
Text Adventure Chapter 83 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. “Charm, I promise you I will do everything I can to help. If that involves moving mountains, then consider it done. I wish I could talk more, I'm sorry, my train leaves soon and I have to go.”
  2. >”Anonymous?”
  3. >You turn back to Charm to see what she wants.
  4. >”... Thank you… thank you so much. For everything.”
  5. >You smile to her, and give her a proper goodbye.
  6. >You hug each other with more control, and you and Red wave goodbye.
  7. >”We’ll be back soon enough, don’t worry!”
  8. “Remember what I said.”
  9. >Charm nods and waves back, tears still brimming as you and Red exit into the lobby.
  10. >As you both start walking back to the front desk, you speak to your marefriend.
  11. “Red, you really are something, you know that? Thank you for your help with Charm. It never would’ve gone so well without you.”
  12. >”I think it would’ve went better than you think. You’re going to make a great doctor, Anon.”
  13. >Gh.
  14. “Y-you too.”
  15. >Red giggles a bit at your post-emotional spaghetti, and you reach the receptionist’s attention a moment later.
  16. >”Welcome back. Did the meeting fare well?”
  17. “Pretty well. Thanks for telling me she was here. I think I’m ready to start buying now.”
  18. >”One moment!”
  19. >...
  21. [Mi Amore Hospital] - Head of Council: Miracle Shine
  22. >”Alright, here’s the cart. Take your time and tell me what you want!”
  24. -Medkit (“The standard-issue first aid kit.”) [20 bits]
  25. -Supply Medkit (“It’s the same kit, but more portable and less weighty.”) [35 bits]
  26. -Isopropyl Alcohol (“Have to be careful with those wounds.”) [7 bits]
  27. -Roll of Gauze (“One time, my mother used this in stitching and made a gauze t-shirt. I wore it for halloween and pretended to be a mummy.”) [5 bits]
  28. -Needle & String (“For stitching, use with caution.”) [5 bits]
  29. -Set of Bandages (“I hate it when my foal gets into the bandage drawer and pretends he’s really hurt… Can’t say it isn’t cute, though.”) [10 bits]
  30. -Anesthetic (“This helps to ease the pain of more intense injuries, but too much will send them into a coma, so be careful.”) [100 bits]
  31. -Casting Agent (“Just heat it up and drench gauze in it, keep it slinged, and bones will heal in due time.”) [100 bits]
  32. -Sanitizer (“Always have to be clean and ready for action if you’re going to be messing with ponies’ bodies.”) [5 bits]
  33. -Doctor’s Mask (“Keeps your germs off the patient, a good policy to be followed.”) [10 bits]
  34. -Latex Hoof Gloves (“Oh, seems we don’t have any gloves with fingers at this hospital… But your friends, or Nurse Redheart here could use them!”) [10 bits per pair]
  35. -Doctor’s Coat (You already own this item.) [70 bits]
  36. -Practitioner’s Coat (“It comes with a lot of detailed instructions and special chemicals that can be put to great use by a master in the medical arts.”) [1,200 bits]
  37. -Healing Potion [Small (33% HP) | Medium (66% HP) | Large (100% HP) | Omega (125% Overheal)] {7/14/21/40 bits}
  38. -Mana Potion [Small (33% MP) | Medium (66% MP) | Large (100% MP) | Crystal (33%, used for other functions)] {12/24/36/12 bits}
  39. -Syringe (“You’ll need this to inject any chemicals and withdraw liquids.”) [50 bits per needle]
  40. -Doctor’s Kit (“This is a one of a kind item that usually only hospital heads or wardens possess. It’s a medkit with magical enchantments that really get the job done, and the supplies never run out, a permanent, re-usable medkit!”) [7,500 bits]
  42. >”Is there anything you’d like to take with you?”
  44. -Buy
  45. -Sell
  46. -Talk to Receptionist
  47. -Exit
  51. >You have selected Doctor’s Kit (7,500 bits)
  52. >Total: 7,500 bits
  53. >Do you want to buy this item? Y/N
  57. >Y
  58. >You have bought the Doctor’s Kit (+100% healing effectiveness, +25% Overheal, dispells all physical and mental status effects, 7 turn CD in combat, grants ability Clinical Cutthroat)!
