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A Late Christmas Tale (RP logs)

a guest
Jan 6th, 2016
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  1. >'twas the night before Christmas, and all the world seemed to be at peace. Elise's two-story home was quiet, and downstairs the gentle smell of smoke was still slightly in the air from the recently used fireplace. A safe distance away from the fireplace, a Christmas tree stood tall, its branches lavishly decorated. And below, a modest pile of gifts waited for Elise's friends to come over tomorrow to share presents and eat a hearty Christmas meal. Elise herself slept in her second floor bedroom. Outside her window, a strong snow fall turned the whole world into a blur, with the street lamps across the street nothing but pale distant glows.
  2. Suddenly, though, there was a faint noise. Like something dragging across a surface, followed by faint ringing sounds. The silences before and after it were so deep that Elise woke up, though the sound hadn't been too loud. It sounded like someone was moving, downstairs.
  4. Elise was a bit too old to still believe in fairytales of Santa Claus. She slipped out of her bed, wearing her PJ's, and walked slowly to the door of her room. Pushing it gently open, she hoped that it wouldn't give away her position. On naked feet, she snuck out into the corridor to find out if it had been just a dream that tricked her into believing there was someone downstairs.
  6. >At first, it almost seemed she must have imagined the noise. But sneaking to the top of the stairs leading down, she heard it again. A slight dragging noise, followed by ringing. It was coming from the living room, where all of her friends' gifts were.
  8. Her first thought was that someone was trying to help themselves to some nice gifts she had bought just for her friends. She wouldn't let them get away with that. Calling the police was no option. The intruders would be gone by then. Grabbing the closest heavy item that can be turned into a makeshift club, she started to sneak down the stairs. What she held was a heavy bronze statuette, which would certainly cause damage if she managed to hit with it. Right then, it seemed more likely that her heartbeat would give her away rather than the silently creaking stairs.
  10. >When she snuck to the bottom of the stairs, Elise found her intruder in the living room. He hadn't heard her, though. He was bent over by the Christmas tree, fiddling with the gifts below, with a big burlap sack by his side. At first she thought he was wearing a big fur coat, but as he turned to the side to take something out of the sack, she got a better look of him, lit by the lights on the Christmas tree.
  11. >He seemed to be a reindeer man, with a big muscly body covered in fur, and antlers sticking out from the top of his head. His snout was thick, and aside from his fur he wore nothing but red undies around his waist, and an X-shaped leather harness on his torso, which was lined with jingle bells (the origin of the ringing sound). He was on his hands and knees, his stubby tail swinging left and right in a jolly way as he did whatever he was doing.
  13. Taking a deep breath, her mind still booting up, she charged the intruder. "You're a bit late for Haloween you son of a…" Just as she was about to crash into him she stopped and stared in confusion, though. That was definitely no costume. It looked just too lifelike to be latex or something. The realization freezes her right behind the reindeer man and the statue she held drops to the ground.
  15. >The reindeer man let out a startled yelp when she spoke, and hastily stood up, his antlers causing the branches of the Christmas tree to wobble. "I'm so sorry, you weren't supposed to wake up", he said in a deep but hushed voice. "Uh, I'm just a dream! Go back to bed!" He made a pleading grin. There was a velvet pouch hanging from the side of his undies. His hand fell to it, feeling the fabric.
  17. "Freeze, fuzzy!" Scared by whatever could be in that pouch, she bent to retrieve the statue she'd dropped. The girl in her PJ's holding a bronze statue probably inherited from distant relative looked quite silly. "What is in that pouch? Is it a gun? Hands up. I have no idea who or what you are but you picked the wrong house to plunder…"
  19. >"Plunder?" The man said, sounding hurt. He did raise his hands though. The pouch looked too small to hold a gun, and in fact it didn't show the shape of any kind of a hard object inside. "I work for the North Pole. I'm here to give you more gifts." He nudged his long face at the pile of presents below the tree, which was certainly bigger than it had been before, with new boxes having appeared since Elise went to bed. When she's startled him, he'd been in the process of pulling another one out of the burlap sack, it lying halfway in the sack right now.
  21. "What… you…" She ignored him for a moment and stared at the gifts in disbelief. "You don't exist. You… I mean… this is… why?" Her mind seemed to be short of any explanation for the situation she was in. "So… you brought me gifts. Like Santa Claus does. You broke into my home to leave gifts for me…." She found a chair and sat down for a moment. The room seemed to spin around her.
