

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [00:02:46] "I.. ah.. nn.. Xoco.."
  3. Lotlhuitl twitched in Xoconan's grasp as Hatsune's fingered brushed against her bare shoulder. Grasped.
  5. Lotlhuitl's green eyes widened! That strangely mirror-like metallic quality returned to her eyes, as she stiffened. The light in this room was overwhelmingly Hatsune's. And so it was that this light shone and reflected off the Nagual's eyes as she stared up at Xoconan.
  7. It was unclear whether the Nagual saw him now.
  9. In her mind, Lotlhuitl was standing in a hall of mirrors. But her reflection was not her own. It was everyone she'd ever yearned after, everyone who had ever wronged her, humiliated her, bested her. In her mind, she felt light pierce this dark chamber. It was now that she that some of the beautiful mirrors were cracked, broken. The light shone, allowing her to see. It was in the cracked glass that Lotlhuitl finally caught a glimpse of herself.
  11. She didn't like what she saw.
  13. Hatsune would surely feel the curse which had been eating away at Lotlhuitl's soul. Corrupting her. Not sin, but Soul Rot.
  15. The two runes - suns with an inward spiral motif - had been placed such a long time ago. Both runes overwhelmingly had a sense of change about them. The one at the nape of her neck was indeed a sin mark. At her hip, the sense of lust magic was much weaker.
  17. Both glowed as Hatsune touched her.
  19. "I asked for them."
  21. "I placed them."
  23. "I want it.
  25. "I can't."
  26. (Lotlhuitl)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [00:10:27] Xoconan watched her, helplessly. Spirits, how he hated this helpless feeling. So... Vulnerable.
  31. The only woman he cared about was in his arms, and she was broken. Something had damaged her. Something that Noa knew about. A look was given towards Noa, the we're going to have a long talk look.
  33. He pressed his head down, against Lotls forehead. "Let Hatsune remove them. If you truly want them back, if you truly want to put them back, when she's done, then you can fix it." He spoke, tone cracking.
  35. "You don't have to do anything else, just let her in. After everything I've done for you- Toka, Xarnata, saving you from Oxo'moco... Can you just do this one thing for me?"
  37. "Please?"
  38. (Xoconan)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [00:19:50] To say that Lotlhuitl was not the overly emotional sort of gal was incorrect. The woman was largely driven by her emotions. Impulse.
  43. But even so, she wasn't typically the sort to openly start weeping in front of people. She.. valued appearing strong, even if she had been shown, again and again, just how weak and vulnerable she was.
  45. The Nagual had started to cry. Shuddering, sobbing. Hatsune's calming magics were only doing so much. Clearly, Lotlhuitl was under a lot of strain right now.
  47. "I.."
  49. Could she do it?
  51. Something snapped within her. Another crack in one of those mirrors. She was just so weak, she should refuse. Leave. But she needed Xoconan. Desperately wanted him, even after she knew that she shouldn't. A voice in her head warned her that he would stop loving her if she changed back. That'd he'd forget her. That she'd go back to being invisible. Voiceless.
  53. But.. he'd asked. Begged. Pleaded. His saying please was what really broke through to her.
  55. Lotlhuitl hung her head, shuddering, as she forced herself to give in. She was terrified -- noticeably so -- even with the sense of calm surrounding them all.
  57. The last ounce of trust Lotlhuitl had for Xoconan was spent at that point, the woman once more feeling like she was dizzy, teetering at the edge of some great precipice.
  59. Unsure which direction safety lie.. and which direction falling into oblivion.
  60. (Lotlhuitl)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [00:21:32] "The marks are sinful indeed," the mermaid's voice resonates despite her lips hardly moving, "There's another problem here, though. The Soul Rot from the Spirit Entity we had all slain. The cure was easy to find, but some slipped through and did not seek it or know of it. Kaschei developed it, and he is dead, but the malady is relatively simple. I do believe I can replicate the curing process."
  65. "I can start with that. It should be simpler. It is making her especially weak, it seems."
  67. The mermaid had undergone it as well in the first few months after the start of the Spirit Rot epidemic. Some had kept it for the visions it provided despite common sense, but most had seen Kaschei or other healers who developed their cures...
  69. The mermaid began-
  71. Holy magic was a destructive force. Truly, 'purifying' someone could often mean just killing them. A reckless exorcist did as much good for corruption as nightshade for a headache after all. The mermaid was slow and careful. The Soul Rot was just that: A festering wound on the surface of the soul, before the impregnable barrier that blocked all but divine magic from harming it. At least, that was the explanation given before...
  73. The mermaid pulsed holy magic through her, trying to polish what was marred and wounded without blasting away bits and pieces of what was in between. Attuned to the lifestream, she was perhaps the best person around for that.
  74. (Hatsune Panic)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [00:24:57] Xoconan helped in the only way he could. He held his wife close, as closely as he was able without getting in Hatsunes way. He knew of the soul rot - his very soul still possessed it. In a way, it'd helped Xoconan, something to draw on for rage. Another thing that made him helpless.
  79. The same, familiar heat and weight that he'd always used around his wife was used again. Focused, singular in its goal. He wanted to relax her as much as he was able.
  81. "I promise you, you'll be fine." He said, voice full of conviction. A promise he hoped she'd believe - he'd never spoken idly before.
  83. "I'll be right here, always."
  84. (Xoconan)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [00:38:36] The marks were sinful.. Hatsune's words hurt her head.
  89. "I'm not weak!" Lotlhuitl protested, still sobbing and gasping at this point. "I'm not.."
  91. In truth, she had gone to Kaschei for healing, but the process had hurt. Terrified her. She'd not been able to go through it all, she had fled from him like a coward.
  93. And here she was. Held in Xoconan's arms, crying out. "It hurts. It hurts!" She could feel parts of herself -- parts of herself which she had found herself relying on more and more -- be stripped and polished away.
  95. Like charred flesh, the corruption had to be burnt away in order to stop the wound from becoming septic.
  97. Lotlhuitl cried. Sobbed, weeping openly. All she was aware of was this horrible sense of being stripped of part of herself. It was maddening, and she likely would have panicked, if she hadn't felt Xoconan's magics pressing against her. Holding her.
  99. He was there.
  101. Lotlhuitl let the last of her defences fall.
  103. Hatsune was successful. She would succeed at cleaning Lotlhuitl's soul of the festering, rotting curse. But as careful as the Sirenian had been, the Nagual could not possibly get through it all without damage. Not so much because of Hatsune, but because the cursed portions of her soul had still been, well. Part of herself. Without the cursed portions of herself, Lotlhuitl felt.. calmer, sure. But strangely empty.
  105. In her mind, the hall of mirrors persisted.. but their mirrored surfaces were strangely scuffed. Or.. dusty. Momentarily not reflective.. despite the light flooding the imagined chamber.
  107. Lotlhuitl shuddered, going completely limp.
  109. Runes still glowing at her flesh.
  110. (Lotlhuitl)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [00:40:19] LOOC - Xoconan: (Feel free to skip me)
  114. [00:40:19] LOOC - Xoconan: (I really do have nothing to add at this point)
  115. [00:40:19] LOOC - Xoconan: (Well, actually, small dot)
  116. [00:42:52] Through the whole process, she was held. Refused to be let go of, refused to let her go through it alone. His hand came to grip hers, maddeningly tight.
  118. "It's okay, everything's fine." He said, even as her weeping shoved glass into his heart. As she went limp, his eyes went wide, face paling.
  120. "Come on, you're stronger than that! You're not weak, you're right! Don't let yourself be brought down like that." He said, pleading once more.
  121. (Xoconan)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [00:45:26] The mermaid continued- This was nothing new to her. Those afflicted with anything mind altering didn't magically get better when the effect was removed. Their mind was altered in some way. There was no finger snapping 'now you're better!' It was like having your entire life filled with a piercing screeching noise and then having it taken away... All you had was silence, and sometimes that was just more terrifying.
  126. The mermaid continued to polish and scrub until it was gone. She went through the pain, and then, after that was finished, she reached down for the sinful marks... With the Nagual passed out, without the consent she'd asked for before, she starts to try a similar treatment. She started with the inverted sun on her neck.
  128. Holy water poured from her porous fingers as she swept them over her flesh, saturated her, and tried to cleanse the afflicted area of physical mar. Magically, she incised any depravity she found and pulled it out. More holes. More nothing where a something was before, even if that something was terrible and caustic to everything around it.
  129. (Hatsune Panic)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. [00:59:05] Lotlhuitl's subconscious tried to cling to the magic which Hatsune was pulling out of her.
  134. The Nagual was just dead weight in Xoconan's arms. Not that her weight could possibly bother the gravity mage, physically at least. She was limp, eyes glazed. That same, strange, mmetalic quality hadn't left her green eyes. Only now, it was much less mirror-like. Dull.
  136. "Ng-" Lotlhuitl practically gurgled with each exhale. Incoherent.
  138. The sun rune at the back of her neck glowed bright as Hatsune scrubbed at it. Finally, the mark which had been etched into her flesh cruelly with energy magic was broken. Lotlhuitl jolted, almost like something had struck her. The spell breaking was painful. Painful, like only the truth could be, really.
  140. "Ah!" Lotlhuitl had screamed, seemingly returning to consciousness to attempt violently thrash in Xoconan's grip. She was held fast by his arms, by his magic. Perspiration dotted her forehead. It felt wrong. Desire had been her constant companion. Whispers in her mind. And now, it had been stripped from her. Leaving her empty.
  142. Breaking the mark was enough to free her from of its direct influence. But.. it had been a subtle mark. One which had encouraged her to pursue change. But.. as her mind begun to be freed, she would realise that she wasn't really sure where her own will had begun or ended. Whether Hatsune continued to scrub her skin until it was completely free of any trace of the mark was up to her. The moment that the sun had been slightly broken, the spell's effect had, too, broken.
  143. (Lotlhuitl)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [01:03:21] The mermaid left the sun simply shattered on one edge before drawing her hands back. The lust mark on her hip, for the moment, seemed to survive... "I think- Now would be a good time to withdraw from this and touch upon this healing later. Too much and there might be damage."
  148. "Rather, there is already damage. She might act differently in the coming days. Purging the sin from a sin magi is somewhat cruel, Xoconan. It is part of what they are- A terrible, vile part of what they are that takes more control over them than they have over themselves. They either end up as monsters, or they are cured and left as husks..."
  150. "And I will need to have a moment to finish with her- But later. I cannot continue this process a third time without severe risk of doing lasting harm that is unnecessary."
  152. The looked over to the man as her golden glow faded. "This has beena time consuming process... I apologize for that."
  153. (Hatsune Panic)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [01:06:46] Xoconan shook his head, holding his wife close. Holding her against him as Hatsune withdrew. "It's necessary." He spoke, voice cold. Not towards Hatsune, not intentionally.
  158. Watching his love suffer like she had... His mood was dark, to say the least. A glance, very firm, was given to Noa. "We need to talk." His gaze went to Hatsune, finally broken away from the Nagual he clutched so tightly.
  160. "Thank you, for it. For your work." Sincerity lined his tone, as he held his wife against his body.
  161. (Xoconan)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [01:14:27] Purging the sin magic from a sin magi? What Hatsune meant by that, Lotlhuitl was in no condition to question. As far as she knew, she wasn't a sin magi. And indeed, while an inference may or may not have been drawn that the woman was in danger of falling to sin, there was no evidence beyond the soul rot of any corruption which was truly hers. Well, unless she'd told the truth when she'd claimed that she'd placed the runes on her own person.
  166. Lotlhuitl's head rested against Xoconan's shoulder. Not by choice. She had been positioned there. That wasn't to say that she wanted otherwise.
  168. The Nagual, for the moment, was beyond wanting anything at all. Her soul ached. Bits of her soul, her psyche, had been cut out. Exorcised. And roughly stitched back up. She was raw.
  170. A soft whimper passed her lips. Her eyes still having that strangely metallic look to them. She moved, stirring, slowly, languidly shifting her arms to wrap them around Xoconan's shoulders.
  172. She didn't want him to let her go.
  174. (Lotlhuitl)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [01:15:18] Hatsune drew her eyes over the room. She looked between Xoconan and Noa before turning to leave. A parting, perhaps bitter remark was left despite it being spoken in a monotone.
  178. (Hatsune Panic)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [01:15:18] Intense.
  183. Those very feelings of pain and suffering brought to this Nagual could of shifted the hearts of any thinking about following a path of sin. Perhaps had he been paying attention, such a shift in his own heart could of occurred. Instead throughout it all he seemed more focused on himself for that matter, only picking up but a number of words exchanged between these lovers.
  185. "... Hm? Of course, of course. You know, I always have time for you." Noa spoke with a crooked grin as his gaze shifted towards this woman once more. Her form as limp as possible as she seemed practically drained of all energy. Such a price needed to pay all to push her closer towards this salvation that those who chose to walk on a path of sin would need to undergo.
  187. "I'll... Assume now that she is repaired. Her thoughts no longer influenced by sin, correct? Hatsune?"
  189. Had she finally been given but a brief moment of peace?
  190. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. [01:16:09] Hatsune Panic says, "If Noa continues to disrupt the peace with childish remarks, I will challenge him to an honor duel for the right to use the last name Huitzilopochtli. She has one last mark that must be purged, but I cannot tend to it now without being able to check up on her properly and consciously."
