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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  4. <head>
  5. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  6. <title>D3 Parliament Power Measures: Spanish parliament 2015 Case Study</title>
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  72. <body>
  73. <div id="buttoms">
  74. <select id="inds_spanish_parliament">
  75. <option value="Seats" selected="selected">Seats</option>
  76. <option value="Proportional">Proportional</option>
  77. <option value="Shapley">Shapley</option>
  78. <option value="Banzhaf">Banzhaf</option>
  79. <option value="Winnable-Ideologia">Winnable-Ideologia</option>
  80. <option value="Worsable-Ideologia">Worsable-Ideologia</option>
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  129. /*
  130. var key = function(d){ return; };
  131. var color = d3.scale.category20()
  132. .domain(["JxSi", "C's", "PSC", "CSQP", "PPC", "CUP"])
  133. .range(["#34cbcb", "#ff8000", "#e60000", "#e60073", "#3333ff", "#ffff00"]);
  134. function readData (){
  135. var labels = color.domain();
  136. return{
  137. return { label: label, value: seats[label] }
  138. }).filter(function(d){
  139. return d.value > 0;
  140. }).sort(function(a, b){
  141. return d3.descending(a.value, b.value);
  142. });
  143. }
  144. change(readData());
  145. */
  147. dataset = {
  148. "parliament": {
  149. "name": "Congreso de los Diputados",
  150. "seats": "350"
  151. },
  152. "parties": [
  153. {
  154. "code": "PP",
  155. "color": "#3333ff",
  156. "name": "Partido Popular"
  157. },
  158. {
  159. "code": "PSOE",
  160. "color": "#e60000",
  161. "name": "Partido Socialista Obrero Espa\u00f1ol"
  162. },
  163. {
  164. "code": "Podemos",
  165. "color": "#660033",
  166. "name": "Podemos"
  167. },
  168. {
  169. "code": "C's",
  170. "color": "#ff8000",
  171. "name": "Ciutadans"
  172. },
  173. {
  174. "code": "ERC",
  175. "color": "#ffd11a",
  176. "name": "Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya"
  177. },
  178. {
  179. "code": "DiL",
  180. "color": "#000066",
  181. "name": "Democr\u00e0cia i Llibertat"
  182. },
  183. {
  184. "code": "PNV",
  185. "color": "#009933",
  186. "name": "Partido Nacionalista Vasco"
  187. },
  188. {
  189. "code": "IU",
  190. "color": "#660000",
  191. "name": "Izquierda Unida"
  192. },
  193. {
  194. "code": "Bildu",
  195. "color": "#99ff33",
  196. "name": "EH Bildu"
  197. },
  198. {
  199. "code": "CC",
  200. "color": "#e6e600",
  201. "name": "Coalicion Canarias"
  202. }
  203. ],
  204. "results": {
  205. "Banzhaf": {
  206. "Bildu": 0.008,
  207. "C's": 0.084,
  208. "CC": 0.003,
  209. "DiL": 0.033,
  210. "ERC": 0.04,
  211. "IU": 0.008,
  212. "PNV": 0.026,
  213. "PP": 0.378,
  214. "PSOE": 0.21,
  215. "Podemos": 0.21
  216. },
  217. "Proportional": {
  218. "Bildu": 0.006,
  219. "C's": 0.114,
  220. "CC": 0.003,
  221. "DiL": 0.023,
  222. "ERC": 0.026,
  223. "IU": 0.006,
  224. "PNV": 0.017,
  225. "PP": 0.351,
  226. "PSOE": 0.257,
  227. "Podemos": 0.197
  228. },
  229. "Seats": {
  230. "Bildu": 2,
  231. "C's": 40,
  232. "CC": 1,
  233. "DiL": 8,
  234. "ERC": 9,
  235. "IU": 2,
  236. "PNV": 6,
  237. "PP": 123,
  238. "PSOE": 90,
  239. "Podemos": 69
  240. },
  241. "Shapley": {
  242. "Bildu": 0.006,
  243. "C's": 0.07,
  244. "CC": 0.002,
  245. "DiL": 0.025,
  246. "ERC": 0.03,
  247. "IU": 0.006,
  248. "PNV": 0.02,
  249. "PP": 0.402,
  250. "PSOE": 0.22,
  251. "Podemos": 0.22
  252. },
  253. "Winnable-Ideologia": {
  254. "Bildu": 0.053,
  255. "C's": 0.106,
  256. "CC": 0.074,
  257. "DiL": 0.089,
  258. "ERC": 0.067,
  259. "IU": 0.043,
  260. "PNV": 0.088,
  261. "PP": 0.192,
  262. "PSOE": 0.172,
  263. "Podemos": 0.117
  264. },
  265. "Worsable-Ideologia": {
  266. "Bildu": 0.05,
  267. "C's": 0.11,
  268. "CC": 0.086,
  269. "DiL": 0.097,
  270. "ERC": 0.062,
  271. "IU": 0.036,
  272. "PNV": 0.098,
  273. "PP": 0.156,
  274. "PSOE": 0.203,
  275. "Podemos": 0.101
  276. }
  277. }
  278. }
  282. .on("change", function () {
  283. MeasureSettings();
  284. change(dataset);
  285. });
  286. MeasureSettings();
  287. change(dataset);
  289. d3.json("2015_spanish_parliament.json", function (error, dataset) {
  290. if (error) throw error;
  292. .on("change", function () {
  293. MeasureSettings();
  294. change(dataset);
  295. });
  296. MeasureSettings();
  297. change(dataset);
  298. });
  299. function MeasureSettings () {
  300. var titleMeasure = document.getElementById("titleMeasure");
  301. titleMeasure.parentNode.removeChild(titleMeasure);
  302. var sect = document.getElementById("inds_spanish_parliament");