  23. >"Well, yes. We use a little bit of Christmas magic so you don't notice all the extra gifts you didn't buy. Or you remember buying them, but won't stress out over where you got the money. Can I lower my hands now?" The reindeer asked. He was standing good three paces from her, but she could smell him. He smelled of gingerbread and mulled wine and muscot. All Christmasy smells.
  25. "I… what?" She still pointed the statue at the intruder like it could cast magical lightning to strike him down. Her world had just turned upside down. Setting the statue down on the small table next to her she stared at the additional gifts. "Uhm… sure. I think if you wanted to do something to me you could have surprised me in the sleep instead of… leaving presents..."
  27. >"I must have forgotten to cast the sleeping spell to make sure you don't wake up", the man said a bit sadly and lowered his arms. "I'm sorry, it's my first year at this! I swear, it's always something." He frowned, and promptly sat on his ass on the carpet where he stood. He was tall enough that their faces were on the same level though she was in a chair. "Don't worry, I'll erase your memory later, so you don't have to worry about figuring all of this out."
  29. "What? Erasing my… no you won't! Sleep spell? What else is there? Plan to rape me in my sleep too? I don't care if you left presents for me, if you try to make me forget, that doesn't make you any more trustworthy!"
  31. >"I'm sorry, but I can't break the Christmas Secret!" The man apologised. "Don't worry, it doesn't have to be now. We're in a time bubble, so I'm not losing any time from my evening if we talk for a bit." He pointed at the window. The snowflakes outside were frozen in mid-air, not moving in the slightest. Even the grandfather clock in the living room was stopped, not having advanced since Elise entered. "And of course I wouldn't do anything like that to you. I work for Santa, for Christmas' sake!" He sounded hurt that she would make such an accusation.
  33. Elise lifted a plate with self-baked cookies and offered it to him. "Cookie? Did them myself. They're good."
  35. >The reindeer looked at her a bit suspiciously, taken aback by her sudden change in behavior. "Uh, I guess I'll have one..." He reached for them and took the one, biting into it. "So, I hope your Christmas has gone well..." He tried small talk to change the topic.
  37. "So you're telling me you come here in the name of Santa to bring me gifts and you stopped time? And when you're gone, I won't remember anything about it anymore. What should keep me from looking for the hidden camera? Do you have any proof for what you're saying? Why should I even let you go?"
  39. >"Well, for one thing, I've got magic, so you can't stop me even if you wanted", the man pointed out with his mouth full of cookie. "Also, have you seen anyone like me before? Do you think some hidden camera show would acquire a magic walking, talking reindeer just to prank you on Christmas night?" Finishing the cookie, he wiped crumbs off his lips and patted the pouch by his side. "I cast spells with this. I've got a little bit of powder inside, and I can do just about anything by using it." He smiled as he explained it.
  41. "Prove it." Her voice sounded cold and demanding. She'd seen a magician make a building vanish in front of a few hundred people. Whatever trick he would pull out of his pouch better be good.
  43. >"Really?" The reindeer man said. "Elise, you're just being silly. I'm pretty sure Santa is gonna write this on his list for next year, just so you know." Nevertheless, he put his fingers into the pouch, and retrieved a pinch of some sort of powder. Leaning closer, he flicked it at the woman, and it flew across the air, covering her in a cloud. She felt fresh air on her skin in places where her pyjamas had been covering her, and as the dust settled she found that she was now wearing a red miniskirt and a top, both lined with white fake fur, like a slutty Christmas elf costume.
  45. She jumped out of the seat and checked herself over. "Wow! You're the fastest magician I ever saw!" It's not like she saw many. At least not live. "I didn't even feel how you switched my clothes. It was so fast!" When she finally realised what exactly she was wearing she quirked an eyebrow at him. "So that's what you are thinking of when you look at me? Or did you pull that out of a present?"
  47. >The man shrugged slightly and gave a sheepish grin. "It was the first thing I thought of. Are you just teasing me, or have I proven my point?" He started to get up from his sitting posture, surprisingly agile despite his size and his hooves.
  49. "What else can you do? I've had men get me in something skimpier in an even shorter time than you did." A part of her felt bad about making him do tricks like a circus deer. Then again, it was a once in a lifetime chance.
