
pit telling ishtarr off

Nov 20th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. 17:12:47: (One) Ishtarr wisps: meoww, do I hear dogs barking around?
  2. 17:13:51: (One) Ishtarr wisps: will restrict myself to the cat-dog topic, before I get banned for my "too old fashioned and traditionalistic" sexual ideas
  3. 17:14:30: (One) Pit wisps: A wise decision.
  4. 17:14:34: (One) Poncho wisps: your secondary topic intrigues me
  5. 17:14:42: (One) Poncho wisps: as I don't follow where it's supposed to go
  6. 17:15:18: (One) Cops wisps: Chainmail really does it for them. Thats pretty old fashioned, right?
  7. 17:15:37: (One) Poncho wisps: I suppose in this age of modernity, progressive types believe they're constantly forging new terrain
  8. 17:15:49: (One) Poncho wisps: but I'm willing to bet everything's been done before
  9. 17:16:01: (One) Aras wisps: hello
  10. 17:16:07: (One) Cops wisps: Even like... a foot?
  11. 17:16:13: (One) Cops wisps that he worries
  12. 17:16:19: (One) Poncho wisps: feet are so last millenia
  13. 17:16:34: (One) Cops wisps: WHat a vanilla idea of sexual deviancy i have :(
  14. 17:16:41: (One) Pit wisps: Let's just make it clear that this is an inclusive MUD, which means we are not tolerant of intolerance.
  15. 17:16:51: (One) Poncho wisps: feet were defintely explored BC
  16. 17:17:04: (One) Cops wisps: You even protect foot fetishists? Horrible. :p
  17. 17:17:11: (One) Cops wisps: Get rid of them, bloody weirdos!
  18. 17:17:32: (One) Juppie wisps: if you were really tolerant you'd also tolerate intolerance... :)
  19. 17:17:48: (One) Poncho wisps: Pit hates everyone not in his tribe
  20. 17:18:08: (One) Pit wisps: Quite the opposite I assure you.
  21. 17:18:28: (One) Poncho wisps: Pit hates everyone in his tribe.
  22. 17:18:43: (One) Pit wisps: Hum. A fair conclusion to a perhaps not ideal phrasing. ;)
  23. 17:21:03: (One) Juppie wisps: anyway, what most people call tolerance is not really tolerance, tt's rather indifference until it's on their backyard
  24. 17:21:57: (One) Poncho wisps: tolerance these days is defined as: Accept us or we'll dox you into suicide.
  25. 17:22:06: (One) Capita wisps: personally I'm trans so people calling trans people unnatural and bad makes me sad
  26. 17:22:25: (One) Pit wisps: You have a narrow view of humanity, Poncho.
  27. 17:22:27: (One) Ishtarr wisps: so where were we? Ah, must find some larger dog like beast to kill as my daily contribution to the discworld and its inhabitants (wether they like it or not, lol)
  28. 17:22:42: (One) Poncho wisps: nah, you're just being intolerant, Pit :p
  29. 17:22:42: (One) Pit wisps: Surely you don't think the entire world defines the word the same, or even the entire opposite side of the political spectrum?
  30. 17:23:21: (One) Poncho wisps: Of course not, there is still a classical definition of tolerance, which is still used.
  31. 17:23:51: (One) Poncho wisps: which is why there's a lot of confusion when people start using the word tolerance
  32. 17:24:09: (One) Poncho wisps: For example
  33. 17:24:11: (One) Ishtarr wisps: that often functions only in theory unfortunately (if anyone, I had the chance to experience that quite a few times)
  34. 17:24:29: (One) Poncho wisps: Person one: "I hate you, you intolerant piece of scum!"
  35. 17:25:17: (One) Poncho wisps: Person two: "I don't understand. Yes, I don't like <something>, but I'm not being rude or calling <something> derogatory names..."
  36. 17:26:04: (One) Ishtarr wisps: people often like to brag with oh how tolerant they are, but the moment our oppinion or ideas differ from their expectations, (or from their own ones, which they consider for only right one), that alleged tolerance suddenly disappears into the thin air
  37. 17:26:07: (One) Poncho wisps: Person two: "You might even say... I'm tolerating <something>."
  38. 17:26:41: (One) Capita wisps: were you here yesterday poncho
  39. 17:26:51: (One) Cops wisps: Was there a horrible conversation i missed?
  40. 17:26:53: (One) Cops wisps that he is glad.
  41. 17:26:56: (One) Capita wisps: yeah
  42. 17:27:18: (One) Cops wisps that he pushes People down the stairs for being horrid.
  43. 17:27:29: (One) Poncho wisps: that's a good question, where was I yesterday o.O
  44. 17:27:31: (One) Capita wisps: if you saw what ishtarr said, I'm not sure you'd still want to defend them
  45. 17:27:47: (One) Dasorine wisps: I mean when the thing being disliked is other people being alive it stops being so polite even if you dont actively hurl abuse <shrug>
  46. 17:28:05: (One) Cops wisps that he hasn't been defending anybody! I just make unclever witty comments and talk about foot fetishes.
  47. 17:28:06: (One) Ishtarr wisps: ok, so...meoww...let's find and kill some dogs, yarrr
  48. 17:28:26: (One) Cops wisps: Oh, Poncho :p
  49. 17:29:21: (One) Poncho wisps: well in terms of tolerance, Dasorine, a great many people dislike pedophiles being allowed to live. Thus they exercise tolerance by not exacting physical violance leading to death
  50. 17:29:39: (One) Poncho wisps: that's people tolerating right there
  51. 17:29:56: (One) Pit wisps that he eyes the turn of the conversation.
