Guest User


a guest
Aug 25th, 2017
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
  3. <soap:Header>
  4. <PayloadInfo Username="username" Password="password" IDParceiro="[ID]" GuidUserParceiro="username" xmlns="http://www.cmnet/xmlwebservices2/" />
  5. </soap:Header>
  6. <soap:Body>
  7. <xmlIncluiAlteraReserva xmlns="http://www.cmnet/xmlwebservices2/">
  8. <Xml><OTA_HotelResRQ xmlns="" Version="1.003" EchoToken="7f178b7a79c70de549e027276b7f7902" Target="Test" TimeStamp="2017-08-25T19:34:48" PrimaryLangID="pt-BR">
  9. <POS>
  10. <Source ISOCountry="BR">
  11. <RequestorID Type="4" ID="[id]" ID_Context="OwnerCard" URL=""/>
  12. </Source>
  13. </POS>
  14. <HotelReservations>
  15. <HotelReservation>
  16. <RoomStays>
  17. <RoomStay>
  18. <RoomRates>
  19. <RoomRate RoomTypeCode="[CODIGO DA ACOMODAÇÃO]">
  20. <Rates>
  21. <Rate>
  22. <Base CurrencyCode="BRL" AmountBeforeTax="1000" />
  23. </Rate>
  24. </Rates>
  25. </RoomRate>
  26. </RoomRates>
  27. <BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode="[CODIGO DO HOTEL]"/>
  28. </RoomStay>
  29. </RoomStays>
  30. <ResGlobalInfo>
  31. <GuestCounts IsPerRoom="true">
  32. <GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode="10" Count="1"/>
  33. </GuestCounts>
  34. <TimeSpan Start="2017-08-25" End="2017-08-26"/>
  35. <Comments>
  36. <Comment>
  37. <Text>TESTE DE RESERVA</Text>
  38. </Comment>
  39. </Comments>
  40. <Guarantee>
  41. <GuaranteesAccepted>
  42. <GuaranteeAccepted>
  43. <PaymentCard CardCode="VI" CardNumber="4013713930408799" ExpireDate="0208" SeriesCode="1234">
  44. <CardHolderName>joao silva</CardHolderName>
  45. </PaymentCard>
  46. </GuaranteeAccepted>
  47. </GuaranteesAccepted>
  48. </Guarantee>
  49. <Profiles>
  50. <ProfileInfo>
  51. <Profile ProfileType="1">
  52. <Customer>
  53. <PersonName>
  54. <GivenName>Joao</GivenName>
  55. <Surname>silva</Surname>
  56. </PersonName>
  57. <Email EmailType="1"></Email>
  58. </Customer>
  59. </Profile>
  60. </ProfileInfo>
  61. </Profiles>
  62. </ResGlobalInfo>
  63. </HotelReservation>
  64. </HotelReservations>
  65. </OTA_HotelResRQ></Xml>
  66. </xmlIncluiAlteraReserva>
  67. </soap:Body>
  68. </soap:Envelope>
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