  194. [01:16:09] Hatsune Panic says, "Goodbye. I have work to do."
  195. [01:17:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "My..."
  196. [01:17:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "So rude..."
  197. [01:17:00] Xoconan protectively holds his wife against him.
  198. (Xoconan)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [01:17:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "... Should I give you two a moment of privacy?"
  202. [01:19:34] Holding her, he turned to simply stare at Noa. While Lotlhuitl was insensible. "You know precisely what I'm going to speak about. I won't use names." He spoke, voice blunt and cold, venomous.
  204. "I promise, not as Warchief, but as your friend, and that is the only reason I offer this now. If I ever see her come near my beloved again, ever see her try and play her games." A very perceptible field could be felt-
  206. Hateful. Roiling, pure emotion. This was not the work of gravity. "I will kill her. Do you understand? Keep her away. She will play her games on someone that isn't my wife."
  207. (Xoconan)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [01:23:50] Lotlhuitl remained limp. Her blood had dried. Up her hands, arms. Began to flake off. The Nagual's breath had caught, the tall woman not understanding but feeling the energy, the emotion that rolled from Xoconan. She might have flinched. Indeed, perhaps her muscles did tense.
  212. "Xoco.." Lotlhuitl breathed, head still leaning against his shoulders. If she'd been a mess before, the Nagual looked like a wreck.
  214. Her eyes fluttered, she tried to stir. Failed. So weak. She was pathetic. The woman might have cried again, but.. her horror at what had occurred here was enough to stop that. She.. she couldn't debase herself any further. She couldn't.
  216. "It's not her fault."
  218. Her voice was hoarse.
  220. "It's mine. It's all mine."
  221. (Lotlhuitl)
  222. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  224. [01:25:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oops, I meant to write not just understanding**)
  225. [01:30:40] Aha...
  227. His lips seemed to part in that moment as his mind was a rush of thoughts. Pushing himself from this statue of a proud lion those words seemed almost ineffective all the same. Though as he preached of murder and killing all that followed was a gentle shrug of his shoulders moving upwards. Glancing in the direction of this Nagual still kept firmly in his grasp he couldn't help but to wonder why she defended Xitlalli all the same.
  229. "The most I can do is tell her what you have told me. The act of actually listening to me is another thing entirely." He mused raising his shoulders upwards into something of a shrug. Moving forwards back towards the entrance of this fortress if that was all he could gain from this then it seemed ineffective. Shaking his head from side to side his own set of advice rang true.
  231. "All the same. You should assure Lotlhuitl does not actively seek her out again, but! That is neither here nor there. For now, you two could almost certainly use some privacy."
  233. He mused with that same crooked grin coming to spread.
  234. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  235. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. [01:31:31] Xoconan says, "Then give it to us, please."
  238. [01:31:31] Xoconan says, "You will play your part, I will play mine."
  239. [01:31:31] Noa Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "Mhm! Have fun!"
  240. [01:31:31] Noa waves back at the duo! Idly strutting out!
  241. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [01:33:13] Xoconan asks, "Are you okay?"
  245. [01:33:13] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  246. [01:33:13] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. Xoco, I'm so sorry."
  247. [01:34:04] Xoconan says, "Ssh. It wasn't you."
  248. [01:34:04] Xoconan says, "It was so many things, changing you."
  249. [01:34:56] Lotlhuitl clung to Xoconan, like she was lost, adrift at sea.
  250. (Lotlhuitl)
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. [01:35:47] Lotlhuitl says, "I've been so lonely.. I.. "
  254. [01:35:47] Xoconan says, "I'll never let you feel that way again."
  255. [01:35:47] Xoconan asks, "Do you want to go home?"
  256. [01:35:47] Xoconan says, "I'll carry you there, the whole way."
  257. [01:36:38] Lotlhuitl nodded. Silent. Weak.
  258. (Lotlhuitl)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [01:52:51] The entire trip, he carried her in his arms. Across the swamp, the plains, up and down mountains, he never once let go of Lotlhuitl. Face stony, eyes full of hatred for anyone that might try and get between them.
  263. And when they reached his house, he nearly collapsed from the strain on his mana. Floating for so long, without a break...
  265. He carried her upstairs, to their shared bedroom, gently setting her on the bed. Unclipping his armor, letting it drop to the ground in a mess.
  267. He fell onto the bed beside her, pulling her close. "Don't do that to me again..." He muttered, exhausted. "Please, don't make me feel like that again."
  268. (Xoconan)
  269. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  271. [02:05:39] Lotlhuitl lay on the bed, unmoving. Bloodied. A mess. The Nagual watched her lover undress. Noticed the strain. The exhaustion. The collar around his neck.
  273. She was silent, her gaze, her expression just.. sad.
  275. She remembered everything.
  277. There was no going back from this. There was no changing. She had been wrong: she wasn't clean. She had been sullied. Ruined.
  279. "I.." She shivered. Should she confess to Xoconan the depths she had fallen to? She couldn't. She couldn't hurt him. Not again. Not after he asked her to spare him that feeling. He didn't deserve this. It wasn't his fault. It was all hers, for being too weak.
  281. She winced.
  283. "I'm sorry."
  285. Another apology. Weak. Useless.
  287. He was going to find out. He was going to find out all about it and leave her. And he was going to hurt Xitlalli, too. When all she'd done was try and help her. At least, that was what Lotlhuitl thought Xitlalli had tried to do. In truth, her memories about what had happened between herself and the spirit dancer were.. hazy.
  289. She tried to reach for him as he pulled her close.
  291. "I feel so -" Empty. Lonely. Needy. Lotlhuitl shuddered. "I need you."
  293. Her eyes still had that strange look to them. Like her gaze was far off. Stuck in her own thoughts. It wasn't right that Xoconan should have to save her all the time. She.. she envied him, in a way. For his agency. In comparison, she lacked it almost entirely.
  295. But.. as conflicted, confused, weak, and disgusted with herself as she felt, it seemed that any illusion she had been under that Xoconan didn't adore her was vanquished.
  297. Well, at least for the moment.
  299. At least until he worked out that she was too much trouble. Or.. someone better came along.
  300. (Lotlhuitl)
  301. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. [02:16:44] At her apology, he held her closer. "You..." He shuddered, uselessly. His magical presence, even subdued as it was, even collared (though not active), exhausted, refused to settle. A nearby box of fruit was crushed flat under a weight, a chair cracking.
  305. "You're mine, remember that, right? I'm yours, and you're mine. You don't have to play games to get at me, you don't have to try and hurt me..." He spoke, the grief clear. "Whatever Sibri is to you, it's done. You can be friends, I don't care about that but..."
  307. His arm tightened, possessively. "Your promise didn't include others. I've been faithful, I've remained only yours. Do the same for me. Please. And I'll give you everything, anything you need."
  309. He tried to kiss her, possessively. "Mine."
  310. (Xoconan)
  311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. [02:35:31] "X-Xoco.."
  315. She couldn't do it.
  317. She couldn't kiss him.
  319. Lotlhuitl's breathing was erratic, her gaze wide. She flinched.
  321. She wanted to tell Xoconan that she didn't deserve him. That she never had. But this was a conversation which they'd had before. And she'd thought the lesson learnt then!
  323. "I.. I know what you're going to say. I can save your breath. Say it for you, before you say it. That.. it's not for me to decide what you want. That you want me."
  325. She shuddered. Turning her face to his. Gaze wide. The remaining rune at her hip was still glowing. Oh, she wanted him. Desired him. Wanted to continue to beg for his forgiveness. To cover him in her sweet, oh-so-teasingly chaste kisses. She wanted to be worthy of him, his love. His.. salvation.
  327. But she wasn't. She felt empty and weak. She felt.. used, and worthless. Despite her exhaustion, Lotlhuitl tried to jerk away from him.
  329. "I.. I should have been stronger. I should have come to you. I.. I wasn't. I'm weak, and as much as I wish I wasn't, I'm.. I'm a deviant. Unfaithful."
  331. Lotlhuitl shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. It was clear that she attributed no blame what so ever towards Xitlalli.. and a hell of a lot of blame towards herself. Why this was, who could say.
  333. "This is all my fault. I.. I don't want your sympathy. You should be furious with me."
  334. (Lotlhuitl)
  335. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. [02:45:45] He felt her pull away, and something snapped inside him. He drew himself from the bed, sitting up off the edge, away from her for a moment. His gaze pointed towards the wall, staring.
  339. A foul presence could be felt in the room, hateful. Uncaring. "What about me is pushing you away?" He asked, softly. He slowly stood, turning to face her, arms spread, exposing his scarred form.
  341. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?" He shouted, a wave of pure heat exploding from his body. The braziers burned high, scorching the stone ceiling black. "You kissed another man in front of me. You let him touch you in ways that belong to me. Of course I'm fucking furious!"
  343. His body trembled from the sensation, staring at his wife. "So what? What is it? What have I done wrong, what have I done to deserve this from you?" He continued to shout, the pervasive feeling of dread, of chaos only growing.
  346. (Xoconan)
  347. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. [02:45:45] LOOC - Xoconan: (Did my post not go through?)
  350. [02:46:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (okay it did, it's in my history, but it didn't appear on my screen)
  351. [05:17:39]
  352. {LOAD GAME}
  354. [05:21:04] Ahh..
  356. Lotlhuitl swallowed. The Nagual woman felt his absence. Swiftly regretting pulling away from him. She knew she'd hurt Xoconan. Hurt him, again and again. But she couldn't help herself. She didn't even want to hurt him now! And here she was. He was screaming at her. To her credit, she didn't start weeping again.
  358. "..nng," Lotlhuitl exhaled, feeling the pervasive sense of chaos building in the room. She felt it in her bones. Her soul had been cleansed of the affects of soul rot. Cleansed of the corruption. And yet, her mana still spiked. It was almost like her subconscious desperately was looking to cling to whatever source of power, of chaos, that it could.
  360. "I just.. I just wanted you to feel how I feel..!" Lotlhuitl hissed at him, her eyes flashing. A spark of electricity in her gaze. The truth. "I couldn't help it. I.. I thought you were-"
  362. It surely didn't matter. It didn't matter who had said what to her. Convinced her of what. She should have known better. Lotlhuitl cut herself off, her expression suddenly pinched. Strained. What was pushing her away? It was a valid question. Lotlhuitl herself didn't even know. She wanted him, badly. Adored him. He drove her crazy. And she was surely losing him.
  364. She was quiet. Too quiet. The weight of her guilt was pushing down on her.
  366. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She breathed, standing before him. Bravado.
  368. "If you want to hurt me, hurt me."
  369. (Lotlhuitl)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. [05:22:46] (Continuing other RP. Internet problems)
  374. "How you feel?" He replied, waving his arm. "This is how you feel? Furious? Burning?" He walked up to her, expression full of fury, unreadable behind it. "What, what did you think I was? Leaving? That I didn't care? WHAT?" He shouted.
  376. His hand snapped out, gripping her by the throat, lifting. "You're mine, Lotlhuitl. I promised you my love, my LIFE. NO ONE ELSE HAS THAT! SO what, what were you afraid of losing?" His voice was low, venomous, as he suddenly pulled her up to him, forcing a kiss against her lips.
  378. "Is this what you want?" He growled out. "You want me to force you? To take what I want, like some kind of fucking animal? You want me to hurt you, to leave you some kind of wreck?"
  379. (Xoconan)
  380. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. [05:24:28] Lotlhuitl stared at him. Her ears pinned back. Her anger was defensive, at this point. She was.. hurt. Hurting. But she wasn't really angry at Xoconan. She was angry at herself. "Yes, OKAY!" She answered, volume matching his.
  384. She had felt furious. Burning. Now? She felt like Xoconan had punched her in the gut. The woman didn't flinch as he shouted at her. She expected his anger. In all honesty, it came as a sort of relief to her at this point. Perhaps, in a way, this was what she had wanted. Even if the runes had been affecting her, she shouldn't have been so weak willed as to listen to what people around her said. To be so easily led. How could she forgive herself?
  386. She didn't flinch as his hand snapped out and grabbed her. This, so much, wasn't an attempt at bravado. No, Xoconan just moved too quickly for her to react. Instead,she was left gasping, feet kicking out at him. Her hands flew up to his wrists, fingers clawing at his hands. Her lips had parted, a hiss from her as he forced her to kiss him. A blush sprung to her cheeks. Desire.
  388. She wanted him.
  390. She wanted him to forgive her.
  392. She wanted to confess everything to him.
  394. But... the rune on her hip still twisted her towards Xitlalli. She couldn't.. she couldn't betray her.
  396. "I want you to give me what I need."
  397. (Lotlhuitl)
  398. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. [05:25:20] His hand snapped outwards, hurling her towards the bed. He stared, already unarmored. His muscled form rippled in firelight, approaching her. "What you need?" He said, walking around the side of the bed. A sudden wave of his hand would bring her tumbling towards him again.
  402. "WHAT ABOUT WHAT I NEED?" He crawled onto the bed, glaring towards her, reaching out a hand to grip her again, to pull her against him. "I'm not going to let you play games with me, Lotlhuitl." Again, she found her neck in his grasp, Xoconan dominant now, squeezing.
