
towny error on update

May 8th, 2016
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  1. 08.05 12:14:08 [Server] INFO [Towny] Performing backup 08.05 12:14:08 [Server] INFO [Towny] ***** Warning ***** 08.05 12:14:08 [Server] INFO [Towny] ***** Only Snapshots and Regen files will be backed up 08.05 12:14:08 [Server] INFO [Towny] ***** Make sure you schedule a backup in MySQL too!!! 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO [Towny] Using: GroupManager v2.1.28 (Phoenix), Vault v1.5.6-b49, Questioner v0.6 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] WARN [Towny Error] Detected an error with the world files. Attempting to repair 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] WARN [Towny Error] No Homeblock - Failed to detect world for: Mt.Poseidon 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO [Towny] Time until a New Day: 23 hours, 45 minutes, 48 seconds 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO ------------------------------------ 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO [Towny] ChangeLog up until v0.91.1.0 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.90.0.0: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Update to release build number. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.90.0.1: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Massive Towny War Event changes thanks to Ole8pie! 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix Points system. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix townblocks not being removed from war. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix Towns/Nations being eliminated improperly/early. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix war payouts. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix Points messages. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Add Fireworks to display which plots are being attacked/healed/won. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Red fireworks when a plot is being damaged. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Red Creeper firework when plot is won. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Green fireworks when a plot is being healed. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Config option: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Allow only edge plots to be attacked. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Allow defenders to heal plots. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Added /towny war hud - A new scoreboard HUD to help with war. Same command toggles it off. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Added ability for defenders to heal damaged plot HP. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Added /plot perm hud - A new HUD to help with individual plot perms. Same command toggles it off. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix /t toggle jail not requiring the proper permission node. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix libs hosting. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - New config option: town.default_taxes.plot_tax, a setting for choosing the default plot tax of newly formed towns. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Add try/catch in case permission plugin doesn't have the ability to set Default Modes. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix retracting pistons pulling blocks from where they shouldn't. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Add support for slimeblocks pulling blocks from where they shouldn't. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix spanish.yml, missing ' on the end of line 368. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.90.0.2: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Courtesy of andrewyunt: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Questioner integration for nation alliances. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Turn on by setting in the config: war.disallow_one_way_alliance, which defaults to false. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - When a king sets another nation as an alliance, the 2nd king will receive a message from questioner asking if they approve of this relationship. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - If the 2nd king accepts, both nations will treat each other as an ally. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - new alias command for /n toggle neutral: /n toggle peaceful 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - /nation screen and ingame messages which mention 'neutral' now say 'peaceful'. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.90.0.3: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Courtesy of andrewyunt: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Optional residentcount requirements for creating/joining/maintaining nations. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - New Config settings: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - global_town_settings.required_number_residents_join_nation 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - default: 0 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - The required number of residents in a town to join a nation. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - If the number is 0, towns will not require a certain amount of residents to join a nation. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - global_town_settings.required_number_residents_create_nation 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - default: 0 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - The required number of residents in a town to create a nation. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - If the number is 0, towns will not require a certain amount of residents to create a nation. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - global_town_settings.refund_disband_low_residents 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - default: true 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - If set to true, if a nation is disbanded due to a lack of residents, the capital will be refunded the cost of nation creation. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Added automatic cleanup to the townblocks.txt file for flatfile databases. If a townblock is recorded in the townblocks.txt but does not have a corresponding townblocks\world\ file then the townblock is removed from the townblocks.txt. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Added automatic cleanup of the towny\data\townblocks\ folder for flatfile databases. If a townblock file is found to be missing a town, that file will be deleted and the entry will be removed from the townblocks.txt. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.91.0.0: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Update to release build number. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.91.0.1: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix Event War's handling of neutrality declarations that end a war. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.91.0.2: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - New config setting: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - war.event.plots.firework_on_attacked: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - default: true 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - If true, fireworks will be launched at plots being attacked or healed in war every war tick. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Add plot name to /plot perm hud. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Change title line of /plot perm hud to be less cluttered. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.91.0.3: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - New plot type: Farm 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Make a farm plot using /plot set farm 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Allows killing of animals by town members. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Allows planting and breaking of specific blocks set in the config. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - These plots still require the normal Build, Destroy, Switch, ItemUse plot permissions to allow residents/allies/outsiders to be configured. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - A farm plot that allows only town residents to use it would have a plot perm line like so: Perm: Build:R-- Destroy:R-- Switch:--- Item:---. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - If you wish to allow the ground to be tilled by hoes (by people other than the mayor/assistant,) you must add SOIL to the farm_plot_allow_blocks list in the config. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - New config setting: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - global_town_settings.farm_plot_allow_blocks: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - default: LONG_GRASS,DOUBLE_PLANT,YELLOW_FLOWER,RED_ROSE,PUMPKIN_STEM,MELON_STEM,BEETROOT_BLOCK,CARROT,POTATO 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - List of blocks which can be modified on farm plots, as long as player is also allowed in the plot's "/plot perm" line. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - global_town_settings.farm_animals: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - default: PIG,COW,CHICKEN,SHEEP,MOOSHROOM 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - List of animals which can be kiled on farm plots. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix /town spawn error when not in a town. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Add confirmation message to /ta town delete TOWNNAME. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix missing permission nodes for war and plot perm huds. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix Negative Upkeep not working at all. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix plot perm hud colour. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix hud errors when war ends. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix plot perm hud title. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix homeblock health in war. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Fix farm plots not limiting animal kills to residents. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO v0.91.1.0: 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO - Update to release build number. 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO ------------------------------------ 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] WARN [Towny] Error: Error updating table RESIDENTS :Can't DROP 'townBlocks'; check that column/key exists 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] WARN [Towny] Error: Error updating table TOWNS :Can't DROP 'townBlocks'; check that column/key exists 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO ============================================================= 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO [Towny] Version: - Mod Enabled 08.05 12:14:12 [Server] INFO =============================================================
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