
Space RPG Session #7

Dec 31st, 2016
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  1. You can hear someone screaming for help inside!
  2. Fried Silver: Nice way to to say they suck dick mister GM
  3. "suck seed"
  4. Levi W.: i will go to investigate the screams from inside the tram
  5. GM (GM): Actually its from when I interned at a radio station.
  6. "To be successful you first have to suck and suck until you suck-seed"
  7. Now you ruined it for me.
  8. The tram is ruined and on it's side!
  9. You see someone inside, wounded!
  10. Fried Silver: Fried Silver rushed to the off rail traml,
  11. Levi W.: i look for a broken window to crawl into
  12. GM (GM): You check.
  13. Eh sure, let's have a perception check.
  14. Levi W.: what is that a d20
  15. GM (GM): A perception check is 1d100+mind bonus
  16. for you it's mind*5, so +25
  17. Levi W.: rolling 1 d100
  18. 1
  19. = 1
  20. Fried Silver: *Fried Silver crawl on top of the tram and tries to open the door
  21. FUCK
  22. GM (GM): Yeah, the icon is the inconic 20
  23. You discover that you were, in fact, turned around somehow.
  24. Levi W.: oh i put mine as 7
  25. is it 5 per level
  26. Fried Silver: I roll to smash a window on the tilter trolly.
  27. GM (GM): 7 what?
  28. Levi W.: mind
  29. GM (GM): Ah, sorry.
  30. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 20
  31. (
  32. 26
  33. )+20
  34. = 46
  35. GM (GM): That's a hit.
  36. Fried Silver: Suck seeded on window hit
  37. rolling 1d10 + 60
  38. (
  39. 5
  40. )+60
  41. = 65
  42. Alfredo Cyrus: I try to slither top of the tram and try and find a place to crawl inside
  43. GM (GM): window hp is 175
  44. Fried Silver: rolling 1d10 + 60
  45. (
  46. 8
  47. )+60
  48. = 68
  49. rolling 1d10 + 60
  50. (
  51. 9
  52. )+60
  53. = 69
  54. GM (GM): Alfredo!
  55. Cheesy!
  56. You notice that the robot wailing on the sucker has crack open a crack you could slide through!
  57. Contortion difficulty120!
  58. Dio: what do i roll for that
  59. im guessing same as agility times the level?
  60. GM (GM): Oh, right.
  61. Fried Silver: Fried Silver Sildes his metalic arm arond the edge of the window frame, making sure that all of the glass is removed from the window.