  51. >The reindeer frowned again, too naïve to see through her ruse. "Well, here's something that only magic can do..." He took out another pinchful of dust and flicked it her way. After it enveloped her, she felt a brief pain from her forehead, from two points, and then felt something extend outward. Soon, two branched deer antlers were poking out of her skull, extending upwards. They were much smaller than her intruder's, slender and feminine.
  53. "Ouch what did you-" Her eyes grew wide as she felt the change. She ran off into the corridor and let out a shocked noise in front of her mirror. "That's impossible! These… these are real!" She walked back into her living room and stared at him. "Okay, okay… okayokayokay. So you're real. This is real magic and everything you said is true." She needed a moment to recover. "I don't mind wearing this outfit but you can turn these back before you leave, can you?" She pointed at the small antlers.
  55. >"Oh, of course. Don't worry, I'll clear everything up before I go", the reindeer said, but he sounded oddly preoccupied. Looking Elise up and down, he stroked his muscular chin for a bit. "Hmm... say, what would you think if I told you I need your help to Save Christmas?" The fingers of his other hand still stroked that pouch by his side.
  57. "I would believe you but I doubt I could do anything. I mean, I'm just a simple human. Well, with antlers now, but still. Now you're pulling my leg, aren't you?" She raised an eyebrow. The outfit together with the antlers made her looks quite cute.
  59. >"Oh, it's all right, you're fine the way you are. You see, one of my mates in the sled team hurt their leg five houses back, and had to take the rest of the night off, so now we're behind schedule. If we can't make it to every house in time, the last few will have to go without!" He sounded really distressed at the mere idea of that happening. "So if you want to help, I'd need you to pull the sled with the others to keep the pace up. I'll drop you off back here once the night is done, and maybe if you do a good job, I'll even make it worth your while."
  61. "As much as I would like to help you, I sometimes have trouble lifting my bike out of my shack. I doubt I could pull a sled." She pondered for a moment about her words. Having a human grow antlers isn't normal at all. Everything seemed to be possible, that night. "You know what? I'll do it! I can't make it much worse, can I?"
  63. >"Of course you can't cause harm", the reindeer said casually and stepped forward, offering his hand for Elise to shake. "My name's Nick. Thanks for your help. North Pole will be grateful to you for years." His hand was warm and fuzzy and soft. As soon as they'd shaken hands, Nick bent over and dug for something in his sack. He procured an X-shaped harness similar to his own and showed it to Elise. "Good. Now take off the top and put this on."
  65. She shook his hand and seemed quite proud when he mentioned that the North Pole would be in her debt. When she took the harness from him and looked it over though, she got second thoughts. "You actually stole my underwear when you used that spell. And what about this skirt?”
  67. >"Oh yeah, let's fix that real quick", Nick said and sprinkled some more Christmas powder on her, returning her normal PJs on her and making the Christmasy clothes vanish. "You should take off the pyjama bottoms off too: it's snowing outside, so they'll just get ruined in the cold and the wet. Don't worry about yourself: the harness is magic. It'll keep you warm and safe." He was talking to her like this was entirely normal, nothing at all to question.
  69. "…and then what? Just go naked? Entirely naked? In front of everyone? Is that really required? I'm sure I got some fitting clothes somewhere…" She was about to head off to go looking but then hesitated. Though time was standing still, she felt like she would waste Nick's.
  71. >"Well, I'm sure we can procure something..." Nick said and dug through the sack again. He took out undies similar to his, but they were male's size, much wider than any part of her body. Frowning, he reached for his powder bag again. "Well, I guess I can turn your clothes into something. What do you want them to look like? It needs to be a waterproof material, though."
  73. "Just… just make the briefs my size." She turned away from him and within seconds, her pyjama top flew on the backrest of her armchair. She started to put on the harness. It did a good job at covering her breasts but not much more. When she pulled her pants down, Nick could see her shapely behind in the dim light. She didn't look at him, just holding out one hand for him to place the pants into.
  75. >"Okay I guess", Nick said sheepishly and handed her the undies, sprinkling a little bit of the powder on them to make them perfectly fit her body. She found that they were some sort of rubber, though with a little padding on the inside so they wouldn't chafe. When they were on her, they emphasised her bum, just like Nick's emphasised his. She'd probably get a camel toe when she moved around. Nick didn't seem to stare at her, but he wasn't averting his eyes either. The moment she'd pull the harness on, she felt so very, very warm, even her toes getting all cozy and comfortable. He hadn't been kidding. If she was wearing a t-shirt with the harness, she'd be sweltering.
