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Jul 9th, 2019
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  1. here was also one really fat hag when they were calling their parents, so people saying obesity didn't exist, didn't look very closely.
  3. The only reason why these teens seem somehow 'real', is because of how bad the situation is these days - you look back into the past with rose-tinted glasses of nostalgy and hope, and mediocrity and stupidity charms you and you think that's real.
  5. I used to like this documentary, but when I watched it now, I all I saw was drug-addicted, spoiled rich kids having a ball on someone else's money that they were not even going to pay back.
  7. Talk about irresponsible. The guy that was arranging it for 9 months couldn't have been more elusive and douchy - it was as if he didn't even want to talk to the interviewer and was basically winging it, and didn't like being questioned. It's as if he wasn't even enthusiastic or excited, interested about the whole event, and was more interested in being smug with his motorcycle and all.
  9. Like, what kind of interview was that? Anyone 'real' would've been glad to be given the opportunity to explain everything about the project, and stood in front of the camera, stood straight instead of constantly twisting and turning, especially without tilting his head all the time and giving these two or three-word quick answers without explaining anything.
  11. People just wanted to have drugs and sex while listening to some crappily-played drug-rock (the performers seemed to be sometimes quite drugged-out, too) while high.
  13. There was meditation, but even THAT was sold to the audience by constantly reminding how it's JUST LIKE TAKING DRUGS, but just without drugs! Yeah, such REAL people that they can't even be interestead in a basic thing like meditation without linking it to drugs somehow.
  15. They were mimicing Tai Chi, but I bet after the concert ended, and especially after the whole hippie movement quietly died down, when it stopped being a trend (and thus masses started following the next trend), not ONE of these people that were SO excitedly virtue-signaling how good hippies they are, continued that practice, or researched Tai Chi or QiGong at all. I'll bet most of those 'meditators' never meditated afterwards, either.
  17. What I am saying is, this was the exact OPPOSITE of real people - they all had their agenda and motives, they were not motivated by anything good or real, there was nothing spiritual or elevating about any of it - it was the same motivations people, especially teens always have; to belong to the peer group (if they're hippies, I have to be a hippie too - if they're emos, I have to be an emo, too), to have sex, drugs, booze, freedom from adult supervision to do whatever they want, etc.
  19. The only interesting and possibly 'real' part of the whole thing is that there were no fights, and people had good attitudes about the rain and such, that there was so much 'peace' - but even that was interlaced with drug-addicted paranoia about government seeding the clouds, and who knows how much similar crackhead nonsense existed in that concert audience.
  21. It's an illusion, really - teens were no smarter than teens today, they were just as stupid, drug-, and sex-crazed idiots, who thought that you could just have free sex as much as you want without anyone being jealous (it doesn't work that way, no matter how much you laugh at the interviewer for asking 'don't you get jealous' - women still get most of the sex, and the low-status men still won't - so they just do the drugs and try to be 'good hippies' until they realize it's not gonna get them laid, so then they just forget being a hippie and try to start making money, etc.)..
  23. You do realize all these hippies sold out pretty much immediately after this concert?
  25. It's a comforting illusion, there are some high ideals that one of course wishes one could trust people adhere to, when watching these kinds of documentaries. But when you look at it from the perspective of 'adult enablers and drug-addicted kids who just want to have free drugs, sex and booze while listening to some celebrity performers', you can open your eyes to the reality of the situation.
  27. These same exact guys would behave completely differently if they were born a bit later - they would be the same exact video game addicts you see these days - they would be seen in TV shows like 'Intervention', they would be the same attention-seeking wh0res you see in camgirl-sites (the women that showed off their bodies in Woodstock are the same kind that nowadays show off their bodies in webcams, except they weren't tattooed - but make no mistake, these same women would get tattoos immediately if they were transfered to our world, because that's the trend).
  29. If you can realize these were just teens following a trend, and if it ever seemed like they were saying something almost wise or that almost makes some sense, it is due to the drugs having temporarily expanded and elevated their puny, trendy minds to reach some nuggets of cosmic wisdom just to forget it all again when the drug wears off.
  31. BTW, just saying 'groovy' doesn't allow a magical portal that lets you time travel to the 1960s. The only reason the noise, inconvenience, hunger, thirst, lack of toilets and the rain didn't bother the people in Woodstock was because they were on powerful drugs most of the time, and that carried them through the weekend.
  33. Drugs might also be a big reason why they were relatively skinny - when you are a drug-addict, you don't always keep your nutritional side optimally healthy.
  35. The whole hippie movement was hypocrite to begin with; it was spoiled rich kids trying to find ways to rebel against their 'square' parents, who had worked hard for their money, but spoiled their kids, so the kids never understood the value of money or work or how difficult it REALLY is to live in the world, so they were free to just party all the time and take drugs and moralize, preaching copypasted teachings that they didn't even understand.
  37. What's so real about drug-addicts that are motivated by lust, greed, peer pressure and virtue signaling just as much as the worst teens today? They just had this 'hippie culture' framework to do it in. Today you see the same, exact thing, just done through a different framework.
  39. The only thing that would've make these people REAL, is if they had STAYED hippies until they died, insted of selling out. But they didn't. Because it was never real. It was always just the same thing people always do, they attach themselves to people, ideals, groups and things when they think they can that way get what they want and lust for.
  41. Women want men's attention and to use their sexual power as much as possible to control and obtain the optimal high-status male. Teen women are lusty, so this was a perfect opportunity for them to be slutty and still respected. They didn't care about any of the 'love', 'harmony', 'spiritual' crap, they just saw pretty things and high-status men and as chameleons that all women are, they just adapted to the culture to best exploit it and the men in it.
  43. Men want to get laid, so they figured, this 'hippie free love' is the best thing for them, so they join en massé. And they get drugs, social circles, and this 'epic concert' for free, so why not. After all, before computers and video games, this event was the best entertainment there was.
  45. So everyone was in it for their own agendas. Sure, there were probably a handful of 'real hippies', who are still true to their ideals, and who didn't really indulge in drugs beyond some small tests and who still meditate and practice spirituality.
  47. But you can BET, that on this planet, when masses get interested to do anything good, it's only because of their own, greedy, lusty, trendy or virtue-signaling reasons, not because they want to be spiritually elevated by meditating and to become better human beings.
  49. I don't see anything 'REAL' about these people, the only 'REAL' thing I see in this documentary is the incredible amount of drugs everyone was taking. These people were REAL drug addicts, and real exploiters of each other in the guise of 'being good hippies'.
  51. Once the laws tightened and it became a bit too dangerous to continue, all the pretenders dropped the hippie act and became establishment drones, just like their parents always wanted. So this 'Adam' guy became a.. QUACK for the system! Instead of a homeopathic spiritual healer or acupuncturist at least, or Vedic medicine advisor, he realized he must learn how to advance the Big Pharma agenda by toxifying innocent people by 'continuously treating' instead of healing them.
  53. Look at the WHOLE people beyond the charade and beyond the 1960s charm that I admit this documentary is full of, and look at the big picture and see how 'real' these people REALLY are.
  55. How anyone can call drugged-out-of-their-minds-teens in a concert 'real', is beyond me. There was not ONE sober individual that exuded any kind of wisdom. Look at how they dance - it's just pure madness. Instead of making their body do weird movements, maybe they could try to help some starving kids in Manila. But no, it's more important to just flail your arms like you don't know what the heck you are doing, that's helpful.
  57. Real? Please. Get real. (Yes, pun intended)
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