

Apr 25th, 2020
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  1. COINTELPRO2.04u
  3. The human body was not made or evolved in any way to handle ionizing radiation exposure. Since the FBI's COINTELPRO program teamed up with the CIA in the 1960's, the CIA passed on some it's research in how the application for ionizing (harmful form of radiation) radiation can be used on humans.
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  5. Since humans evolved under the magnetosphere, our species evolved without natural defenses against radiation, which is why most space missions occur at the international space station well within the protective magnetosphere that protects earth from radiation. Because we have no defenses, and radiation is invisible; this makes the use of ionizing radiation as a weapon perfect for government oppression of a target in the post Patriot Act world where everyone has a camera in there pocket, and surveillance It's so prevalent everywhere in the outside world.
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  7. You could be getting assaulted by radiation and there is no visible proof other than you getting sick.
  8. Invisible weapons make the best weapons.
  9. Some of the symptoms of radiation exposure are:
  10. *Sudden diarrhea
  11. *Vomit
  12. *Bloody stools or vomit
  13. *Heat flushes over your body or feeling overheated
  14. *Body wide weakness
  15. *Low white blood cell count
  16. *Thyroid gland performance fluctuations(rapid weight gain or rapid weight loss)
  17. *Inflammation of the lungs & scaring (radiation can be turned into gas or powder to be inhaled)
  18. Pointed at your skin or focused area - exposure will go through stages of intensity:
  19. *It will feel like extreme goose bumps initially
  20. *as more nerve damage occurs it will feel like water being splashed on you
  21. *then hot water splashed on you
  22. *then just a burning feeling
  23. *then muscle soreness as the nerves in that area of tissue become damaged
  24. *eventually your bones in that area will begin to ache as targeted exposure persist
  25. * You'll feel numbness in your hands, feet, arms, legs, fingers, etc as exposure persist - like "pins & needles" when your foot falls asleep
  26. *If pointed at your spine in targeted areas it can temporarily make you paralyzed from the legs down or from the radiation target of your spine down (eventually the paralysis will be permanent it if the focused exposure persists overtime - usually while you're sleeping)
  27. *Prolonged exposure can even cause a heart attack (usually used on older targets 50yrs+ for good alibi)
  28. If pointed at your head:
  29. *Confusion
  30. *Ringing in your ears (inner ear nerve fibers dying from exposure)
  31. *Your overall cognitive abilities will be temporarily deminished
  32. *Ability to talk or find words to speak will become difficult
  33. *Temporary memory loss
  34. *Can eventually cause strokes in the brain
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  36. Knowing the symptoms, abilities and technology for extending the exposure reach & fine tuned targeting of the ionizing radiation exposure paired up with the body science of Kinesiology (science of how muscles move and are connected in the body) makes this a very effective tool since you cannot see it and cannot be measured unless you have a specialized professional sensor.
  37. This discipline within the COINTELPRO program has leaked and left with agents who left the FBI & CIA and went to work with private sector spy agencies. These personnel taught it to other governments, and as it was taught to 3rd world governments, then it made its way into mafias/cartels/organized crime. The knowledge of how to apply the radiation for different results depending on the target has made those who specialize in radiation assault a niche industry within the Military Industrial Complex and private contractors who work on behalf of who's paying (corporations, wealthy individual, politicians).
  38. I imagine if you have these connections you can use this type of radiation assault on political adversaries while they're on camera to make them appear slow, or even limit their cognitive abilities, on corporate rivals CEO during important business deals, and to silence whistleblowers as they plead their case to a person or group.
  39. The applications are numerous, but the side effects are VERY real.
  40. Hiding The Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Your Body
  42. Why you're being exposed to ionizing radiation The effects of it on your body will be suppressed through simple over the counter drugs like allergy medication and even CBD oils.
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  47. The reason why these two drugs in particular is because they don't raise alarm on blood tests and they're not expensive.
  49. Most you won't even realize have been put in your food, and it will hinder the body's natural aches and immuno responses as your white blood cell count lowers from prolonged low level exposure to ionizing radiation.
  51. This is to keep you pushing your body past its limits, and it allows the last part of COINTELPRO 2.0 program to sneak up on you. You'll be so busy trying to put out fires in your life you won't realize your health is fading and because of the antihistamines which normally would allow you to sneeze when your body's immunal responses lower and you become easily affected by allergies etc which is usually the first indicator of your radiation abuse affecting your white blood cell count.