  62. GM (GM): I will admit, brain farts abound today for me
  63. Contortion is 1d100+agility+level
  64. As a snake you have contort 6
  65. So it's 1d100+agi bonus+60
  66. Now it's 100
  67. Sorry, your agility is 6 so it's +30 to this roll.
  68. Dio: so +36?
  69. GM (GM): All stat bonuses are +5 per point to your roll
  70. For each level in a skill you get +10 to your roll.
  71. I'm sorry for not walking you through that.
  72. You just blended in so well, I thought you already knew!
  73. Fried Silver: Just beat 10 and you'll suck-seed
  74. GM (GM): So for contortions you have 1d100+30+60
  75. Because you're a dang snake.
  76. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d100 + 90
  77. (
  78. 88
  79. )+90
  80. = 178
  81. HACHA
  82. Fried Silver: "Mr.Snake, can you please slither in and help out the injured civilians?"
  83. Alfredo Cyrus: "I shall try, it seems like a tight fight. but ill give it a shot"
  84. GM (GM): You get inside the tram!
  85. The person is very injured!
  86. Alfredo Cyrus: I do my est to help them up and try and find a way out
  87. Fried Silver: "Mister' Look for the Emergency room opening hatch inside the tram."
  88. door
  89. GM (GM): Looking around you see the hole you just came out of, and the emergency door, it looks jammed.
  90. Alfredo Cyrus: "I see the door, its jammed shut!"
  91. Levi W.: i will attempt to open the door
  92. Fried Silver: Fried get on top of the tram and locates the slide opening door and tries to wedge it open.
  93. Rolling to brute force open the door
  94. GM (GM): Let's see, 480lbs lift...
  95. Sure.
  96. Fried Silver: "Sir please move the injured indavigual and yourself from the door."
  97. GM (GM): Roll 1d100+str, beat 150
  98. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  99. (
  100. 53
  101. )+60
  102. = 113
  103. GM (GM): It's jammed like apricot.
  104. Alfredo Cyrus: moves back and holding the injured person slumping over my shoulder
  105. GM (GM): ((Why don't you work together? Both roll and add it))
  106. Fried Silver: Okay
  107. Levi W.: i will also come and assist them
  108. Alfredo Cyrus: rests the person behind me and tries to pry the door open with my barehands
  109. GM (GM): Okay, that's three people
  110. Fried Silver: We both roll now?
  111. GM (GM): All roll!
  112. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  113. (
  114. 11
  115. )+60
  116. = 71
  117. GM (GM): 1d100+ strength bonus
  118. Levi W.: r/1d 100
  119. dangit
  120. Fried Silver: use the dice button
  121. GM (GM): rolling 1d100 + 020
  122. (
  123. 36
  124. )+20
  125. = 56
  126. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 65
  127. (
  128. 90
  129. )+65
  130. = 155
  131. Fried Silver: Noice Levi
  132. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d100 + 20
  133. (
  134. 85
  135. )+20
  136. = 105
  137. Levi W.: thank you
  138. GM (GM): There you go.
  139. With overwhelming might you shove the door to the side!
  140. It's an easy feat for you to extract the passenger now!
  141. Fried Silver: "Mister Alf, please search the tram for the first aid kit located in the head of the tram."
  142. Levi W.: we need to get away from the tram it could explode or something
  143. Alfredo Cyrus: slithers off in the opposite direction searching for the first aid kit
  144. Fried Silver:
  145. GM (GM): You find the first aid kit... Kinda?
  146. Alfredo Cyrus: yells out "I think i found it! grabs whats left of it and slithers back to the passenger off the tram
  147. GM (GM): It's a medical implant.
  148. Levi W.: ok get it to a flat area and let me take a look at him
  149. Fried Silver: Fried reaches and grabs it and hand it To Dr.S
  150. Levi W.: ok i investigate to see wats wrong with the person
  151. GM (GM): This is a doctorate roll! Wheee!
  152. You have doctor 2.
  153. Levi W.: is that d 100 too
  154. GM (GM): Your mind is, 7?
  155. Levi W.: yes
  156. GM (GM): So it's 35+20 to your roll.
  157. so /r 1d100+35+20
  158. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 55
  159. (
  160. 86
  161. )+55
  162. = 141
  163. GM (GM): That'll do.
  164. Internal brusing
  165. Broken bones.
  166. Minor burns, likely from energy weapons.
  167. bits of glass here and there.
  168. You'd say this man was in a fight and then a tram crash!
  169. Levi W.: i tell the others this man might have been in a fight we need to get him to the nearest hospital imediatly
  170. GM (GM): Your diagnosis also says that he needs immediate medical attention before getting to a proper facility!
  171. Levi W.: ok i will fix what i can now
  172. GM (GM): No doubt dispatch is already on it's way!
  173. Fried Silver: Imma roll for first aid since i got a pount in it
  174. GM (GM): Sure.
  175. beat 60. -10 for every 10 healed
  176. Fried Silver: Mind is also added to medical still right?
  177. Levi W.: lets both do it fried
  178. GM (GM): You are literally feet away from a medical supply store if needed, I should note
  179. Fried Silver: "Mister Alf, please rush to the nearest medical store and get as much first aid suppies you can!
  180. rolling 1d100 + 50
  181. (
  182. 28
  183. )+50
  184. = 78
  185. Levi W.: make sure to get antibiotics and heavy pain relievers
  186. Alfredo Cyrus: slither off to the nearest med clininc and buy a first aid kit
  187. GM (GM): ((Medical rolls. Basically you give yourself a penalty for every point to heal. With surgery you heal double the penalty.))
  188. $20.
  189. Levi W.: i swill do surgery then
  190. Fried Silver: "DAMN IT, IM A CHEF NOT A DOCTOR!$#!@#..."
  191. Levi W.: im a doctor
  192. Dio: imma be afk for a few mins
  193. GM (GM): With proper supplies, you can heal the patient +12hp.
  194. Gimme a roll!
  195. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 35
  196. (
  197. 63
  198. )+35
  199. = 98
  200. GM (GM): Okay.
  201. You heal him +42 hp!
  202. The subject is talking again! But it's not recommended he be moving right now.
  203. youngman: Uuugh.
  204. Levi W.: i ask him if he remembers what hapened
  205. ymanIt: was King, man!
  206. Fried Silver: "Sir, you were recenlt in a tram accident, please reframe from moving and wait for prober medical care from the responce team."
