

Mar 15th, 2018
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  1. The central debate need not even invoke genetics, an ethnostate, or the rights of a group to exist.
  3. The central debate is about, if you like the values of the West, until such a time as you can convert non-whites to these values, you should limit their growth and support the growth of the European population which actually is the source and host for the spectrum of values you like. And this should be explicitly so, because if it isnt it wont last.
  5. Everything else is running away unless it is rigorously trying to hash out details, which it isnt in these cases. The record of diversity is clear, as is the record of white nationhood. From demanding a performative ideal of white behavior to kvetching about authoritarianism as an automatic no-no to defining white stupidly or pretending you cant is just evasiveness. Questions you know wont have a definitive answer, but also questions where ther subjectivity doesnt really matter since exactness isnt required. You seem to think we are trying to construct a utopia, when our societies did exist no less, when really we are trying to arrest an issue and inject white racialism back into politics to do so. It's the difference between hitting a target lying somewhere in the endzone, and just scoring in the endzone. Just needs to return to a tolerable level where we dont have Boaz and Zangwill to deal with.
  7. clips
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