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  55. CBD is used to reduce your pain and aches. Even though your body can't feel radiation your nerves will become damaged slowly over time. You won't feel the radiation but you will feel your nerves being damaged.
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  59. initially you won't feel it at all on your damaged nerves that are in your skin and muscles, But eventually it'll start to where on you. When you first feel it it feels like water droplets being splashed on you and that's just your body being hit by it the isotopic radiation or the ions. It will eventually progress to a burning pain when you are hit by it. again this is in your body feeling the radiation it's your body reacting to nerve damage. After the nerve damage has disappeared it starts to get into your muscle tissue and you'll just start to feel soreness and stiffness in your muscles and inability to move around where the radiation has been targeted to whatever region of your body is focused on. You also have numbness in the parts of your body which are being exposed to radiation the same way as you would get pins and needles for sitting on your hand for too long or sitting on the toilet and your legs going numb.
  61. That's the genius behind the advancement in using radioactive isotopes for slow assassination is you just feel like you're naturally getting sick, unless somebody told you you were being exposed to this stuff you would think you just fell on some bad luck.
  63. probably why the military uses so much to get rid of contractors they feel are leaking, or old retired military personnel Who have been red flagged as a security risk of leaking information before they reach their golden years - or on their deathbed.
  65. ionizing radiation or radioactive isotopes used in slow-deaths is a multi-use application that has been developed since the comatel pro program initially started around the 40s and 50s.
  67. if you think about it in the terms of technological advances think how far technology has come for something as simple as a smartphone - In just 10 years time computing powder is radically accelerated and developed further then we could imagine when we first had our hands on the iPhone 1.
  69. Perfecting of radioactive isotopes and ionizing radiation for slow, drama free, anonymous assassination should be thought of and considered in the same frame of reference in technological advancement as the progression of smartphone technology and it's miniaturization and new forms of delivery to reduce risk of the people handling it.
  71. Prolonged Radiation Exposure Used to Initiate Heart Attack
  72. Radiation exposure on a particular body is basically a math problem. It has to do with your weight, age, and the amount of exposure you received over time.
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  74. This formula has been so finely perfected Over the decades of its application, That is also used to cause heart attacks, so the death seems natural.
  75. Use of it in this fashion it's usually reserved for people in their fifties and older. But it is absolutely a perfected science and can be timed down to a week or even minute depending on if the government or military contracted assassin knows how worn the body of his victim is.
  76. Usually they'll try to scare the target at different intervals of their radiation exposure and to go into the hospital for blood tests, and other diagnostics. This is to get data on how worn the body is This information is then obtained by the ones contracted to do the murder so they can further calibrate the exposure.
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  78. This isn't used just in military applications and for related personnel, For many decades this is also being used in private security contractors, or spies an intelligence companies for hire as well as organized crime (mafia's & cartels).
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  80. View Article: https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/cancer-treatments-may-harm-the-heart
  81. This has been rumored to be used on movie stars, musicians, and prominent public figures as well.
  82. Then after the death hype has left the news cycle, interested parties in those particular celebrities and public figures will usually collect on a life insurance policy.
  83. You can see how the corruption and opportunities to make money, knowledge of this application has.
  85. Drugs & Pharmaceuticals as a multi-use application
  86. Drugs and pharmaceuticals and actual illegal drugs will be used against you in numerous ways
  87. You will be given drugs to make you upset You will make you be given drugs to lower your inhibitions, You will be giving drugs to become manic depressive, You'll be giving drugs to heighten your aggressiveness like testosterone, You will be given drugs like female hormones to make you over the emotional, You will be given drugs to make you inactive In times you need to take action. You will be given drugs like hallucinogens and then scary situations will be thrown at you.
  88. Drugs is used in so many different various ways and contel pro 2.0 torture that you could almost run the program without the radiation and just the pharmaceuticals and the psychological manipulation and be very effective.
  89. It's important to keep in mind that since these will be used in ways to embarrass you, induce lethargy, and make you react in unfavorable ways in key moments that will aid in the destruction of your character. Most often also these instances will be recorded secretly to then use later and a bank of footage to keep releasing videos that are embarrassing and damaging to your character
  90. People don't understand that you've been slipped or given drugs without your knowledge The only thing people care about is if the video is gossip poorly. So if you are not experienced in taking various pharmaceuticals and recreation and their effects on your personality and micromanage it this could be quite a roller coaster for you
  93. Anything and everything can be edited and then display to you as if it is the real version of what it is that you're requesting online through a search through a video on YouTube comments can be faked on social media accounts can be faked on social media anything and everything in digital is editable manipulatable and can be falsely represented in time
  94. Private security contractors with NSA level clearance and access to NSA toys can do things like fake a friend's account fake a friend's
  95. Your favorite content creator can be deep faked to scare you into thinking that the mother fucker is talking to you !