  52. 17:30:43: (One) Poncho wisps: I too marvel at the soundness of the argument :)
  53. 17:30:49: (One) Dasorine wisps: and yet often they dont and the people tolerating like that do nothing to prevent it when people stop <shrug>
  54. 17:31:29: (One) Poncho wisps: well yes, pedophilia is likely to get you lynched.
  55. 17:31:36: (One) Poncho wisps: I reccomend staying away from it.
  56. 17:32:07: (One) Dasorine wisps: and the more people claim tolerance like that the easier it is for people to break away and just haul of an beat someone to death while others sit around tutting about how THEY aren't doing the beating
  57. 17:32:09: (One) Poncho wisps: you might say, some things are intolerable
  58. 17:32:17: (One) Capita wisps: are you seriously comparing being trans to pedophilia
  59. 17:32:21: (One) Capita wisps: wtf?
  60. 17:32:53: (One) Pit wisps: You know that part where I eyed the turn of the conversation?
  61. 17:32:55: (One) Pit wisps: That was a hint.
  62. 17:32:57: (One) Poncho wisps: No. I havent made any statements about being trans. You may want to question why you leaped to that conclusion
  63. 17:33:03: (One) Pit wisps: And me subtly trying to tell you to cut it out.
  64. 17:33:05: (One) Dasorine wisps: ulitmately your "tolerance" isn't actually tolerance, its compliance
  65. 17:33:07: (One) Cops wisps: On a more pleasant note i'm pleased to see Gennie Applebottom no longer does her horrendous version of temporary gender reassignment to non witches, and is more pleasant for males who want to join witches!
  66. 17:33:11: (One) Cops wisps: Who fixed that?
  67. 17:33:19: (One) Cops wisps: and can we get a gender reassignment igor please?
  68. 17:33:29: (One) Cammy wisps: males can be witches now? :o
  69. 17:33:43: (One) Cops wisps: No, she used to clack their knackers off with 2 bricks or something similar.
  70. 17:33:44: (One) Poncho wisps: Disc can have male witches now?
  71. 17:33:51: (One) Cops wisps: finger cops, I can fly!
  72. 17:33:52: (One) Cops wisps that he zooms
  73. 17:33:55: (One) Ikke wisps that he ragequits.
  74. 17:33:59: (One) Pit wisps: But for reference, you're going off on a tangent where you are debating what tolerance is, while my initial comment -- for those who were present for previous conversations -- was essentially "transphobio will not be tolerated here kthx".
  75. 17:33:59: (One) Mirodar wisps: I think granny used to use the grinder
  76. 17:34:19: (One) Cops wisps: If males try to join the witches guild, Gennie used to whack their knackers between two bricks or something similar. It was awful throughout :p
  77. 17:34:29: (One) Dasorine wisps: to be fair male witches are cannon in the books so why not
  78. 17:34:35: (One) Cops wisps: and if you were a male already in a guild, she gave you them in a little bag, and they grew back after a while if I recall correctly.
  79. 17:34:40: (One) Pit wisps: I just phrased it more generally because other many forms of intolerance will also not be tolerated.
  80. 17:34:41: (One) Poncho wisps: how is transphobia defined here?
  81. 17:34:45: (One) Cops wisps that he is glad to see it doesn't happen anymore.
  82. 17:34:59: (One) Pit wisps: Nope, we're not having that conversation.
  83. 17:34:59: (One) Capita wisps: yeah poncho when you bring that up in a discussion that was originally about transphobia it's pretty obvious what you're hinting at
  84. 17:35:07: (One) Pit wisps: Just move on and talk about dogs or something.
  85. 17:35:18: (One) Cops wisps: Can we talk about this gender reassignment igor please! :p
  86. 17:35:19: (One) Burn wisps: I love dogs
  87. 17:35:24: (One) Poncho wisps: maybe, Capita, but I came in after any mention of trans anything xD
  88. 17:35:24: (One) Cops wisps: Lets have one of those. :p
  89. 17:35:44: (One) Dasorine wisps: Witches need a calm weaver spec!
  90. 17:35:59: (One) Dasorine wisps: you get a goat instead of a bat
  91. 17:35:59: (One) Ishtarr wisps: well yes, I agree, there must exist certain limits for tolerance, clear, severe offenses and offensive behavior like pedophilia should by no means be tolerated
  92. 17:36:01: (One) Poncho wisps: in otherwords, I'm innocent
  93. 17:36:15: (One) Cammy wisps: lets talk about doggos :3
  94. 17:36:51: (One) Dasorine wisps: also why DO witches get fruitbats?
  95. 17:36:59: (One) Poncho wisps: why even talk about the topic. It doesnt matter what what anyone wants to say, regardless of nuance or thought, you're going to be called a hater or phobe or whatever
  96. 17:37:00: (One) Pit wisps: Yes, yes, you're innocent, so long as you cut it out after these several clearly stated warnings.
  97. 17:37:16: (One) Poncho wisps: and with Pit here weilding the ban hammer of the ages, you wont get 2 feet xD
  98. 17:37:47: (One) Pit wisps: I am all for a good debate also about these kinds of topics, but there are times and places for that and channel (One) isn't really it.
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