  207. Levi W.: king who is king
  208. Jack: He was getting back at me for Arnie. Didn't like how I raced, man.
  209. King: is a racer.
  210. Fried Silver: "Please state the appearance of the perpatrater."
  211. Jack: King is top of the racers in the sect.
  212. Levi W.: so e was probably trying to take out the competition
  213. Jack: Mean guy, reptoid. Got the neon green sign.
  214. Duke! He's still got duke, man!
  215. GM (GM): Jack grabs whoever is closest to him by their collar.
  216. Levi W.: what do you mean hes got duke
  217. Fried Silver: "What do you mean neon green sign? Please go into more depth of the signs appearance."
  218. Jack: He's got my bro! You gotta save Duke or he'll space him!
  219. Levi W.: hmm do you know where hes being kept
  220. Jack: Sign! Sig!" He gestures around his face "The highlight blacklight, man!"
  221. B sector, only place. He does Mobi racing on the off hours.
  222. GM (GM): ((B Sector of the station is the industry sector. Low population, not uncommon to find long strips of it devoid of people and authority.
  223. Fried Silver: "OK guys, we need to head to Sector B and handle this, you 2 find someone to watch over him while medical help and authorities arrive."
  224. GM (GM): Minutes later a tram due for the medical facilities arrives.
  225. Fried Silver: Fried gestures to the goat. Sir please watch over him, we need to make contact with his family about this!"
  226. Levi W.: hold on we need to alert the authorities
  227. Goat: Aye aye, 10mm
  228. Whambulancers:
  229. Fried Silver: "These trams send a call singnal to any Emergency responce team once they go off rail."
  230. Whambulancers: We'll take it from here, don't worry.
  231. GM (GM): The rush to the man and begin prepping him to be moved.
  232. Fried Silver: Fried rushes to Sector B. Come on guys we need to hurry!"
  233. Whammies: Goddamnit all. The track was depolarized half a click back. Lucky the car didn't punch a hole and fly into space.
  234. GM (GM): Travel to sector B?
  235. Fried Silver: Yes.
  236. Levi W.: AS were on the wy there i ask who are you guys
  237. Fried Silver: (( man, Logos looks a lot like Cold instead of Logos.))
  238. "Fried Silver, personal butler of Joanna the famous movie star."
  239. GM (GM): (( Please ignore the snowy wonderland!))
  240. Levi W.: who?
  241. GM (GM): B sector. The halls are about the same size but without the shops and people it seems far more spacious and empty.
  242. Also, the lighting is terrible in here.
  243. Can I get a perception roll?
  244. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  245. (
  246. 92
  247. )+40
  248. = 132
  249. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 35
  250. (
  251. 27
  252. )+35
  253. = 62
  254. GM (GM): Sheet!
  255. Levi W.: so why are you here on loggo
  256. Dio: -insert anothre glamour pose- IM BACK
  257. Fried Silver: "We were doing some taxi service for someone who needed a trip to Logos."
  258. Levi W.: oh ok well i am Dr.suplex i came here trying to buy supplies
  259. Fried Silver: GMs gone...
  260. Levi W.: i am a traveling doctor btw
  261. oh
  262. well what do we do
  263. Alfredo Cyrus: i do have some chow mein
  264. GM (GM): Yeah, we can hear you and whatever that is?
  265. Levi W.: oh well what about you alfredo who are you
  266. GM (GM): Sorry guys, the connection got disrupted form
  267. Bryan D.: yo
  268. Fried Silver: Heyo
  269. GM (GM): YO!
  270. Bryan D.: ive never played a tabletop rpg before so bear with me
  271. bare?
  272. GM (GM): We're kinda rolling so you want to just sit it in?
  273. Bryan D.: sure
  274. i figured lol
  275. GM (GM): We can get you playing next session easy.
  276. Okay!
  277. Dio: FEAR NOT FRIEND. idk wtf im doing either
  278. GM (GM): Before I d/c'd you rolled persception.
  279. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 35
  280. (
  281. 32
  282. )+35
  283. = 67
  284. Bryan D.: im gonne get my character sheet in order, or do we do that at the session start?
  285. GM (GM): Yeah, typically. I can start a sheet for you and you can edit it.
  286. Bryan D.: cool
  287. alright ill leave yall to play lol
  288. You hear closely and hear a faint buzzing... That quickly becomes a loud buzzing.
  289. Fried Silver: Fried Reaches for His 10mm.
  290. Alfredo Cyrus: perks up "Im not the only one hearing that right?"
  291. Two people on small one person vehicles zip by at over 100mph bouncing into eachother as they pass!
  292. Fried Silver: "I hear it to."
  293. "Oh seat mecryful god!"