  96. We're coming into an era where faces and voices and images are completely manipulatable and almost undiscernable from real life and these toys are put into a nice package and even some law enforcement agencies are beginning to gain access to them in pilot programs to see how they can work for interrogations
  97. Keep in mind there's also a whole bevy of entrapment techniques that are illegal that are being used in the digital space where judges don't exactly understand, and Jurys not might not know about, I can fuck you in unimaginable ways
  98. Your permanent record that has been kept in detail since the 9/11 attacks thanks to the Patriot act and several additions to the legislation afterwards Will be used to haunt you in ways you are not prepared for
  99. I've personally had conversations from 2003 2005 over the phone before smartphones even existed with x lovers that I remember in detail because some of them have led to breakups. records of these conversations were then injected into social media comments in a word for word conversation in some of the reddit groups I was in in a way to make you feel like the government is everywhere and stupid things like the Illuminati is after you.
  100. This permanent record will be used to develop a rapport, Things you've said around your phone etc you have no idea how far back the US government has been recording your actions via your devices that you or unaware of
  101. Like I said it will be used to develop a rapport I don't mean report in a good way I mean rapport in a way where they will bring up a situation or conversation that you do not remember having from way back in the day 15 years ago let's say.
  102. They will start to bring up things you did unfavorably like cheating on a girlfriend or making fun of somebody through an email
  103. These are things long forgotten that are just in the digital space part of your permanent record the NSA has on file - and you will be confronted with some of this information in a conclusive ambush style of reverse interrogation
  104. After a while they'll have so many right answers about things You will just believe them when they say you've done things.
  105. This is an entrapment skill based off of the more famously known Hitler psychological manipulation technique of two truths & a lie
  106. They will continue to access your permanent record of phone calls and things you sit around your phone since your phone is always active listening They will be able to pull these things up and use them in interesting ways to remind you of
  107. You're past you've long forgotten.
  108. Friends and family past lovers ex co-workers ex-bosses people you're interacting with church will be accessed in a manner where it seems trivial but in fact they're trying to build a knowledge base of your past so they can try to use it against you for this information so you will follow false leads.
  109. As I said with rapport and Hitler's psychological manipulation technique of two truths and a lie. These techniques combined with going through your past through your personal connections will start to build a rapport that the so-called interrogator will use to seem God like. It'll start off small reminding you of something that you haven't thought of in years, you'll agree - radiation torture will be mixed in then they'll ask you to verify things that they have and they know are true on you, radiation and psychological pressure mixed with pharmaceuticals to heighten your anxiety will be used - then another round of reminding you of your past
  110. Then pressure,
  111. Pain in many forms of touchless torture like microwaves radiation etc
  112. Drugs, and psychotropic pharmaceuticals
  113. Then another round of reminding you of your past
  114. This will keep going at a circle over and over until a rapport is built with the interrogator of knowing all things and you accepting that they know everything about you so you should just confirm everything they accuse you of and present you with because they know you did it even though they're having to remind you about your past that you've long forgotten or can even remember
  115. After the rapport is built, and you've given full trust in the interrogator, You're told that you're abuse and torture will just go away as long as you admit to these things being true - and then they want you to explain yourself (In my case at least).
