
Obsidian Base Template

Dec 14th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. ---
  2. id: cat00
  3. idnum: 00
  4. category: cat
  5. title: Readable Note Name Here
  6. aliases: CAT00
  7. tags: cat, cat00
  8. class: cat
  9. cssclass:
  10. ---
  11. %%
  12. keys_that_i:: [[CAT0X Don't Need To See in Reading Mode]]
  13. especially_ones_that:: are just raw data instead of links.
  14. %%
  15. ###### [[CAT0X Whatever File|PREVIOUS]] | [[CAT01|NEXT]]
  17. # CAT00 Readable Note Name Here
  18. (intro:: This is a brief description of the file that will appear in dataview tables and such to provide further context.)
  20. ## Indexes
  21. ```dataview
  22. LIST FROM #dir AND #cat00 WHERE !contains(excluded_index, SORT idnum ASC
  23. ```
  24. ## Associated
  25. * [[CAT0X Any Related Files I May Need To Click on A Lot Can Go Here]]
  26. * [including_any_keys:: [[CAT0X I Want To See Here]]]
  27. * [reference:: [[CAT0X And References That Apply To The Whole Note]]]
  28. ## Extra Headings
  29. * are used for certain categories and may include manually made or dataview-generated lists,
  30. * like the "Children" heading under fictional characters,
  31. * which has a dv list of any character listing that file as its parent.
  33. ---
  34. # Main Note
  35. This is where the "actual" content starts, although 90% of what I use ends up being the various links as I hop around double-checking information when writing, or the metadata as I query and compare things. There is a lot of content baked into the vault & note structure.
  37. But anything that needs further elaborating can go here.
  39. ## The Structure in This "Main Note" Area
  41. * is pretty freeform.
  42. * Whatever that particular document needs can be accommodated for.
  44. As sections get really long and fleshed-out, they can be cut into their own entries and linked instead.
  46. I try to minimize how much scrolling I have to do, but I don't want to overdo the outlinks either. It's a delicate balancing act.
  48. ---
  49. # Questions & Ideas
  50. * I put anything I may need to think about or be aware of the next time I use this concept/thing here,
  51. * like if I've realized a plot hole in a character's backstory or am questioning the accuracy of my sources.
  53. ---
  54. # Change Log
  55. * This is where I keep track of any major changes.
  56. * Anything I might forget, like changes to a character's name or my understanding of an idea, go here.
  58. ---
  59. # Footnotes
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