
Mario Rabbids File Types

Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. .MSH = Collision
  2. .DDS, .PNG, .TGA = Textures
  3. .Juice = Blueprint
  4. .Fruit = Resource
  5. .TTF, .OTF = Fonts
  6. .Anim = Animation
  7. .mmb = Model
  8. .h = Shader part
  9. .wem = Sound
  10. .bnk = Bank for sound effects and voices. Contains WEM.
  11. .txt = Text document
  12. .xml = Just a normal xml file
  13. .SoundData = ???
  14. .spritesheet = Sprite sheet blueprint
  15. .layout = A "module" list of some sort
  16. .mweaponsettings = Code for weapon stats and functionality
  17. .mfightersettings = Similar to weaponsettings, but for characters
  18. .mbehavior = NPC behavior?
  19. .mlayer = Seems like it contains values for positioning objects in 3D space.
  20. .mgraphobject = Object blueprint?
  21. .menvironment = Environment blueprint?
  22. .mvar = Variables
  23. .mbakedlevel = ??? Small file size, large amount of unreadable garbage when viewed in notepad++
  24. .mlevel = Level information
  25. .mbucket = ??? Have transforms in their file names but the actual contents are unknown and very large despite having a small file size
  26. .manimsys = Animation List?
  27. .manimsubsys Animation list?
  28. .mphys = Most likely physics data
  29. .msequence = Sequence blueprint
  30. .seqcam Sequence camera blueprint
  31. .mwidget = UI widget
  32. .mshader = Seems like a mix of HLSL and GLSL shader code
  33. .mshaders = shader "package"?
  34. .mmaterial = material?
  35. .mcompoundnode = Blueprint
  36. .muigraph = UI blueprint?
  37. .mcache = Shader cache
  38. .mshadergraph = Shader blueprint
  39. .bnvib = Standard Nintendo Switch vibration data
  40. .locpack = Localisation files containing text strings in hashes with the plain text beside it
  41. .bk2 = Bink video
  42. .editordata = Empty files presumably used by the Snowdrop engine editor before cooking
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