  116. Not all the things they will be presenting you with will be things that happen to you or that you have done in your past. But after the rapport is built with the interrogation stage of cometel pro 2.0 torture is mainly to get you to break down either in denial or to put your foot in your mouth and then to just accept some of the accusations against you and then to explain yourself
  117. This entrapment technique is mainly recordings of you under psychological logical and physical harm through means of microwaves and radiation to then falsely confess to crimes they can then use to further damage your character
  118. The reason why this form of interrogation is used is because it is reliable and producing a false confession that will make you unfavorable to your friends and family in your community
  119. There's a reason why law enforcement doesn't use these techniques in general polygraph tests and interrogations. They would like you to be calm and not under physical, mental, and pharmacological stresses...to make sure the truth is revealed - a baseline if you will
  120. These unconventional stress-filled methods do not provide adequate results and have been outlawed by the bush administration since they lead to so many instances of false information that the person being interrogated will give up just so that abuse and pain and torture will stop
  121. The only way for this to be remedied if it's used to torture you into damaging your own character falsely is to get a polygraph test So under the judicial system of controlled engaged on via polygraph can be used to vindicate you
  122. The only reason why this method is used is to attempt to further damage your character - there's a reason why during this process you've already experienced a large amount of character assassination is because they know the answers to all these questions but they just need more content to continue to damage your reputation so you are left without a support network
  123. Hopefully before you get to this stage you have found yourself a lawyer I recommend contacting your local branch of ACLU representatives in your region if you cannot afford a human rights lawyer yourself
  124. There's a reason why these techniques have been outlawed, even the torture eager push administration outlaw these techniques when they are being used on Guantanamo detainees because they produced false results more than positive ones
  125. This is not to say that these techniques weren't perfected to be used in nefarious ways that the US government and security contractors paid to abuse you are to be used as ammunition to protect themselves from any wrongdoing before you're able to go to the press with leaks or war crime type information to expose abuse, ECT
  127. Real-time Deep Fakes - Digital Psychological Torture
  129. Real-time deep fakes will be used against you in various ways - They will be used to your own mental health, They are 100% real and will be used to abuse your 8th amendment rights without a trace.
  131. Real-time deep fakes can interrupt live pro TV programming, Your favorite YouTube video, live streams, and aren't just native to your own personal cell phone devices and televisions These can be used to scare or intimidate you anywhere a digital feed on a screen is received an output.
  133. Like I said previously ultimately it's to make you question your mental fortitude, or to even make your experiences seem irrational when describing them too associates friends family and colleague and even law enforcement.
  135. imagine trying to tell people your TV is talking to you?
  137. ultimately though this is a real technology and it's not used in some grandiose fashion it'll be used for a sentence or two when you're least expecting it, or don't have the resources open and available to catch it happening.
  139. Usually it'll take over a broadcast and have the main character speaking Say your name, and even to deliver a piece of spooky information that's supposed to scare you or make you think the Illuminati is after you or some crazy nonsense like that.
  141. Just know it's either a federal law enforcement body, or military security contractor who has access to these kinds of toys and has been given temporary warrants to scare and abuse you with cruel and unusual punishment - stepping all over your god-given 8th amendment rights without a trace
  143. View the video below as As an example - imagine this reaching out to you through your television to spook you
  146. Pairing Real Time Deep Fakes with Government Level Voice Modulation
  148. What makes this kind of psychological torture even worse is it can work over audio channels as well. This could be your favorite podcast, radio show, or even in the video that's being a real-time deep faked to take the psychological torture to another level. There have been some documented examples of the software through mainstream news outlets, But as with most government technologies… their toys are usually much far advanced then the ones the public has. This is a pattern across the board with many technologies.
  150. Not only allowing it to seem like you're the center of the universe and your television is talking to you, but that it sounds like the person as well making it even more convincing. This helps add to the hole "Illuminati is after me" false narrative. This is and has been a good cover for decades for government abuse, acting as if the Occult is after you. Not to say many people don't subscribe to that kind of occultist thought, but lots of government operations use it as a cover story to explain you're abuse.
  152. The combination of the audio and video deep fake allows government agents to have high production level tools for psychological warfare, but not to hassle with making entertainers or impressionists do work that requires them to sign government secrecy contracts for non disclosure.
  154. This allows the government to conduct psychological operations without having to include anybody from the media industry. Thus keeping them out of loop. The advancement of this software most likely is to eliminate leaks that are prevalent as entertainers work with the government and special operations.
  156. See video below for example
  162. Psychological Warfare - The Guilt Machine
  164. TL;DR - Using Basic Learning Techniques Taught to Professional Educators (grade school teachers) Flipped on Its Head to Install Guilt
  166. There'll be a time in this COINTELPRO 2.0 style of abuse that will enter what is called the "frame", or giving the abused & tortured a reason to anchor to for an explanation for their abuse.
  168. This is what I call, The Guilt Machine.
  170. You'll be told a reason for your abuse that sounds outlandish and is untrue. After you are revealed this "frame" you will be "pumped" examples to build a body of comparisons to slowly erode your understanding into this reasoning pattern. The examples will be injected into your social media feeds of quasi similar situations as videos, articles, interactions, and historical examples.
  172. The blame on the reason for your abuse will then be repeated, then the reinforcement will repeat as social interactions in your daily life. These are paid harassers.
  174. Just as fake protesters, and fake crowds are purchased and coached for political reasons, commonly known as "Astroturfing". There are a class of con artist, criminals, government contractors and even just under employed people who are willing to participate in harassment and sign gag orders to get paid.
