
Triangle Man, Triangle Man

Aug 13th, 2015
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  1. 00:15 Triangle_Man *BOOM*
  2. 00:20 Triangle_Man The blast radiated out from a bank, people near ran as the fire blazed. Out from the smoke came a man only the few would recognize, What he wore made him look like a general, his 'head' floating above his neck. A pyramid with a large oddly shaped eye looked down to the people in shock. He somehow took a deep breath in, hitting his cane down.
  3. 00:20 Triangle_Man "Ahh, Neon , it is great to be back in this lovely City. Wouldn
  4. 00:20 Triangle_Man "Ahh, Neon , it is great to be back in this lovely City. Wouldn't you agree?"
  5. 00:21 *** Universe_Man joined #covenger_rp
  6. 00:25 Universe_Man "yeah, sure boss." The voice came from no mouth. This stranger was tall, 9 feet, his clothes far from modern, in one hand two large bags of money, the other, a large Ax, spear, thing. his body looking like it was made from the universe itself "Should I take the bags to the Choper?"
  7. 00:26 Triangle_Man "No no. Well, yes too. Call Particle Man to get the bags, we wait to see what the new generation of heroes is like."
  8. 00:28 Universe_Man "Sure, just once could we, get the money and go?" He pulled out a cellphone from his body, calling whoever this Particle Man was. Few seconds later a large blue cloud came. He placed the bags on it and watched it fly off "I mean, what would be different, not like new powers just, came outa nowhere, right?"
  9. 00:30 Triangle_Man "Its been, lets see, 10, 20, 30...too long since we've had some fun. Now we wait, and have some good old...
  10. 00:30 Triangle_Man Fun"
  11. 00:41 AnnaClaskovic happened to be walking by the general area of the bank when she heard the explosion. One of those days, probably a heist of some sort. She flies overhead to see what's happening, the smoke rising from the bank is the first thing noticed. Should she call for back up? It doesn't seem that serious.
  12. 01:03 Eridana rolls onto the scene. Literally, on a pair of bone and carapace rollerskates. Dressed in casual, sporty clothing, she takes the lollipop from her mouth and begins to roll over. Just what was going on with all the smoke and the explosion noises? She was curious, and her lovely calm roll around the city had been disturbed.
  13. 01:17 McGoFuckYourself Thankfully, a concerned citizen managed to send in a call fairly soon after the blast went out. After a quick scan of nearby heroes, the call went out.
  14. 01:17 McGoFuckYourself A quick jaunt over to the bank, was it all. Roxanne was barely even panting as she strolled up to the bank, still stylish as all hell in her skirt and leather jacket, t-shirt featuring a red angelic creature in some band logo. She looked up to the bank, raising a slim eyebrow, metal skin shining in the light of day.
  15. 01:17 McGoFuckYourself "Why banks. It's always fucking banks with these shits. Can't they think of anything better to knock over?"
  16. 01:27 Triangle_Man "Well Well, looks like we have a good amount to have fun with." He walks down to the side walk, looking at each hero one by one. "Metal, Fire, and, I dont really know what that is, new power in the new age it seems"
  17. 01:27 Universe_Man "yeah yeah rub it in"
  18. 01:28 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne runs up and clocks him across the face, mid-speech
  19. 01:29 Triangle_Man head spins around "Oh oh oh! A feisty one!"
  20. 01:29 McGoFuckYourself And a heavy boot right between the legs
  21. 01:31 Universe_Man tackles her, football style. Readying his weapon.
  22. 01:31 Triangle_Man slowly gets back up. "Kids today, no respect for their elders. Not letting your fellow Metas having a turn too?"
  23. 01:32 Triangle_Man "Back down U-Man. Running in weapons ready is no fun for me"
  24. 01:33 Universe_Man "yeah, not doing that. Next thing you know she'll pull out a gun"
  25. 01:34 McGoFuckYourself She twists around in his grip and clamps her very metal, very /serrated/ teeth into the base of his neck
  27. 01:34 AnnaClaskovic throws a few fireballs at Triangle Man, quite surprised by the action of that other girl, that must have hurt.
  28. 01:34 Triangle_Man looks to Anna and Eridana. "She is right, more heroes would be lovel-Oh dear"
  29. 01:35 Universe_Man bleeds star dust. literally, it blazes out glowing brightly "GAH! If you can do your thing that would be great Tri!"