  77. With her all dressed up, decency suddenly became an afterthought. She felt a sense of duty and dedication like this. Nothing could stop her. "Now where is that sled? I'm ready." The pants only gave the illusion of her being dressed. They quickly rode up her crack and left very little to the imagination when they tightly hugged her nether lips.
  79. >"Come with me", Nick said and took her hand. He led her to the fireplace. Of course. When he pushed his hoof inside, both their bodies compressed and started to push through the chute, which should have felt painful and scary, but didn't. Instead, it just sort of happened, Elise's senses scrambling for a while before they popped out from the chimney on top of her house, out in the cold air. She could barely feel the wind or the freezing temperature. A big sled was floating in the air next to them, with seven other reindeer people strapped in front of it. They were looking at her and Nick as the tall male quickly explained to them that he'd acquired emergency help.
  81. Elise felt like a little girl again. She was actually seeing for real what she had only dreamed of as a child and discarded as a beautiful lie when she came of age. She wasn't really sure what to say so she just let out a rather insecure "Hi."
  83. >The others seemed fairly indifferent about Elise, and shrugged their shoulders at the idea of her helping. "Well, if she can speed us up at all", said a tall female one with a frosty face. "I guess she's got the antlers to match." Elise's antlers were a perfect match for hers, so that must be what Nick was thinking when he created them. Taking hold of Elise's shoulder, he suddenly threw her toward the others, and she found herself floating through the air, suspended next to the team, as they started to guide her into an empty spot. Once there, they attached leather cords to hoops on the back of her harness to let her pull. "Pulling is just as easy as running in the air", Nick hollered at her as he climbed on the sled itself, to drive. "It doesn't take any strength."
  85. "I will do my best. I won't let you down." There was now a hint of dedication in her eyes. It felt like she was in a race and losing simply wasn't an option. Even though they were all humanoids, Elise was still a bit out of place as the only human. It made her kind of proud.
  87. >After a bit, Nick pulled on the reins and shouted: "Giddyup!" All the other reindeer started working their hooved feet in the air, and the sled began to move, accelerating faster than any car Elise had ever seen. The snowflakes around them actually slowed down, time seemingly bending to make them snap through the air to their next destination. When she joined her feet in with the others, she found herself contributing to the speed. It made no sense, but little of that night did. Somehow, they were all pulling the sled by running their feet over solid air.
  89. Elise really gave it all. She put her weight into the harness. No onlooker was present but it was hard to believe how much effort she put into it, as they started moving without a sound except for a soft jingle from all their jingle bells. She pulled her weight and then some. This was the craziest thing she had ever experienced but she wouldn't have missed this opportunity for anything in the world.
  91. >The time it took for them to fly to the next house over can't have been longer than two seconds, though to them it felt like at least half a minute. The sled stopped without any warning, leaving the team's legs jerking forward. Nick wasted no time grabbing a gift sack off the sled and jumping in through a chimney. He emerged from it in less than a second, having stopped the time while he was inside. "I see you didn't pick up any hitchhikers this time", one of the other male reindeer said, causing everyone to chuckle while Nick looked sheepish.
  93. "Why is that? Need a break too?" She gave the mouthy reindeer a challenging grin. A bit of a challenge would probably improve their speed even more. Either that or earn her some rivalry.
  95. >The others laughed at Elise's wisecrack, and someone said: "I like her!" They took off again in no time, the distance to the next house shorter. This soon became routine, with them running across the air and taking pauses whenever Nick jumped off to deliver presents. There wasn't really any time for chatting, so everyone focused on their work. Despite Nick saying it didn't take strength, Elise found herself start to get worked up after ten or so houses, her cheeks growing rosey and her breathing getting intense. The others seemed to also be physically taxed too, so she had nothing to be embarrassed for.
  97. When she started to feel the exhaustion, she spurred herself on. Concentrating on the task, she pulled through. At this point, she didn't care anymore whether she'd feel all sore tomorrow. These reindeer felt like long time friends already. "When you guys are done we'll have milk and cookies at my place. First round is on me."
  99. >"If you're offering milk, I'll have a White Russian", said the female reindeer with same horns as Elise.