  178. These "3D World" participants will follow the same narrative, reinforcing the cause of your abuse (true or not) in general harassment, indirect conversation using trigger words like your first name while passing by in conversation to get you to listen and internalize their words.
  180. This get compounded in convincing you of this crime or action by increasing the comparative media in all aspects of your television, smart device media (all social platform social feeds, apps, suggested content, push notifications, yadda yadda...the list goes on) to reinforce blame or your origin of abuse.
  182. In fact there is a behavioral model taught to educators that uses the same principles, but instead,p and harassment is used as the "reinforcing reward"; associated pain with the message is paired to convince you or reinforce the idea of your guilt.
  183. Pain is used on adult subjects more in this type of abuse, because emotionally mature brains associate pain with raw truth.
  184. Reinforcement-learning-block-diagram
  186. This will go in a circle over and over again, then after a picture is painted for you in vivid detail, you will be given an opportunity to confess to crimes in exchange for relief of stress, pain, and mental abuse. This arrangement for releaf of the torture and pain is communicated via the same way your accusations were managed (media consumption and social interactions)
  188. This is not for interrogation for actual evidence, but rather to create content from your false confession for further character assassination. Making a larger hole for your to dig out of later in the COINTELPRO 2.0 style of abuse.
  190. In cases for actual information extraction, non stress environments are created to develop what is called a Baseline Response. This is used as a standard for Polygraph Test used by the Judicial system; the opposite of this push pull type torture cyclone of accusation/proof as comparison/reinforcement/repeat until the subject is convinced.
  195. It will wear on you until you give your contracted provocators something they can use to damage your character, and shown outside of the context of your psychological and physical abuse for your social circles and community to judge you in the court of public opinion. Sometimes public, sometimes in secret through social platforms in private groups. Rumors spread faster than truth.
  197. In fact these methods are only used for false confessions in contract professional smear jobs but infact were outlawed by the George W. Bush Administration for it's ineffectiveness for information extraction of Guantanamo Bay suspected terrorists.
  200. guantanamo-bay-camp-x-ray-kneeling-inmates
  202. Ultimately it's for further damage to your character in the form of false confessions. Unless it's a actual crime, then you will most likely submitted to law enforcement, since getting some to kill you in jail rids your contracted harassers of work and is easier as a more rapid means to tying up the lose end that started your abuse in the first place. What ever that may be in your unique case.
  204. It's not what's true, but what it looks like.
  205. Digital psychological warfare
  206. Your intro into digital psychological warfare will be one of the major contributing factors in feeding you disinformation without you realizing it. This will be paired up with data about your life collected using the NSA's prism program.
  207. We all know of the program Edward Snowden help reveal which was the NSA's Prism program, which collected data from all platforms and available information outlets.
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  209. This will be paired up with what only I can describe as a god mode software that can edit, manipulate, and manufacture completely Things that happened to you online.
  210. But not just creating a fake web page that's masked over your usual daily websites you visit. But things I can manipulate your news feed algorithm entirely. It happened to me in a dramatic way which is why I featured it on my introduction video at the top of this web page as things being injected into my Reddit social media app.
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  212. And this is exactly what it does It manufactures fake data, pictures, accounts, In fact anything that you can see on your screen is easily manipulated to help create a false narrative about your circumstances.
  213. This can be used to cause fights between friends, tarnish your reputation online and be gone without a trace, and even give you false search engine results to help solve a problem you're having while you're under this COINTELPRO 2.0 style of harassment.
  214. The best way I can describe it is having full control to manipulate anything and everything you see but done by a admin and making sure it only filters through your devices, and computers.
  215. The best example I can find for comparison, is how you can edit things in your chrome browser.
  216. But on a government level. Like GOD MODE for the Internet.
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  218. Supposedly these systems are also utilized to communicate things to undercover officers. To make it look like they're just using their device, checking Facebook will have you, but signals communication within their feed etc.
  219. I imagine this is to communicate ideas without having to go in and out of the field losing cover.
  220. But when these systems are abused they can make it look like a person is crazy while they try to describe that things in their phone or shouting out to them or their TV is talking to him etc. This can be used to give you false search results, The directions can be modified on your GPS to put you into a bad area or even send you to the wrong place that you're trying to seek help at so you debrief your own enemy.