  294. Levi W.: its probably nothing right
  295. GM (GM): Fried and Alf recognize the vehilces immediately: Mobis. Tiny transports and racing vehicles of the daredevils
  296. Alfredo Cyrus: grab my smg stack gun We might have company everyone
  297. Levi W.: why whats going on
  298. Fried Silver: "I never get why people do this stuff."
  299. GM (GM): Afew hundred feet away on your prominade, two people get out of their little, tiny cars and shout to you, "Where you squares going?"
  300. Fried Silver: "Looking for king sir."
  301. Alfredo Cyrus: yells back What doe it matter to you!
  302. GM (GM): They reply in order, "King don't see unless he wants to be seen."
  303. "...And you are sniffing around our track. Hey, you got a dirt sucker with you!"
  304. The pair start laughing.
  305. Levi W.: i tell them good sirs i am a traveling doctir and mr. king has requested my services but i appear to be lost can you help
  306. GM (GM): Alfredo!
  307. Fried Silver: "So are you are close with Mr.King then?"
  308. Alfredo Cyrus: huffs and slithers back into our car train keeping my gun ready in my hand
  309. GM (GM): You notice to more young people of negative disposition coming up accross the way!
  310. The pair pause for a sec.
  311. After touching his collar for afew seconds. The one appears to whisper to the other.
  312. Roll a perception if you want to hear.
  313. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 35
  314. (
  315. 64
  316. )+35
  317. = 99
  318. GM (GM): Beat 130
  319. No idea what they said. But they appear to have stopped laughing at you, that's a good sign, maybe
  320. Bluff rules: Both parties roll 1d100+mind. You win, they believe you. lose, they see your plot!
  321. They shout back to you, "King didn't say anything about needing a doc!"
  322. Levi W.: he says it was an infection that it came up earlier today
  323. rolling 1d100 + 35
  324. (
  325. 19
  326. )+35
  327. = 54
  328. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  329. (
  330. 66
  331. )+10
  332. = 76
  333. Bull!
  334. They say.
  335. They produce pistols and point them at you. "You're coming with us until King finishes his race, then we decide what the heck is going on!"
  336. Levi W.: i whisper to fried "what do we do "
  337. Alfredo Cyrus: slithers infront of levi and friend pointing my smg back "How do we know your not gonna drag us off somewhere?"
  338. Fried Silver: "Well, this should bring king out." *Fried grabs onto one of the holligans and tries to slice at their neck."
