
precog fails if person's face is truly expressionless

May 12th, 2020
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  1. Suddenly, Kamijou’s reaction slowed when the next black wing was swung toward him.
  2. If Kakine Teitoku had not gathered all of his strength and knocked Kamijou out of the
  3. way, Kamijou’s entire body would have been smashed to pieces.
  4. Fremea let out a shrill scream. Kamijou looked over at Kakine who had been slammed
  5. against the ground in his place and then looked back toward Rensa in shock.
  6. She must have altered some setting because her cyborg face had completely lost any
  7. expression whatsoever. The rhythm of her blinking and breathing were mechanically
  8. given a set interval as if she was timing them with a clock.
  9. When she spoke, her words came at a uniform speed like a translation device.
  10. “Your precognition can be prevented by restricting the information you can take in. I’m
  11. a cyborg, remember? We don’t even have to get into electrophysiology to know that
  12. humans can’t stop slight muscle movements no matter how hard they try. However, I
  13. control everything with machines, so I can truly freeze my expression. If I wanted to, I
  14. could be as still as a statue.”
  15. She had sealed it away.
  16. If he could not make his move before she did, it was impossible for him to defend
  17. against Rensa’s supersonic attacks.
  19. - New Testament Volume 7 Chapter 4 Part 9
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