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Mar 23rd, 2024
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  1. 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:338] Sway version 1.9
  2. 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:339] wlroots version 0.17.2
  3. 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] Linux sigma 6.8.1-rdbo-sigma-dirty #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Mar 22 21:24:41 UTC 2024 x86_64 Linux
  4. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:136] Contents of /etc/os-release:
  5. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] NAME="Alpine Linux"
  6. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] ID=alpine
  7. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] VERSION_ID=3.20.0_alpha20240315
  8. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux edge"
  9. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] HOME_URL=""
  10. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] BUG_REPORT_URL=""
  11. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
  12. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] LD_PRELOAD=
  13. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  14. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] SWAYSOCK=
  15. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [sway/main.c:376] Starting sway version 1.9
  16. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'seatd'
  17. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:212] Enabling seat
  18. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/session/session.c:109] Successfully loaded libseat session
  19. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/backend.c:213] Found 1 GPUs
  20. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/backend.c:202] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card0 (bochs-drm)
  21. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:255] Found 1 DRM CRTCs
  22. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:213] Found 1 DRM planes
  23. 00:00:00.001 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:206] Supported EGL client extensions: EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_debug EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_EXT_explicit_device EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_xcb EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless
  24. 00:00:00.002 [ERROR] [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDeviceStringEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "eglQueryDeviceStringEXT"
  25. 00:00:00.002 [ERROR] [wlr] [EGL] command: eglQueryDeviceStringEXT, error: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER (0x300c), message: "eglQueryDeviceStringEXT"
  26. pci id for fd 12: 1234:1111, driver (null)
  27. MESA-LOADER: failed to open bochs-drm: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri, suffix _dri)
  28. MESA-LOADER: failed to open kms_swrast: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri, suffix _dri)
  29. MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri, suffix _dri)
  30. 00:00:00.003 [ERROR] [wlr] [render/egl.c:556] Failed to create GBM device
  31. 00:00:00.003 [ERROR] [wlr] [render/egl.c:572] Failed to initialize EGL context
  32. 00:00:00.003 [ERROR] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:804] Could not initialize EGL
  33. 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [wlr] [render/pixman/renderer.c:537] Creating pixman renderer
  34. 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/headless/backend.c:67] Creating headless backend
  35. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/config.c:416] Loading config from //etc/sway/config
  36. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $mod Mod4
  37. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $mod Mod4
  38. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $left h
  39. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $left h
  40. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $down j
  41. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $down j
  42. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $up k
  43. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $up k
  44. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $right l
  45. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $right l
  46. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $term foot
  47. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $term foot
  48. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: set $menu dmenu_path | wmenu | xargs swaymsg exec --
  49. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: set $menu dmenu_path | wmenu | xargs swaymsg exec --
  50. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: output * bg /usr/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill
  51. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: output * bg /usr/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill
  52. 00:00:00.011 [ERROR] [sway/config/output.c:828] failed to execute 'swaybg' (background configuration probably not applied): No such file or directory
  53. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
  54. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Return exec foot
  55. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
  56. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+q kill
  57. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
  58. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+d exec dmenu_path | wmenu | xargs swaymsg exec --
  59. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: floating_modifier $mod normal
  60. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: floating_modifier Mod4 normal
  61. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
  62. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+c reload
  63. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
  64. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
  65. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+$left focus left
  66. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+h focus left
  67. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+$down focus down
  68. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+j focus down
  69. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+$up focus up
  70. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+k focus up
  71. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+$right focus right
  72. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+l focus right
  73. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Left focus left
  74. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Left focus left
  75. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Down focus down
  76. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Down focus down
  77. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Up focus up
  78. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Up focus up
  79. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Right focus right
  80. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Right focus right
  81. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left
  82. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+h move left
  83. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down
  84. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+j move down
  85. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up
  86. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+k move up
  87. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right
  88. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+l move right
  89. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
  90. 00:00:00.011 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Left move left
  91. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
  92. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Down move down
  93. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
  94. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Up move up
  95. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
  96. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Right move right
  97. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1
  98. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+1 workspace number 1
  99. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+2 workspace number 2
  100. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+2 workspace number 2
  101. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+3 workspace number 3
  102. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+3 workspace number 3
  103. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+4 workspace number 4
  104. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+4 workspace number 4
  105. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+5 workspace number 5
  106. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+5 workspace number 5
  107. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+6 workspace number 6
  108. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+6 workspace number 6
