, Thorstein (1857–1929)
  3237. Veda
  3238. Vedanta
  3239. vegetarianism
  3240. veil of appearance
  3241. veil of ignorance
  3242. Venn diagram
  3243. Venn, John (1834–1923)
  3244. verbal definition
  3245. veridical
  3246. verification principle
  3247. verisimilitude
  3248. Verstehen
  3249. via negativa
  3250. vice
  3251. vicious circle principle
  3252. vicious regress
  3253. Vico, Giambattista (1668–1744)
  3254. Vienna Circle
  3255. Vijnanavada
  3256. vindication
  3257. violence
  3258. vipassana
  3259. virtue
  3260. virtue epistemology
  3261. virtue ethics
  3262. vision
  3263. vitalism
  3264. Vitoria, Francisco de (c.1486–1546)
  3265. Vives, Juan Luis (1493–1540)
  3266. void
  3267. volition
  3268. volonté générale, volonté de tous
  3269. Voltaire (1694–1778)
  3270. voluntarism
  3271. von Neumann machine
  3272. von Wright, Georg Henrik (1916–2003)
  3273. vortex
  3274. voters' paradox
  3275. Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich (1896–1934)
  3276. Waismann, Friedrich (1896–1959)
  3277. Wang Pi (ad 226–49)
  3278. Wang Yang-Ming (1472–1529)
  3279. war, just
  3280. Ward, James (1843–1925)
  3281. warranted assertibility
  3282. Watson, John Broadus (1878–1958)
  3283. Watsuji Tetsuro (1889–1960)
  3284. wayward causal chain
  3285. weakness of the will
  3286. Weber, Max (1864–1920)
  3287. Weil, Simone (1909–43)
  3288. welfare
  3289. well-being
  3290. well-formed formula
  3291. well-ordering
  3292. Weltanschauung
  3293. Weltschmerz
  3294. Wertfreiheit
  3295. Westermarck, Edward (1862–1939)
  3296. wff
  3297. Whewell, William (1794–1866)
  3298. Whichcote, Benjamin (1609–83)
  3299. Whig view of history
  3300. Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947)
  3301. why
  3302. wickedness
  3303. will
  3304. will to believe
  3305. will to power
  3306. William of Auvergne (c.1180–1249)
  3307. William of Auxerre (1140)
  3308. William of Champeaux (c.1070–c.1120)
  3309. William of Moerbeke (c.1218–1286)
  3310. William of Ockham
  3311. William of Sherwood (1200)
  3312. Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen (1929–2003)
  3313. Windelband, Wilhelm (1848–1915)
  3314. wisdom
  3315. Wisdom, Arthur John Terrence Dibben (1904–93)
  3316. witchcraft
  3317. Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951)
  3318. Wolff, Christian (1679–1754)
  3319. Wollaston, William (1660–1724)
  3320. Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759–97)
  3321. women in philosophy
  3322. world-soul
  3323. wu wei
  3324. wu-hsing
  3325. Wundt, Wilhelm (1832–1920)
  3326. Wyclif, John (c.1320–84)
  3327. Xanthippe
  3328. Xenocrates of Chalcedon
  3329. Xenophanes of Colophon (c.570–478 bc)
  3330. Xenophon (c.428–c.354 bc)
  3331. Xungxi
  3332. Yang Chu (c.370–319 bc)
  3333. Yang Hsiung (53 bc–ad 18)
  3334. yi
  3335. Yijing
  3336. yin/yang
  3337. Yoga
  3338. Yogacara
  3339. yu, wu
  3340. yung
  3341. Zabarella, Jacopo (1533–89)
  3342. Zarathustra
  3343. Zen
  3344. Zeno of Citium (c.335–263 bc)
  3345. Zeno of Elea
  3346. Zeno's paradoxes
  3347. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory
  3348. Zermelo-König paradox
  3349. zero-sum game
  3350. zeugma
  3351. Zheng Xuan (127–200)
  3352. zhi
  3353. Zhu Xi
  3354. Zorn's lemma
  3355. Zoroastrianism
  3356. zygote
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