  404. "You want me? You want me to stay, to never leave? Then don't fuck me around! Don't act like the vow I made was something I did pointlessly, and DON'T TREAT YOURS THAT WAY!" He held her against him, hand pressed against the small of her back, to force her body against his, desire clear in his eyes- and pain too.
  405. (Xoconan)
  406. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  408. [05:25:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (actually, wait just a sec)
  409. [05:25:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (There's a delay on red text posts)
  410. [05:25:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (giving you AP)
  411. [05:25:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (Don't copy-paste it all)
  412. [05:25:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh.. OK)
  413. [05:25:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (Just in case you lose the PA)
  414. [05:25:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (AP*)
  415. [05:41:32] "uuf-" Lotlhuitl exhaled as she landed. Hard. Thrown over the end of the bed. She tensed, gaze snapping to Xoconan as he stalked around her.
  417. Some part of her, even now, ached for him. Yearned for him. For his touch. He was beautiful, in the firelight. As beautiful as he was furious.
  419. She watched him, silent, increasingly apprehensive. Her hair had fallen across her face. Tumbled over her shoulders. She looked wild. Her teeth were bared at him, ears pinned back. For a second, it looked like she intended on fighting him again. And then he spoke. That was when she realised she'd.. made everything worse. Hurt him.
  421. The Nagual yelped, dragged forward. He screamed at her, and, on impulse, she struck at him. Hands gathered into fists, she beat them against his bared chest.
  423. His needs. She could feel his need. His pain.
  425. Her body was against his, warm and soft and writhing. Xoconan was pressing her against him. But.. she was holding him, too. Clinging to him. She was.. overwhelmed. Sobbing now. She didn't know what to say. "..please. Please don't leave me." Genuine terror filled her eyes. Not because she feared he would hurt her. No, she didn't care what he did to her. "I'm.. I'm a fool, Xoconan. Forgive me. I love you."
  426. (Lotlhuitl)
  427. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  429. [05:43:15] He released his grip on her neck, glaring for a moment. She didn't drop, held aloft by an external force. When her fists had beaten against his chest, he hadn't even shown a reaction, body solid with muscle and scar tissue. He didn't flinch, just like he didn't when she asked for forgiveness. The free hand came across in a backhand across the face - though notably not nearly as hard as he could have. He didn't seem to want to hurt her, so much as to simply strike her.
  431. "You want me to forgive you?" He spoke, reaching down to savagely tear her top away from her. "You haven't even promised not to do it again! You want me to forgive you, and for all I know, you'll run off and do this all over again!" He growled, slapping her again, lightly.
  433. He shoved her down to the bed, to force his body against her. Her bottom was torn away in a similar fashion, exposing his wife to him completely. "You're mine. Promise me what I need, and I'll forgive you! I can't forgive someone who I can't even TRUST!"
  434. (Xoconan)
  435. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  437. [05:48:22] Lotlhuitl just hung there, silent, eyes wide as she regarded her beloved. His anger hotter than any flame.
  439. -slap-
  441. He hit her.
  443. "Ah!" Lotlhuitl cried out sharply, face stinging where Xoconan had struck her. He'd.. he'd never hit her before. Not like this. Never like this. He'd never been so angry with her before. The Nagual twitched, hanging limp. His voice put chills through her. Her eyes had widened as her beloved asked her if she wanted him to forgive her. She nodded, looking to him. "P-plea--" She began, words changing into a yelp as he stripped her shirt off her. "X-xo--"
  445. -slap-
  447. Lotlhuitl panted, eyes wild, chest heaving as he pushed her down into the bed. As he forced his body against hers. Another yelp, as she found what scant clothing she had left was torn from her body. Naked. "Yours.." She shivered, that same wild look at her eyes. "I.. whatever you need. It's yours."
  448. (Lotlhuitl)
  449. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  451. [08:18:33] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  452. [10:03:31] LOOC - Dmex: (one round, no cap, ooc meme spar. bubble only)
  453. [10:03:31] LOOC - Dmex: (let's go)
  454. [10:03:31] LOOC - Hive: (BUBBLES.
  455. [10:03:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oops)
  456. [10:06:56] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  457. [10:07:47] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Dmex! They're unable to continue fighting.
  458. [10:07:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (bubbles..)
  459. [10:07:47] LOOC - Dmex: (nocap. memespar)
  460. [10:07:47] LOOC - Dmex: (in pursuit of the bubble only i also didnt drop any buffs...)
  461. [10:08:38] The Demon stumbles upon a curious battle. Zogen arrives in Ezmaran lands, slowly tilting his head as he watches the "bubble fight" with his beady red eyes. Slowly approaching, the large Giga Demon watches with an eerie curiosity.
  463. "Fascinating", he said with a blank expression on his face, telepathically.
  464. (Zogen)
  465. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  467. [10:09:29] JaDrako Kumo says, "Hiya! Demon dude."
  468. [10:09:29] Zogen says, "Hello young girl."
  469. [10:09:29] JaDrako Kumo says, "I'm a man..."
  470. [10:10:20] Zogen says, "I see."
  471. [10:10:20] Zogen says, "Hmm."
  472. [10:12:03] Dmex whispers: So much staring.
  473. [10:12:03] Dmex whispers: Not that I disapprove.
  474. [10:13:45] The Demon leans downwards, his large head uncomfortably close to JaDrako's face. Still with the perpetual lifeless expression on his face, Zogen carefully examines this man-woman in front of him. Was such a thing possible? Was this person both? No way.
  476. He tilts his head, still looking at the pink haired man, scrutinizing him while consequently ignoring social norms. Grunting, he stood up straight again, looking downwards.
  478. "Why?", he asked.
  479. (Zogen)
  480. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  482. [10:15:28] Xoconan whispers something.
  483. [10:15:28] Xoconan whispers something.
  484. [10:15:28] Xoconan whispers something.
  485. [10:15:28] Xoconan whispers something.
  486. [10:16:19] Xitlalli asks, "You're going to kill me?"
  487. [10:16:19] Xitlalli says, "Why don't you speak louder, friend."
  488. [10:16:19] Xoconan says, "If you force me to, yes."
  489. [10:16:19] Xoconan says, "Don't play the public victim."
  490. [10:16:19] Xitlalli asks, "Aren't you supposed to be in Cruxati, anyway? Why come here and cause trouble?"
  491. [10:16:19] Xitlalli asks, "Don't you have a big and bright and burgeoning coalition to run?"
  492. [10:17:10] Xoconan says, "I can make time when someone brands my wife."
  493. [10:17:10] Dmex lets out a quiet, frustrated sigh.
  494. (Dmex)
  495. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. [10:17:10] Xitlalli asks, "Brands?"
  498. [10:17:10] Xoconan asks, "Do I need to subject you to a truth potion?"
  499. [10:17:10] 'Heh... Because I'm a trap... why else?' JaDrako thought that in his head thinking the demon would hear because of telepathy.
  501. JaDrako looks up to the demon at the demon with a confident smile, he points up to him and speak out loud this time. "Because Demon friend, dude guy! I look beautiful."
  502. (JaDrako Kumo)
  503. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. [10:17:10] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  506. [10:17:10] Xoconan says, "I have one on me, helpful things."
  507. [10:17:10] Xitlalli says, "Those are quite the accusations, Valmasian."
  508. [10:18:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: Dmex, help.. please..
  509. [10:18:01] Zogen says, "Tell me young man."
  510. [10:18:01] Dmex says, "Calling him a Valmasian isn't going to -"
  511. [10:18:01] Zogen asks, "Do mortals always bicker between one another?"
  512. [10:18:01] Dmex says, "Unhelpful."
  513. [10:18:01] Dmex says, "Abrasive."
  514. [10:18:01] JaDrako Kumo says, "Yes."
  515. [10:18:01] Xoconan says, "I'm warning you right now."
  516. [10:18:01] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoco.. please.."
  517. [10:18:01] Xitlalli says, "I'm sorry, I'm minding my own business and he comes over, whispering into my ear like some sort of pervert."
  518. [10:18:01] Zogen asks, "Why?"
  519. [10:18:01] JaDrako Kumo says, "Dunno its pretty dumb to be honest."
  520. [10:18:01] Xitlalli asks, "Whispering death threats and then playing coy?"
  521. [10:18:01] Xoconan says, "Ahah- that's cute."
  522. [10:18:01] Xoconan says, "Okay, I won't whisper it."
  523. [10:18:01] Xitlalli says, "My-my, that's creepy."
  524. [10:18:52] Xoconan says, "Stay the fuck away from Lotlhuitl, or I'll tear your fucking heart out."
  525. [10:18:52] Xitlalli says, "Don't try to save face now."
  526. [10:18:52] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Damn Xoco
  527. [10:18:52] Xitlalli says, "Oh, you used different words now."
  528. [10:18:52] Xoconan asks, "Lemme guess, if I attack you, you'll scream and cry and refuse it, won't you?"
  529. [10:18:52] Dmex says, "Please take any fights to the arena."
  530. [10:18:52] Xoconan says, "Always the victim when you're weak."
  531. [10:19:44] Dmex says, "No blood in my square."
  532. [10:19:44] Zogen places a finger on his cheek, nodding and understanding the fact that even fellow tribesmen argued amongst one another. He tilted his head, interested in this debacle.
  534. (Zogen)
  535. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  537. [10:19:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoco.. please. It.. it was my fault. Really."
  538. [10:19:44] Xitlalli says, "If you want to go cause trouble, Xoconan, I hear Jianghu's open this time of season."
  539. [10:19:44] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  540. [10:19:44] Xoconan says, "That's what I thought."
  541. [10:19:44] Xitlalli says, "I know you are overcompensating for a lack of something but."
  542. [10:19:44] Xoconan says, "Shut the fuck up and heed my warning."
  543. [10:19:44] Xitlalli sighs and rolls her eyes.
  544. (Xitlalli)
  545. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  547. [10:20:35] Dmex asks, "...Is this something I should have details on?"
  548. [10:20:35] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  549. [10:20:35] Xitlalli says, "Oh well. You're only causing trouble for yourself."
  550. [10:20:35] JaDrako Kumo says, "Oh so sad."
  551. [10:20:35] Xitlalli says, "Xoconan has been quite spiteful to me ever since he murdered Zahhual infront of me."
  552. [10:20:35] Xoconan says, "I mean, besides her branding my wife? No, nothing I can think of."
  553. [10:20:35] Xitlalli says, "He has constantly insulted me and taunted me over the situation."
  554. [10:20:35] Xitlalli says, "I've already explained as such to Noa."
  555. [10:20:35] Lotlhuitl says, "... "
  556. [10:20:35] Xoconan says, "Have I? Weird, I don't recall it."
  557. [10:20:35] Xoconan says, "Must be selective memory."
  558. [10:21:26] Xitlalli says, "I mean, the fact you used a gift from her in order to kill her was quite rude."
  559. [10:21:26] Xoconan says, "I like how you completely negate Hatsunes presence in that fight."
  560. [10:21:26] Xoconan says, "Funny."
  561. [10:21:26] Xitlalli asks, "Hatsune had her reasons but you?"
  562. [10:21:26] Xitlalli says, "You did it, merely to spite me."
  563. [10:21:26] Xoconan asks, "Really, you think I care about you that much?"
  564. [10:21:26] Xoconan says, "You're a speck on the side of the road I don't even travel."
  565. [10:22:17] Xitlalli says, "I get it, Noa hasn't been feeding you as much attention recently."
  566. [10:22:17] Xitlalli says, "Not my problem, quit it."
  567. [10:22:17] Xoconan says, "Also- you're Cruxati too, you arrogant whore."
  568. [10:22:17] Xoconan asks, "Or did you forget that when you started fucking Noa?"
  569. [10:22:17] Xitlalli asks, "And you were Ezmaran?"
  570. [10:22:17] Xitlalli asks, "Until you ... What? Sought opportunity?"
  571. [10:23:08] Zogen whispers something.
  572. [10:23:08] Lotlhuitl says, "That's.. that's enough."
  573. [10:23:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Both of you."
  574. [10:23:08] Xitlalli says, "Just because I'm Cruxati, doesn't mean I'm confined to the same area."
  575. [10:23:08] Xoconan says, "One last time. Stay away from my wife. Nice and simple."
  576. [10:23:08] Xitlalli says, "And infact due to your death threats, I don't think I'd rather be around Cruxati."
  577. [10:23:08] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Yo this shit is great
  578. [10:24:00] Xoconan says, "I don't make threats."
  579. [10:24:00] Xitlalli says, "I think I'll tell Noa the next time I see him."
  580. [10:24:00] Xitlalli says, "That you're missing him."
  581. [10:24:00] Xitlalli says, "A lot."
  582. [10:24:00] Xoconan says, "Oh, I told him the same thing."
  583. [10:24:00] Xitlalli says, "I get it."
  584. [10:24:00] The Hive sluggishly slid closer to those that were arguing. It did enjoy all of this violence and threatening of destruction that was being thrown around.
  585. (Hive)
  586. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. [10:24:00] Xoconan asks, "You think you can use him against me?"
  589. [10:24:00] Xitlalli asks, "Think?"
  590. [10:24:00] Xoconan says, "You really are a poor excuse for what you are."