  30. 01:37 Triangle_Man stomps his boot a few times to get the fire out on it. "Once we see what she does" he points to Eridana with his stick, then seeing it was on fire
  31. 01:38 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne jabs her elbow into his stomach. Then, still squirming in his grip, rakes her claws against his sides
  32. 01:39 Universe_Man while screaming throws his ax/staff right at Eridana
  33. 01:40 McGoFuckYourself She shoves herself out of his grip, wrapping one hand around his neck. Her other, she pulls back, curling her rather hard fingers into a fist
  34. 01:41 McGoFuckYourself "This is why you don't monologue, you overdramatic /fuck/!"
  35. 01:41 McGoFuckYourself She punches him, hard in the nose
  36. 01:41 Universe_Man "GOD DAMN IT"
  37. 01:41 Eridana "Why." Eridana laments before advancing at a leisurely roll, like a waitress at a roller-diner. The ax sails towards her and she twists to the side to avoid it, spine snapping and crackling as her torso spun left, and then right to return to original state. With a flick of her wrist, her arm shreds itself into a whip and she lashes out at Universe_Man, intending to grab him and pull him back.
  38. 01:42 Universe_Man "oh for fuck sake DO IT NOW"
  39. 01:42 Triangle_Man "Gladly."
  40. 01:44 Triangle_Man eye glows, slamming his stick down on the ground as energy blasts out. it engulfs Anna, Roxanne, And Eridana. Universe Man unaffected somehow.
  41. 01:44 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne cringes slightly at the crackling at twisting. As a girl who finds bodily functions like /sweating/ and /bruises/ gross, this is a whole new level
  42. 01:45 Eridana "I don't like this."
  43. 01:45 AnnaClaskovic starts rapidly firing spheres of fire at Triangle, flying in, she suddenly realizes that there are changes being made. "W-what's going on?"
  44. 01:46 Triangle_Man At first, nothing happened.
  45. 01:47 Triangle_Man Anna had cold wash over her, her hand was blue and solid, semi see-through. It started to spread over her
  46. 01:51 Triangle_Man Eridana's leg felt solid, solid metal coating with her veins turning to wiring slowly growing up her leg
  47. 01:53 Triangle_Man Roxanne Metal skin slowly turned to normal, her insides solidifying to metal
  48. 02:10 McGoFuckYourself "I don't give a flying fuck about so-so-some." She staggers. "I...I don't feel so good." Blinks. Blinks again. Looks down at her hands as the metal warps into skin. Claws turning into nails, sharp edges smoothing out into curves, bones hardening, muscles warping into metallic cords. Oh god, she has proper /teeth/ now. Like, flat ones! She has /lips/! For the first time in her lie, she can...
  49. 02:10 McGoFuckYourself ...actually feel the heat properly, and the wind on her skin. Her /skin/. Soft and pliable, rather than the cold metallic exoskeleton she's had her entire life.
  50. 02:10 McGoFuckYourself She drops to her hands and knees, and screams.
  51. 02:18 Eridana finally shows a modicum of surprise as her leg came down to the ground with a bit more weight. A wave of dark rippling crawled up her leg and to her groin, before disappearing beneath her clothing and spreading to the other parts of her body. Slowly blood and bone became circuitry and metal. Delicate gray skin became shining plates of dark metal, segmented by angular lines and exposed joint mechanisms. Her
  52. 02:18 Eridana overall shape was still smooth, looking like a security gynoid that had been dressed by a teenager. Her fingers ran over her new shell but she could feel nothing. Exhaust ports, access panel, her eyes had become a singular visor, and her chest was glowing red with the whirring power-source at her sternum. And yet, she felt no concern. She was calm. Her new, modulated voice rumbled from her core as she spoke.
  53. 02:18 Eridana "Oh my."
  54. 02:20 *** Triangle-Man joined #covenger_rp
  55. 02:22 *** Triangle_Man quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  56. 02:24 McGoFuckYourself "What the-WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO M-OW" Bit her lip. And actually /hurt/ this time, considering that it's flesh and not metal. She shifted back, sitting hard on the ground. And giving another yelp as a rock jabs into her. Pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs, she shudders as she feels all the new sensations. The heat beating on her face, the sweat...
  57. 02:24 McGoFuckYourself ...dri-ewwwww, sweat? Fucking /gross/.