  221. The applications for this are numerous for corruption. The fact that police corruption is so widespread that a law enforcement agency called internal affairs was created just to combat it should be testament enough to how this kind of crime has been going on a lot longer than we understand thanks to local police forces having an NSA level digital toys to "combat terrorism."
  222. This is turned NSA contractors and and cybercrimes divisions of law enforcement into the next wave of police corruption. Using FISA warrants to pull up financial information, to see if you're worth robbing, and other kinds of racketeering practices but out of the view of the public since it's done inside data filtering centers.
  223. The applications are numerous, but understanding this system exists and better help you try to fight some of the feelings of being crazy, wishing that long run is just used to see if you can't be declared mentally insane so they Can't continue the abuse.
  225. Fleecing the Sheep
  226. Fleecing the Sheep is a term used by criminals and law enforcement. It's the basic practice of putting on massive pressure on you then releasing it with the promise of no more pain or pressure In return for information, financial resources, false confessions, dirt on colleagues, intellectual property, or even sexual favors.
  227. For me the combination of pressure on me was psychological torture, radiation exposure, being drugged with psychotropics and other myriad of pharmaceuticals, food restriction, promises of restoration of my character & life.
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  229. What would happen is I would have maybe a week of prolonged radiation exposure at home and out and about town, then I was requested to admit to crimes. This was communicated the same way my harassment was communicated through real-time deep fakes manipulation of data through my devices, and people using indirect communication such as directed conversation (using trigger words like saying your name and then talking about a subject matter That applies to your situation - but never talking you directly acting as if they're talking to a person next to them)
  230. Then maybe they would mix it up, slipping me a pharmaceutical drug that makes me feel like I'm dying with adverse side effects (Most likely obtain from Mexico). My contracted harassers will then offer alleviation to my abuse in exchange for money which I had none. When I did not give them resources they apply more pressure.
  231. They would combine tortures. Radiation/Drugging Me/ Psychological Torture. Then offer relief if I would confess the crimes or entertain the idea of confessing to crimes I did not do.
  232. This process will be repeated over and over until you are all used countless pieces of false confessions, embarrassing reactions to this torture as content they could use to damage your reputation, No more finances (they'll even suggest you take a mortgage out in your house to pay them to get it to stop).
  233. They will keep going over and over until you have nothing left not even a coat to keep the rain off of you hence the term fleecing the sheep.
  234. Making a Mass Murderer
  235. There will be false leads given to you as to the people or group that were the cause of your abuse. This will be while you're at the end of your rope, and even a windfall amount of money might fall into your lap at the same time. You will then be egged on (via the same way you were harassed via devices and people harassing you) to not be the "bitch" of the situation and exact revenge.
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  237. You'll be suggested too purchase a firearm and seek out your revenge that way, to rent a truck and drive it into a crowd, and a myriad of other horrible ways to exact your revenge on the people NOT responsible for your torture.
  238. When you are under constant pressure your mind grabs at any kind of anchor for your abuse. It's willing to do anything to make it stop even enact violence. OVER and over and over and over to try to get you to act out towards people who are not your ACTUAL causes of your abuse.
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  241. It's horrible that private military security contractors offer this as a service under the table to affluent clients to squash their enemies, and for companies to quiet whistleblowers or smear people they stolen intellectual property from.
  242. But the worst part of it is, that this is obvious unintended consequence of the style torture is getting the target of this abuse to think of ways to regain their self pride that's been stripped away and then to suggest incorrect causes to their problems so they get themselves locked up but also as unintended consequence the possible murder of masses.
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  244. It's disgusting what the military industrial complex has bred since it opened the floodgates after 9/11.
  245. Food Terrorism
  246. I'm not sure if it will be in your case but in my case there's been a substantial amount of food terrorism. In fact so many people kept spitting in my food that I contracted mono and had to seek treatment for it.
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  248. People will do it for numerous reasons not everyone is some sort of secret government operative. Usually if you're seeing food terrorism it's because organized crime has been paid to keep pressure on you and keeping you ill and sick is one of those things.
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  250. Another reason people do is because they believe rumors they've been told are here and since gossip travels faster than truth people will participate in spitting in your food It's not boogers, then it gets a little more crazier I've had people warn me that before putting HIV positive blood in my food, putting meth pipe water, special k, laxatives, pharmaceuticals, Imodium AD, and just general household chemicals and also herbicides and pesticides.
  251. It's not just food made for you It's also the food in your house. Since we live in a mass consumption society all of the items you bought there is an exact copy of that somewhere at a grocery store.