  100. They snapped from house to house, and time and distance began to blur together for everyone. In subjective time, Elise's Christmas night must already have taken over twelve hours by now, and there was no sign that it was getting brighter. No one had a watch on them anyway. They passed by some rural village's clocktower, and it only showed 03:15. Pulling over by the orphanage next door to it, Nick said: "Okay, we're halfway done. Good job, everyone, we've gotten back in schedule." He magically squeezed through a crack in the window to deliver presents for the orphans.
  102. "Well, whatever you want. I've got a lot of stuff at home prepared for a Christmas party tomorrow. I always get too much though so it's enough for all of you. Cookiewise that is." She smirked and waited for Nick to return. The breaks started to become important to her. Whenever they stopped she tried to recover in the short downtime. There was no giving up though.
  104. >After Nick emerged from the orphanage, they took a short break, him using the powder to create a time bubble around them as they hung by the orphanage and caught their breaths. "Just for five minutes, so no point unstrapping you", Nick explained and sat on the driver's seat, him being the only one who wasn't physically taxed. The air smelled strongly of sweat, as everyone was pretty worked up by now. Throughout the journey thus far, Elise had gotten the pretty strong inclination that the slender, tall buck behind her was keeping an eye on her ass whenever they ran.
  106. Elise was glad about the break. She stretched a little, though that was hard due to the straps that kept her in place. There was not much left to the imagination with her ass just wrapped in red, skintight rubber. Hooking her fingers into the pants, she actually tried to vent them a little. The odd material made her all sweaty, and she curseed herself for not really going entirely naked.
  108. >Nick jumped off the sled and floated through the air until he was next to Elise. Tapping her in the shoulder, he said: "You're doing a really good job, and I said that if you would, I'd give you something in return. So when we get back to your place, I'll give you one official, 100% genuine Christmas Wish. There's obvious limitations, but I suggest you start thinking up what you're gonna cash it in for, already."
  110. "I think I know something already." She smirked and leaned over to Nick. "I think it can be done rather easily too. It won't take much magic or anything like that." Elise held back for a moment longer and chews nervously on her lip, not really sure if she should ask that.
  112. >"Well, think about it, and we'll go through it once this all is done", Nick said and returned to his place. Soon enough, he broke the time bubble and they took off again. The team pulled the sled to more houses, Elise losing track of their numbers in no time. All the world turned into a blur, and at one point she saw a sign written in Russian next to a house they stopped by. Ten houses later, they were somewhere in central Asia. After a brief foray to Japan, they crossed the Pacific sea, which took at least five minutes from their perception of time, the longest they'd flown in one go all night. The last five houses of their route were in Alaska and Yukon. Finally, they stopped and everyone cheered as Nick announced they'd done their route in time.
  114. Elise was just as happy as the rest of the crew to have finally done it. However, it also meant that their shared time was drawing to a close. It filled her with a bit of regret. Still stuck in the harness, she waited for Nick to free her. "Good job, everyone!"
  116. >"Let's fly over to drop Elise at her place", Nick said. "One more trip together, and then the rest of us will be heading back to North Pole." He pulled on the reins, and everyone headed back toward her hometown in Germany. This ended up being their new longest single route, as they went all the way from Alaska to Europe, almost around the globe. It still took only fifteen minutes from their own point of view. Likely that fifteen minutes was less than half in objective time, though.
  118. Elise recognised her roof. It was a bit different to see it from this perspective. She slowed down when they began hovering above her house. There was a knot forming in her throat as she still didn't know how to say her wish.
  120. >After stopping by her house, Nick floated over to remove her from the harness. While he did, though, that frosty-faced female reindeer said: "I think everyone could use a break. Can we crash in your house for just a bit, so I can have my White Russian?" The others seemed to like this proposal, though Nick seemed hesitant: "I don't want us to eat all of your Christmas foods right before Christmas day!" He argued. "What are your friends gonna eat?"
  122. "It's okay. I'm a lazy fuck. We will just order pizza. Besides, if you eat all my cookies you will spend the rest of the year on the stairmaster to be in any shape for next year. You're all welcome in my home." Elise was happy that they wanted to stay for a while. They had worked hard together: now they would celebrate a bit.
  124. >"Well okay", Nick said, and the others started removing themselves or each other from the sled. It was left floating on its own in the air while the lot of them slid into Elise's house through the chimney. Nick created a time bubble to give them time to catch their breaths and celebrate. The others seemed to find her house delightful, and turned out to be just as sensitive and mindful as he was. It didn't seem very likely they'd make a mess. "So have you decided your wish yet?" Nick asked her as they headed for the kitchen.