  58. 02:25 Universe_Man "Hehehe, I will admit, seeing this was worth the wait." He holds out his hand, his weapon flying back to him
  59. 02:25 Breakdown came zipping around onto the street where the action had been occurring. Having just caught wind of the initial Bank Robbery, his motorcycle came tearing up the pavement to assist. Dramatically screeching to a stop, Breakdown had made the scene, stepping off of his bike. Peculiar. Not only did he not recognize the offenders, but the first-responders...
  60. 02:28 Breakdown weren't familiar either. Not that it was important right now. " Can't you people try some other way to make money? Play the lotto? Stocks? Kickstarter? Bank Robbing is a little cliche for such an... interesting bunch as yourselves." He said, racking his knuckles in a series of cracks*
  61. 02:28 Triangle-Man "I think the fire one went into shock, hm? Oh! Another new one? Wonder what he can do?" He didn't notice the stinkeye U-Man was making at him
  62. 02:32 Universe_Man "Just shoot him this time"
  63. 02:39 Triangle-Man "oh fine, your no fun." He shoots a red lighting blast at Break. the effects being nearly instant
  64. 02:42 Universe_Man "good. now for you." He looks down at Roxanne, raising his Ax ready to strike
  65. 02:49 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne's just chilling there, still having a mild freakout over the sudden change in biology
  66. 02:49 Breakdown takes the beam dead center-of-mass. A strange sensation washing not just over him, but all the way through him. It didn't /hurt/ though, which was the strange thing. "What the whizbang...?" he thought briefly. Though again, not important right now. The blue one was advancing on a very sensitive punky-looking girl...
  67. 02:49 Triangle-Man "Metal to human, interesting change, I would of expected a gas, wood, even pillows. And that one." He points to Eridana bot 5000 "no clue whats going on but I love it"
  68. 02:50 Breakdown "Oh you guys are *really* Hasslin' for a Wrasslin' now!" He states while running to interpose himself between Universe Man and Roxanne. Reeling back to sling a punch into his Solar Plexus*
  69. 02:56 Universe_Man "huh? Ah well." He swings the Ax down
  70. 02:59 Eridana Eri finished booting up her new OS and scanned the field before zeroing in on the stunned Roxanne, Anna and the retaliating Breakdown. "Organics in Danger. Action required." With a pounce, she moves forward as her arm morphs into round cannon, aimed to fire at Triangle
  71. 03:04 Triangle-Man "Oh dear, Uni I. oh you have your hands full, maybe I should call Particle man"
  72. 03:05 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  73. 03:07 *** Universe_Man quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  74. 03:07 Breakdown looks up and instinctively grabs the Axe by the haft, resisting as best he could to keep the business end of the weapon from introducing itself and push it back. Calling upon his powers, Break intended to weaken the axe to the point where he could just snap the head off. Though the longer he focused upon it, if anything it seemed to become more resilient.
  75. 03:08 Breakdown I... I don't understand! I can't... break this!
  76. 03:08 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  77. 03:10 *** Universe_Man joined #covenger_rp
  78. 03:10 Universe_Man "Good thing for that, now if you would please let me cut this girl in half!"
  79. 03:15 Breakdown "I think we both know the answer to that." Break gritted through his teeth as he struggled, cutting off his "draining" before he made things worse. With that, Break shifted his weight and sharply wrenched the Axe handle in an attempt to turn Universe Man's own force against him
  80. 03:17 Eridana slid her knees and barrelled forward, firing of a globe of sizzling red energy at Triangle-Man. He was not to get to the vulnerable Roxanne. He was not to interfere with Breakdown's fight.
  81. 03:23 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne blinks, and cautiously reaches a hand up to feel her own face. It was soft. Her fingers were soft. Her eyes were so-wait no, they were two hard orbs of metal now. Normally she'd have to be careful about blinding herself like this, but no more claws. She was lost, completely tuned out from the world around her as her mind races to encompass all the new feelings and sensations. Doctors...
  82. 03:23 McGoFuckYourself ...told her that her...condition...meant she was missing a good number of nerve endings, and that dulled her sense of touch. Not that she really had any frame of reference, considering that she never knew anything else, but this was something fucking else. Was like wearing a suit of armor her entire life and finally stepping out of it, although it felt like she had gotten really goddamn heavier.