  591. [10:24:00] Dmex stares vacantly off into the infinite to the south.
  592. (Dmex)
  593. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  595. [10:24:00] Xitlalli asks, "Use?"
  596. [10:24:00] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  597. [10:24:00] Xitlalli says, "Y'know you're kind of polluting the air around here with your noise."
  598. [10:24:51] Xitlalli says, "It was rather peaceful until you showed up."
  599. [10:24:51] Xitlalli asks, "Would you mind departing?"
  600. [10:24:51] Xoconan says, "Now, unless you'd like me to shove a truth potion down your throat and ask you questions about what you've done."
  601. [10:24:51] LOOC - Amon: (Xoco says he doesn't make threats but if you scroll up a lil bit you'll see that he clearly made a threat.
  602. [10:24:51] Xoconan says, "Stay the fuck away."
  603. [10:24:51] LOOC - Amon: ('-'
  604. [10:24:51] Xitlalli says, "Can you stop making threats please? You've just contradicted yourself."
  605. [10:24:51] Xitlalli says, "It's embarrassing."
  606. [10:24:51] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  607. [10:24:51] Lotlhuitl says, "X-Xitalli.."
  608. [10:24:51] JaDrako sips his tea...
  609. (JaDrako Kumo)
  610. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  612. [10:25:42] Xoconan says, "Last chance."
  613. [10:25:42] Xitlalli pulls up her cup and then sips her tea too.
  614. (Xitlalli)
  615. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  617. [10:25:42] Zogen sips his boar blood.
  618. (Zogen)
  619. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  621. [10:25:42] Zogen says, "Delicious."
  622. [10:25:42] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoconan, please. Please. Really. I can't.. I can't take this. "
  623. [10:25:42] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "Bleh! I hate tea!"
  624. [10:25:42] Lotlhuitl says, "Both of you. "
  625. [10:25:42] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. Xoconan, really. I'll never talk to her again."
  626. [10:25:42] Zogen says, "Strange human."
  627. [10:25:42] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Huh?"
  628. [10:25:42] Xitlalli says, "If you are done, harrassing me, that would be nice."
  629. [10:25:42] Zogen says, "You chose to drink tea, then spit it out."
  630. [10:25:42] Zogen says, "Amusing."
  631. [10:26:33] JaDrako Kumo says, "Yea fuck tea."
  632. [10:26:33] Dmex says, "...I'd just like to request that any bloodshed occurs within the arena, instead of outside of it."
  633. [10:26:33] JaDrako Kumo says, "I just felt like the situation called for it."
  634. [10:26:33] Zogen says, "Little man come show me what these are."
  635. [10:26:33] Zogen says, "These people selling goods."
  636. [10:26:33] Zogen asks, "What do you call these?"
  637. [10:27:24] JaDrako Kumo exclaims, "Merchants! Vendors! Shops!"
  638. [10:27:24] Zogen says, "Hello Kin."
  639. [10:28:16] LOOC - Amon: )lol I love it how JaDrako sipped tea xD
  640. [10:28:16] LOOC - Amon: (Was it lipton if I may ask?
  641. [10:28:16] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( If that shit exists in the 1400s
  642. [10:29:07] Xoconan says, "JaDrako, see if you can find me an anti-magic collar somewhere."
  643. [10:29:07] A wave of gravity would suddenly be applied to Xitlalli, to jerk upwards, several inches. Off the ground. "Alright. So we go the truth potion route." A potion with a heart-shaped stopper was retrieved.
  645. "I had this brewed for you exclusively, too. Noa even suggested it, when he thought you were baselessly accused of crimes. If you have nothing to fear, what's the proble, right?" Caustic, venomous words.
  647. "So- we go with Truth."
  648. (Xoconan)
  649. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  651. [10:29:07] JaDrako Kumo says, "Errr no money dude."
  652. [10:29:07] The Hive turns its eyeless gaze towards the much larger demon. It didn't speak, for the Hive had no mouth, much like it had no eyes. However, it reaches towards it - not in a physical sense, but mental, the standard telepathic communication that was common for the demonkind. It would feel like tendrils seeping into Zogen's mind, spreading through its consciousness like a twisted plague.
  654. The telepathic link lets in the low, soft buzzing of a thousand wasps, whispering, plotting, planning - but their true words were still just a step beyond what any given sane mind could understand. The Hive's true voice spoke above them, deep and echoing as if it was trapped somewhere deep within the demon's mind.
  656. >
  658. The Hive slides slightly closer.
  660. >
  661. (Hive)
  662. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  664. [10:29:07] Xitlalli asks, "Are you attacking me?"
  665. [10:29:07] Xoconan tosses a bag with several hundred crowns inside.
  666. (Xoconan)
  667. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  669. [10:29:58] Xoconan says, "Oh no, not at all."
  670. [10:29:58] Xoconan says, "I'm subjecting you to a truth potion."
  671. [10:29:58] Xitlalli asks, "Then why ask for a collar?"
  672. [10:29:58] Xoconan says, "You have to answer when collared."
  673. [10:29:58] Xitlalli says, "No."
  674. [10:29:58] Xitlalli says, "I don't agree to this."
  675. [10:29:58] Zogen says, "Predator."
  676. [10:29:58] Xoconan asks, "Something to hide?"
  677. [10:30:49] Amon turns around as he couldn't stay still on this situation.
  678. (Amon)
  679. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  681. [10:30:49] Xitlalli says, "No. I just find it a tremendous waste of a potion."
  682. [10:30:49] Xoconan whispers: "I know what you are. You may have been spared Somnus' wrath, but not mine."
  683. [10:30:49] Amon asks, "Maybe they're tired of some ignorant prick whose bothering them?"
  684. [10:30:49] Xoconan asks, "Good thing I don't care?"
  685. [10:30:49] Xitlalli asks, "Another death threat whispered?"
  686. [10:30:49] Xoconan says, "I had it brewed for you."
  687. [10:30:49] Xitlalli says, "My-my, you really need to stop those."
  688. [10:32:32] The Hive keeps staring at Zogen for a few seconds, silently, as if it was measuring up the demon; an instinctive thing, with its boneless body slightly raised, its eyeless gaze dead set above towards its eyes.
  690. >
  692. The Hive wasn't capable of making facial expressions, largely due to the fact that it had no eyes nor did it have a mouth; however, it spreads defiance through Zogen's mind. The kin could feel that the Hive had somewhat of a mind that Zogen was trespassing in its 'claimed territory'.
  693. (Hive)
  694. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  696. [10:32:32] JaDrako shakes his head, this was so much arguing for literally nothing. JaDrako didn't a quick scan of the markets... No collars found.
  698. "Yea these shops are empty as hell." He said while shrugging.
  699. (JaDrako Kumo)
  700. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  702. [10:33:23] Xoconan says, "Then find some ore. Lotl can make a collar."
  703. [10:33:23] Xoconan says, "Steel and adamantite."
  704. [10:33:23] Lotlhuitl stared at the scene occurring before her.
  706. There was a time when they'd all been friends, right?
  708. "Xoconan. This.. please. I've.. I've already told you, I asked her to do what she did. It's.. she was helping me. Only helping. Everything I did? That was my fault."
  710. Lotlhuitl shuddered.
  712. "Look, all this happened because I thought you were going to let something bad happen to Xitlalli after I begged you to reconsider. So. I beg you Xoconan. Reconsider."
  714. She reached for him. Reached for his hand.
  716. "Please."
  718. Her voice dropped.
  720. "Everyone is watching.
  721. (Lotlhuitl)
  722. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  724. [10:34:14] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: Oh yea we watchin! (omit
  725. [10:35:05] LOOC - Zogen: (Sorry was afk
  726. [10:35:05] LOOC - Zogen: (back
  727. [10:35:56] LOOC - Hive: (np!
  728. [10:36:48] Xitlalli couldn't care less for Xoconan's poor pursuit of 'truth' or whatever he had, at the end of the day he was the one that provoked her and was causing a disruption for no good reason. To that end, she'd let out a breathy side, stepping to the side, as she shrugged off Xoconan's pull of gravity upon her.
  730. She wasn't going to allow the man an inch unless he wished to commit a crime.
  732. "Really? You'd waste that on me? After making death threats? The fact you aren't waiting for Noa to inform me yourself, means that you fear that he doesn't believe you to be right."
  734. "JaDrako, can you please not. This man is clearly harassing me. Infact, he's even ignoring his own wife, which means he has ulterior motives."
  736. A pair of blue eyes half-lidded rested upon Xoconan for a moment.
  738. "I don't think Oyaotl would approve of you, assaulting her student and friend. Plus the fact you want to stick me in a collar? I don't know, I don't like the sound of that."
  739. (Xitlalli)
  740. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  742. [10:37:39] While the ordeal over near the temple was interesting, the Demon's attention was now mostly focused on the sluggish Demon. Kin. No matter what, these two would have each other's backs unless.. something else benefitted them. Demons are quite selfish.
  744. As the thought of defiance entered his mind, Zogen's facial expression remained lifeless-- beady eyes staring down at the slug-Demon. It lowered its head, getting a closer look; speaking telepathically.
  746. "Kin. That is what we are. Agartha is ours. It belongs to us all. It belongs to us."
  748. It stood up tall again, motioning for the Hive to look at the two bickering humans behind them, he himself also shifting his eyes there.
  749. (Zogen)
  750. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  752. [10:40:12] "Really... Ulterior motives? I'll question you in front of everyone." He breathed out, softly. "You damaged her mind, a process that Hatsune is slowly repairing. A process that will be allowed to be finished." He stared.
  754. "A collar that JaDrako will hold the remote to. I trust him to make a proper judgement after he hears what you have to say while under Truth. Or do you fear it so much that you won't answer?"
  756. He folded his arms. "I'm happy to bring the question to a higher authority. You're Cruxati, so I'm sure Kayeliun would be capable of deeming. Or, I could wait for Karma, since you decide to hide here."
  757. (Xoconan)
  758. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  760. [10:40:12] The Hive seemed to have lost interest at the scene in the square for the moment. As Zogen spoke with the Hive with such... oddly friendly tone... the creature hissed at it, sharply. The green, bulbous sacks around its head bubbled, boiling, as if they were ready to burst.
  762. >
  763. (Hive)
  764. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  766. [10:41:04] Eztli Xizoh says, "Oh. Greetings Drako, Hive, Zogen. "
  767. [10:41:04] JaDrako Kumo says, "Hello."
  768. [10:41:55] Ilezabeth and the other one come to take a seat on the bench. Both are watching the commotion at the temple.
  769. (Ilezabeth)
  770. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  772. [10:41:55] Xoconan asks, "Or will you just... Run?"
  773. [10:41:55] Xoconan asks, "Like before?"
  774. [10:42:46] JaDrako looks to Xoconan, then to Xitlalli. Holy fuck! How many times has JaDrako been in a situation like this, too many...
  776. JaDrako is still for now.
  777. (JaDrako Kumo)
  778. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. [10:42:46] Amon thinks how much of an asshole Xoconan is.
  781. (Amon)
  782. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  784. [10:42:46] Amon puts Xoconan pretty high on his scale.
  785. (Amon)
  786. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  788. [10:42:46] LOOC - Ilezabeth: ( xD )
  789. [10:43:37] Xoconan ranks Amon on his scale of meaningless PAWT.
  790. (Xoconan)
  791. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  793. [10:43:37] Xoconan puts Amon pretty high on his scale.
  794. (Xoconan)
  795. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  797. [10:43:37] LOOC - Ilezabeth: ( snap! )
  798. [10:43:37] JaDrako is based why wont every one just spread the love like based god
  799. (JaDrako Kumo)
  800. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  802. [10:43:37] LOOC - Dmex: (god when will i die)
  803. [10:44:28] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( I don't know but i'm ready.
  804. [10:44:28] LOOC - Ilezabeth: ( Could go plan-T to the Demon City )
  805. [10:44:28] LOOC - Ilezabeth: ( That'll probably get you dead )
  806. [10:44:28] Amon remembers how many times he could've murdered Xoconan's family in eternia but didn't cause they begged him not too oocly.
  807. (Amon)
  808. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  810. [10:44:28] LOOC - Amon: (omit
  811. [10:44:28] LOOC - Hive: (when Dmex is deathboxed
  812. [10:44:28] LOOC - Amon: (:3
  813. [10:44:28] LOOC - Hive: (Dmex will kill the deathbox
  814. [10:44:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (:thonk:)
  815. [10:44:28] LOOC - Hive: (and be automatically revived.
  816. [10:44:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (I was born on Agartha)
  817. [10:44:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (U fuck)
  818. [10:45:20] LOOC - Amon: (And I'll eventually get the power to still murk u
  819. [10:45:20] LOOC - Amon: (U fuck
  820. [10:45:20] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Dmex will kill death.
  821. [10:45:20] LOOC - Hive: (yes
  822. [10:45:20] LOOC - Amon: (Just cuz u got plasma dont mean a thing Mutes
  823. [10:45:20] Xitlalli arched her eyebrow; she cared little for Xoconan's newfound authority, infact she didn't even recognise him as Cruxati.
  825. "Damaged her mind? Why would I do that to my best friend? You know what I find funny, you are so-so-so eager to force this upon me and for what?", Xitlalli knew things that Xoconan did not, nor was she going to budge or allow him his way. No, that's not what she wanted.