  339. Hit rolling
  340. rolling 1d100 + 20
  341. (
  342. 75
  343. )+20
  344. = 95
  345. rolling 4d10 + 60
  347. = 70
  348. GM (GM): They will parry
  349. rolling 1d100+30
  350. (
  351. 74
  352. )+30
  353. = 104
  354. With that said
  356. Levi W.: oh my well here we go again
  357. GM (GM): ((Rolling perception: 1d100+mind bonus (You get +10 per level after 1 but that's later.)))
  358. Fried Silver: rolling d100 + 50
  359. (
  360. 73
  361. )+50
  362. = 123
  363. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  364. (
  365. 19
  366. )+10
  367. = 29
  368. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 35
  369. (
  370. 84
  371. )+35
  372. = 119
  373. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d100 + 30
  374. (
  375. 27
  376. )+30
  377. = 57
  378. GM (GM): FS, your turn!
  379. Fried Silver: Doing the same song and dance on the 2 holligans
  380. rolling 1d100 + 20
  381. (
  382. 42
  383. )+20
  384. = 62
  385. rolling d100 + 50
  386. (
  387. 99
  388. )+50
  389. = 149
  390. rolling d100 + 50
  391. (
  392. 64
  393. )+50
  394. = 114
  395. rolling 1d100 + 20
  396. (
  397. 70
  398. )+20
  399. = 90
  400. Shite wait
  401. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 50
  403. = 75
  404. rolling 4d10 + 50
  406. = 65
  407. The 62 and 90 are the hit roll
  408. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  409. (
  410. 72
  411. )+30
  412. = 102
  413. rolling 1d100+30
  414. (
  415. 59
  416. )+30
  417. = 89
  418. Well, both attacks are parried.
  419. Wait, no, one is hit.
  420. Doll damage
  421. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 50
  423. = 72
  424. Was aiming at their necks
  425. GM (GM): You hit one of them as gash his neck, he falls down clutching the wound.
  426. Endturn?
  427. Fried Silver: Yeah, I only have 2 actions
  428. GM (GM): Doc!
  429. Your turn.
  430. Levi W.: i pull out my pistol and take a shot at the other individual
  431. is tat a d 100
  432. GM (GM): Yep.
  433. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 +
  434. (
  435. 41
  436. )
  437. = 41
  438. GM (GM): Modern weapons don't benefit from stats so it's just your skill bonus.
  439. So you do +10
  440. Levi W.: so 51
  441. GM (GM): That's a hit either way.
  442. Levi W.: ok
  443. GM (GM): Do you know your weapon's damage?
  444. Levi W.: rolling 1d10 + 5
  445. (
  446. 1
  447. )+5
  448. = 6
  449. GM (GM): You hit him for 6!
  450. Levi W.: yea
  451. GM (GM): Next action
  452. Levi W.: can i attack again
  453. GM (GM): Yep.
  454. Everyone gets 2 actions minimum.
  455. People with 7 or higher agility get 3.
  456. Levi W.: then i shoot at him again
  457. GM (GM): Sure!
  458. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 +
  459. (
  460. 9
  461. )
  462. = 9
  463. oh not good
  464. Alfredo Cyrus: oh no
  465. GM (GM): That's a miss!
  466. One last action.
  467. Ah, sorry.
  468. Levi W.: hope i didnt hit fried
  469. GM (GM): To hit a target you must roll 20 in melee and 40 or higher in range.
  470. Nah, not on a crit.
  471. Not unless it's a crit, sorry.
  472. Levi W.: then im done
  473. GM (GM): Holding your action!
  474. Alfredo!
  475. Upir tirm!
  476. Levi W.: i already did 2
  477. GM (GM): Oop right.
  478. Thought your agility was 7,
  479. Anyway, you fired two shots into the horse punk. One shot lands and damages his space suit!
  480. Alfredo Cyrus: ok! I'll fire a burst from my smg stack gun directed towards the two hooligans
  481. GM (GM):
  482. Sorry, I like to post music for these things.
  483. Okay, know burst fire rules?
  484. Alfredo Cyrus: could ue a reminder
  485. GM (GM): Fire modes: 3-round burst: +15, 15
  486. round burst: +30, 30 round burst: +60, 60 round
  487. burst: +120, 100 round burst: +180. Note:
  488. GM (GM): Most models can’t physically fire off more than
  489. 100 rounds per combat action!
  490. Burst fire is like a bonus
  491. You can add it to your hit or to your damage!
  492. Bonus is determined by how much you fire.
  493. GM (GM): Further, you can trade all that bonus to hit several targets.
  494. pg. 21
  495. Alfredo Cyrus: could i fire 10 shots and persay balance it out between both targets
  496. GM (GM): Sure
  497. Alfredo Cyrus: soooo if im reading this right
  498. for two targets wouldnt be half the bonus of the rapid fire
  499. GM (GM): Right your gun stats are on your sheet.
  500. Rapid Fire Stack Gun:
  501. 2d10+20. rng: 30'. payload 100.
  502. Rapid fire:+15 for 10 shots, +35 for 30 shots, and +80 for 50 shots.
  503. Sure.
  504. Usually I would just say no bonus but skill and alot of shells are wasted in between but that sounds fine.
  505. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d100 + 7.5
  506. (
  507. 61
  508. )+7.5
  509. = 68.5
  510. thats the first one
  511. rolling 1d100 + 7.5
  512. (
  513. 80
  514. )+7.5
  515. = 87.5
  516. GM (GM): Didn't know roll20 did decimals.
  517. Hit and hit.
  518. Also, you get +30 for smg shots.
  519. You have the skill.
  520. Alfredo Cyrus: so 2d 10 + 20 + 30? for dmg?
  521. GM (GM): Nah, that's focus.
  522. Just 2d10+20
  523. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d10
  524. (
  525. 8
  526. )
  527. = 8
  528. woops
  529. GM (GM): Try again.
  530. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d10 + 30
  531. (
  532. 6
  533. )+30
  534. = 36
  535. rolling 2d10 + 30
  537. = 41
  538. 2 d fuck im sry xD
  539. GM (GM): Both punks are hit hard under the fire!
  540. One is already goshdarn dead, the other is one the wounded!
  541. Wait, which group are you firing at?
  542. Alfredo Cyrus: like the two across the way
  543. like over here
  544. GM (GM): Ah, then they are both alive and wounded.
  545. And very upset!
  546. Bryan D.: the story is good so far!
  547. Levi W.: what if those guys were just there to watch the fight
  548. GM (GM): Endturn?
  549. Alfredo Cyrus: yeah
  550. GM (GM): Ah, shoot, I forgot cover.
  551. We'll cover that sooner or later!
  552. Like now!
  553. Alfredo Cyrus: ahhh i get it
  554. ba dum tss
  555. GM (GM): The horse jumps over the mobi, using it as cover and spacing from the robot psycho!
  556. He fires his gun!
  557. rolling 1d100+20
  559. = 42
  560. hit, barely!
