
The Force In Harmony (update 4)

Apr 16th, 2015
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  1. >Morning arrived, the light from the artificial sun finding its way onto your face through the window.
  2. >You briefly consider rolling over, but you were already awake, no sense in laying around all day.
  3. >Getting out from the warmth and relative comfort of your bedroll, you begin some stretches to prepare for the day as you contemplate your dream, more specifically, its visitor.
  4. >Dreams were one of the ways the Force makes its will known, but such instances consisted of images of future events, not a conversation with someone you've never met.
  5. >Manipulating dreams was not unheard of, though to such a fine degree would take considerable skill.
  6. >It would seem you found a culture gifted in the Force.
  7. >Meanwhile, the planet itself was an enigma.
  8. >Someone invested considerable resources into both hiding it and constructing an artificial sky for the inhabitants.
  9. >From how Princess Luna spoke, it wasn't these ponies, or something happened to regress their technological capability.
  10. >Perhaps there are some remnants of the architects to be found.
  11. >Abandoned structures, resource stockpiles, maybe even an old ship.
  12. >A world of mystery, and an unknown task ahead of you.
  13. >Taking a look at the books around you, you wonder if some answers are here, locked away behind a language you can't read.
  14. >None of the covers stand out, so you grab one at random and start to flip through it.
  15. >Predictably, it has more of their curious written language.
  16. >It could be that Aurebesh was too difficult for them, with their lack of hands.
  17. >There were some diagrams as well, but you had no context to try and work out what words corresponded to them.
  18. >You weren't in the mood to sit down and attempt to decipher their written language, so once you'd made it to the end of the book, you put it back, returned your bedroll to its place on your pack, had a cold breakfast, and started exploring more of the castle.
  19. >Your search found little of interest.
  20. >Besides the throne room and the dark presence lurking within, all that stood out as notable was a single forlorn structure in the main hall.
  21. >It had been a display of some sort, but whatever it may have held was gone.
  22. >With everything that was left behind, this one set of objects was important enough to take.
  23. >Much like the day before, your investigation was interrupted by approaching hooves.
  24. >"Anonymous?"
  25. >It was the unicorn from before.
  26. "I am here."
  27. >Turning, you find her looking at you, though her gaze briefly shifts to the display you were standing by, accompanied by a fond smile.
  28. >"I'm here to show you the way to Ponyville, you'll be staying with me until the princesses can arrange more suitable lodgings. Was there anything you needed to get from your ship?"
  29. "No, aside from my pack, it's all lost. Anything that may have survived hitting your stars fell out on the way down."
  30. >"Oh. Was any of it... dangerous?"
  31. >She very noticeably glances at your lightsaber as she asks.
  32. "It was mostly extra supplies and some spare parts. The portable generator might be a problem, assuming it didn't get slagged."
  33. >"What sort of problem?"
  34. "Depends on how damaged it is. Most likely, the fall smashed it to bits and the most it could do is give someone a bad cut. The main issue is if it is intact enough to be turned on. Unstable generators have a tendency to explode."
  35. >Her concerned expression deepens.
  36. >"Oh dear. What does this generator look like?"
  37. "It looks... metallic. Most of the descriptions I can think to give would mean little to you. A short cylinder, narrower towards the top, and if it is somehow active, it will be emitting light. There's likely some storage containers as well, they'll be larger, squarish and probably busted open."
  38. >Your escort had retrieved quill and paper at some point during the conversation, and busily writes down your description.
  39. >What caught your eye was how she was writing.
  40. >A glow from her horn, and a matching glow around the levitating writing tools.
  41. >The council would frown on such frivolous use of the Force, but for a species without hands, it did make sense.
  42. >"Right, I can get some pegasi scouting, if it is out there, we want to find it before anything happens."
  43. >She finishes her note and tucks it away in her tail.
  44. "So do you have a name?"
  45. >"Hmm? Oh! Right. Sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle."
  46. >Twilight smiles, a genuine smile rather than a polite one.
  47. "And I am Anonymous, though you already know that."
  48. >"Yes, Princess Luna passed along what you'd told her. It's a shame about your ship, unless someone comes for you, you may be stuck here for, well, forever."
  49. "If such is the will of the Force, then so be it."