  59. >Your bit pouch: 2,102 bits
  61. [QUEST ITEM COMPLETE: Become a Legendary Doctor - Doctor’s Kit (1/1)]
  62. [LEARNED CLINICAL CUTTHROAT (Steal the life from an enemy and bottle it for later use, creates Small Healing Potion, usable once per battle)]
  64. >You hold the kit within your hands, feeling the power of the enchantments within with your own magical sensing.
  65. >”I hope you do well with it, champion!”
  66. >The receptionist wheels away the cart as you stand there with this new bonified instrument of healing, and you look at Redheart.
  67. “This might help us a little, don’t you think?”
  68. >”Just a tad…”
  69. >You both laugh and smile at the fortune you’ve been shown on this quest.
  70. “Oh, here.”
  71. [You give Redheart 2 Supply Medkits.]
  72. >”Oh, thank you.”
  73. “Alright, we should get going.”
  74. >You take a quick look at the time and see that it is 5:00 P.M.
  75. >Getting out of the hospital, you and Redheart step out into the fresh, crisp air and begin trekking towards the Train Station.
  76. >”Take a look around, Anon. It’ll be a while before we ever come back here.”
  77. “Yeah, that’s right. I’ve spent more time here than I have in Ponyville or anywhere else, so it feels most like home. Then again, I’m getting tired of looking at crystals.”
  78. >”Ditto…”
  79. >Is there anything you’d like to do on the way?
  83. >Inspect Overheal
  84. [...It’s overheal. What else can you possibly say about it? Like, if you got a person with 100 HP and you use the kit on them, they’ll have 125 for a while. No clue what got confused here.]
  85. [Can’t check for conductors here!]
  87. >...
  88. >You ended up having to cross the city to get to the station.
  89. >It wasn’t apparent until now, but the stores are on the other side from the station, oddly enough.
  90. >That’s bad planning, but then again these ponies aren’t as needy of such intricate specialties.
  91. >You reach your destination around 5:40 P.M., giving you just enough time to get with your party and get on the train.
  92. >Sure enough, when you and Red walk into the doors, you see the train outside of the window and your whole party within the booth, along with Twilight and her friends.
  93. “Hey, we’re back.”
  94. >”Howdy!”
  95. >”NONNY, REDDY!”
  96. >”Welcome aboard the main train, brother!”
  97. >”Oh lookie here, took ‘em long enough.”
  98. >”Cutting it pretty close, aren’t we?”
  99. >You and Red rejoin everyone as Twilight greets you specifically.
  100. >Now at this point, it seems all of the so called ‘Elements of Harmony’ are wearing their magical necklaces, now.
  101. >”Hello again, Anon. Did your last day go well?”
  102. “Pretty good, can’t complain. Actually, it’s one of the few days we’ve had without any hiccups, so that’s a good sign.”
  103. >Twilight smiles with genuine happiness.
  104. >”That’s great to hear. You guys will have no problem at the Hive, I can already feel it!”
  105. >Gable snorts.
  106. >”Let’s not get carried away, now.”
  107. >Rarity of all ponies seethes at him with such intensity, even he backs away.
  108. >”Hush, you ruffian! You’re all going to end this monster if it’s the last thing you do! Now, Anonymous, Applejack and Pinkie Pie have something to discuss with you.”
  109. >You turn to the two members of your party in interest.
  110. >Their faces already tell you it’s not good news, frowns with eyes glued to the ground.
  111. >AJ clears her throat and looks back up, deciding whatever she has to tell you would be better done swiftly.
  112. >”Anon, we gotta go with Twi out to the Winsome Falls. Celestia sent her a letter saying there’s some major shadow activity down there that just popped up last night. Since you’re busy with the Hive and all, we need ta keep the elements together so our friends aren’t in danger.”
  113. >Pinkie nods along with her as she speaks.
  114. >”We tried to find another way, but we can’t just leave them out there! That’s not being a good friend at all!”
  115. “How much activity?”
  116. >Twilight speaks now.
  117. >”Remember when we first saw that hallway at the Palace? It’s like that, just spread out all over the falls. Winsome Village and all of the ponies there are in danger, and we need to go help. I’m sorry to take them away from you when you need them most, but this is a dire situation. It’s okay, right?”