  83. 03:24 Triangle-Man "Oh Boy! Universe Man if you have the time!"
  84. 03:29 Universe_Man "What?" The distraction was enough for Break to succeed, Uni dropped the weapon, but the size and strength it got made it pierce the ground
  85. 03:33 Universe_Man "oh damn it! Uh...Cmhere!" He grabs Breakdown tossing him at Eri
  86. 03:40 Eridana prepares to catch the flying Breakman, robotic limbs whirring to prepare for the weight.
  87. 03:45 Breakdown "Oh boyyyeeEEEEE!" Break exclaimed as he was suddenly tossed through the air and into the robotic woman with a heavy *CLUNK*. "Augh... Excuse me, Robot." He said apologetically. "This whole Steamfloggin' fight isn't going right so far." Then he braced himself back up to regain his bearings before reentering the fray
  88. 03:46 --- AnnaClaskovic is away (Auto away)
  89. 03:49 Universe_Man "Can we go now? We have the money, you've had your fun, and I dont want to be killed by the robot!"
  90. 03:50 Triangle-Man "Hmmm, no."
  91. 03:50 Eridana propped him back up on his feet before asking in the same robotic tone, "Are you injured, sir? Do you require medical attention?" She looked for a moment, visor flashing with a scanline before she shook her head. "Why must I speak so strangely?" She questioned as she beat her fists together and they shifted into larger power-fists, arcing with small amounts of electricity, before moving to look at Breakdown. "We
  92. 03:50 Eridana should make the effort to remove the more vulnerable personnel from the area," She said as she pointed a large finger toward Roxanne and Anna. "But there is a major security risk present."
  93. 03:53 Breakdown "Think you can keep those two busy long enough for me to get those two out... What do I call you, by the way?"
  94. 04:01 Eridana nods and lets out a series of confused beeps as her chassis opens up and shifts to look more bulky and aggressive. She is compelled to speak against her will as she blares, "Enforcer Mode activated. Criminals, you are hereby under arrest." Her fists are still huge as she advances, heading straight for Universe_Man with a hell of a megaton punch ready.
  95. 04:02 Universe_Man picked his Ax from the ground. started to walk to Roxanne, turning to Eri. "Oh, fuck me"
  96. 04:05 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne shifts. Hell, even the way her fucking clothes feel is freaking her out. Her tongue, now a mass of metal, felt weird as /fuck/ in her mouth.
  97. 04:06 Breakdown watches on as Eridana expands and charges into battle. "I guess 'Enforcer' is going to have to do for now." He said rushing off to the two bystanders. Taking a moment to heft Anna over his shoulder in a Firefighter's Carry, he loped back to Roxanne and offered a hand out to her. "Come on, we need to get you out of here." He stated urgently
  98. 04:10 Eridana swings her heavy, carbon-black fist for Universe_Man's torso in a powerful straight, wanting to knock him as far as possible.
  99. 04:10 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne doesn't even look up. Poor girl's in her own little world right now.
  100. 04:13 Universe_Man flies into a building "uhhg, we need to go NOW Tri, I don't think I can fight a fucking police bot!"
  101. 04:16 Breakdown *There was no time for this. During his time in the military, he's seen plenty of shock, and this was a textbook case. Not wasting a moment, he reached down and grabbed Roxanne by the arm to forcefully get her on her feet. She was damn heavy for a girl her size, and who knew what she would do if something interrupted her stupor, but he needed to get them out.
  102. 04:16 Triangle-Man "Alright Alright. I'll call up Person and tell him to fly round to us"
  103. 04:19 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  104. 04:24 McGoFuckYourself Judging from the feel of it, she's pushing a good two to three hundred pounds now. Not only that, but Break could actually feel the taut metal muscles beneath her skin as he grabs her arm. She stands, but she's still staring off into space, and gives another yelp at the sudden sensation of his hand on her.
  105. 04:25 Universe_Man "how about you Help too?"
  106. 04:26 Triangle-Man "oh, yes that would be good." He pulls out a gun from his green jacket aiming at Roxanne
  107. 04:29 Breakdown places his hand firmly on Roxanne's shoulder and proceeds to push her along from the back as quickly as he can manage, hoping to cover her until they could get to safety. "I don't know what you did to piss these two off so much!"
