

Aug 14th, 2021
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  1. Patch that polishes the game
  2. before another long wait for a big update.
  3. We also have a patreon. It's in the discord for those inclined.
  5. + better eye relief
  6. + changes to suppression
  7. + disabling textures kills decals and textures too
  8. + improvements to selecting attachments
  9. + new M4 handguards can now have grips mounted to the side
  10. + night vision UI separated from main UI
  11. + Makarov base damage 26 -> 33
  12. + switching weapons is faster now
  14. - tree hitbox fixes
  15. - fixed map limits
  16. - map rotation
  17. - baseplayerweight disables serverside anticheat now w/ shobfix
  18. - leaderboard playercount was fixed
  19. - adjust night vision
  20. - fixed previews for switch-weapon
  21. - adjust restricted zones for both maps
  22. - fixed overlays being visible in the lobby
  23. - fixed the xm177 car stock name
  24. - weapon-switching bug should be patched
  25. - clientside text filter bug fixed
  26. - more bullet drop
  27. - reupload the breathing
  28. - chat is now scrollable
  29. - obstruction when prone fixed
  30. - chat is not selectable when invisible anymore
  31. - import new afghanistan
  32. - reticle options are available again, had to switch from a custom solution to using "attributes"
  33. - builder errors no longer kill the loadout
  34. - magwells no longer clip the magazine on the m4
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