  50. >Her expression lights up with curiosity.
  51. >"The Force?"
  52. "It's an energy field that surrounds all living things. We can discuss along the way, I am eager to be out of these ruins."
  53. >"Of course. We haven't fixed the bridge yet, so you'll have to jump across again."
  54. >You nod and begin to make your way to the entrance, briefly pausing to pick up and shoulder your pack of supplies.
  55. >As you exit the castle and approach the chasm, a thought occurs to you.
  56. "If the bridge is still out, how did you--"
  57. >Twilight vanishes in a flash of energy, reappearing on the far side a moment later.
  58. >She watches with interest as you leap across to join her.
  59. >"Is it your Force that lets you jump so far?"
  60. "I wouldn't presume to claim ownership of it, but yes."
  61. >"How does it work?"
  62. >Her note-taking equipment comes back out, and she waits for your answer.
  63. "Well, as I said, the Force surrounds and penetrates all living things. Most beings cannot sense it, but there are those like myself that can feel it, hear its wisdom, and, with training, call on it for aid."
  64. >"Its wisdom?"
  65. "The exact nature of it is unclear, but the Force is not simply a passive source of power. It whispers, guiding those that can hear it. Even untrained, those sensitive to the Force will show improved reflexes, reacting before they are even consciously aware of what is happening."
  66. >Twilight's quill works quickly, racing across the parchment to record your words.
  67. >"So what does it sound like?"
  68. >You chuckle.
  69. "It doesn't literally speak, it's more like... glimpses of things yet to happen, realization of knowledge you've never learned."
  70. >"You can see the future?!"
  71. "In general, no more than a few seconds ahead, and most often centered on an immediate danger. Useful for defending oneself, or those nearby."
  72. >"But it can do more?"
  73. >Her surprise has lessened, but you can still feel the eagerness in her voice.
  74. "Events of significance are sometimes preceded by premonitions, but ultimately it is up to the Force what it shares, and with whom."
  75. >"What sorts of things has it told you?"
  76. "Most recently, it led me to this planet, though it neglected to mention a few of the things I ran into along the way."
  77. >The scratching of her quill pauses briefly as she switches to a fresh roll of parchment.
  78. >"It led you here? Is something going to happen? What did you see?"
  79. "I didn't have any visions. I found a set of hyperspace coordinates--a sort of map for galactic travel, and after checking the route for any known hazards, followed them here."
  80. >Her note-taking stops.
  81. >"So wait, if you just found a map, how do you know it was the Force brought you here?"
  82. "Because according to all Republic records, there isn't /anything/ at these coordinates,"
  83. >You spread your arms wide, indicating the planet around you.
  84. "and since I seem to be your first offworld visitor, I doubt the addict that wrote the coordinates in his dying ramblings had any idea of what they were, much less where they led."
  85. >Twilight seems to accept your answer, her quill resuming its work.
  86. >"That seems like an odd way for the Force to communicate."
  87. "I've no disagreement there, but we can't exactly ask it why it does what it does. We can only do our best to understand its intent."
  88. >Rather abruptly, the forest you've been walking through ends, leaving you next to a small cottage.
  89. >"So why do you think you're here?"
  90. "I might have a better idea once I learn more, but there are a few possibilities. Someone has gone to great lengths to hide this planet, and it could be the Force has decided it's time for you to rejoin the galaxy."
  91. >Your path takes you around the cottage, and you catch a glimpse of pink mane in one of the windows before it ducks out of sight.
  92. >"What's it like on other planets?"
  93. >Her curiosity has resurfaced.
  94. "That depends a lot on what planet, and where on the planet as well. Coruscant, the center of the Republic, is a sight to see. A single, massive city, covering the entire planet."
  95. >Twilight's eyes go wide.
  96. "The view from the Jedi temple is simply amazing. The senate plaza off in the distance, and all the traffic going past..."
  97. >"It sounds wonderful."
  98. "There are many fine sights in the galaxy, and I've seen my fair share of them. Perhaps if some of my lost supplies turn up, I can show you pictures."
  99. >Her eyes light up.
  100. >"I'd really like that."
  101. >Cresting a hill, you find yourself looking at a picturesque village.
