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Dec 19th, 2018
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  1. # All conditions with their respective subsections can be found on this link:
  2. #
  3. Config:
  4. new-version-reminder: true
  5. execution-mode-check: 20
  6. Commands:
  7. warp_end:
  8. command: "/end"
  9. conditions:
  10. item-required:
  11. id: 368
  12. amount: 1
  13. name: "&d&lEnd &5&lTeleporter"
  14. lore:
  15. - "&7With this item you will be able to"
  16. - "&7teleport you to the end whenever you like"
  17. enchants:
  18. - 'OXYGEN;5'
  19. - 'FIRE_ASPECT;5'
  20. on-hand: false
  21. remove: false
  22. error-message:
  23. - '&4For teleporting to the end you need the item: &d&lEnd &5&lTeleporter'
  24. success-commands:
  25. - /warp end %player%
  26. error-commands:
  27. - /warp information %player%
  28. abilities:
  29. command: "/abilities"
  30. conditions:
  31. level-required: 30
  32. permission: coc.abilities
  33. error-message:
  34. - '&4For using the &c&lAbilities Menu &4you need to be level 30+'
  35. - '&4and to have the right permission.'
  36. - '&8[&7Current Status&8]: &c%user-level%&7/&c30'
  37. success-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_PLING;10;2
  38. error-sound: BLOCK_GRASS_BREAK;10;0.5
  39. execution-mode-test1:
  40. command: "/eco give %player% 5000;/msg %player% &4You reached level 30!!"
  41. execution-mode:
  42. enabled: true
  43. one-time: true
  44. conditions:
  45. level-required: 30
  46. execution-mode-test2:
  47. command: "/tp %player% -200 80 -200;/msg %player% &cYou have been teleported to a mysterious place..."
  48. execution-mode:
  49. enabled: true
  50. one-time: false
  51. conditions:
  52. location:
  53. world: world
  54. x: 30
  55. y: 60
  56. z: 30
  57. radius: 1
  58. execution-mode-test3:
  59. command: "/msg %player% &cWelcome to the Shop!"
  60. execution-mode:
  61. enabled: true
  62. one-time: false
  63. entry-leave-system:
  64. enabled: true
  65. leave-command:
  66. enabled: true
  67. command: "/msg %player% &cBye! Have a nice day!"
  68. conditions:
  69. worldguard-regions:
  70. - shop1
  71. execution-mode-test4:
  72. command: "/eco give %player% 1500;/msg %player% &2Congrats on finishing the parkour!;/warp lobby %player%"
  73. execution-mode:
  74. enabled: true
  75. one-time: true
  76. conditions:
  77. above-block: DIAMOND_BLOCK
  78. announce:
  79. command: "/announce"
  80. conditions:
  81. warning:
  82. message:
  83. - '&cAre you sure you want to execute that command?'
  84. - '&cThis is going to take you &2$5000&c.'
  85. - '&aType &7"YES&7" &ato continue or anything else to cancel.'
  86. continue: "YES"
  87. gui-inventory: false
  88. money-required:
  89. required: 5000
  90. take: true
  91. error-message:
  92. - '&4You need &2&l$5000 &4to execute this command'
  93. - '&8[&7Current Status&8]: &c$%user-money%&7/&c$5000'
  94. success-message:
  95. - '&bYou have executed the command correctly for &2&l$5000'
  96. - '&bNow you have: &c$%user-money%'
  97. factions_enable_in_worlds:
  98. command: "/factions"
  99. conditions:
  100. worlds:
  101. - "world"
  102. - "world_nether"
  103. - "world_the_end"
  104. error-message:
  105. - '&4You are not allowed to execute that command on this world!'
  106. - '&8[&7Current World&8]: &c%user-world%'
  107. specific_location:
  108. command: "/enchant"
  109. conditions:
  110. location:
  111. world: world
  112. x: 0
  113. y: 60
  114. z: 0
  115. radius: 2
  116. error-message:
  117. - '&4You are not allowed to execute that command on this location!'
  118. specific_biome:
  119. command: "/biome_example"
  120. conditions:
  121. biomes:
  122. - MESA
  123. - MESA_ROCK
  125. error-message:
  126. - '&4You need to be on Mesa Biome to execute that command!'
  127. enemies_nearby:
  128. command: "/home;/spawn;/warp;/tpa"
  129. conditions:
  130. no-entity-nearby:
  131. entities:
  132. - ZOMBIE
  133. - SKELETON
  134. - SPIDER
  135. radius: 15
  136. error-message:
  137. - '&4You can not use that command because there are enemies nearby!'
