

Aug 19th, 2014
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  1. --[X] 1 "I intend to bed the captain of a ship tonight, and for the next few nights after as well.  Possibly the days, if I get bored.  Any objections?!": (gibbousmoons)
  2. [X] 4 Forget not to leave before everyone is up and wonder where the usual owners are.: (Megaolix, Trump-12, inverted_helix, dreadis)
  3. [X] 1 In hindsight, you should have had the time in mind... No matter. Just find a place for you and your daughters to stay at until it's morning. Even if it's an occupied home, it shouldn't be hard to 'enter', then have the owner 'agree' to entertain you and your daughters, but don't eat them, just leave them a rather pleasant memory. You really don't need to leave a clearer trail for the people following you.: (Adyen)
  4. [X] 2 In hindsight, you should have had the time in mind... No matter. Just find a place for you and your daughters to stay at until it's morning. Even if it's an occupied home, it shouldn't be hard to 'enter', then have the owner 'agree' to entertain you and your daughters, then serve as a meal... Owner and any family inside anyway.: (Megaolix, Trump-12)
  5. [X] 1 In hindsight, you should have had the time in mind... No matter. Just find a place for you and your daughters to stay at until it's morning. Even if it's an occupied home, it shouldn't be hard to 'enter', then have the owner 'agree' to entertain you and your daughters, then serve as a meal... Owner and any family inside anyway. [X] Forget not to leave before everyone is up and wonder where the usual owners are.: (Master Basher)
  6. [X] 2 In hindsight, you should have had the time in mind... No matter. Just find a place for you and your daughters to stay at until it's morning. Even if it's an occupied home, it shouldn,t be hard to 'enter', then have the owner 'agree' to entertain you and your daughters, then serve as a meal... Owner and any family inside anyway.: (inverted_helix, dreadis)
  7. --[X] 1 Kick the door down and pin everyone inside to the floor with your power and your daughters!: (gibbousmoons)
  8. [X] 1 Order one of your girls to strip then knock again. "I believe captain you mistook me before. I want to book passage with you... and my maiden here will be the price of your ear for the night." Smack your daughter on the rump in quick demonstration. "For hearing us out tonight And letting us stay with you I'll give you the pick of my girls to warm your bed tonight. We can work out a more suitable deal once inside, no?": (Xicree)
  9. [X] 1 You know how this kind of thing goes!  Mother told you all about how she met father, and while you have no intention of getting married, you do intend to find a partner for the next few nights.  With a little word substitution . . . yes, that will do nicely.: (gibbousmoons)
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