  126. Elise moved around very securely in the rather skimpy clothes now. Heading to the kitchen she found all kinds of things she'd prepared for the next day. "Help yourself. My house is your house." She placed everything on the table and anywhere she found room for it. "Well, now for my wish." The other's could hear her wish just as well. "I really enjoyed tonight and… I was wondering if you really have to wipe my memory. If you don't, I promise I'll be waiting next year, naked under the Christmas tree and will help you with the work without arguments and attempted manslaughter."
  128. >"Well", Nick said thoughtfully. "I'll see what I can do. I'll consult my manual while we kick back and relax."
  129. >One male reindeer, who might have been Nick's twin though it was sort of hard to tell, stepped up to Elise and said: "You know, I don't think she's working for North Pole anymore, now that we're at her house, so I think she should return the uniform." The others grinned at this and supported the suggestion. Nick's ears flattened in the likeness of a blush, and he scratched at his neck in embarrassment.
  131. "Very funny, guys." Elise looked around for a moment and realized they were for real about this. "Fine! Here!" She pulled her pants down and threw them at the reindeer who first made the suggestion. The naked woman with small antlers in nothing but a jingling harness sure had a bit of attraction about her. No matter how she fidgeted with the harness though, she couldn't take it off by herself. "How does this thing open?"
  133. >"Let me", said the tall, slender guy who'd been posted behind her in the team. He stepped forward and helped get the harness off her. When he handed it to Nick, though, he snatched Nick's powder bag, and quickly threw some powder at Elise. As it hit her, she found a cute little deer tail growing out above her butt, emphasising its shape. Everyone had a laugh at this.
  135. "Oh very funny, guys. Really…" She trieed to push past him to find her PJ's again. It didn't occur to her that they wouldn't fit her anymore, now. She returned with vodka, though, and handed it to the female deer. She didn't mind their jokes at all. She got a laugh out of it too.
  137. >Elise found that she couldn't pull a shirt on past her antlers anymore (having just barely managed her PJ top off with Nick's help previously), and if she put on pants her asscrack would be showing since the tail would prevent them from being pulled on fully. Everyone started to sample Elise's offerings, eating and drinking and chatting with each other. The female drinking the white russian talked with Elise about her job while they got started. A little while into the party, though, one short male reindeer bent another over Elise's kitchen counter, pulled down his undies and started to fuck him right then and there. The others didn't seem to find this at all worrisome in itself, but the one by Elise groaned a little. "Damnit, they should have at least taken it to another room around you."
  139. Elise gave up on finding something to wear. Still naked, she leaned over to the reindeer next to her. Without being too obvious about it, she just nods toward the rutting couple. "Mind explaining that to me?" It's no big secret that that kind of behavior is a bit confusing for a human.
  141. >"Well", the vodka-drinking female (Laurie, her name was) said to Elise slowly. "We live in the North Pole all year around, and don't get around much. Everyone knows each other, and there really isn't much to do in the off-season, between Christmases. So... we spend a lot of our time just fucking. And some of us have a harder time remembering that not everyone is used to North Pole's laid-back atmosphere." Her words were missed by the two short males, who went on at it without a care in the world. Most of the others started to sport erections at the sight of it, visible at the front of their underwear. Only two of the reindeer were female.
  143. Elise seemed to think about it for a moment. Suddenly she smiled at Laurie and giggled. "Well if they want to go at it, it's the most obvious sign they feel right at home here. I'm happy you like it here. Can I bring you something more?"
  145. >"I'm fine at the moment. I'll have some ham in a bit", Laurie said with a shrug. "I'm glad you're not outraged. It would suck to ruin things after they've been going so well for a while. I'll have to tell Nick to give you a dicking to thank you personally for your help." She added the last point entirely casually. It seemed she wasn't quite as in tune with human sensibilities as she thought.
  147. "Just one? You look like you could go for some cock yourself." Elise grinned and toasted to Laurie before she got up and whispered to one of the nearby reindeer in the ear: "I think Laurie feels a little empty between her legs. Do you think you can do something about it?" With a grin she left to get a few more drinks from the storage room and remove a few empty bottles.
