
BRLTTY - Success - Focus 14 Blue

Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. D/ 3062): AJ: Inside open, channel:1, secure:false
  2. D/ 3062): AJ: createRfcommSocket
  3. D/BluetoothSocket_MTK( 3062): AJ: BlueToothSocket: type: 1, port:1, uuid:null
  4. I/BluetoothSocket_MTK( 3062): [JSR82] Bluetooth Socket Constructor
  5. I/BluetoothSocket_MTK( 3062): [JSR82] type=1 fd=-1 auth=true encrypt=true port=1
  6. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] initSocketNative +++.
  7. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] initSocketNative: start to initialize socket.
  8. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] type=1, auth=1, encrypt=1, port=1
  9. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] initSocketNative: Initialize socket done.
  10. E/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82] alloc context : index=4
  11. E/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82] Clear context : index=4, ctx.index=0, ctx.fd=0
  12. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] jsr82ConnectCond (4) initialization success
  13. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] jsr82ReadCond (4) initialization success <READ>
  14. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] jsr82RegisterCond (4) initialization success <REGISTER>
  15. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] initSocketNative ---. fdHandle=32772
  16. D/ 3062): AJ: before connect()
  17. D/BluetoothSocket_MTK( 3062): AJ: mSdp=null
  18. D/BluetoothSocket_MTK( 3062): AJ: mPort=1
  19. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] connectNative +++. fd=32772.
  20. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] Connect to remote device.....
  21. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] sAddr=10:00:E8:6C:21:03
  22. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] btmtk_jsr82_convert_string2bdaddr: <10:00:E8:6C:21:03>
  23. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] btmtk_jsr82_convert_string2bdaddr: <10:00:E8:6C:21:03> ==> <0x10, 0x00, 0xE8, 0x6C, 0x21, 0x03>
  24. I/brltty ( 3062): Android Speech Driver:
  25. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [MSG] Polling returned
  26. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [MSG] Start retrieve data
  27. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [MSG] fd 1 data ready
  28. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [MSG] nat->pollData[i].fd data ready : revents = 0x1
  29. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [MSG] msg 186 received : size=44
  30. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [GAP] receive message=186
  31. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [GAP] MSG_ID_BT_BM_LINK_STATE_IND linkno=1 addr=MTKBT/dev_10_00_E8_6C_21_03
  32. I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 246): [GAP] btmtk_paired_dev_cache_find: addr=0x6C2103:0xE8:0x1000
  33. I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 246): [GAP] btmtk_paired_dev_cache_find found
  34. I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 246): [GAP] btmtk_inquired_dev_cache_find: addr=0x6C2103:0xE8:0x1000
  35. I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 246): [GAP] btmtk_inquired_dev_cache_find found
  36. I/bluetooth_common.cpp( 246): [JNI][API] create_prop_array : name=Connected, type=b, len=0
  37. D/BluetoothEventLoop( 246): Device property changed: 10:00:E8:6C:21:03 property: Connected value: true
  38. D/BluetoothService( 246): [API] isBluetoothDock(10:00:E8:6C:21:03)
  39. V/ActivityManager( 246): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED flg=0x10000010 (has extras) } ordered=false
  40. I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 246): [MSG] Start polling
  41. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI][EventLoop] Recv JSR82 CNF/IND : 2617
  42. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] Event: EVENT_JSR82_MMI_CONNECT_CNF
  43. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] index=0, ps_type=1, l2cap_id=0, channel=1, identify=32772, result=1
  44. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] BD_ADDR <10, 0, e8, 6c, 21, 3>]
  45. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI] connectNative ---.
  46. D/ 3062): AJ: before pipe creation
  47. D/ 3062): AJ: before inputThread.start()
  48. I/BluetoothSocketService.cpp( 246): [JSR82][JNI][EventLoop] Recv JSR82 CNF/IND : 2648
  49. D/ 3062): AJ: Ok, return
  50. W/brltty ( 3062): Bluetooth: output: 00 00 00 00
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