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  306. .html('<tspan x="'+ -width/3.5 +'" dy="'+ -1.2*radius +'" font-size="2vw" fill="green" style="font-weight:bold">'+measure_name+'</tspan>')
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  308. .style('color', 'green')
  309. .style('text-anchor', 'left');
  310. }
  311. /* ------- AUXILIAR FUNCTIONS -------*/
  312. function mergeWithFirstEqualZero(first, second){
  313. var secondSet = d3.set(); second.forEach(function(d) { secondSet.add(d.label); });
  314. var onlyFirst = first
  315. .filter(function(d){ return !secondSet.has(d.label); })
  316. .map(function(d) { return {label: d.label, value: 0}; });
  317. return d3.merge([ second, onlyFirst ])
  318. .sort(function(a,b) {
  319. return d3.ascending(a.label, b.label);
  320. });
  321. }
  322. function defineColors (dataset){
  323. /* ---------------- Get variables ---------------- */
  324. var parties_info = Object.keys(dataset.results.Seats).map(function(label){
  325. return {label: label, value: dataset.results.Seats[label],
  326. color: dataset.parties.filter(function(p){return p.code == label;})[0].color};
  327. }).filter(function(d){
  328. return d.value > 0;
  329. }).sort(function(a, b){
  330. return d3.descending(a.value, b.value);
  331. });
  332. var parties ={
  333. return party_info.label;
  334. });
  335. var colors_parties ={
  336. return party_info.color;
  337. });
  338. /* ---------------- Define colors ---------------- */
  339. var color = d3.scale.category20()
  340. .domain(parties)
  341. .range(colors_parties);
  342. return color;
  343. }
  344. function readData (dataset){
  345. /* ---------------- Define colors ---------------- */
  346. var color = defineColors(dataset);
  347. /* ------------ Get measure from buttom ------------ */
  348. var sect = document.getElementById("inds_spanish_parliament");
  349. var measure_name = sect.options[sect.selectedIndex].value;
  350. /* ---------------- Compute data ---------------- */
  351. var measure = dataset.results[measure_name];
  352. var seats = dataset.results.Seats;
  353. var labels = color.domain();
  354. return{
  355. return {label: label, value: measure[label], seats: seats[label]};
  356. }).filter(function(d){
  357. return d.seats > 0;
  358. }).sort(function(a, b){
  359. return d3.descending(a.seats, b.seats);
  360. });
  361. }
  362. /* ------- REPLOT FUNCTION -------*/
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  364. /* ------- MAIN DATA -------*/
  365. // var duration = +document.getElementById("duration").value;
  366. var duration = 500,
  367. data = readData(dataset),
  368. color = defineColors(dataset),
  369. n_seats = dataset.parliament.seats,
  370. name_parlament =;
  371. var key = function(d){ return; };
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  377. var is = mergeWithFirstEqualZero(data0, data);
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  380. .startAngle(-90 * (Math.PI/180))
  381. .endAngle(90 * (Math.PI/180))
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  383. .value(function(d) {
  384. return d.value;
  385. });
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  393. .outerRadius(radius * 1.1);
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  435. return;
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  442. return middle;
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  488. .style("opacity", function(d) {
  489. return == 0 ? 0 : 1;
  490. })
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  494. var _this = this;
  495. return function(t) {
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  499. pos[0] = radius * 1.05 * (midAngle(d2) > 0 ? 1 : -1);
  500. return [arc.centroid(d2), outerArc.centroid(d2), pos];
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  515. .html('<tspan x="0" dy="'+-radius/7.0+'" font-size="3.2vw" fill="red">'+n_seats+'</tspan>'+'<tspan x="0" dy="'+0.12*radius+'" style="font-weight:bold" font-size="1.25vw">'+name_parlament+'</tspan>')
  516. .style('font-size', '.9em')
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  538. .style('font-size', '.9em')
  539. .style('color', 'black')
  540. .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
  541. /* ------- ADD LEGEND -------*/
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  543. LegendParties.parentNode.removeChild(LegendParties);
  544. // add legend
  545. var legend = svg.append("g")
  546. .attr("class", "legend")
  547. .attr("id", "LegendParties")
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  550. .attr('transform', 'translate('+ -width/65.0 +','+ height/15.0 +')');
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  575. </html>
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