  109. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+7 workspace number 7
  110. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+7 workspace number 7
  111. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+8 workspace number 8
  112. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+8 workspace number 8
  113. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+9 workspace number 9
  114. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+9 workspace number 9
  115. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+0 workspace number 10
  116. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+0 workspace number 10
  117. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1
  118. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1
  119. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 2
  120. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 2
  121. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 3
  122. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 3
  123. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 4
  124. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 4
  125. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 5
  126. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 5
  127. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 6
  128. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 6
  129. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 7
  130. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 7
  131. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 8
  132. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 8
  133. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 9
  134. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 9
  135. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 10
  136. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 10
  137. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+b splith
  138. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+b splith
  139. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+v splitv
  140. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+v splitv
  141. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
  142. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+s layout stacking
  143. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
  144. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+w layout tabbed
  145. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
  146. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+e layout toggle split
  147. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
  148. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+f fullscreen
  149. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
  150. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+space floating toggle
  151. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
  152. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+space focus mode_toggle
  153. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+a focus parent
  154. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+a focus parent
  155. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
  156. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+minus move scratchpad
  157. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show
  158. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+minus scratchpad show
  159. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym $left resize shrink width 10px
  160. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym h resize shrink width 10px
  161. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym $down resize grow height 10px
  162. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym j resize grow height 10px
  163. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym $up resize shrink height 10px
  164. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym k resize shrink height 10px
  165. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym $right resize grow width 10px
  166. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym l resize grow width 10px
  167. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym Left resize shrink width 10px
  168. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym Left resize shrink width 10px
  169. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym Down resize grow height 10px
  170. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym Down resize grow height 10px
  171. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym Up resize shrink height 10px
  172. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym Up resize shrink height 10px
  173. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym Right resize grow width 10px
  174. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym Right resize grow width 10px
  175. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym Return mode "default"
  176. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym Return mode "default"
  177. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym Escape mode "default"
  178. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym Escape mode "default"
  179. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
  180. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+r mode "resize"
  181. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bar position top
  182. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bar position top
  183. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bar status_command while date +'%Y-%m-%d %X'; do sleep 1; done
  184. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bar status_command while date +'%Y-%m-%d %X'; do sleep 1; done
  185. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bar colors statusline #ffffff
  186. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bar colors statusline #ffffff
  187. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bar colors background #323232
  188. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bar colors background #323232
  189. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: bar colors inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c
  190. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: bar colors inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c
  191. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:381] Config command: include /etc/sway/config.d/*
  192. 00:00:00.012 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:404] After replacement: include /etc/sway/config.d/*
  193. 00:00:00.024 [INFO] [sway/server.c:384] Starting backend on wayland display 'wayland-1'
  194. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1552] Scanning DRM connectors on /dev/dri/card0
  195. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1603] Found connector 'Virtual-1'
  196. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1628] 'Virtual-1' connected
  197. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1436] Detected modes:
  198. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1024x768 @ 74.993 Hz (preferred)
  199. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1920x1080 @ 60.000 Hz
  200. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1920x1080 @ 50.000 Hz
  201. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1600x1200 @ 60.000 Hz
  202. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1680x1050 @ 59.954 Hz
  203. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1400x1050 @ 59.978 Hz
  204. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1280x1024 @ 60.020 Hz
  205. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1440x900 @ 59.887 Hz
  206. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1280x960 @ 60.000 Hz
  207. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1360x768 @ 60.015 Hz
  208. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1280x768 @ 59.870 Hz
  209. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 1024x768 @ 60.004 Hz
  210. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 800x600 @ 60.317 Hz
  211. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 640x480 @ 60.000 Hz
  212. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1464] 640x480 @ 59.940 Hz
  213. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1484] Physical size: 260x190
  214. 00:00:00.094 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1664] connector Virtual-1: Requesting modeset
  215. 00:00:00.095 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:786] connector Virtual-1: Modesetting with 1024x768 @ 74.993 Hz
  216. 00:00:00.174 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/headless/backend.c:17] Starting headless backend
  217. 00:00:00.175 [INFO] [sway/server.c:396] Running compositor on wayland display 'wayland-1'
  218. 00:00:00.074 [ERROR] [swaybar/tray/tray.c:42] Failed to connect to user bus: No such file or directory
  219. 00:00:06.666 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:207] Disabling seat
  220. 00:00:06.666 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/backend.c:143] DRM fd paused
  221. Killed
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