  118. >You look back at AJ and Pinkie.
  119. >You’ve been through so much together already.
  120. >But they’re needed elsewhere, now.
  121. >Their best friends need them in this hour of darkness, it seems.
  122. >There is a possibility you can talk them out of this, however you’re unsure if you should.
  123. >What do you say?
  127. >You give a long, thoughtful sigh before speaking.
  128. “I’ll admit, I’m almost a little insulted.”
  129. >Twilight’s ears fall to her sides.
  130. >”...I-”
  131. “If you gals need to be together, you shouldn’t feel the need to ask me permission.”
  132. >”Wh-Oh! Wow, you scared me there, haha. We just believed that because you’re leading this expedition you should get to decide whether your, you know, ‘soldiers’ should go or not, but I’m very glad you understand.”
  133. “Of course. We all have the same goal, right? Kick Bane’s ass back to wherever it came from?”
  134. >Twilight and her friends stifle a laugh.
  135. >”Yes, I suppose so.”
  136. >You then turn back to AJ and Pinkie.
  137. “You gals go ahead; having seen the way you two handle yourselves, I wouldn't be surprised if you all kicked the shit out of the shadow out there and still beat us to Appleloosa. But just the same... take care, huh? I don't know what I'd do if any of you got hurt.”
  138. >”..Aww shucks, Anon.”
  139. >”We won’t get hurt, totally promise!”
  140. >You reach out your arms and they both lean in for hugs, and you all embrace each other with the passion of fire-forged friends.
  141. “I know you have to leave… I’m going to really miss you guys. Pinkie, keep practicing that dodging, I don’t wanna see a scratch on you!”
  142. >It’s a wonderful feeling in your stomach as you stand up, the two joining Twilight’s side.
  143. [Applejack has left the party.]
  144. [Pinkie Pie has left the party.]
  145. “Twilight, do me a favor and drill these guys in all the magic you can. I want it in their heads so much they’re as good as me!”
  146. >The purplesmart pony smirks slyly.
  147. >”Oh, so just a lesson or two, then?”
  148. “Salty. Oh, AJ, mind if I get that Pickaxe back since you won’t be coming with us?”
  149. >”Sure thang.”
  150. [Applejack gives you her Pickaxe.]
  151. >Once the exchange is made, the goodbyes are thrown between the party.
  152. >Redheart speaks to AJ and Pinkie first.
  153. >”It seems just like yesterday you two were looking with me through the window in that hospital, admiring the Cakes’ new foals, huh?”
  154. >”Yeah… A long time.”
  155. >”I miss those cute widdle babies…”
  156. >Red then leans in and hugs them both tightly.
  157. >”I’ll miss you guys too… We’ll see each other soon, right?”
  158. >”You betcha, nurse.”
  159. >”Friends forever, Reddy!”
  160. >”Friends forever, Pinkie.”
  161. >She lets them go and lets the others continue.
  162. >Iron Will fist/hoofpumps them.
  163. >”We didn’t get to spend much time not fightin’ together, but Iron Will knows a good set of ponies when he sees them. … Maybe when this all blows over, we can share a good drink and some better stories, oh yeah!”
  164. >The three start laughing together in jovial bliss.
  165. >”Ya know, we might take ya up on that offer.”
  166. >Iron gives them one last salute before turning back.
  167. >The pair look at Gable next, so he slowly walks up to them, extending his hand.
  168. >He shakes their hooves with a firm nod and leaves them with one of his very rare genuine smiles.
  169. >”It’s been an honor. Thanks for not killing me when I first joined.”
  170. >”Well, thanks for not totally gutting Nonny! At least everything worked out, right?”
  171. >”That’s true. And believe me, I was close ta doin’ it too. … I’m sure glad I got to know ya, Gable. Seein’ anyone as strong as you is always an inspiration.”
  172. >”I’m no inspiration. Just a fighter.”
  173. >They nod at each other one more time before leaving the final pony.
  174. >Berry scratches her head, looking at the two.
  175. >”So, uh, not really good at goodbyes.”
  176. >”Niether am I, but ah’m tryin’. It was a wild ride watchin’ you, BP.”
  177. >”Fuck you.”
  178. >”Love ya too.”
  179. >They smirk at each other.