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  253. Someone will break into your home and take inventory of the food you have in your fridge and pantries and then buy replacements for the things you eat the most. Those replacements before they hit your pantry to swap out food you already purchased will be tampered with chemicals will be added to them, biological things like blood or piss or what have you will be added to your drinks sodas etc, resealed bags of chips What have you and you won't know the difference. In fact it's an entire side cottage industry for organized crime when they get contracts like this to perfect the repackaging of food.
  254. I recommend buying a food sealer or even marking every single food item you own with permanent marker across different sides of it crossing over.
  255. Don't buy things like chips or other things in foil packages they're easily resealed and you will never know if they've been resealed.
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  257. I suggest making your own bread cuz at least you can monitor a food sealed bag of flour, Because they yes will replace bread items like tortillas and sandwich bread hot dog buns what have you with ones I have had stuff glazed on top of them or even cooked recooked with additional harmful ingredients added to them like homemade yellow cake radioactive material.
  258. I also recommend getting some sort of water filter if you can and keeping it on you always.
  259. Lots of contractors who gain a contract on a co-intel pro target pride themselves on their ability to repackage food like it's an art form because it's such an inconspicuous way of delivering harm to a Target without them knowing and having them be the ones to administer it to themselves.
  260. Some even joke that they didn't kill their target their target killed themselves because of consuming and using tampered goods.
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  262. Money Games
  263. There will be times when you will have games played with your finances. With illegal fisa warrants obtained this will allow NSA field agents vice cops and it is a contractor's to know how much money you have down to the change in your wallet.
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  265. They will play games with you they will try to get you fired from your job bye having a third-party passively bribe your immediate lower boss to create a situation where you would fail to initiate situation where you get fired. They will play games with having accounts tied to your bank account to withdraw money at inconvenient times, to make reservations you make go upside down and you have to wait to get your money back, they'll make your bank freeze your assets and then ask you for forms of verification they know you don't have to drag out the time for you to even access the money in your bank account.
  266. this is all to limit your options at key junctures where then the contractors or field agents can then enact some sort of plan or set up something for you to further fall flat on your face. Your finances are used as a weapon against you.
  267. I don't want to tell you to put all the money in your mattress, but the more digitally tied up your funds are be easier it is 4 government agents and even third party government contractors who have been given access to your funds to dream up scenarios where they could cripple you financially.
  268. Use cash whenever possible, or like a reloadable cash card not tied to any kind of bank account.
  270. keep in mind did they know how much money you have down to the change in your wallet they won't let crooks know you have money on you so in the Advent do you have money on you and you get into an altercation most likely it'll be because I need you poor to limit your options.
  271. Character Assassination Model
  273. During this process your character will be assassinated. There is a simple model for how that will be achieved. The reason why it is done in this fashion is it still takes tiny pieces of the truth to weave into a greatly exaggerated event, a complete lie altogether, or to start gossip which creates distance from you in your community of people.
  274. In the middle you'll have your reason, no one will really know the real reason why security contractors and government field agents we'll be targeting you. How these agents, contractors, and organized crime will create an environment for a modern-day lynching is to start lies, rumors, greatly exaggerate events from your distant past, or even set up scenarios and secretly record you to, then chop it up and edit it to be showing out of context.
  277. Each one of these lies or exaggerations will be marketed towards different demographics within your social group, family, professional colleagues, and even your community is a whole.
  278. tiny pieces from the actual truth will be used and weaved into the lie or fire that would be started to damage your character.
  279. People will then think they understand the reason for your harassment, and because they feel they understand it there's a high chance they're understanding what we translated into thinking you deserve it or you brought it amongst yourself.
  280. They're not aware that many security contractor field agents or even government field agents go through extensive training in lying cheating and stealing to help further their agenda or mission.
  283. Please refer to the video by the beginning of the section for a simplified explanation.
  284. Can You Trust Your Media
  289. A unintended side effect of this kind of torture is not being able to trust your media over any computer, device, television, radio, ect.
  290. Since you're exposed to things like real time deep fakes on TV and Online Videos, masked over web pages, falsified search results, puppeted friends social accounts online, your social feeds curated, even your map search results for directions can stear you to the wrong destination to a fake office, or journalist so you can debrief your enemies, instead of finding help. The internet & media in general soon becomes a novelty, and less of a utility.
  291. it sucks because now you can't trust literally anything you see unless it's a movie on DVD you owned for 10 years sitting under your TV.
  292. Thanks to voice software emulation, real-time deep fakes, the ability to edit and falsify any web page search result, social media interaction, etc; you begin to not believe anything unless you see it.