  149. >"Maybe", Laurie said with a shrug. When Elise returned, she found that her suggestion hadn't quite born the result she'd thought, as she found Nick's presumed twin on his knees, giving oral pleasure to Laurie, his antlers bumping against her stomach now and then as she gripped them to guide him. The others mostly seemed content to nibble on Christmas foods and drinks, and spectate on the two pairs. The slender, tall reindeer (whom Laurie had identified as Gabe) asked Elise: "So on the scale of things you expected to have happen tonight, how high was this in likelyhood?"
  151. "What do you think? It was entirely unlikely. I nearly killed Nick. I thought he was trying to steal my presents, and took him for a burglar. Are you enjoying the party too? It's definitely something to remember." She smirked and sipped at a glass of eggnog.
  153. >"Oh, this is way better than the reception back at North Pole. Having to stand in line for two hours, signing off on delivered presents and returning equipment. That's still ahead of us, but at least we get a little bit of downtime before that", Gabe said. He still had Nick's magic powder, holding it in one hand while he ate cold salmon with the other.
  155. Elise stole the powder from Gabe, grabbing a bit. "Just to make sure that you're not too drunk later on..." Throwing some of it on herself, she tried to remove her tail. It was not exactly cold in her home, but she expected visitors tomorrow, so she preferred to be able to pull on pants.
  157. >Thankfully the powder worked exactly as she expected it to, picking up on her intent and removing her tail. She still had her antlers, though. Gabe frowned a bit. "I liked it. It added to your aesthetic."
  159. "Awww, I will keep these for you then and stay naked for a bit longer, okay?" She pointed at the antlers and handed him the powder bag. "Have you seen Nick around?"
  161. >"I think he went to the toilet", Gabe said with a shrug. There was a slight tone of jealosy to his voice. Maybe he'd overheard about Elise letting Nick give her a dicking. She saw Nick in her living room, reading a little booklet, presumably that manual he'd talked about.
  163. She joined Nick in silence and gave him time to read on before interrupting him. "So? Are you allowed to give me my wish? If I promise to serve you this kind of food each year? If I stay naked and allow everyone who wants to fuck me?" She winked at him and it wasn't entirely clear if she was being honest about that last promise.
  165. >"Oh, uh... well", Nick said hesitantly. He looked her up and down, and slowly pulled his undies down, uncovering his already hard cock. He reached one of his big, muscular hands and pulled Elise over, planting her on his lap and slowly starting to lower her onto his meat. "Mmh... well, I don't think I can let you keep the memories, except maybe as a really vivid dream. No one who doesn't work for North Pole gets to know we exist. However, I can make it so that next Christmas, we'll give you your memories back and let you back on the team. If that's not acceptable, then you're free to change your wish."
  167. "That's very agreeable." She actually stopped him before they get into contact. It was obvious that she was quite excited for him too. "…if you turn my PJ's back into that cute little Christmas outfit." She grabbed him by his antlers and kissed him with a smile.
  169. >Nick kissed her back and held her against his muscled chest by her ass. "Mmmh... Okay, then. Deal." He proceeded to lower his hands to her hips, and slowly ground her on top of his dick , letting her ride him out until he came, filling her puss with his hot cream. "Don't worry about the mess", he said when some spilled on the armchair. "I'll magic it away later."
  170. While she fetched back her PJ's, Gabe gave Nick his dust back. Nick used it to give Elise back that slutty, hot Christmas costume, though the skirt seemed to be much shorter than before, barely covering her asscheeks at all anymore. The others cheered at this.
  172. "Well, Nick had his way. It's free for all now." She grinned and posed in that outfit. She would totally wear that the next day to her Christmas party, no matter what her friends would think about it.
  174. >The others started to line up, and took advantage of her offer. Gabe was first in line, and perhaps predictably chose to fuck her ass. Meanwhile, Nick found himself roped into being spitroasted by two of the others. The rest spectated and celebrated with food and drinks.
  175. When Gabe came in her ass, he leaned in and whispered: "You could have wished to join our workforce, you know..."
  177. "You got a wonderful cock, Gabe but it would get boring after a few years. Enjoying all this only once a year makes it very, very special." She barely had her sentence finished when the next in line took Gabe's place. Simply vanishing from her friends and everyone wouldn't be her choice.
  179. >Next up was Laurie, who wanted to 69 with Elise. The concept of Elise not being bi wasn't even considered. She turned out to have a very agile tongue, and her pussy was nice and juicy after the attention she'd received earlier. While she was still at it, one other male reindeer walked in and started to fuck Elise's cum-filled ass without asking first.