  827. "You aren't going to do much of anything. I haven't done anything and you're continuing to harass me."
  829. A glance over to Lotlhuitl was made there.
  831. "For someone going on a crusade for her, whom I didn't do much other than assist. You seem to not be inclined to listen to her. Aren't you supposed to treat your wife like an equal, or do you deem her unable to speak for herself, or to even listen to her?"
  833. Xitlalli would lean against the wall, folding her arms over one another as she sighed lightly.
  835. "Go run off to higher authority, I'm sure they do not care about your pointless wastage of a truth potion. Cease harassing me, it's getting rather dull."
  836. (Xitlalli)
  837. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  839. [10:45:20] LOOC - Amon: (Your still worse then me :3
  840. [10:45:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (:hyperthonk:)
  841. [10:45:20] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Hes not mutes
  842. [10:45:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm not Mute?)
  843. [10:45:20] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( LOL
  844. [10:45:20] LOOC - Amon: (WAIT WHA
  845. [10:45:20] LOOC - Xoconan: (WHAT IN TARNATION)
  846. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (BUT MUTES SAID THAT HE HAD PLASMA
  847. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (U HAVE PLASMA
  848. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (MAIJSOMDKSA DNAK
  849. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (.-.
  850. [10:46:11] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( They both have it
  851. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (Ima have to shoot myself.
  852. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (Ohs
  853. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (Cause like. Mute said he had a similar name
  854. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (Shit.
  855. [10:46:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (just because mute had plasma)
  856. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (Time to go to the death box
  857. [10:46:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (Doesn't mean I can't)
  858. [10:46:11] LOOC - Dmex: (man. granox at least writes better than -mute-)
  859. [10:46:11] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Mute is Jin huli
  860. [10:46:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (Yeah gtfo)
  861. [10:46:11] LOOC - Dmex: (that's mean)
  862. [10:46:11] LOOC - Zogen: (ugh
  863. [10:46:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (I *killed* mute)
  864. [10:46:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (ffs)
  865. [10:46:11] LOOC - Amon: (Owie
  866. [10:46:11] LOOC - Zogen: (sorry hive
  867. [10:47:02] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm the alpha plasma mage)
  868. [10:47:02] LOOC - Zogen: (im at school rn haha
  869. [10:47:02] LOOC - Zogen: (so hopping in and back
  870. [10:47:02] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: ( Get yo ass back to work
  871. [10:47:02] LOOC - Hive: (np!
  872. [10:48:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'll wait on Lotl's dot)
  873. [10:49:36] JaDrako Kumo asks, "Where you been Eztli?"
  874. [10:49:36] Eztli Xizoh says, "Out venturing."
  875. [10:49:36] Devoid of any life, the eyes shifted back downwards towards the Demon. Perhaps it wasn't trusting of its Kin, which wasn't abnormal. To avoid any problems, Zogen agreed with the Demons words-- he didn't want problems with someone he might be working alongside of.
  877. "I understand Kin, I will not overstep your boundaries."
  879. And as he confirmed the Demon's superiority, he watched the two argue on and on.. again!
  881. If the Hive had any more inquires, Zogen would probably answer.
  882. (Zogen)
  883. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  885. [10:49:36] JaDrako Kumo says, "Please be safe."
  886. [10:50:27] Hatsune had ripped out part of her soul, or so it felt. Burnt it away, with righteous energies.
  888. But this? This was sticking a knife into it and twisting it.
  890. Lotlhuitl's hand reached for Xoconan's, and instead grasped air. Her eyes widened. The Nagual lacked a poker face. Her emotions were an open book. And boy, did she look wounded.
  892. Her breath caught, as she felt.. rather.. useless. Impotent.
  894. Again, relegated to the periphery of the scene.. a scene which ostensibly was taking place because of her. This concerned her!
  896. Envy flared within her.
  898. The woman stepped backwards.
  900. Her tail flicked.. eyes narrowed.
  902. "I.. I didn't ask for this, Xoconan."
  904. No. She wouldn't let this happen. Couldn't let Xitlalli and Xoconan bicker over her. Not when she was convinced Xitlalli was blameless.
  906. She reached out. Grabbed at Xoconan's cloak. Yanked it. Hard. She wanted to pull her husband to her.
  908. "Xitlalli. Forgive me. Forgive him."
  909. (Lotlhuitl)
  910. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  912. [10:51:18] Xitlalli says, "I will, if he leaves me alone."
  913. [10:51:18] Xitlalli says, "But he's predictable."
  914. [10:51:18] JaDrako checks his wrist for a watch... they don't exist...
  915. (JaDrako Kumo)
  916. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  918. [10:52:09] The Hive's telepathic link was relinquished from Zogen's mind, cutting off the buzzing of the wasps. Once this has been established, the Hive once more turned its eyeless gaze towards the two gehennans that were arguing - that looked interesting once more.
  919. (Hive)
  920. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  922. [10:56:25] Eztli Xizoh whispers something.
  923. [10:56:25] LOOC - Dmex: (. afk)
  924. [10:57:16] LOOC - Dmex: (im dead inside)
  925. [10:57:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (dmex killed insides)
  926. [10:57:16] LOOC - JaDrako Kumo: (;-;7
  927. [10:57:16] His hands clenched, a wave of gravity about to drag her to the arena. He seemed not to notice anything else around. Not Dmex, not JaDrako, not-
  929. His wife. Pulling on his cloak. He glanced down, and the magic slowly faded away. Not the utter glare of contempt he gave Xitlalli. "Hide behind others while you can." He spoke coldly, letting himself get drug away.
  930. (Xoconan)
  931. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  933. [11:00:41] JaDrako lets out an annoyed sigh, infighting really upset him while it was entertaining nothing comes good from it. Only loss.
  935. JaDrako places a hand behind his head while tossing the coins back to Xoconan. "Sorry dude, but if she was a foreigner this wouldn't be a problem. The thing is she's not and i'm not supporting this infighting nonsense."
  936. (JaDrako Kumo)
  937. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  939. [11:00:41] For a moment there, Xitlalli was convinced she had managed to rouse naught but a red mist infront of Xoconan as to make him look like quite the fool; though she had already done enough as is to place things in her favour down the road unless misfortune struck her.
  941. "Right. I'm glad that's over.", she says, letting out an agitated sigh; she hated gravity mages that sought to demonstrate their power upon her when she was fully standing and able to resist such a thing. Nonetheless, this was quite the messy situation and she knew Lotlhuitl had dropped her in a deep vat of trouble.
  943. Something she wasn't going to forget.
  945. "Goodbye."
  947. Xoconan had given her all that she needed, so with that, she smiled.
  948. (Xitlalli)
  949. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  951. [11:01:32] JaDrako Kumo assumes the Vritra stance!
  952. [11:02:24] Xoconan says, "Infighting nonsense..."
  953. [11:02:24] Xoconan shakes his head.
  954. (Xoconan)
  955. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  957. [11:04:57]
  958. {LOAD GAME}
  960. [11:07:31] LOOC - Xoconan: (did Lotl post?)
  961. [11:07:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: ( did not)
  962. [11:07:31] LOOC - Xitlalli: (they lost internet connection)
  963. [11:07:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah)
  964. [11:07:31] LOOC - Xoconan: (RIP)
  965. [11:07:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (is..
  966. [11:07:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm dotting idk why the bubble don't appear)
  967. [11:07:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh shit.. it just.. deleted it)
  968. [11:07:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (uaaa)
  969. [11:07:31] LOOC - Xoconan: (wow)
  970. [11:08:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I clicked -save- and then I closed it)
  971. [11:08:22] LOOC - Xoconan: (Ohhh)
  972. [11:08:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and then I opened it again and it's gone whyy)
  973. [11:08:22] LOOC - Xoconan: (I was about to warn you)
  974. [11:08:22] LOOC - Xoconan: (If the bubble doesn't pop up when you're dotting)
  975. [11:08:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I should've copy pasted..)
  976. [11:08:22] LOOC - Xoconan: (then it won't save shit)
  977. [11:08:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh..)
  978. [11:08:22] LOOC - Xoconan: (But then the dot popped up so I knew I was too late)
  979. [11:08:22] LOOC - Xoconan: (It also won't post it if you click post)
  980. [11:08:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (well I'm ust gonna...)
  981. [11:08:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (write a quick thing)
  982. [11:09:13] LOOC - Amon: (I'm just surprised that this is still going on...
  983. [11:10:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (>.> this has been going on for over 12 hrs now)
  984. [11:10:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (well..)
  985. [11:10:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not w/ Xitlalli.. but..)
  986. [11:10:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (high octane relationship drama...)
  987. [11:10:04] LOOC - Amon: (I mean
  988. [11:10:04] LOOC - Amon: (Look at your playby
  989. [11:10:56] LOOC - Amon: (Who WOULDN"T want to bang you
  990. [11:10:56] LOOC - Amon: (Like.
  991. [11:10:56] LOOC - Amon: (My character is 17
  992. [11:10:56] LOOC - Amon: (and he'd would luv a piece of that
  993. [11:10:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (its why I must defend it)
  994. [11:10:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (with my life)
  995. [11:10:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (join the queue.. )
  996. [11:11:47] LOOC - Amon: (LOL
  997. [11:11:47] LOOC - Amon: (I will.
  998. [11:12:38] LOOC - Amon: (Where do I sign up
  999. [11:12:38] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ask Xoconan)
  1000. [11:12:38] LOOC - Xoconan: (right here at the end of my staff)
  1001. [11:12:38] LOOC - Xoconan: (no the glowing is normal)
  1002. [11:12:38] LOOC - Xoconan: (it's preparing your initiation tattoo)
  1003. [11:13:29] LOOC - Xitlalli: (i need food... aaaa)
  1004. [11:17:45] LOOC - Amon: (Mmm.
  1005. [11:17:45] LOOC - Amon: (About the end of your staff Xoco
  1006. [11:18:36] LOOC - Amon: (Does that go up my ass through my mouth?
  1007. [11:18:36] LOOC - Amon: Or in my mouth and through my ass?)
  1008. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl leant into Xoconan, attempting to press herself against him. Attempting to kiss the side of his head. A whisper rolled from her lips, her hand running soothingly through her beloved's hair -- if he let her.
  1010. A worried glance was given to Xitlalli. A glance that wasn't without a touch of yearning, longing. This wasn't how Lotlhuitl wanted things to be. In truth, she.. she was missing the presence of the rune Xitlalli had placed on her neck more than she would ever admit. As in, she'd never admit it.
  1012. The rune had given her the power of change. And change is a very powerful thing. It had given her the freedom of desire - and.. motivation. And without it? Lotlhuitl felt strangely numb.. Empty.
  1014. All she wanted was for Xitlalli to be safe. For Xoconan to not want her dead. And for Noa to - well, Noa could fuck off to be honest.
  1015. (Lotlhuitl)
  1016. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1018. [11:18:36] LOOC - Amon: (Just asking for a friend.
  1019. [11:18:36] LOOC - Amon: (. . .
  1020. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xoco, please. You're scaring me. What use would a truth potion do, anyway?
  1021. [11:19:28] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I can tell you everything which happened.
  1022. [11:21:10] Cassiel is back in Gehenna ... how nice it was to feel the fresh and clean air of that place.
  1024. The boy seemed to be dirty in all his clothes and his face but Cassiel had a huge smile for a job well done.
  1026. '' I have returned ... '' He said and then moved closer to the witches with a determined and lit look.
  1028. His Around was bright and infused with Holy magic.
  1029. (Cassiel Argiano)
  1030. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1032. [11:22:01] Xoconan whispers: "If she's guilty of attacking Somnus and branding you, it would give me what I need to protect you from her."
  1033. [11:22:52] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  1034. [11:22:52] The spirit dancer leaned back against the wall a bit more now, acting lazy as ever as she eyed the two; as far as she was concerned they were done here now. The situation was for all intents and purposes, over.
  1036. Though she knew what Xoconan was like and was more than likely going to have to watch her back, less she invited misfortune.
  1038. "Anyway, if you don't mind, I've jobs to do. Pretty sure Karma wants me to prep some rituals and I've customers waiting."
  1040. Needless to say, Xitlalli was eager to get back to her usual routine, what was occurring here was truly not of her interest, for it went against her interests and more importantly, her desires.
  1041. (Xitlalli)
  1042. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1044. [11:23:44] LOOC - Katherine: (Listen here, Drako
  1045. [11:24:35] LOOC - Katherine: (I will shank you
  1046. [11:24:35] Both Ilezabeths were watching the scene unfold just North of them. They were not completely sure as to what was happening, but saw it drawing to an end.
  1048. With such, a familiar voice reached their ears. To which they simultaneously turned and gave identical smiles.
  1050. "Hello again Cassiel."
  1052. The one on the left spoke first, but the one on the right was quick to follow.
  1054. "You look as though you've finished some hard work. Gathering materials?"
  1056. That one asked just as both girls lifted a curious brow toward the boy.
  1057. (Ilezabeth)
  1058. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1060. [11:25:26] Xoconan whispers: "Come, you will tell me exactly what happened."
  1061. [11:25:26] Xitlalli whispers something.
  1062. [11:26:17] Xoconan says, "Tell me."
