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Dec 29th, 2020
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  1. Fabius ignored him. ‘Go, Trazyn. Take him, and be damned.’
  2. ‘Do not take him from us again, Fabius,’ Alkenex said. ‘Please.’ He raised his sword. ‘Damn you, Spider, listen to me!’ Fulgrim turned, reaching out to stop him, but Alkenex was already moving, his face a mask of grief. Trazyn laughed hollowly and gestured as Alkenex rushed at Fabius, blade held high. He, Fulgrim, and the rest of the Emperor’s Children on the bridge froze, as if they were not flesh and blood, but statues. The primarch still had a puzzled expression on his face, like a child being reprimanded for something he did not understand.
  3. Trazyn looked up at him admiringly. ‘Exquisite.’
  4. Fabius looked at Trazyn. ‘Take these others as well, if you like, since they are so eager to join him. It will make a fine collection – the primarch, and his loyal curs.’
  5. ‘My thanks, Clonelord. He is truly excellent, and will make a fine addition to my collection.’ Trazyn looked at him. ‘Your prize has already been transported to this ship’s cargo holds. Take it with my compliments.’
  6. ‘Good. Now get off my ship.’
  7. Trazyn laughed again, a mocking, metallic death-rattle, and vanished with a rush of displaced air. Fulgrim and the others vanished with him.
  9. Clonelord
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