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ALT-1NE5-PLC PDF Version

a guest
Mar 7th, 2014
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  1. [230] Heavy
  2. [220] Brain Implant Mk. 1
  3. [200] Composite Armor
  4. [190] Temperature Resistance 2
  5. [175] Self-Repair
  6. [155] Deep Sea/Space Module
  7. [135] Flight
  8. [130] Enhanced Vision
  9. [125] Navigation
  10. [115] Thermal Vision/X-ray
  11. [110] Ultrasonic Radar
  12. [100] External Status
  13. [100] Vocal
  14. [95] Universal Translator
  15. [85] Communicator
  16. [70] Wi-Fi
  17. [60] Progenitor Nanites
  18. [55] Collapsible
  19. [40] Sentient AI
  20. [35] Towing Cable
  21. [9] Particle Laser Cannon (DV 12, Pi 8 Mounted in left wrist)
  22. [1] Cutting Blades R1 (DV7 Pi 6, Mounted in right arm)
  24. RT: 2hr Daily
  25. PR: 20
  26. SM: 15
  27. AV: 8
  28. HM: 1.5 (9'3")
  29. WM: 4.75 (~1.1 Tons)
  30. MB: 1.5
  31. Air: Infinite
  32. Weapons: Particle Laser Cannon DV 12, Pi 8
  33. Cutting Blades R1 DV7 Pi 6
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