  181. Elise was about to warn Laurie about her inexperience, as she would have never even considered having another woman usually. But tonight she was willing to try. Before she could say anything, she had a reindeer pussy pressed into her face. Laurie might have felt that her partner was quite inexperienced. At least until someone shoved a cock up Elise's ass. From that moment she wasn't capable of using her tongue properly anymore. Her moans sent wonderful trembles down Lauri's pussy though.
  183. >After bringing Elise into an orgasm, Laurie climbed out from under her and actually used one of Elise's antlers on her own pussy to make herself cum, her juices squiring all over the human's face from up above. Another male took her place, giving up his huge cock for Elise to blow.
  185. Elise opened her mouth willingly and swallowed the reindeer's length. The party took quite a sharp turn. After everyone was fed, they probably wanted to enjoy the exotic treats for some time. Though Elise was celebrating with a group of humanoid reindeers, she was the only exotic person there. She didn't mind it though. Elise liked it more and more the further on it went.
  187. >Soon enough, every one of the reindeer had cum in or on Elise at least once. The other female - a muscular one who never seemed to speak - had even found a double-ended dildo from somewhere which she used on the human mercilessly. Last in line was Nick for his second dicking, fucking her from behind on top of her pile of presents while the others were catching their breaths and preparing to leave off to North Pole. "I hope you have fond memories of us, even if it was just a dream for you", he said right before coming in her.
  189. "You have no idea just how fond. I can't wait for next year." She kissed Nick passionately in the afterglow. Even though it had been exhausting, it was probably the best Christmas she'd ever had.
  191. >Before they went, Nick used his powder to clean everything up so it looked spotless. He actually carried Elise to her bed in his arms, and undid her horns before laying her in bed. He kissed her on the forehead and said: "Good night, and merry Christmas." And then he sprinkled that dust on her, and she blanked out.
  192. >Elise woke up late on Christmas day. She'd had the most vivid dream. And detailed too. For some reason, she was wearing a costume she couldn't remember buying, and couldn't find her PJ's anywhere. However, she felt a really strong inclination - like she'd preciously decided on it but couldn't remember when that was - to wear it when her friends came over.
  194. After waking up, Elise slipped out of bed. She checked out that outfit she was wearing. It suited her well in her opinion. Just the right thing to wear for these days. Walking downstairs, she found the mess in the kitchen gone but quite a bit of her storage emptied. Rubbing her head, she tried to remember where all that stuff had gone. She figured she'd forgotten to go shopping. With a shrug she went for her phone to order some pizzas.
  196. >Elise's friends showed up over the afternoon. Nobody seemed to care too much about the food situation, and the pizza deliveryman hung out with them for a while, taking part in a boardgame before driving off. Everyone loved Elise's outfit, though it raised a few eyebrows.
  197. At around five, it was time to open presents. Like seemingly ever year, Elise was surprised by how many presents she'd ended up buying. The pile under her tree was huge. As they started distributing the boxes, they ran into a curious one. "From Nick to Elise. Who's Nick?" One of her friends asked, and she had no answer to give them. Nobody would admit to bringing that package to the house. Opening it up, Elise found a quite big surprise inside: a reindeer-themed dildo from Bad Dragon, cast in Christmas-themed colours of red and green.
  199. Elise smirked and a feint memory - something of which she couldn't say whether it was true or just a result of her imagination - flashed by. One reindeer in her dream had been called Nick. Maybe it was Mick… or was it Dan? Her memory was all foggy but she was really happy with her present. Not afraid of going commando even with such a short skirt or unwrapping a dildo to Christmas, she proudly presented it to her friends. "Whoever that Nick is, he has a good taste!" After a moment she looked from one to the next. "Seriously now, who gave me this present?"
  201. >Nobody could answer the question. Maybe whoever it was was too shy to admit it. Though the consensus among the others seemed to be that Elise had gotten it for herself.
  202. >Christmas went by, and winter turned to spring. A summed passed, and then an autumn. Another winter came, and throughout this all, Elise felt a strange sense of anticipation she couldn't place, like something was going to happen on Christmas that she couldn't wait for. Whenever she used Nick (she'd named the dildo after her mystery benefactor), that feeling felt strongest.
  203. >'twas the night before Christmas, and Elise woke up to a faint sound from downstairs. And then she remembered. Christmas had come again, and soon so would she.
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