  561. rolling 2d10+20
  563. = 29
  564. Flettchettes bore into your armor, fried!
  565. GM (GM): Sorry, target was Fries!
  566. Cross the way punks!
  567. One fires on snake!
  568. Dio: btw that music choices fits perfectly in this
  569. GM (GM): He shoots a rapid shot!
  570. rolling 1d100+20
  572. = 111
  573. Yeow.
  574. Alfredo Cyrus: welp
  575. GM (GM): rolling 4d10+40+35
  577. = 89
  578. Levi W.: uh oh
  579. Alfredo Cyrus: thi is gonna hurt
  580. GM (GM): Chunks of metal dot your armor!
  581. (Well, your suit is 140.)
  582. Torts!
  583. He revs up a laser weapon!
  584. And fires on fries!
  585. rolling 1d100+20
  586. (
  587. 62
  588. )+20
  589. = 82
  590. Fried Silver: "FIRE YOUU PUSYY!^&U$6
  591. GM (GM): The beam streaks and hits.
  592. rolling 1d10+10
  593. (
  594. 10
  595. )+10
  596. = 20
  597. He spends another shot holding it on you!
  598. rolling 1d100+20
  599. (
  600. 58
  601. )+20
  602. = 78
  603. 1d10+10+30
  604. rolling 1d10+10+30
  605. (
  606. 1
  607. )+10+30
  608. = 41
  609. GM (GM): The beam burns! Not too much but still!
  610. Round 2!
  611. GM (GM): Fried!
  612. Fried Silver: I take cover behind the blast hardcheese cart and fire at the horse
  613. GM (GM): Sure.
  614. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 10
  615. (
  616. 1
  617. )+10
  618. = 11
  619. FUCK
  620. GM (GM): Ooh, what were you firing?
  621. Fried Silver: End turn
  622. GM (GM): Weapon is jammed!
  623. Fried Silver: 10mm
  624. GM (GM): Good, a jammed knife is much worse.
  625. SUPLEX MD! Your turn!
  626. Levi W.: what are you guys health atr
  627. Fried Silver: Im fine, just kill the horse or someone
  628. GM (GM): No real damae sustained, armor is just at 50% for snake and 75% ish for bot.
  629. Levi W.: ok im gonna jump over the cart and punch the horse in the face
  630. GM (GM): Fine choice.
  631. He has no actions so wail away.
  632. Box-O-Rocks: (( I forgot there was a game today, and my DnD group has a session today too, so I thought I might just let you know. ))
  633. Levi W.: do i get a bonus for that
  634. GM (GM): Thanks box, also, Hi!
  635. Fried Silver: It's all right
  636. GM (GM): Sorry, lost track.
  637. Yea.
  638. Box-O-Rocks: (( Aight, Have fun then. I'm out. ))
  639. GM (GM): It's your agility bonus
  640. So 1d100+30
  641. Levi W.: rolling 1d100 + 30
  642. (
  643. 96
  644. )+30
  645. = 126
  646. GM (GM): It's an automatic hit but you never know.
  647. You hit him!
  648. Punch or claw damage?
  649. Levi W.: punch so 1 d10
  650. GM (GM): 1d10 plus strength bonus.
  651. Which is... 65 damage.
  652. Levi W.: rolling 1d10 +
  653. (
  654. 4
  655. )
  656. = 4
  657. so 69
  658. GM (GM): And he's at 8 hp.
  659. You sock him and he falls back into the vehicle with a thud.
  660. He clearly is no longer fighting shape.!
  661. Levi W.: is the cheetah dead
  662. Fried Silver: it a dog
  663. GM (GM): Well, he's on the ground clutching a knife wound to the neck.
  664. So he is very very, critical condition.
  665. Cheetah, greyhound, what's the difference?
  666. Levi W.: im gonna shoot the rabbit
  667. GM (GM): I think you're out of actions.
  668. Alfredo Cyrus: my turn?
  669. Levi W.: no i only used 1 i thought
  670. GM (GM): Eh, fine.
  671. Levi W.: unless jump over the cart counted too
  672. GM (GM): Moving does count as an action.
  673. Levi W.: ok then i am done sryy
  674. GM (GM): Oh no it's fine. It actually doesn't come up too much.
  675. Alfredo!
  676. Alfredo Cyrus: TALLY HO!
  677. so is the horse still alive?
