
God save the Queen!

Nov 17th, 2015
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  1. This plan was going to be Perfect!
  3. “You know there’s a good reason why no-one really tries this shit right?” You were being badgered by the holy Badger whom you’d mistakenly bestowed the gift of mind eons ago in a vain attempt to gain some semblance of a following.
  5. “Oh hush you… I’ve been waiting for this moment for far too long to stop now.” You cajoled focused utterly on the legend which you’d been busy constructing, the conduit of power which would serve to reinforce you as your hero made her journey which would define the next thousand years in your name.
  7. “You know how many things can just go wrong? Seriously, you’d think you gave all your smarts to me.” The unholy yammering spirit beast continued, sometimes it was just best to tune the dammed thing out, especially after the fact that you’d made it into one of the potential channels though which worship would flow to you. Beggars just couldn’t be choosers and you’d never been anything other than a beggar among the highest of this world.
  9. But that could change. That would change!
  11. You were going to make it change and you were going to craft the most spectacular of stories the world had ever known, it would be more impressive than that walk west that one of your lazier contemporaries had crafted. Never mind the number of monsters that legend had attracted. Dammed lucky bastard... you’d had to scrimp and scrounge to make the kind of attraction points that that lazy ass had stumbled his way into for your own legend.
  13. No, you’d ensured that whatever happened there would be an epic tale to be gained from the quest of you champion, grand power hidden away in the folds of that which is... Once this came off right, you’d be practically swimming in more divine power than you could even dream of, enough that you’d be able to maybe even establish your own pantheon!
  15. Oh you wanted it... you wanted it soooo bad.
  17. It had been millennia since you’d decided that you’d risk it all on this gamble, millennia of slowly gathering the divine power, of checking and rechecking, of scrounging off the over abundant scraps of other stronger gods, and avoiding the Elder Hunters whom you couldn’t afford to clash with.
  19. You shivered... gods too had their predators, and it took a strong god full on worship to be able to defend itself from those... things.
  21. “Look Ration, I know exactly what I’m doing ok... I planned this for too long, sacrificed too much to get this far. I’m so close so very close, soon I will be invincible!!!! Heh... heh... Hehahahahahahahahahahah!!!” You couldn’t help it, sometimes a good laugh was needed to express to the world your joy!
  23. “And even if you do everything perfectly... it’s pretty obvious that other gods are probably going to kick some interference in your way. Especially any established ones that share domains.” The little ball of demi-divine fur pointed out.
  25. Bah, as if you didn’t know that, you’d already planned on how to deal with such… interlopers. You’d made sure to spend some extra power on nudging notice away from everything you’d set up... so much so that even you couldn’t remember everything you’d set in motion, just that it would be utterly glorious once it reached its height.
  27. “I’m not an idiot you know. I’ve made preparations, I’ve set everything in motion... this legend will be glorious. All the oracles have had the appropriate whispers set for their ears, the mad prophets should start up timed just right, and all the shrouds of mystery are in place. Believe me, Nothing Can Go Wrong!” You spoke with a minor divine edit, one more bit of reinforcement on the structure of everything you’d set.
  29. The creature beside you sighed. “What kind of start did you make on this then? If I may so humbly ask?”
  31. “Heh, even better… I’ll show you the beginning of my champion!” You grinned like the madness itself. “Since Lust is my primary domain I cobbled together some basics for my champion, she’s going to be awesome!”
  33. “I can’t hear enough about it...” The badger spirit deadpanned. You ignored him of course as you carried on talking.
  35. “I chose a…”
  38. [] Modest royal family to give birth to her, you know so that she could get the power to really affect societal change from the get go. I figured it’d be worth it for getting worship of me to spread down the ranks. Though I’ll have to put in some extra work in getting her moving. Satisfaction in life makes motivation harder. On the other hand a legendary Queen is easy enough, so long as I make some effort to make her distinct. (High Social power, Medium Financial power, Low initial Motivation, Medium difficulty legend Management)
  39. [] Affluent merchant family to give birth to her, you know so she could really gather the power riches that would make her legend possible… sure I’ll probably have to have her loose them at some point, for the drama of it, but she’ll have the skills to make whatever money she gets work for her. She’ll probably be fairly motivated too... at least after I take everything from her. But I’ll probably have to work extra hard on pushing her legend, making a merchant into a legend is hard work. (High-Initial Financial power, Medium Motivation, Moderate Social power, High difficulty Legend Management)
  40. [] Dirt-poor peasant family to give birth to her, you know for that rags to riches story, the kind of legend that captivates the minds of all and makes peasants think they can be somebody if they try. Lack of initial resources will likely make it hard keeping her alive and kicking at first but keep the legend moving and it’s a story that’ll practically tell itself. And thankfully as the chosen one they’ll probably jump to get off the dirt farm for something better. (Low Social power, Low Financial power, High Motivation, Low difficulty Legend Management)
  43. “And then I crafted a few blessings for her too…”
  45. (Choose 2)
  46. [] She’s going to be a hell of a looker. ‘The Fairest one of all’. Men will see her face and want her like crazy. Her beauty’s going to be a legend in itself!
  47. [] She’s going to have a magic touch, kiss her once and men will be addicted, fuck her and she’ll own their world.
  48. [] She’s going to have a voice like a Siren, she’ll make men soil their pants in lust when she serenade them. Her voice will be wonder and fury like no other.
  49. [] She’s going to always know the right words to say to elicit the feelings she desires. She’ll shape hearts and minds of men if given a chance to speak.
  50. [] She’s going to heal men with the faintest of kisses, and make them mighty in intimacy with her. The men who stand beside her will find themselves stronger for it.
  51. [] She’s going to
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