
Macky and Gigi

Aug 12th, 2016
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  3. Fuckin' alarm. Hate that damn thing. I don't wanna get up today- fuck, last time I volunteer for late night work at the warehouse. Money's good, but I feel like shit.
  5. And then I hear my girl given that whine of hers. "Maaackyyyyy, turn it offffff..." See! Fuck, Gigi hates it too. I'm already tryin' to slap the snooze button without moving my head- too much effort. It takes a few tries, but eventually I make contact and that damn buzzing stops. At least for another five minutes. Gigi doesn't say anything else, just sighs and pulls up her covers. I just bury my hands in soft Cacodemon tit, spoon my girl, and enjoy the silence for another five minutes- yeah, I don't WANNA get up, but I'm one of those unlucky fuckers where when I'm up, I'm up for good.
  9. "Uggggggghhhghgg! Why do we even have a freakin' alaaaarrrrmmm?" Gigi whines as I slap the thing off for good this time.
  11. "Cause, if we didn't we'd just sleep in all day like lazy fucks," I retort, still groggy. "Not that that's a bad thing, but..."
  13. "Yeah, yeah, I knowwww..." Gigi finally sits up, blinking herself awake- that giant peeper of hers has way too much crust on it. Ah, hell, it's cute anyways. Everythin' about my girl is cute, and if you don't think so I'll punch you. "Mmmm...wish I COULD just cuddle up on you all day..."
  15. "Yeah, well..." I take a moment to yawn. "You got news to do, n' I got shipments to move, and we both got people that'll yell at us if we don't."
  17. "Eh. Better that than eaten," she relents. I'll be honest, it's kinda...I dunno how to put it. I keep forgetting where they come from. Dunno whether that's a good or a bad thing. "Whaddya want for breakfast?"
  19. So yeah. Me and Gigi have been an item for like...I dunno, eight, ten months? Somewhere close to a year, I honestly forget. You'd be surprised where I met her. Considering she's a Cacodemon (she's actually trying to call herself just a 'Caco' now, like she doesn't like the 'demon' part...I ended up just doing it to make her happy, too) you'd think, 'oh, you met at a club or a party or an eating contest' or something like that. Nah. Most Caco's are party demons, and Gigi's not much of an exception, but it was actually a lot more mundane. We met at a furniture store. Yeah, I know. We were both shopping for blankets, and she and I both had our eyes on the same one. We both went for it, ended up playing rock/paper/scissors. She won, and cracked a joke about sleeping with her (in both respects) if I wanted it so bad.
  21. I took her up on it. She was more giddy than surprised, but yeah. It was great sex, mind- god, Gigi's ass is fuckin' plush perfection and she knows it- but the morning after, I was about to just bounce, but caught her watching some old cartoons I loved. Turns out she loved 'em too. Conversation started from there, and yeah. Natural course n' shit. Funny how that works out.
  23. Anyway, Gigi's day gig is a radio voice across the city. She can do like twenty different types of voices, it's crazy. She's tryin' to get into proper newscasting, but she doesn't want to un-dye her ivy green hair...or wear anything beyond a bra and short skirt. At least the ponytale would work...I think.
  25. I just work at a warehouse where we get shipments of tools n' shit from Earth. I don't even have to lift the shit myself- got robots for that. My job is to just keep tabs on everything while it all works, make sure nothing breaks down, and help fix it if it does. It's alright work, for a guy my physique. I'm not exactly scrawny, but I'm not really built for lifting much, and I get to wear my hair however I want, unlike the poor saps in Engineering proper that have to keep it cut. So shaggy and unkempt it is!
  27. We live in one of the lower-rent sides of the city. Nothin' too bad, but we've got a bit of a trek to get to work. Well, we would. But my girlfriend's a Caco, so suck it, ground-bound losers. I fly first class on the Gigi Express, and damn do I love it.
  29. She loves it, too, and I know she loves that I love it. Admittedly, it's because I get to grope those oh-so-lovely tits of hers for whole flight there. (For safety reasons, of course! ...if anyone asks.) My little buddy downstairs likes his seat, too- warm and snug 'twix those perfect, perfect cacobuns. Of course, sometimes he gets a bit...excited about his flight, and Gigi certainly don't mind.