  108. 04:30 Triangle-Man pulled the trigger, aimed at Rox shoulder
  109. 04:30 Eridana identifies the firearm in Triangle-Man's hand and immediately changes targets. With a series of beeps, she lifted off toward him to try and deliver a punch much like what his friend had received.
  110. 04:32 Triangle-Man Triangle Man wasn
  111. 04:33 Triangle-Man Triangle Man wasn't like his friend, he fell to the ground in pain
  112. 04:39 McGoFuckYourself The bullet catches her right in the shoulder blade. Well, 'catches' is a bad term here. More like it bounces off with a sharp clang.
  113. 04:39 McGoFuckYourself "GAAAAH, FUCK." Holy fuck, guns hurt! "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK." She's bleeding. Actually bleeding now, too. Usually anything strong enough to break her skin usually meant an immediate and terrifying trip to the emergency room, but this actually wasn't so bad. Stung like a bitch, but the damage was, by and large, superficial.
  114. 04:39 McGoFuckYourself She blinks, growling at the pain, and looks up, focus returning to her eyes. "Son of a....Son of a FUCK." She stops in her tracks, and turns, staring down Universe and Triangle with her cold, blank eyes. "Ahhh fuck you. Fuck you you little SHITS." She bends her knees, and starts running, aiming straight for the Universe sum'bitch. She lowers her head, and smashes right into him. Her skin...
  115. 04:39 McGoFuckYourself ...might not be so tough, but a metal skull? Metal endoskeleton? Either he's built out of something special, or that's at least a dozen shattered ribs and a damaged lung.
  116. 04:44 *** Breakdown quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  117. 04:44 Universe_Man "GAH! G-great, your more of a pain!" he swings the ax down
  118. 04:46 Triangle-Man looked up and over to Rox and Uni. "ooh, metal SKIN, interesting"
  119. 05:06 McGoFuckYourself It cuts into the skin on her back, and promptly bounces right off of her spine. She gives another growl, and shoves her fist into his stomach. Fist isn't half as hard as it used to be, but it has /considerably/ more force behind it. That punch is followed by a hook to his face, and her clawing at him with her right hand. Which isn't very effective, but it's more of a habit than anything...
  120. 05:06 McGoFuckYourself ...else. Then she grabs him by both ears, and smashes her forehead into his.
  121. 05:07 Triangle-Man "Maybe I should do something?"
  122. 05:08 Universe_Man "No more cookies grandma" He shakes his head returning to normal, kicking Rox off. "Right, thats it, tell person to get here Right now!"
  123. 05:18 Triangle-Man looked up, a helicopter was above them. "No need, looks like we must take our leave Uni."
  124. 05:21 Eridana was standing between them and the helicopter, visor glowing red. "Cease and desist, criminal."
  125. 05:22 Triangle-Man "Oh, right you. I must say the robot looks good on you, as does the skin on the other girl, the one who beat the shit out of my good friend"
  126. 05:22 Universe_Man "yeah rub it in some more"
  127. 05:23 Universe_Man walked next to Triangle
  128. 05:23 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne wraps her arms around Universe Man, and drops, dragging him to the ground. "No fuck way, you lil' shit!"
  129. 05:25 Triangle-Man "hoped you like the skin and robotics. Oh, I never said my name, I am the The Triangle man"
  130. 05:25 Triangle-Man tapped the stick on the ground, once again a blast radiated from it, transforming Rox and Eri [along with those who died] back to normal
  131. 05:26 Triangle-Man "And We'll take our leave"
  132. 05:26 Eridana "My scanners indicate that that name is stupi-" She powers down momentarily before falling to the ground as she converts into a heap of flesh, blood and bone.
  133. 05:27 Universe_Man grabbed Tri's arm, tossing him up just enough to safely land in the copper. He shakes Rox off and jumps up to a rope let down
  134. 05:28 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne switches back. Her skin's still torn, though, from where the bullet and axe hit her. No internal injuries, fortunately, but that's the least of her problems. Metal skin does not heal well from open wounds, and now she's bleeding
  135. 05:29 Triangle-Man "ah, what a day, I wonder what else is in Neon, Metal skin, the whole, robot thing. think I should of asked her power?
  136. 05:29 Triangle-Man "
  137. 05:30 Universe_Man "...I hate you so much. Person man, get us out of here before on of them wakes up."
  138. 05:33 Triangle-Man "its good to be home"
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