  293. I said this was an unintended side effect, but I'm pretty certain this kind of torture is meant to install a sense of paranoia in you as a result of being exposed to these kinds of falsified media experiences.
  294. You just can't let yourself get eaten alive by it, and any feelings of paranoia that what you're being fed over your TV, device, computer, podcast, yadda yadda just wash it over with a whimsical juxtaposition.
  295. When things soon get to in person interactions I would say maintain a respectful decorum but act as if you have a trillion dollars and the person talking to you is trying to relieve you some of that money.
  296. That mindset well alert your bullshit filters in your brain and help you get through things a little better.
  297. Don't freak the fuck out, they're just assholes with a blank check on stomping on your constitutional rights & expensive digital toys they were not smart enough to make themselves, only shown how to use them for harassment.
  298. Without their government hall past to fuck you and NSA digital toys these people are zeros in life.
  299. You should respect actual criminals more at this stage, at least criminals commit crime and have something like thier freedom to risk, the contractors or proxies paid to do this shit to you only possess persistence and a blank check. It's easy for your paid harrassers to be badass when there is no way for them to suffer consequences.
  300. Stanford prison experiment type behavioral constructs will manifest shortly after they are given the job to torture you or told to not "take any shit" from you. Then tie that to their government permission slip and they will commit war crimes like rape, forced prostitution, extortion, forced drug trafficking and murder because they were "given permission" to do what you have to do to keep you from getting out of the COINTELPRO 2.0 programs clutches. (More so the 3rd party contractors will go ape shit - they will even sub out to organized crime - some of these contractors are former military but we're part of organized crime before they had clearance, now they subcontract for the Pentagon click/tap link ---> Gangs & Mafia's in US Military )
  301. They are just normies with NSA Toys and a God Complex.
  302. They are NOTHING without this blank check from Uncle Sam.
  303. Half of this guide is me trying to help you frame your usually faceless and nameless provocators in a way so they don't seem so fucking frightening. Shit will get out of hand because the people abusing you have permission to do everything in their power to fuck you, and no record of your abuse will exist, other than what you can record.
  304. UNDERSTAND, God complexes will manifest in your abusers minds. They will soon believe their actions are justified.
  305. These are all UNAVOIDABLE byproducts of the imbalance of power given to your provocators paid to do this to you
  306. Please see the Stanford Prison Experiment as a guide for how out of hand it will get. People will become monsters if given permission.
  309. Mobbing
  312. Mobbing describes a behavior where rumors will be used to stir the masses or people in your community to lash out at you. A lot of it is panic and rumor based but ultimately people will start to lash out at you. This is usually called for if the contractors are trying to get you out of your area so they can quietly sweep you under the rug. Sometime mobbing is just too put stress on you, but ultimately it's to get a community of people to lash out at you would that be for reasons or rumors.
  313. Understand every behavior has an action every action has a reason. If the contractors or field agents are trying to move you in a direction or put some sort of pressure on you there is ultimately a reason for it
  314. You'll get to the point if it calls for your removal and a region to quietly get rid of you that lots of rumors started about you.
  315. They might try to convince family members that these problems are your fault any kind of stress you brought on your family what's your fault any deaths or injuries or salts done to family members or your fault and they need to help push you out of a region to make everyone's life goes back to normal.
  316. It's basically using principles learned from the Third Wave psychological experiment to create an environment for a modern-day lynching
  317. Understand that going to another area where nobody knows you is just like the principal of never going to a second location if you're being kidnapped. The chances of your survival go down dramatically when you move to an area and nobody knows you.
  318. This happens on a local level but this also can be caused by people not from your community. After the security contractors create rappor with your family, friends or important people in your community and/or law enforcement in your area.
  319. It's easy to wrestle up people and stir the masses to create panic and that panic been to create decisions for the community will Make a decision and a kangaroo court style fashion where you will not know who your accusers are or who is implementing push.
  320. You'll find in cases where even after numerous stunts and even assaults to get you to leave an area, but you persist because you understand if you go to a different town it'll be the end of you, criminals in organized crime will start to get involved if the contractors are unsuccessful.
  321. all this is is using third wave psychological experiment principles learned to create a modern-day lynching.
  322. If it gets to this point I recommend you learn to defend yourself, and start caring a non-data connective camera like a point and shoot to start recording some of the abuse happening to you so you can take it to authorities and get it logged
  323. Mail Interception and Package Tampering
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