  30. Now I know what you're thinkin'. 'Hey, have you banged her in midair? I bet you have, haven't you?'
  32. And, No I haven't. Gonna be blunt, I love the flight, but I'm way too worried about Gigi losing focus and us taking a swan dive onto the pavement. Yeah, she says that's not how it works, and she'd still be floating even if she got the best of her life up here, but fuck it, I'm paranoid. So groping and hotdoggin' is all I'm doing for now. Mind you, that's perfectly fine with me. Mmm, sweet, sweet caco butt...tight, jiggly, warm....
  34. "Mmmm, babe, whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Aw fuck, I got lost in the moment. "You finally wanna try my 'in-flight special'?" God, the way she wiggles, and we've gotta be doing a solid clip here, airspeed wise. "You don't wanna go to work with blue balls, do ya? Betcha I could squeeeeze ya just how you like even up here. You'd pop off before we landed, and I'd have it allll up inside me for the whoooole day, thinkin' about yooOOOUUUUuu FUCKING RIGHT BABE!"
  36. Fuck if Gigi wasn't convincing today. Or maybe it was just me losing myself to my inner risk-taker. I'd managed to get one hand free to unbuckle myself just enough to slip out...and into her, right below the skirt she's wearing. God she's so plush, that warm wetness just wrapping everywhere, and I can feel her already flexing on my cock, doing her thing. Holy shit, she IS still in the air, and no problems. I hope I haven't been missing out too much...
  38. I can't really get a nice, solid rhythm on her back like I would be able to otherwise, so it's just small thrusts while Gigi's hole milks me with everything it's got. God, it feels great, though, flying above the rooftops, looking down on city streets, while railing my girlfriend.
  40. "Ahhh...ahhh...ah...ahhhhh...fuck yes, Macky, fuck yeeessss..." she's on cloud nine (fuck that, she IS cloud nine) from this, even if it's not anywhere close to the hardest I've nailed her. (That has to be about two months ago, we were both tipsy and both had had a shit day. The relief sex we had resulted in us needing a new table, TV, bedframe, and a couple other things.)
  42. She's still panting, and I can see a Pain Elemental not far off headed in the same direction with us look over and give us a thumbs up before she veers off. Fuck, I dunno what that was so hot, but I REALLY want to smash this now. I try to lift my hips a bit more, and get down with some more force. Gigi's loving it, and I can tell she slowed down a bit to make it last longer. No complains by me.
  44. "Fuckkkk...fuckkk Macky, baby. Fuck, you want this ass- guh! Oh you want this ass bad." Her head's thrown up a bit, and I can see she's struggling to keep her eye open. "Fuck Macky, I wanna give it to you. I wanna smoosh you into the ceiling like before, I want you to get all up in there." She reaches back and tries to pull me closer without changing trajectory. Damnit, I think we're almost at warehouse, judging from the building we just passed.
  46. She notices it too. "Oh baby, let it out. Gimme something to hold on to for later, Macky, I want it. I'mma keep it all, every fuckin' drop!" She starts panting as I pick up the pace to finish up. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme..."
  48. The feeling of release is incredible- feels like a hose went off inside me. One, two, three, four, five...fuck, that's a lot, and it's all gettin' fed right up in that sweet hole. "Ugh...Gigi...FUCK, look what you make me do..." I can't get out much more than that, because damn, this is just...phew.
  50. "Oh fuck, baby, yes, all I want, right up in there, yes..." and suddenly wetness on my dick. Holy shit, she squirted from it, too. Fuck, there's a couple more ropes for her right there.
  52. Finally, we reach the warehouse I work. She lands us in a remote spot, an outside corner away from the main streets, so we can try to clean up a bit. We're both blushing out of exhaustion, and I'm panting a bit. The guys would probably know what I was up to, but most of them are chill guys, so I don't expect much more than some ribbing. Gigi has a partner in the booth, but for the most part she should be alright, too.
  54. "Oh, babe, I needed that, thanks." Gigi gives me a big, sloppy kiss I'm all too happy to return, and then she gives me that sexy look as she runs a couple of fingers down my chest. "That was just the warmer, though." She leans closer and whispers with all the heat of her homeland. "You might wanna ask for a couple days off, because when we get home that dick is MINE all night, and all day tomorrow, kay?"
  56. Heh. I'm sure I could ask off due to exhaustion. Night work is rough work, right?
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