
she's my fav [Scootaloo]

Oct 12th, 2016
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  1. >Scootaloo's tail has been up all day
  2. >you can see her dripping honey
  3. >you swear she winked her clit RIGHT at you
  4. >you can't stand it anymore, you're going for it
  5. >you climb up on top of that orange back, hooves in front of her wings, expecting her to shove you off
  6. >surprisingly, she doesn't
  7. >"oh hey Anon, you gonna have sex with me? I was hoping SOMEpony would
  8. >It's my first time, so like, be good at it, okay? I'll tell all the other fillies you were good."
  9. >You suddenly balk, not sure what to do
  10. >"Get in there, dude! Don't be shy, that's what it's for. I'm not gonna scream rape later, i'm not gonna make you wear a condom or anything. I want a foal! Ima teach it to SKATEBOARD!"
  11. >You enter Scoots' tight wet hole and start pounding, too overwhelmed by how good it feels to think about speed or pressure or any of the stuff you used to mentally practice when imagining your first time
  12. >"Fuuuuck yeah! Your dick feels great, Anon!"
  13. >you manage to get her to a screaming orgasm, even though it meant continuing on after you were already spent. But she deserves it. Her voice is actually cracking when she speaks
  14. >"Next time I'm horny, I'm coming to you. But right now I have to finish getting this math problem on the board before Miss Cheerilee thinks I'm retarded"
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