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a guest
Mar 2nd, 2018
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  1. #!/bin/sh -e
  2. #
  3. # Basic Backup to my Fritz!Box
  4. #
  5. DATER=`date +%b%_3d%_9T`
  6. #
  7. # Mount the Box
  8. #
  9. echo $DATER fritzcopy: creating local folder
  10. if [ ! -d /mnt/fritzcopy ]
  11. then
  12. mkdir /mnt fritzcopy
  13. fi
  14. echo $DATER fritzcopy: mounting remote folder
  15. if !(/bin/mount -t cifs -o user=ftpuser,password=tiger123,workgroup=WORKGROUP // /mnt/fritzcopy)
  16. then
  17. echo $DATER fritzcopy: mount failed: could not mount remote share
  18. echo $DATER fritzcopy: terminated with error 1
  19. exit 1
  20. fi
  21. echo $DATER fritzcopy: syncing Music folder
  22. mkdir /mnt/fritzcopy/iTunes
  23. rsync -rlptDv –modify-window=1 --dry-run ~/Music/iTunes /mnt/fritzcopy/iTunes
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