  1063. [11:34:49] Lotlhuitl led Xoconan out into the wilderness. Out into the swamps. Out, towards a mangrove river. She could hear a frog croaking in the distance.
  1065. She sat down on a log. Pat it, hoping Xoconan would join her.
  1067. He wanted her to tell him exactly what had happened.
  1069. "With.. what? With everything?"
  1071. Her eyes were large as she regarded him.
  1073. "Oh.. with.. Xitlalli."
  1075. Lotlhuitl bit her bottom lip. "I.. I know I got a rune. I know I asked Xitlalli for it." A sort of dreamlike gaze came across her face. "I... I think I told her I was lost, and that I needed her help."
  1076. (Lotlhuitl)
  1077. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1079. [11:34:49] Lotlhuitl says, "It's all hard to think about."
  1080. [11:34:49] Lotlhuitl says, "I shouldn't have done it."
  1081. [11:35:40] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't really know why I did."
  1082. [11:37:23] Xoconan asks, "Why shouldn't you have done it?"
  1083. [11:37:23] Xoconan asks, "What did she do to you?"
  1084. [11:37:23] Lotlhuitl blinked.
  1085. (Lotlhuitl)
  1086. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1088. [11:38:14] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I don't really remember, Xoco."
  1089. [11:38:14] Lotlhuitl says, "I know what I did."
  1090. [11:38:14] Lotlhuitl says, "But everything else isn't clear."
  1091. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. it's hard. It's like she wasn't really there. But logically, I.. have to deduce that she was. "
  1092. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Like.. I ended up with a sin mark on me. I know I asked her to help me."
  1093. [11:39:56] Xoconan asks, "So what, she erased herself from your memory or something?"
  1094. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I didn't say that."
  1095. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl frowns.
  1096. (Lotlhuitl)
  1097. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1099. [11:39:56] Xoconan asks, "So why are you trying to defend her so much?"
  1100. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl asks, "Is that even possible?"
  1101. [11:39:56] Xoconan asks, "Do you not want to know what happened?"
  1102. [11:39:56] Xoconan says, "I could force her to answer."
  1103. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl shuddered.
  1104. (Lotlhuitl)
  1105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1107. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "When you're anti-magic collared and given Truth, you can tell no lies."
  1108. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "You can't refuse to answer either."
  1109. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "You're compelled to answer, and it must be true."
  1110. [11:40:48] Lotlhuitl says, "... I don't.. I don't want everyone hearing what happened."
  1111. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "If she hurt you- she'd be forced to admit it."
  1112. [11:40:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't know what happened, Xoco."
  1113. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "So we could ask privately then."
  1114. [11:40:48] Lotlhuitl says, "It's.. I.. "
  1115. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "Lotl, she did something to you."
  1116. [11:40:48] Xoconan says, "You acted out of place- even you know it."
  1117. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl says, "...all I've ever wanted is for her to be my friend. I.. I just.. I feel so.."
  1118. [11:41:39] Xoconan says, "You let someone else touch you like I do."
  1119. [11:41:39] Xoconan says, "In public."
  1120. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl shuddered.
  1121. (Lotlhuitl)
  1122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1124. [11:41:39] Xoconan says, "Until she can prove she isn't a bad influence on you, I want you to stay away from her."
  1125. [11:42:30] Xoconan says, "If she is truly a sin- she'll be angry that I found out she marked you."
  1126. [11:42:30] Xoconan says, "She'll try to hurt you again."
  1127. [11:42:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoco.. I.. okay."
  1128. [11:42:30] Lotlhuitl says, "I'll do it, for you."
  1129. [11:43:21] Lotlhuitl says, "I really, I really don't think she was trying to hurt me. I.. I can't believe that she would."
  1130. [11:43:21] Lotlhuitl asks, "I just.. I can't deal with that. Okay?"
  1131. [11:43:21] Xoconan says, "She refused to be subjected to a truth potion."
  1132. [11:43:21] Xoconan says, "She has something to hide."
  1133. [11:43:21] Lotlhuitl asks, "... maybe. Maybe if I ask her nicely?"
  1134. [11:43:21] Lotlhuitl says, "She's.. she's just so frightened someone is going to hurt her."
  1135. [11:44:12] Xoconan asks, "Is that why she hid behind you?"
  1136. [11:44:12] Lotlhuitl says, "...maybe."
  1137. [11:44:12] Xoconan asks, "Used Noa?"
  1138. [11:44:12] Xoconan asks, "Ezmara?"
  1139. [11:44:12] Xoconan says, "She's Cruxati, for fucks sake."
  1140. [11:44:12] Xoconan says, "I bet I don't see her there now."
  1141. [11:45:55] Lotlhuitl still has a sin mark on her hip, FYI.
  1142. (Lotlhuitl)
  1143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1145. [11:46:46] Xoconan is painfully aware.
  1146. (Xoconan)
  1147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1149. [11:46:46] Xoconan says, "You need to speak to Hatsune about removing that other mark."
  1150. [11:46:46] Xoconan says, "That might be what's keeping your memories clouded."
  1151. [11:47:37] Lotlhuitl nodded slowly, leaning in to nuzzle against Xoco.
  1152. (Lotlhuitl)
  1153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1155. [11:47:37] Xoconan asks, "I want you to stay away from Xitlalli if she tries to approach you before then, alright?"
  1156. [11:47:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. had a fight with Noa over her.."
  1157. [11:47:37] Xoconan says, "Tell me if she so much as speaks to you."
  1158. [11:47:37] Xoconan holds Lotl close.
  1159. (Xoconan)
  1160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1162. [11:47:37] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, Xoco. I.. I promise I will."
  1163. [11:47:37] Xoconan asks, "You know I only want the best for you, right?"
  1164. [11:48:28] Lotlhuitl asks, "... promise?"
  1165. [11:48:28] Xoconan says, "I've worked so hard to keep you safe. I've done everything I could for you."
  1166. [11:48:28] Xoconan says, "I promise."
  1167. [11:48:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I know that."
  1168. [11:48:28] Xoconan asks, "When have I ever broken one?"
  1169. [11:48:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Never."
  1170. [11:48:28] Xoconan says, "Remember that, the next time someone tries to make you doubt me."
  1171. [11:48:28] Xoconan says, "Remember that I've never broken my word."
  1172. [11:49:20] Xoconan says, "I'll fight through Atmos and back for you."
  1173. [11:49:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh Xoco.. I'm.. "
  1174. [11:49:20] Lotlhuitl was lost for words.
  1175. (Lotlhuitl)
  1176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1178. [11:51:02] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I had a fight with Noa.."
  1179. [11:51:02] Xoconan asks, "Why?"
  1180. [11:51:02] Lotlhuitl says, "and I.. I met Somnus.. And it wasn't good."
  1181. [11:51:02] Lotlhuitl says, "About Xitlalli."
  1182. [11:51:53] Xoconan asks, "So what happened? What went wrong with Somnus?"
  1183. [11:51:53] Xoconan says, "He knows about you, enough to know you're above most of the idiots he has to deal with."
  1184. [11:51:53] Lotlhuitl says, "... I don't think he liked me very much."
  1185. [11:52:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. look. It's really hard for me to understand why I did certain things."
  1186. [11:52:44] Xoconan says, "It's the removal of the soul rot and sin brand."
  1187. [11:52:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. just.. I thought that I couldn't trust you. I.. I thought that you didn't love me any more."
  1188. [11:52:44] Xoconan says, "You're not used to them being gone."
  1189. [11:52:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I suppose so."
  1190. [11:53:36] Xoconan says, "You'll get better. You're stronger than you think."
  1191. [11:53:36] Xoconan says, "You're strong enough to put up with my bullshit on a daily basis."
  1192. [11:53:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Mm.."
  1193. [11:54:27] Lotlhuitl pinched his arm.
  1194. (Lotlhuitl)
  1195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1197. [11:55:18] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I really do appreciate you, Xoconan. And love you."
  1198. [11:56:09] Lotlhuitl says, "And you joke about putting up with you. But.. I know its more the other way around."
  1199. [11:56:09] Lotlhuitl says, "And I just... I'm trying. Really."
  1200. [11:56:09] Lotlhuitl asks, "If.. If Xitlalli does try and talk to me, and you're not around.. what should I do? Run from her?"
  1201. [11:56:09] Lotlhuitl says, "I'll be honest, Xoco..."
  1202. [11:57:00] Lotlhuitl says, "I feel.. weak. When she's concerned."
  1203. [11:57:00] Xoconan says, "Get help. Don't let yourself be cornered by her."
  1204. [11:57:00] Lotlhuitl says, "And I feel guilty about that. Because I shouldn't."
  1205. [11:57:00] Xoconan says, "Stay in Cruxati."
  1206. [11:57:00] Xoconan says, "Remember, we're Cruxati."
  1207. [11:57:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Okay.. I.. I can do that."
  1208. [11:57:00] Xoconan says, "We don't have to go to Ezmara."
  1209. [11:57:52] Xoconan says, "And Ezmara has no power to force us out."
  1210. [11:57:52] Lotlhuitl says, "... technically, i think I'm still banished."
  1211. [11:57:52] Lotlhuitl says, "but I mean, I kinda figure Karma forgot."
  1212. [11:58:43] Lotlhuitl says, "... Noa.. seems to have forgiven me, in his own jerk way. I suppose."
  1213. [12:01:16] Xoconan says, "I'll talk to Atro."
  1214. [12:01:16] Xoconan says, "And Kayeliun."
  1215. [12:02:08] Xoconan says, "She's still Cruxati, they still have the authority to drag her back and answer."
  1216. [12:02:08] Xoconan says, "Hatsune will fix your brand, and I'll be there to help you get better."
  1217. [12:02:08] Lotlhuitl says, "... Xoco.. I.. part of me doesn't want to get better."
  1218. [12:02:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm scared."
  1219. [12:02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I mean.. I'm.. "
  1220. [12:02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't know what I mean.."
  1221. [12:04:41] Xoconan says, "You're not thinking right."
  1222. [12:04:41] Xoconan says, "It's the mark, it's trying to control you."
  1223. [12:04:41] Xoconan says, "Lust manipulates, makes you docile."
  1224. [12:04:41] Xoconan says, "The same thing happened to Hestia."
  1225. [12:04:41] Lotlhuitl asks, "... have I been docile?"
  1226. [12:04:41] Xoconan says, "When it's gone, you'll wonder how you could've felt like this at all."
  1227. [12:04:41] Xoconan says, "In a way, yes."
  1228. [12:05:32] Xoconan says, "You were manipulated against me."
  1229. [12:05:32] Lotlhuitl snuggled closer.
  1230. (Lotlhuitl)
  1231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1233. [12:05:32] Xoconan says, "You jump to defend someone who attacked me in the middle of Ardent when I tried to help you."
  1234. [12:05:32] Lotlhuitl asks, "W-what?"
  1235. [12:06:24] Xoconan says, "Sibri."
  1236. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl asks, "Xitlalli attacked you?"
  1237. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.."
  1238. [12:06:24] Xoconan says, "When he attacked me, you tried to crawl and defend him."
  1239. [12:07:15] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. I only kissed him to make you angry."
  1240. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "... I wasn't.. I wouldn't.. "
  1241. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl shuddered.
  1242. (Lotlhuitl)
  1243. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1245. [12:11:31] Xoconan says, "I know. It was the marks."
  1246. [12:11:31] Xoconan asks, "See why they have to go?"
  1247. [12:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "<*nodded, slowly..*> "
  1248. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xoco.. I.. what if it was more than the marks?
  1249. [12:13:13] Xoconan whispers: "We'll come to that if it's the problem."
  1250. [12:13:13] Xoconan whispers: "But right now, they're an external force on you."
  1251. [12:13:13] Xoconan whispers: "See, like now. You're trying to defend them."
  1252. [12:14:04] Xoconan whispers: "They're twisting your mind."
  1253. [12:14:04] Xoconan whispers: "You had claimed *you* put them there before."
  1254. [12:14:04] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I don't want to lie to you. I.. I feel good about them.
  1255. [12:14:04] Lotlhuitl whispers: I know you're probably right.
  1256. [12:14:04] Lotlhuitl whispers: I'm.. I'm going to let Hatsune remove it.
  1257. [12:14:04] Lotlhuitl whispers: But Xoco.. I just.. I feel so worthless.
  1258. [12:14:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I can't explain it. When I knew how angry I'd made you. It.. I felt good. For the first time in ages.
  1259. [12:14:56] Lotlhuitl whispers: And that's.. I'm..
  1260. [12:15:47] Xoconan whispers: "Can't you do that to... Someone else then?"
  1261. [12:15:47] Lotlhuitl whispers: All.. all they've done is let me pursue my desires..
  1262. [12:15:47] Xoconan whispers: "I'm your husband... I'm not going to be played with like some kind of toy, Lotl."
  1263. [12:15:47] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I don't expect you to.
  1264. [12:15:47] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I'm not trying to defend it, Xoco.
  1265. [12:16:38] Lotlhuitl whispers: I'm trying to be honest.
  1266. [12:16:38] Xoconan whispers: "And I appreciate it. We'll work on it, if that's the problem."
  1267. [12:16:38] Xoconan whispers: "Find an outlet for you."