  678. Levi W.: i knocked him out
  679. GM (GM): Pretty much.
  680. Alfredo Cyrus: so is there anymore hooligans or is combat over
  682. GM (GM): The two guys accross the way? They shot you up?
  683. Alfredo Cyrus: ohhhhh yeah theres that
  684. GM (GM): Melted parts of Fried?
  685. Alfredo Cyrus: ha. woops.
  686. Ok. ill fire my smg again at the two hooligans across the way. this time ill do 30 shots
  687. since theres two:
  688. GM (GM): You could focus fire on one each.
  689. Spend the two actions
  690. Bun is behind cover.
  691. Alfredo Cyrus: tried to more of a suppresive fire but. ALRIGHTY
  692. GM (GM): Thus your roll is -40 for cover
  693. Alfredo Cyrus: ill focus my fire at the one on the right
  694. rolling 1d100 + -5
  696. = 68
  697. GM (GM): -40 to hit.
  698. Ok
  699. Still a hit!
  700. Roll damage!
  701. ((I need to make up more stack gun examples to make this easier.
  702. Alfredo Cyrus: would dmg change due to cover or still the same
  703. GM (GM): Nope, hit's a hit.
  704. Fried Silver: Still the same man
  705. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 2d10 + 20
  707. = 30
  708. GM (GM): Wall can't save you when the bullet has passed it.
  709. Then rapid fire damage or no?
  710. Alfredo Cyrus: oh crpa forgot that
  711. GM (GM): Well, you can choose +15, +35 or +80
  712. Alfredo Cyrus: ill still o the 35 since i did 30 shots
  713. GM (GM): Okay.
  714. 65 damage!
  715. Less than 10 hp, he goes down!
  716. Next guy is not under cover.
  717. But he turtle
  718. He has natural shell.
  719. Alfredo Cyrus: i have one more acton right?
  720. GM (GM): Right
  721. Alfredo Cyrus: ok. ill fire a short burst at him
  722. GM (GM): kk
  723. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 1d100 + 30
  725. = 49
  726. GM (GM): hit
  727. Alfredo Cyrus: rolling 2d10 + 25
  728. = 32
  729. GM (GM): 57?
  730. Alfredo Cyrus: i thiiiink. so... im a little lost
  731. GM (GM): Well, your gun does2d10+20
  732. That's like a single round.
  733. Burst fire is assuming there were more hits and more damage
  734. Alfredo Cyrus: OH i see i messed up my math
  735. GM (GM): so it's 2d10+20+35
  736. So did I upon review.
  737. Next up is another thing: Intimidation.
  738. You can intimidate people.
  739. Alfredo Cyrus: ill do the bonus for the rapid fire 10 shots
  740. rolling 2d10 + 45
  742. = 49
  743. GM (GM): In gameplay your roll like bluffing ie mind vs mind
  744. Alfredo Cyrus: i get like the basics of the game. just actually the stats and the math parts is were im a little shakey at