  180. >Pinkie runs up and hugs her before she can react.
  181. >”It’s okay, not everypony’s good at everything! Ooh, I’m gonna miss you Berry!”
  182. >”Hh-yeaha… ...Huh.”
  183. >Pinkie and Berry slip away, looking at each other weirdly.
  184. >”...That felt weird.”
  185. “...Hhhhehehehahahahahaa! I just remembered, ohshit, come over here and watch this real quick. Twilight, Rarity, Flutters, Dash, you guys too!”
  186. >They both stare at you for a moment until you pull out your phone and switch to the second video, playing it for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
  187. >The instant the video pulls up, Berry starts smiling and Pinkie looks horrified.
  188. >>”Yeeeah, shake it!”
  189. >>”Look at those pink flanks, dude!”
  190. >>”Where’s my sandwich?”
  191. >>Pinkie gets tripped over by her own tail all of a sudden, and hangs onto Berry for balance, both of them cracking up.
  192. >>”’Eey Ponkie, didn’t know you were… hangin’ out!”
  193. >>They start laughing even more, and Pinkie pulls out another glass of cherry wine from… somewhere.
  194. >>”I wanna toast! mm… Toasty frosting…”
  195. >>Pinkie starts licking her lips in hunger, and the huge cartoonish tongue laps Berry’s cheek.
  196. >>”Whooaa, whoa... you missed, Pinkie.”
  197. >>”Huh?”
  198. >>Berry suddenly pulls her over and kisses her.
  199. >>Making out in the middle of the bar.
  201. >Their reaction is priceless.
  202. >Rarity starts fanning her face, trying not to look at Pinkie.
  203. >Dash is fucking rolling with Gable, Iron Will and Applejack who had not seen this yet.
  204. >Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all sit there staring blankly, massive blushing occuring.
  205. >Berry’s just chugging her flask.
  206. >You and Redheart sit there proudly with bigass grins on your faces, having concocted this scheme in the first place.
  207. >You decide to stop it around the halfway point as you see they’ve had enough.
  208. “Hopefully that answers that question.”
  209. >”Excuse me for a moment.”
  210. >Wow, Iron’s never been that polite.
  211. >He goes straight to the bathroom.
  212. >...Damnit.
  213. >Berry rolls her eyes and drags herself after him, leaving the rest of the ponies to contemplate what just happened.
  214. >It doesn’t take long for them to return at all, however.
  215. >”Sorry about that.”
  216. >”Yeah, you better be sorry.”
  217. >Ohshit, no wonder it was fast.
  218. >You speak again to break the sudden tension that just appeared.
  219. “Twilight, here. I still have this fake letter, can you check it just to make sure the letter she sent you wasn’t the shadow trying to split us up or anything?”
  220. [You give Twilight Celestia’s Forged/Fake Letter.]
  221. >”Oh, alright… No, it checks out. Remember Anon, now that Spike is up and about now, our mail line can’t be tampered with now. Thanks for the concern, though.”
  222. “Where is the little guy anyways?”
  223. >”He’s busy with the luggage. Don’t worry, he told me to tell you to bring him back a souvenir from White-Tail City when you go there.”
  224. “Alright. Tell him I will. Oh, and if you’re not gonna be at Appleoosa, how do we write letters to each other? Should I forward them to Celestia to send to you?”
  225. >”She actually planned ahead for that, and sent this to give to you! I nearly forgot!”
  227. >”This’ll let you send things straight to Spike, just like Princess Celestia does. Just… nothing too big, alright? It goes out of his throat, after all.”
  228. “Right, I’ll be careful.”
  229. >After that, you look around.
  230. >”Is something wrong?”
  231. “I… I really feel like I forgot something.”
  232. >”Forgot somepony, you mean?”
  233. >You whip around and see Wheaties and Gyro Gear all of a sudden, quite literally out of nowhere.
  234. “...Wha-”
  235. >”Pinkie thought it’d be nice to surprise you. We’ve been waiting all this time, it was killing me!”
  236. >”Y-yeah, but, uh, why are we here?”
  237. “I didn’t think I’d have time to actually visit you guys, and I was right on that hunch. So…”
  238. >Is there anything you’d like to say to Wheaties and Gyro, and to the rest of the ponies here?
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