

Nov 2nd, 2013
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  1. Name: Belleow "The Drunken Hammer" Dwarfstein
  3. Race: Dwarf
  5. Religious Views: His family has long worshipped the usual set of Dwarf Gods. Growing up around them he's learned their origins and rituals and what not although he himself isn't very religious. While he pays the expected prayers before battle or meal he rarely visits any places of worship or associates with the priestly Dwarves
  7. Appearance: Despite his long run of military training, he's let himself cut loose these few years off duty. While once one of the larger dwarves in his family and bustling with muscle and brawl, he's grown somewhat of a beer belly and has let his beard and facial hair grow unruly, rarely trimming or styling it. The hair on top of his head though has gotten long, falling across his shoulders and back as the men in his family usually do. Before battle back in the day, he would braid it and add scented oils to it, to keep it from getting in the way of his fighting. Of course has has the few scars here and there from old battles. Got that cheeky little Dwarf smiley face
  9. Equipment(Armor, Clothes): Gifted greatly from his past war deeds as well through cunning business deals with other dwarves he has made quite the penny for himself during his leisure time. Stating such his wardrobe is filled with the finest silk that he could find all tailored specifically to him. On his usual day to day business he likes to dress fancily, according to where he's going. As for armor, during his battle days he had wandered around with the usual Dwarf set. Helm, Mail (Prefers it over full plate), grieves, gauntlets, guards, boots etc etc. Returning from his battle days however, his father had gifted him his own set with the Dwarfstein emblem painted on the sides of his helm and arm guards. It's made out of the same sturdy Dwarf steel as his old armor was but he liked that he could show his family's colors as he cut down his enemies.
  11. Equipment(Weapons, Misc): He's been trained to use a lot of weapons during his battle-time. Originally positioned as a spear-man the use of short spears, long spears, boar spears, and even javelins is a talent that he's still moderate at. He still keeps around the first short spear he received as a war-token.
  13. Next, he had found a love for daggers and other short blades. While his sword play isn't spectacular and he wouldn't go running up against any real blade user with expectations to out-do them, he can drive a dagger through an enemy's back like a hot knife through butter, and has even expressed a little interest in blade juggling and blade throwing back in his younger days. The weapon he's most known for using though is a hammer.
  15. Belleow's Hammer is a work of perfection. While he himself has no smithing abilities he over-saw it's creation with the utmost attention learning it's every curve and facet. Going away from the usual large and slow war-hammer, or even the more common one handed work-hammer that some dwarves prefer to use, Belleow instead took to that of a mallet hammer. With an iron and wood shaft, tailored perfectly to suit his hands and sturdy enough to block that of another blunt weapon, it ends with a double sided mallet like head with steel bands wrapping around the center wooden part and two steel plates on either side of the hammer's doubled faced head. Worked so that Belleow could switch the steel plates for spiked or studded plates, it's a perfect resourceful weapon for one such as him. The center also has a small hollowed steel pocket near where it connect's to the shaft so that it can be filled with various drinks for emergency situations, all though it was used more profoundly to give Belloew the nickname of the Drunken Hammer Dwarf.
  17. Belleow never goes into battle without his buckler. Also bearing his familie's emblem
  19. Martial Prowess: In his younger days he was quite the agile and acrobatic Dwarf, able to leap to and fro, spinning and flipping and stuff. Now with his gut of course, he can't do all that but he can still move his fieet if it comes down to sprinting for his life. He's kept his arms in shape, able to swing his weapons with deadly force or carry an injured ally as far as he needs to. He was of course trained in hand to hand combat but hasn't worked on it since the initial training.
  21. Magical Prowess: Took a few experimental test sessions with magic. He found he had the apt for the skill and has shown the ability to conjure the once in a while witch light or hurl a small fireball in times of great need but his real interest was that of alchemy. In these later years of his life he's finally learned how to turn water into wine and does so at every occasion!
  23. Backstory: He comes from a prestigious Dwarf family, one with old ties with the original dwarf settlers or something. Born and raised with a religious upbringing, had extensive studies as a child, like most men in his family he was signed up to join the nearby Dwarf-Army where he went on many tours and campaigns and made a name for himself as a brilliant thinker and an esteemed fighter. His most famous story was when he and some mates were trapped in a cave beseeched by enemy and he held the cave for a week with his small group until he could be rescued. After his service was over, he was rewarded heavily by the Dwarf Government and by the families of the dwarves he served under or commanded and he set himself up with a nice Dwarf home where he's taken in many Dwarf wifes and sired a few children. He bought out a local Dwarf Ale-house and continues making that money. He's still called to the Dwarf council from time to time to give them some advice on tactics and he's gotten involved in politics as of lately displeased with a few high-ranking Dwarves. He's well experienced with Dwarf tunnels, Dwarf lore, and Dwarf gods hooray.
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