  745. GM (GM): It makes sense eventually.
  746. Basically the premise is that everything is 1d100 to do something. Stats add to this roll depending on what it is.
  747. Strength is strength like lifting or damage.
  748. Agility is speed an percisions.
  749. Mind is thinking and perception.
  750. Fried Silver: mind is mindy stuff
  751. GM (GM): So let's try to scare off turtle, who is all alone and outnumbered.
  752. You'd say something and then roll 1d100+mind bonus.
  753. Same roll as perception or doing a mental skill.
  755. GM (GM): He would roll the same to defend ie, 1d100 and his mind bonus
  756. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  757. (
  758. 77
  759. )+60
  760. = 137
  761. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  762. (
  763. 68
  764. )+10
  765. = 78
  766. He lost and knows fear now.
  767. Fried Silver: +from smoozing and +40 from mind.
  769. GM (GM): *"He's at joint C-12!" the turtle shouts grabbing his cohort and trying his best to run away.
  770. Fried Silver: *Fried steps up to the downed horse and gives it the taste of the pavement
  771. rolling 1d10 + 60
  772. (
  773. 1
  774. )+60
  775. = 61
  776. GM (GM): Now is a decision. Killing incurs stress.
  777. Fried is fine with that because he apparently never heard of asimov.
  778. Fried Silver: ((Then I can cook delisious food to restore MP.))
  779. GM (GM): ((Cake makes it all better. Aaaaaall better.))
  780. Alfredo Cyrus: (( can you make a mean slice of toast better than ignis ))
  781. Fried Silver: (( Well i did jack with cooking so far.))
  782. GM (GM): True.
  783. Anyway, fried stomps the kid to death.
  784. Fried Silver: "THE CURNS PAINTED REd, WITH A HINT OF GREY$@#$@..."
  785. GM (GM): And thus combat ends!
  786. Levi W.: o god i went to get for for 2 seconds anf friend is crushing people
  787. GM (GM): Well, if you don't want that you can say you wanted to stop that from happening.
  788. Alfredo Cyrus: puts away my smg and examines the damage done to my armor
  790. GM (GM): Heavy damage, This suit wouldn't have lasted another volley like that.
  791. Levi W.: thats ok
  792. GM (GM): Hypocratic Oath away!
  793. Anyway. That's the time we have today!
  794. Let's do XP
  795. Levi W.: awwww
  796. GM (GM): Yeah, I usually can only do afew hours before like comes a knocking.
  797. Anyway!
  798. XP
  799. Last page or so in the book!
  800. Levi W.: ok
  801. GM (GM): Dispatching fools!
  802. +8 xp
  803. Barely armed and armored.
  804. Everyone gets +20 for the tram resue
  805. Levi W.: do i get xp for trying to convince them king was my patient
  806. Bryan D.: with some help on character creation, i feel confident i can play
  807. GM (GM): And then another +20 for that collective effort in reviving him.
  808. No prob!
  809. I message you later D!
  810. Alfredo Cyrus: i was afk during that time do i still get that 20?
  811. GM (GM): Eh, sure.
  812. Alfredo Cyrus: lol thx
  813. Bryan D.: ok, pm me whenever! ill see you all later, thanks for the add!
  814. GM (GM): So everyone get's 48, half way to level 2!
  815. Fried Silver: I leveled up
  816. GM (GM): Except the vet!
  817. Next comes a big point: MVP
  818. +10 to a player you think was best. This one I don't get a say in, it's what you guys think!
  819. Alfredo Cyrus: in this firefight and the tram rescue?
  820. GM (GM): Yes
  821. Generally just the session overall.
  822. Fried Silver: I vote Dio
  823. Levi W.: i vote fried
  824. Dio: i retaliate ur act of kindness and vote fried
  825. GM (GM): Two for Fried!
  826. +10 pnts!
  827. Bryan D.: yaaaaay
  828. GM (GM): Ah, lastely.
  829. STRESS
  830. Fried Silver: rolling 3d10 +
  832. = 14
  833. GM (GM): You done cut some people down! That can wear on your mind, alittle.
  834. Fried Silver: rolling 3d10 +
  836. = 11
  837. I rolled for me
  838. GM (GM): You all take 25 stress points.
  839. Fried Silver: Since I did the killing
  840. Alfredo Cyrus: SO STRESSED MAN
  841. GM (GM): Oh, it's like justice: Accomplises get punished too!
  842. Levi W.: my doctorl insticts dont like this
  843. GM (GM): True, let's hope the board don't find out!
  844. Levi W.: i know i shot someone
  845. GM (GM): I'm sure Dr. OZ had his share of curb stompings in his day. Why worr?
  846. Okay. Everyone have fun?
  847. Fried Silver: Yeah
  848. Levi W.: well i mean it is a fake liscences ... i mean completely yegit
  849. legit
  850. GM (GM): Yegit too quit
  851. Fried Silver: but first i need to loot the corpses
  852. Alfredo Cyrus: yeah. first time i murdered in my first roll20 game
  853. GM (GM): Alright, thanks for playing. Next session will be back at the normal time: 12/31/16: 12 noon pst/ 3pm est!
  854. Pfft. Just you wait.
  855. Gonna need a caddilac for the trunk space for all dat killin.
  856. Levi W.: thanks for the help
  857. GM (GM): No problem, you guys picked it up very quickly! I know I didn't do a great job walking you through it.
  858. Anyway, gotta stretch, Have a good day guys!
  859. Alfredo Cyrus: Been pretty neat for my first real rpg game
  860. Fried Silver: See ya latter GM
  861. Levi W.: its ok ive played tabletp before so i had an idea
  862. GM (GM): Great! I recommend the real thing though, more pizza.
  863. Great, really want the spectrum of experience, you know?
  864. Lates, lates! Message me for anything, okay?
  865. Levi W.: yeah i play d and d at a friends house
  866. Dio: Its been fun as always guys ill cya next time!
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