  138. time_played:
  139. command: "/warp epic-items"
  140. conditions:
  141. time-played: 3600
  142. error-message:
  143. - '&4You need to have played 1 hour on the server to execute this command!'
  144. - '&8[&7Time Played&8]: &c%time-played%'
  145. gamemode:
  146. command: "all"
  147. conditions:
  148. no-gamemode: ADVENTURE
  149. error-message:
  150. - '&4You can not use any commands while in Adventure Mode!'
  151. daily_reward_cooldown:
  152. command: "/daily-reward"
  153. conditions:
  154. cooldown: 86400
  155. error-message:
  156. - '&4You need to wait &c%cooldown-time% &4to use that command again!'
  157. suicide:
  158. command: "/suicide"
  159. conditions:
  160. warning:
  161. message:
  162. - '&cAre you sure you want to execute that command?'
  163. - '&aType &7":&7" &ato continue or anything else to cancel.'
  164. continue: ":"
  165. spawn:
  166. command: "/spawn"
  167. conditions:
  168. delay:
  169. amount: 3
  170. cancel-on-move: true
  171. message: '&7The command will be executed on: &6%time% &7seconds. Don''t move!'
  172. jobs:
  173. command: "/mining-shop"
  174. conditions:
  175. jobs:
  176. - 'Miner,15'
  177. error-message:
  178. - '&4You need to be Miner lvl 15+ to execute this command'
  179. - '&8[&7Current Status&8]: &c%job-level-Miner%&7/&c15'
  180. minplayers:
  181. command: "/warp event"
  182. conditions:
  183. min-players: 20
  184. error-message:
  185. - '&4There must be at least 20 players online to teleport you to that location'
  186. faction-conditions:
  187. command: "/factions-shop"
  188. conditions:
  189. factions:
  190. min-players: 5
  191. min-players-percentage-connected: 80
  192. min-power: 10
  193. error-message:
  194. - '&4Your faction need to have more than 5 players and at least 80% of them must be connected.'
  195. - '&4Also you need to have 10 power to execute that command.'
  196. - '&8[&7Factions Players&8]: &c%factions-total%&7/&c5'
  197. - '&8[&7Factions Online Players&8]: &c%factions-online%&7/&c%factions-total%'
  198. - '&8[&7Power&8]: &c%factions-player-power%&7/&c10'
  199. health:
  200. command: "/warp pvp"
  201. conditions:
  202. health:
  203. min: 70
  204. error-message:
  205. - '&4You need to have at least 70% of your health to teleport you there'
  206. - '&8[&7Current Status&8]: &c%player-health%&7/&c%player-health-max%'
  207. abilities2:
  208. command: "/battle-abilities"
  209. conditions:
  210. battlelevels:
  211. level-required: 5
  212. error-message:
  213. - '&4For using the &c&lBattle Abilities Menu &4you need to be level 5+'
  214. - '&8[&7Current Status&8]: &c%user-battlelevel%&7/&c5'
  215. warrior-abilities:
  216. command: "/warrior-abilities"
  217. conditions:
  218. skillapi:
  219. class: Warrior
  220. level-required: 1
  221. error-message:
  222. - '&4For using the &c&lWarrior Abilities Menu &4you need to be level 1+ Warrior'
  223. worldguard:
  224. command: "/fly"
  225. conditions:
  226. worldguard-regions:
  227. - spawn
  228. - lobby1
  229. error-message:
  230. - '&4You can fly only on these areas:'
  231. - '&7-> Spawn'
  232. - '&7-> Minigames Lobby'
  233. no-items-on-inventory:
  234. command: "/warp parkour"
  235. conditions:
  236. no-items: true
  237. error-message:
  238. - '&4If you want to teleport to the parkour, first'
  239. - '&4you need to clear your inventory.'
  240. date:
  241. command: "/event"
  242. conditions:
  243. date:
  244. - "day:SATURDAY,hour:16:00-20:00"
  245. - "day-of-month:11"
  246. error-message:
  247. - '&4You can use this command just on Saturdays'
  248. - '&4between 16:00 and 20:00 or the 11th of'
  249. - '&4each month.'
  250. success-commands:
  251. - warp Events %player%
  252. console_command:
  253. command: "/op"
  254. conditions:
  255. from-console: true
  256. error-message:
  257. - '&4This command must be executed from console!'
  258. placeholderapi:
  259. command: "/supermenu"
  260. conditions:
  261. placeholder_api:
  262. - "%player_minutes_lived%;>=;1440"
  263. - "%player_world%;equals;lobby"
  264. error-message:
  265. - '&4You must have play at least 24 hours on the server to execute that command.'
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