Guest User


a guest
May 25th, 2019
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text 15.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. "ogarioCommands": {
  3. "comm1": "Feed me!",
  4. "comm2": "Split into me!",
  5. "comm3": "Run",
  6. "comm4": "Daddy fucking noob ",
  7. "comm5": "big enemy here stay close",
  8. "comm6": "Tank the virus!",
  9. "comm7": "Eat the virus!",
  10. "comm8": "Let's bait!",
  11. "comm9": "wait",
  12. "comm0": "Fuck!",
  13. "comm10": "Tricksplit!",
  14. "comm11": "come",
  15. "comm12": "c3",
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  20. "comm17": "Double Popsplit",
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  22. "comm19": "Canonsplit",
  23. "comm20": "Reversed Canonsplit",
  24. "comm21": "Bowlingsplit",
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  27. "comm24": "ANTI alarm stage 1",
  28. "comm25": "ANTI alarm stage 2",
  29. "comm26": "ANTI alarm stage 3",
  30. "comm27": "ANTI alarm stage 4",
  31. "comm28": "ANTI alarm stage 5",
  32. "comm29": "Presplit",
  33. "comm30": "Party Run tricks"
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