  1268. [12:17:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: I.. I liked kissing Sibri. But.. it didn't have anything to do with him.
  1269. [12:17:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: I liked watching you destroy him.
  1270. [12:17:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: And then I felt bad.
  1271. [12:17:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: That's.. that's why I.. tried to go to him. I.. I could have driven you to kill him.
  1272. [12:18:20] Lotlhuitl whispers: He's just some dumb kid.
  1273. [12:18:20] Lotlhuitl whispers: Barely a man.
  1274. [12:18:20] Xoconan whispers: "Do you want me to kill him for you?"
  1275. [12:19:12] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. mn.."
  1276. [12:20:03] Lotlhuitl says, "It's not his fault. No. I.. Xoco, I wasn't.. I can see now that I wasn't thinking right.."
  1277. [12:20:03] Lotlhuitl says, "I said many things about you which people had told me.. to him."
  1278. [12:20:03] Lotlhuitl says, "And I see now t-that they'd.. they had been tricking me."
  1279. [12:20:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Manipulating me."
  1280. [12:20:03] Xoconan says, "He claimed the only problem was your love for me."
  1281. [12:20:54] Lotlhuitl says, "We... talked at length about it. About how I needed you."
  1282. [12:20:54] Lotlhuitl says, "About how.. you.. wanted to kill Xitlalli."
  1283. [12:20:54] Lotlhuitl says, "And how you wouldn't listen to me.."
  1284. [12:20:54] Lotlhuitl says, "<*winced.*"
  1285. [12:24:19] Lotlhuitl says, "So, no. I.. I don't desire his death."
  1286. [12:25:10] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I.. I don't desire him, really, Xoco. I.. I just.. it was cruel of me. "
  1287. [12:26:01] Lotlhuitl whispers: Do.. do you want to kill him?
  1288. [12:27:44] Xoconan whispers: "He tried to stop me from taking you somewhere safe."
  1289. [12:27:44] Xoconan whispers: "He wants you- he kissed you."
  1290. [12:28:35] Lotlhuitl shuddered..
  1291. (Lotlhuitl)
  1292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1294. [12:30:17] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xoco, I feel all confused. I.. I know I never would ahve done that in the past. Never.. I'd.. I've challenged men to duels for far less.
  1295. [12:30:17] Xoconan whispers: "I sentenced Xarnata to die for less."
  1296. [12:31:08] Lotlhuitl whispers: I mean, he was working for Tragedy, a coward, and.. humiliated me.
  1297. [12:32:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: He.. I just mean, he.. had the wrong idea about you.
  1298. [12:32:51] Lotlhuitl whispers: Which was my fault. I.. I feel responsible.
  1299. [12:32:51] Xoconan whispers: "Do you think I cared about him working with Tragedy?"
  1300. [12:32:51] Lotlhuitl whispers: I...
  1301. [12:33:42] Lotlhuitl snuggled closer.
  1302. (Lotlhuitl)
  1303. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1305. [12:33:42] Xoconan says, "I couldn't care less. I cared that he'd insulted you."
  1306. [12:33:42] Lotlhuitl asks, "Sibri insulted me..?"
  1307. [12:33:42] Lotlhuitl says, "He.. oh.."
  1308. [12:35:24] Xoconan says, "Groping you, kissing you in public..."
  1309. [12:35:24] Xoconan says, "In any other sense, you'd have been after his balls with a knife."
  1310. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl was now blushing furiously, ears twitching as she buried her face in her hands.
  1311. (Lotlhuitl)
  1312. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1314. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I kissed him though.. "
  1315. [12:36:16] Xoconan holds Lotl even closer.
  1316. (Xoconan)
  1317. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1319. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl says, "It's.. it's all my fault."
  1320. [12:36:16] Xoconan says, "He kissed you back."
  1321. [12:37:07] Xoconan says, "You're not at fault for what *he* did in return."\"
  1322. [12:37:07] Xoconan says, "You didn't put his hands on you."
  1323. [12:37:07] Lotlhuitl says, "Nnn.."
  1324. [12:37:58] Lotlhuitl leant in, still blushing... to tilt her face upwards and attempt to kiss Xoconan against his neck.
  1325. (Lotlhuitl)
  1326. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1328. [12:37:58] Lotlhuitl nipped him lightly..
  1329. (Lotlhuitl)
  1330. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1332. [12:37:58] Xoconan tilts his neck enough to give her access, despite the collar.
  1333. (Xoconan)
  1334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1336. [12:37:58] Lotlhuitl asks, "Why.. are you wearing this?"
  1337. [12:37:58] Xoconan says, "I've been... Training under Kayeliun."
  1338. [12:38:49] Xoconan says, "She put this on me to hinder my power."
  1339. [12:38:49] Xoconan says, "She decided it would be cute to leave it there."
  1340. [12:38:49] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1341. [12:41:23] Lotlhuitl , despite being unhappy with this information, leaned up to nibble at one of Xoconan's ears.
  1342. (Lotlhuitl)
  1343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1345. [12:41:23] Xoconan says, "I'm fine, the collar only hinders me if it's turned n."
  1346. [12:41:23] LOOC - Xoconan: (on*)
  1347. [12:41:23] Xoconan leans into Lotl as she nips at him.
  1348. (Xoconan)
  1349. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1351. [12:42:14] Lotlhuitl snuggles.
  1352. (Lotlhuitl)
  1353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1355. [12:42:14] Lotlhuitl asks, "Would you tell me if you weren't fine?"
  1356. [12:43:05] Xoconan says, "Of course I would."
  1357. [12:46:30] Lotlhuitl stroked her hands through Xoconan's hair, making a soft humming sound.
  1358. (Lotlhuitl)
  1359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1361. [12:46:30] LOOC - Katherine: (Oh boy
  1362. [12:46:30] LOOC - Katherine: (ERP!
  1363. [12:47:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh yes, so dirty)
  1364. [12:47:21] LOOC - Katherine: (NERF HELLSTORM COSTS
  1365. [12:47:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you're legit hiding in the bushes watching our dirty hand hold rp)
  1366. [12:47:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (wow, my literal lowest roll)
  1367. [12:47:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (alright prepare to die)
  1368. [12:47:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (voyuer..)
  1369. [12:47:21] LOOC - Katherine: (Same
  1370. [12:47:21] LOOC - Katherine: (I suck
  1371. [12:48:12] LOOC - Katherine: (Fite me
  1372. [12:48:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (oh she accepted the deadly cap 6)
  1373. [12:48:12] LOOC - Katherine: (Coward!
  1374. [12:48:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (what)
  1375. [12:48:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (>.>)
  1376. [12:48:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (LOOC - Xoconan: (oh she accepted the deadly cap 6))
  1377. [12:49:04] LOOC - Xoconan: ({RP BATTLE} Katherine wants to cancel the battle! (Everyone must type /cancel for the RPB to end))
  1378. [12:49:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (what)
  1379. [12:49:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (what is this memery)
  1380. [12:49:04] LOOC - Katherine: (Its memestorm
  1381. [12:49:04] LOOC - Katherine: (feel the wrath
  1382. [12:49:04] LOOC - Katherine: (Have fun with your cute romance rp
  1383. [12:49:55] Xoconan asks, "We promised not to keep secrets, remember?"
  1384. [12:50:46] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1385. [12:50:46] Lotlhuitl says, "We did.."
  1386. [12:50:46] Xoconan says, "So I'll tell you anything wrong with me."
  1387. [12:50:46] Xoconan says, "And you do the same."
  1388. [12:50:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Xoco, I... I did something. "
  1389. [12:50:46] Xoconan asks, "... What'd you do?"
  1390. [12:51:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I made a deal with Choi."
  1391. [12:51:37] Xoconan says, "..."
  1392. [12:51:37] Xoconan asks, "What did you offer him?"
  1393. [12:51:37] Lotlhuitl mumbled something that sounded an awful lot like Zahhual's Bracers.
  1394. (Lotlhuitl)
  1395. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1397. [12:52:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. was.. I thought.. "
  1398. [12:54:11] Lotlhuitl buried her face in her hands yet again!
  1399. (Lotlhuitl)
  1400. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1402. [2018-Apr-11 22:39:08]
  1403. {LOAD GAME}
  1405. [2018-Apr-11 22:39:59] Alberich says, "Oh my dear-"
  1406. [2018-Apr-11 22:39:59] Alberich asks, "Lot?"
  1407. [2018-Apr-11 22:40:17] ... Oh no.
  1409. Wrapping his cloak around the tiny form of Solace as she crawled into his lap, his mind seemed lost in thought. The sudden rush of questions that filled his mind from Solace bringing him out of what seemed that trance of silence. Peering down upon his younger sibling, a hand simply raised to press rightfully against the top of her head.
  1411. "Because, like the both of you? She finds my lap secure and comfortable. Think of it as... I am making her feel protected." He seemed to muse with a gentle bob of his head at such a proclamation. Even if there remained more of a reason he seemed content at leaving it at just that, with a gentle smile coming to replace that dull look of endless thought.
  1413. "I'm sure you'll understand when you're older."
  1415. Much, much older.
  1416. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  1417. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1419. [2018-Apr-11 22:40:31] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... Hello, Lotlhuitl."
  1420. [2018-Apr-11 22:49:14] Lotlhuitl watched.
  1422. The Nagual was as scandalously dressed as usual. More jewellery than clothing at this point. Armour which was challenged the very concept of 'armour' to be called as such, it was so revealing and therefore surely lacking in protection.
  1424. Her expression was wary. Guarded. Tired.
  1426. She was looking for someone. They weren't here. She wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed.
  1428. "Alberich." Lotlhuitl said.
  1430. The woman moved closer. An audible jingle as she swung her hips with each step.
  1432. "..Noa."
  1434. Her gaze shifted to the small child sitting in Noa's lap.
  1436. Stiffly, the Nagual addressed her, too! "Hello there."
  1437. (Lotlhuitl)
  1438. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1440. [2018-Apr-11 22:53:23] Bundled up in Noa's cloak, she would grab a hold of it and hold at the edges, nodding her head with the statements all the while. "Unnnbbb..." She hummed outwards, a tiny squint given all the while. "Yeah, okay. That sounds alright. You're super duper warm, and it's way nice!" The words chirped out in delight as she looked up toward Noa, and then toward the approaching woman.
  1442. "Hi, Miss! You seem to be missing clothes! I can get you a cloaky to wear if you want. Must be way cold without a Noa to make you warm!"
  1444. ...Well, she couldn't lie.
  1445. (Solace Huitzilopochtli)
  1446. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1448. [2018-Apr-11 22:53:34] "My, how long have it been? But besides that, you look-" he said, actually getting up from his seat and resting his new staff on the floor, moving his eyes up and down towards Lothuitl. "You look terrible, handmaiden~ Take a seat, will you?"
  1450. With his free hand he gestured towards the bench, not forcing Lot to take it but definitely suggesting it. Though her jewelry and her completely exposing attire was quite interesting for the young occultist, paying attention to such details would go just as far as his own curiosity allowed, not minding it at all how much skin that nagual actually had exposed.
  1452. "I'm certain you have more business to do over here than to simple have a couple of conversations, more likely than not. But Oh my, we had our last one simply interrupted by...Something.~" he nodded, resting an idle smile on his face once again. "On top of that, it might be quite a good moment to introduce you to my so famously spoken, Eight, hm? After...Everything has been properly addressed, naturally."
  1453. (Alberich)
  1454. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1456. [2018-Apr-11 22:54:37] The Sirenian known as Leara would be seen panting and sweating as she made her way towards the Ezmaran square. Narrowly escaping her life or death encounter with the a certain individual, Leara now knew that she had to be careful about how she moved and more importantly where she went.
  1458. "It appeared Alberich would have spotted her and spoken to her and as such she moved closer towards him only to call out to him as soon as she got within arms reach.
  1460. "We need to talk. Now!" Beads of sweat would be wiped from the Sirenian's face as she continued to pant, immediately kneeling down to the ground to catch her breath.
  1461. (Leara)
  1462. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1464. [2018-Apr-11 22:55:20]
  1465. {LOAD GAME}
  1467. [2018-Apr-11 22:55:25] My...
  1469. Slowly a hand seemed to fall from the head of Solace and attempt to cover her eyes. The approach of Lotlhuitl and her choice of outfit perhaps just only slightly too scandalous for this little tot tucked beneath his cloak. All the same a single nod was given in the direction of this woman, followed once more by that same radiant smile.
  1471. "Hello, hello! What brings you to Ezmara, Lotlhuitl?" He seemed to muse as though he understood nothing of why she had arrived. The gentle shimmer of cosmic energy constantly surrounding his body seeming only to flicker at such words. Her approach was not one he had even so much as dared to expect given all that had occurred recently.
  1473. "... Solace, remember to always wear a shirt."
  1475. Some kind words of advice for this young follower of The Sun.
  1476. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  1477. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1479. [2018-Apr-11 22:55:26] Alberich says, "Excuse us for a moment."
  1480. [2018-Apr-11 22:55:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (soz.. stupid internet is stupid..)
  1481. [2018-Apr-11 22:56:01] Solace Huitzilopochtli exclaims, "Cloaky!"
  1482. [2018-Apr-11 23:02:54] Lotlhuitl arched an eyebrow at Noa, tail twitching with sudden annoyance. She saw his hand falling to cover the youngster's eyes. Heard his suggestion about wearing a shirt.