  102. >"Here we are, Ponyville. And if you look over there, you can see Cloudsdale, and Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. I guess you'll be going there once the princesses are ready for you."
  103. >True to her words, you can see a city built into the side of a mountain, its spires poking out from the mountain's silhouette, as well as...
  104. "Is that... a city made of clouds?"
  105. >"It is. Pegasi feel more at home in the air, and since they can stand on clouds, it made sense for them to just use that instead of having to use magic to make regular materials float."
  106. >That doesn't make sense at all, as far as you know clouds.
  107. >You've seen some strange things in your travels, but that was mostly in the form of unusual lifeforms, not whatever this is.
  108. "Well worth taking a picture of, I'd say. For all its charms, there is a lot of sameness to the galaxy. A single planet may have its own style, but it is still set on the same foundation as the rest of the Republic. What you have here is, to my knowledge, entirely unique."
  109. >By now, you're close enough to Ponyville that you can start to see ponies going about their business.
  110. >Like the initial four you've met, there is an incredible amount of variance between individuals.
  111. >"Hopefully nopony overreacts, there's been a lot of rumors going around since your ship crashed."
  112. "I can imagine, it's not every day that someone falls out of the sky."
  113. >"Unless you live underneath Flight School, anyway."
  114. >Twilight giggles a bit, her joke mostly lost on you.
  115. >You assumed it was a pegasus thing.
  116. >Four ponies were waiting for you at the edge of Ponyville.
  117. >Two of them you recognized from yesterday, the blue pegasus and orange pony, and there was also a very pink pony, along with a white unicorn.
  118. >Once they see your approach, the pink one started bouncing up and down, while the other three simply watch.
  119. "I see there's a welcoming committee."
  120. >"Hmm? Oh, my friends. I'm sure Pinkie has some kind of welcoming party planned, but mostly they're just making sure we made it all right; the forest... isn't always the safest place."
  121. "And yet you went in alone to get me."
  122. >An awkward silence falls as you cover the last short stretch to the town.
  123. >Almost immediately, Pinkie was bouncing right in front of you, speaking so quickly you could barely understand her.
  124. >You're pretty sure she started by welcoming you, followed by a stream of questions.
  125. >"Pinkie, you need to slow down, I can't follow what you're saying, and I'm used to you."
  126. >Her bouncing ceases, and she looks up at you with a massive smile on her face.
  127. >"Anyway, before she starts up again... Anonymous, I'd like you to meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity."
  128. >Twilight indicates each of her friends in turn as she introduces them.
  129. >"Fluttershy is, well, shy, plus she's still shaken up from yesterday, but hopefully you'll get a chance to meet her properly before too long."
  130. "Indeed, our initial meeting was rather unfortunate. Perhaps--"
  131. >Your view suddenly fills with pink, a pair of large blue eyes the only notable landmark.
  132. >"You're really tall, is everypony like that where you're from?"
  133. "Uh... I suppose many sentients are bipedal at least, but actual height varies quite a bit."
  134. >"Neat!"
  135. >Pinkie pulls back from her intrusion of your face and turns to leave, humming a tune as she hops away.
  136. >Twilight shakes her head, a little smile hinting at amusement.
  137. >"You never know what you're going to get with her. Still, I'd expect some kind of party, throwing parties is her one constant."
  138. "She certainly seems enthusiastic."
  139. >"That's one way to describe her. Let's get to the library so we can sit for a bit, it's been a long walk."
  140. >The others all nod, and you begin the walk through town.
  141. >Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of rubbernecking as everyone tries to get a look at you, and plenty of whispering as well.
  142. >Some of the more inquisitive ones follow after you, but for the most part they return to what they were doing after getting a look.
  143. >Reaching the main street, you finally have a good view of the tree in the center of town.
  144. >While still alive, it looks to have been carefully hollowed out to serve as a building.
  145. >Quite a feat, considering the size of the thing.
  146. >Twilight walked up to its door, turning to look at you with a smile.
  147. >"Golden Oak library, my home here in Ponyville."
  148. "It looks lovely."
  149. >"It really is, especially if you have a love of knowledge."
  150. >She uses her telekinesis to open the door, and motions for you to follow her in, closing the door behind you.
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