

Mar 25th, 2018
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  1. # !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
  2. # Welcome to ChatControl's Chat Formatting Configuration
  3. #
  4. # In this configuration you can setup how the message in the chat should look like.
  5. #
  6. # Since we support different message formats per different permissions,
  7. # per channels, or many other places in the plugin, you can create a so-called
  8. # formats that can be reused multiple times.
  9. #
  10. # For configuration, see:
  11. # -
  12. #
  13. # For variables, see:
  14. # -
  15. #
  16. # Remember, you can remove or edit all formats below, and create your own ones!
  17. #
  18. # !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
  20. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. # Enable chat formatting?
  22. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Enabled: false
  25. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. # Configuration of the default chat types in the game.
  27. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. Formatting:
  29. #
  30. # The default chat format applied over all worlds.
  31. #
  32. Default: Chat
  33. #
  34. # If range mode is enabled, used if the ranged message starts with and "!".
  35. # Such messages are send to everyone (if the sender has "" permission).
  36. #
  37. Global: Global_Chat
  38. #
  39. # A format used in the /me command.
  40. #
  41. Me: Me
  42. #
  43. # If range mode is enabled, used to send messages to players with ""
  44. # permission that they normally shouldn't see (because it's outside their range).
  45. #
  46. # To spy on private messages (e.g. /tell or /mail), use /spy feature.
  47. #
  48. Spy: Spy_Chat
  49. #
  50. # If party chat is enabled, you can then spy on the messages with "" permission.
  51. # Requires mcMMO.
  52. #
  53. Party_Spy: Spy_Party_Chat
  54. #
  55. # Used in admin chat via "/chc ach" command, used by staff to communicate with each other.
  56. #
  57. Admin: Admin_Chat
  58. #
  59. # Used in "/chc global" command which sends messages over bungee.
  60. #
  61. # Requires BungeeCords support.
  62. #
  63. Bungee: Bungee_Chat
  65. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. # Ranged mode limits the reach of player's message.
  67. #
  68. # For per-world chat, give everyone '' permission.
  69. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. Range:
  71. #
  72. # Enable ranged mode?
  73. #
  74. Enabled: false
  75. #
  76. # How many blocks around the sender should the players see their message?
  77. #
  78. Distance: 100.0
  79. #
  80. # Worlds that shares the same chat.
  81. #
  82. # The ignore the Distance above, and every player in the other world will see the message.
  83. #
  84. Linked_Worlds:
  85. normal:
  86. - world
  87. - world_nether
  88. skyland:
  89. - skyland
  90. - skyland_nether
  92. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. # Here are the actual formats. A format represents how a message should look like.
  94. # Each format consists of Parts (each part is configured individually).
  95. #
  96. # You can re-use them in different parts of the plugin, for example in chat channels.
  97. #
  98. # For tutorial, see
  99. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. Formats:
  101. #
  102. # This is the default main chat format.
  103. #
  104. # You can use it in other parts of the plugin by calling the 'Chat' format.
  105. #
  106. Chat:
  107. #
  108. # This is a part. That means, we split the message into as many parts
  109. # as you'd like, giving each part different interactive properties.
  110. #
  111. # Options such as Sender_Permission or Hover_Event are not obligatory, you can remove
  112. # them or add them at your will. For tutorial and all available options, see the link above.
  113. #
  114. Vip:
  115. Message: "&6[VIP] "
  116. Sender_Permission: ""
  117. Hover_Event:
  118. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  119. Values:
  120. - "&6This player is VIP"
  121. - "&6Check out &e/web &6to obtain VIP"
  122. Prefix:
  123. Message: "&f{pl_prefix}"
  124. Hover_Event:
  125. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  126. Values:
  127. - "&8*-----* &f{player} &8*-----*"
  128. - "&7Prefix&8: &7{pl_prefix}"
  129. - "&7Group&8: &b{pl_group}"
  130. Player:
  131. Message: "{player}:"
  132. Hover_Event:
  133. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  134. Values:
  135. - "&7Message issued: &b{timestamp}"
  136. - "&7Click to send a PM"
  137. Click_Event:
  138. Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND
  139. Value: "/tell {player} "
  140. The_Rest:
  141. Message: "{pl_suffix} {message}"
  142. #
  143. # This example format is used in private messages for the sender.
