
how to de-index website from google?

Jun 4th, 2020
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  1. how to de-index website from google?
  2. hello does anyone know how to properly de-index from google. Right now I am blocking Google bots from .htacess file but it is still showing as indexed in google.
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  15. .htaccess ain't the proper way. Read about robots.txt:
  16. http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html
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  19. Sometimes it takes time to de-index the site. Also, it depends on how often Google crawling your site and it's related to your site popularity.
  20. Here is a suggestion for Google support how to do the task properly https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1663419?hl=en
  21. Hope it helps you.
  22. .htaccess ain't the proper way. Read about robots.txt:
  23. http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html
  24. robots.txt file is already blocked for indexing. So any other suggesstion?
  26. I think google is blocked from new index, but old version of website still showing as indexed? Is there any way to remove old version which is still showing index?
  27. Check the cloaking forum here:
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  29. Sometimes it takes time to de-index the site. Also, it depends on how often Google crawling your site and it's related to your site popularity.
  30. Here is a suggestion for Google support how to do the task properly https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1663419?hl=en
  31. Hope it helps you.
  32. So the only way to deindex is to contact google directly?
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  35. just curious noob here come website , thought people always like want want Google index a lot of their website , why you want to de index?
  36. Because i am making new website with same content as old website
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  39. hi, there is a way in GWT to temporarily remove a page in google's search result - but they change the UI and i'm also lost. you may want to search for it.
  41. another one is on the wordpress settings (if you are using a wp) - there is an option under settings >> reading >> "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" - you may also want to check it.
  43. hope this helps.
  44. Because i am making new website with same content as old website
  45. hmm means , you want to close the old website , means the old domain , want to use back the content from old website and transfer to a new website , new domain ? if I got it right .
  46. Why force deindex?:) is the website penalized?:) if not, then just 301 to the new website.. if the website is penalized, try to give it a rel=canonical on the old website to the new website to show google which page you want to name as the original, rankable one..
  47. How to remove site from google:
  49. support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1663419?hl=en
  51. The best is to delete the site and NOT block it in robots.txt, so all URL's give 404. Or set meta noindex on every page.
  53. But if you do the above and block it in robots.txt then Google will never be able to read your site.
  55. It will never see the 404 or noindex if blocked in robots.txt.
  56. If you are going to use the same content you could simply 301 to redirect to your new site. Also make use of the canonical tag to inform search engines to consider the new site.
  57. You did it right, just give it some time, it probably hasn't come back to recrawl it yet.
  58. Block the entire domain via robots.txt and then remove the site from from the index in Webmaster Tools
  59. If you want to reuse your content, blocking site is not an option. As it was said before, it's better to use 301 redirect or at least 'canonical' to your new site. You can also delete site from hosting and delete your urls from search console. It may take few weeks. And you won't be able to return your site to index for 3 monthes.
  60. Make 410 in your htaccess file
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