Guest User

bdo commands list

a guest
Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. /channel join <CHANNEL_ID>
  2. /channel leave
  3. /channel show
  4. /location
  5. /rescue
  6. /server version
  7. /server online
  8. /server gametime
  9. /weather
  11. /bag add [itemId] [count] (Optional: [enchantLevel]
  12. /bag addtoplayer [playerName] [itemId] [count] (Optional: [enchantLevel])
  13. /ban chat [characterName] [minutes]
  14. /ban account [characterName] [minutes]
  15. /ban player [characterName] [minutes]
  16. /ban ip [characterName] [minutes]
  17. /ban hwid [characterName] [minutes]
  18. /ban jail [characterName] [minutes]
  19. /ban unban [characterName] [chat|jail|account|player|ip|hwid]
  20. /location
  21. /pc announce [text]
  22. /pc kick [playerName]
  23. /pc giftonline [itemId] [count] (Optional: [enchantLevel])
  24. /pc setlevel [level]
  25. /pc addcash [cashCount]
  26. /pc addtendency [tendencyCount]
  27. /pc addwp [wpCount]
  28. /pc addexp [expCount]
  29. /pc addskillexp [expCount]
  30. /pc addskillpoints [pointsCount]
  31. /pc addlifeexp [lifeType] [expCount]
  32. /pc addfitnessexp [fitnessType] [expCount]
  33. /pc addexploreexp [nodeKey] [expCount]
  34. /pc addknowledge [cardId] [cardLevel]
  35. /pc addtitle [titleId]
  36. /pc clearskilllist
  37. /pc clearcooltime
  38. /pc openmap
  39. /pc info
  40. /pc gmspeed [level]
  41. /pc heal
  42. /pc debugdmg
  43. /pc kms
  44. /pc clearbuffs
  45. /tp monster [npcId] (Optional: [dialogIndex])
  46. /tp player [playerName]
  47. /tp recall [playerName]
  48. /tp coord [x] [y] [z]
  49. /tp town (Optional: [townId])
  51. /help
  52. /invis
  53. /quest start [groupId] [questId]
  54. /quest complete [groupId] [questId]
  55. /quest update [groupId] [questId] [stepIndex] [stepCount]
  56. /reload name [reloadableName] (ex: classbalance)
  57. /reload group [reloadableGroup] (ex: config/sqlite)
  58. /server shutdown [seconds]
  59. /server restart [seconds]
  60. /server abort
  61. /server stat threadpool
  62. /server memorydump
  63. /spawn restartAISector
  64. /spawn killnear
  65. /spawn klillid [creatureId]
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