  144. #
  145. Private_Message_Sender:
  146. Everything:
  147. Message: "&7โœ‰ &2has been sent!"
  148. Hover_Event:
  149. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  150. Values:
  151. - " &8~ &3Private Message &8~ "
  152. - "&8&oSent {timestamp}"
  153. - "&3Receiver: &f{receiver}"
  154. - "&3Body: &f{message}"
  155. Click_Event:
  156. Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND
  157. Value: "/tell {player} "
  158. #
  159. # This example format is used in private messages for the receiver.
  160. #
  161. Private_Message_Receiver:
  162. Everything:
  163. Message: "&7โœ‰ &6from {sender}: &f{message}"
  164. Hover_Event:
  165. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  166. Values:
  167. - " &8~ &3Private Message &8~ "
  168. - "&8&oReceived {timestamp}"
  169. - "&3Sender: &f{sender}"
  170. - ""
  171. - "&7Click for a reply."
  172. Click_Event:
  173. Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND
  174. Value: "/r "
  175. #
  176. # This example format is used in admin chat with "/chc ach".
  177. #
  178. Admin_Chat:
  179. Bracket_Start:
  180. Message: "&8[&2A-Chat "
  181. Player:
  182. Message: "{player}"
  183. Bracket_End:
  184. Message: "&8] &2"
  185. Message:
  186. Message: "{message}"
  187. #
  188. # This example format is used in global bungee chat with "/chc g".
  189. #
  190. Bungee_Chat:
  191. Everything:
  192. Message: "&8[&fG&8] {player} &7>&f {message}"
  193. #
  194. # This example format is used in global chat when ranged mode is enabled.
  195. #
  196. Global_Chat:
  197. Everything:
  198. Message: "&7[GLOBAL] {pl_prefix}{player}:{pl_suffix} {message}"
  199. #
  200. # This example format is used in spy chat for admins, when ranged mode is enabled.
  201. #
  202. Spy_Chat:
  203. Everything:
  204. Message: "&8SPY: [{world}&8]&f {pl_prefix}{player}:{pl_suffix} {message}"
  205. #
  206. # This example format is used in spy chat when party mode is enabled.
  207. #
  208. Spy_Party_Chat:
  209. Everything:
  210. Message: "&8SPY: [{party}&8]&f {pl_prefix}{player}:{pl_suffix} {message}"
  211. #
  212. # This example format is used in /me
  213. #
  214. Me:
  215. Vip:
  216. Message: "&6* "
  217. Condition: 'player.hasPermission("")'
  218. Hover_Event:
  219. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  220. Values:
  221. - "&6This player is VIP"
  222. - "&6Check out &e/web &6to obtain VIP"
  223. Normal:
  224. Message: "&f* "
  225. Condition: '!player.hasPermission("")'
  226. Player:
  227. Message: "{player} "
  228. Click_Event:
  229. Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND
  230. Value: "/tell {player} "
  231. The_Rest:
  232. Message: "{message}"
  233. #
  234. # This example format is used for admins when an advertising message is caught.
  235. #
  236. Ad_Info:
  237. Info:
  238. Message: |-
  239. &6&m----------------------------------------------
  240. &r &7&o(( Advertisement! ))
  242. &6x &ePlayer: &f{player}
  243. &6x &eMessage: &f{message}
  245. More_Info:
  246. Message: |-
  247. &r
  248. &8[&9x&8] Hover for more information."
  249. &6&m----------------------------------------------
  250. Hover_Event:
  251. Action: SHOW_TEXT
  252. Values:
  253. - " &8~ &3Information &8~ "
  254. - "&3Time: &f{timestamp}"
  255. Click_Event:
  256. Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND
  257. Value: "/tempban {player} 10m Advertising is not allowed!"
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