  1484. The nerve. She was wearing a shirt.
  1486. "What brings me to Ezmara? I'm.. I used to live here. I'm allowed to be here." Awfully defensive for such a simple question. Oh dear, looks like Noa hit a nerve somehow.
  1488. "Advice hour, is it?"
  1490. Lotlhuitl spoke to the child sitting in Noa's lap.
  1492. "Solace, was it? Wear what you like. Don't let prudes like Noa tell you what to do."
  1494. Deadpan, she folded her arms in front of her chest.
  1496. "If you don't like what I'm wearing, Noa, don't look."
  1497. (Lotlhuitl)
  1498. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1500. [2018-Apr-11 23:07:02] The Hive turns its eyeless gaze at the three of them. First at the child, staring at her for a few seconds, then at Noa, and finally at Lotlhuitl. It lasts a lot longer on the latter, and the Hive reaches at her at the same time as it turns its eyeless gaze to the south, looking at nowhere in particular.
  1502. The telepathic link felt like tendrils seeping into her mind, spreading through her consciousness; it lets in a low, soft buzzing of a thousand wasps, with a distinct, faint pulse of corrupted cosmic energy mixed up with occultism. The Hive's true voice projects itself into her mind, then,
  1504. >
  1506. The Hive's voice was deep and it echoed, as if it was trapped somewhere deep within the demon's consciousness. The buzzing of the wasps themselves seemed to speak, argue, plot, but their true meaning was still just shy of any given sane mind to truly understand.
  1507. (Hive)
  1508. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1510. [2018-Apr-11 23:09:59] JaDrako Kumo says, "Uwa. Hello."
  1511. [2018-Apr-11 23:10:24] Hatsune Panic asks, "Uwa. Hello, JaDrako. Shall we?"
  1512. [2018-Apr-11 23:10:33] JaDrako Kumo says, "We shall."
  1513. [2018-Apr-11 23:10:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hatsune0
  1514. [2018-Apr-11 23:10:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (o..
  1515. [2018-Apr-11 23:12:17] Tension...
  1517. The tension clearly brewing between this duo was practically able to be cut with a knife. Cosmic energy beginning to swell around his form like something of a beacon of power waiting to be released. The smile locked upon his features never fading for a moment as a sudden rush of pure gold seemed to fill his gaze in that mix of power.
  1519. "My... So bossy. If I didn't like it, I would simply change it. However, all the same I will look where I please. You control nothing of what I do, Nagual." His words rang without hesitation as the sudden realization had struck him. The golden tint to his gaze fading as did this swelling energy as he looked down upon Solace once more.
  1521. "Ah... Another time, I suppose. I am curious how you've been doing since your cleansing, Lotlhuitl. We must speak sometime, alone."
  1523. Nod, nod.
  1524. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  1525. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1527. [2018-Apr-11 23:21:56] Lotlhuitl might have seethed at Noa, but he had a small child sitting on his lap. Typical. The man was the sort to declare her a coward, ignoring all the times he'd hid behind others.
  1529. She might have said something cutting. She had a few choice things to say to her once dear friend.
  1531. And then a sudden buzzing sound penetrated her mind.
  1533. "Ah-" Lotlhuitl exhaled, eyes widening. Delicate hands snapped up as if to protect her sensitive ears. As if for a moment she thought she'd been surrounded by wasps.
  1535. But, no. It was all in her head.
  1537. Her green gaze flicked over to Hive.
  1539. "It.. it speaks." She stammered, seeming surprised. The woman's eyes had taken on a strangely metallic quality. Reflective. Her soul, freshly cleansed and oh-so-raw may have quivered. If that was, well, a thing souls did.
  1541. Vulnerable.
  1543. For a moment Lotlhuitlof the Cruxati looked distinctly vulnerable.
  1545. "...I'm fine." Lotlhuitl addressed Noa, terse. Letting all his posturing just go. She visibly had her attention taken elsewhere. "..sure, whatever. Later." She dismissed him, waving a hand.
  1547. And then she walked closer to the strange daemon creature, which.. she had assumed was someone's pet.
  1549. "Ah.. there's no argument here." Lotlhuitl lied. Her voice was low, conversational. "Greetings."
  1550. (Lotlhuitl)
  1551. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1553. [2018-Apr-11 23:22:29] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Mmm.."
  1554. [2018-Apr-11 23:22:45] Noa falls into silence! Allowing those two to converse.
  1555. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  1556. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1558. [2018-Apr-11 23:25:33] Jun Gao says, "Have either of you seen a sirenian with Jianghese running around here? Sibri has sent me to detain them."
  1559. [2018-Apr-11 23:25:43] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Nope."
  1560. [2018-Apr-11 23:25:47] LOOC - Jun Gao: (Oh, it's Plook.
  1561. [2018-Apr-11 23:26:22] Jun Gao says, "Wel..that was straightforward. Farewell."
  1562. [2018-Apr-11 23:26:25] LOOC - Jun Gao: (Well*
  1563. [2018-Apr-11 23:26:41] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Happy hunting."
  1564. [2018-Apr-11 23:27:10] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1565. [2018-Apr-11 23:27:31] Lotlhuitl whispers: What is it?
  1566. [2018-Apr-11 23:27:42] Lotlhuitl whispers: You can talk?
  1567. [2018-Apr-11 23:28:51] The Hive keeps its eyeless gaze set upon Lotlhuitl. Once more the Hive's true voice projects itself into the woman's mind, and the buzzing of the wasps never ceased - as if the wasps themselves were part of the demon's consciousness.
  1569. >
  1570. (Hive)
  1571. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1573. [2018-Apr-11 23:29:26] Lotlhuitl whispers: ... how can I help you?
  1574. [2018-Apr-11 23:29:43] Lotlhuitl looked the creature up and down, expression somewhat.. dubious..
  1575. (Lotlhuitl)
  1576. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1578. [2018-Apr-11 23:31:53] The Hive lets out a couple of muffled clucking sounds in rapid succession; it wasn't capable of making facial expressions due to the fact it had no eyes or mouth, but the feeling of amusement spreads through the woman's consciousness, emphatically transmitted.
  1580. >
  1581. (Hive)
  1582. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1584. [2018-Apr-11 23:33:41] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. what? I'm.. "
  1585. [2018-Apr-11 23:33:48] Lotlhuitl looked taken aback!
  1586. (Lotlhuitl)
  1587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1589. [2018-Apr-11 23:34:16] Lotlhuitl says, "What's that supposed to mean? I'm.. not *violent.*"
  1590. [2018-Apr-11 23:34:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Or chaotic."
  1591. [2018-Apr-11 23:34:59] Lotlhuitl says, "You got the wrong Nagual, buddy.."
  1592. [2018-Apr-11 23:39:04] A soft laughter spreads over her mind; it bounces over her consciousness, propagating itself, turning into a loud mess and then softly, sgradatively turning into the agitated buzzing of wasps.
  1594. >
  1596. Somehow the demon looked pleased at the notion, as the feeling as transmitted through the woman's consciousness.
  1598. >
  1599. (Hive)
  1600. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1602. [2018-Apr-11 23:40:18] Alberich says, "Eight, let me know when you're free, hm?~"
  1603. [2018-Apr-11 23:40:27] Alberich says, "Seat with us, Lee."
  1604. [2018-Apr-11 23:44:07] Alberich whispers something.
  1605. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:15] Daigo Wasabi says, "Hey, Noa."
  1606. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:20] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "... Hm?"
  1607. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:26] Leara whispers something.
  1608. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:35] Daigo Wasabi says, "I don't suppose you know a.. What's it again.."
  1609. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:39] Daigo Wasabi asks, "Itotia?"
  1610. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:42] Lotlhuitl's ears flicked. One after the other, and then sometimes at the same time. An automatic action. It was like her body kept telling her there was a bug sitting on her ear, but as much as the fuzzy appendage seemed to twitch and flick, she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling.
  1612. Hive's voice was in her mind.
  1614. By the spirits, the demon was kinda right. She started fights. Fights broke out around her. Because of her. The Nagual seemed ill at ease with this newfound knowledge.. and with the demon's pleasure.
  1616. "Thank you for your perspective." Lotlhuitl said, her ears still flicking.
  1618. She remembered Argent. Previous fights with Noa, and others... she did revel, did 'feed' (or gain strength) from these acts of chaos. But.. not perhaps in the way the demon was saying.
  1620. What. Even. Was. This.
  1622. The demon was surely tricking her. There was no need for her to be concerned! She was fine. Hatsune had healed her!
  1624. And, as politely as the terse Nagual could muster, she stepped back from the bug demon. Her green gaze still distinctly metallic. Almost mirror-like.
  1626. "Excuse me. I have business with Noa."
  1628. The Nagual walked straight up to her dear old friend.
  1630. "Noa." She said, crossing her arms. "You wanted me? Fine. Let's talk."
  1632. (Lotlhuitl)
  1633. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1635. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:43] Daigo Wasabi asks, "Itolita?"
  1636. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:48] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Nope.-"
  1637. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:52] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Ah..."
  1638. [2018-Apr-11 23:47:57] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "It seems I am being pulled away."
  1639. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:00] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "In any event, no I do not."
  1640. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:01] Lotlhuitl totally interrupts the conversation Noa has with this person..
  1641. (Lotlhuitl)
  1642. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1644. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:02] Leara whispers something.
  1645. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:37] Daigo Wasabi says, "Figures. Oh, I'm allowed to be here right? Don't want to get jumped on or anything."
  1646. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:46] Noa Huitzilopochtli asks, "I don't see why not?"
  1647. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:51] Daigo Wasabi says, "Sick."
  1648. [2018-Apr-11 23:48:53] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Just, do not try to pick fights with Gehennans."
  1649. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:01] Daigo Wasabi asks, "Me? Pick fights?"
  1650. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:05] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Come along, Lotlhuitl! I thank you so much for asking to have my presence."
  1651. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Unless you like licking boots.."
  1652. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:09] Lotlhuitl asks, "... asking?"
  1653. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:10] Lotlhuitl asks, "What?"
  1654. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:12] Daigo Wasabi says, "I'm a good guy, not somethin-- What."
  1655. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:16] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Shh..."
  1656. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:17] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "Come along."
  1657. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:30] Leara would take a seat directly besides Alberich as she continued to whisper to him. The situation at hand was still fresh in her mind, however she wasn't going to let it effect her currently. She had bigger and more important things to worry about then this.
  1658. (Leara)
  1659. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1661. [2018-Apr-11 23:49:45] Lotlhuitl was one annoyed Nagual.
  1662. (Lotlhuitl)
  1663. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1665. [2018-Apr-11 23:50:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im just gonna wait for hive's dot)
  1666. [2018-Apr-11 23:51:31] The Hive seems pleased regardless. Its eyeless gaze was set upon Alberich and Leara, sluggishly sliding towards them, but its true voice projected itself into Lotlhuitl's mind one last time,
  1668. beyond..>>
  1670. It interrupts itself very abruptly, however; the telepathic communication seemed to be severed, as rapidly as it was torn out from her mind. It would feel like the invisible tendrils that were rooted, etched into her consciousness to be violently ripped out - even if it didn't properly hurt, it would still be... weird. To say the least.
  1671. (Hive)
  1672. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1674. [2018-Apr-11 23:51:52] "She doesn't mean it literally, ginger lad." Alberich smirked at the red head, actually finding it rather amusing, not only his way of speaking, but also the way everything has been presented. "Unless you'd like to lick my boots, I suppose I wouldn't have a problem with it."
  1676. With a small playful chuckle, he extended one leg forward, definitely not expecting Daigo to actually do it, but being playful nonetheless.
  1678. "Besides Jianghu is now under Gehenna, more than likely, we're both one single nation. There would be very little reason to not be allowed to transit. Who are you, however?"
  1679. (Alberich)
  1680. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1682. [2018-Apr-11 23:52:24] Daigo Wasabi says, "Name's Daigo, Most people call me red. I'm heading off though, I've not got long-- Need to find someone."
  1683. [2018-Apr-11 23:52:57] Alberich asks, "That Itolita you said, yes?"
  1684. [2018-Apr-11 23:53:01] Lotlhuitl shuddered, almost flinching at the sudden -snap- she felt at Hive pulling away from her consciousness.. and then she followed Noa.
  1685. (Lotlhuitl)
  1686. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1688. [2018-Apr-11 23:53:12] Daigo Wasabi says, "Yeah-- JaDrako said something which piqued my interest."
  1689. [2018-Apr-11 23:57:02] He...
  1691. He couldn't help but to stare as this woman now as they stood across from one another. Falling into this throne made of stone as he practically drape himself over it in the most casual of mannerisms. If by any means he was meant to be showing fear to this woman standing before him it was plainly obvious he didn't dare show it.
  1693. "I wonder... You worked so hard to defend a woman who marked you. To defend my wife, when you could hardly defend yourself." He seemed to muse with a tint of gold flashing through his gaze once more. Perhaps it was sitting in a position of power that caused it though all the same he seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much.
  1695. "I can't help but wonder, will you actually be able to stay away from Xitlalli? Do you even want to?"
  1697. Questions, questions.
  1698. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  1699. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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