
Kiran makes Gemini an offer (and plans for Allyah)

Oct 10th, 2019
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  1. [5:35 PM] SwaDM: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. [5:40 PM] Kiran: Following the debriefing and likely a few bits of small talk being exchanged, Kiran will exit Tharail's tent, and find himself feeling... different, than before all of this. Walking with his back straighter. He will then proceed to look for his small construct companion, who has doubtlessly found some way to make themselves useful.
  3. [5:42 PM] SwaDM: To a degree. A bit of asking around and looking around reveal that Gemini would have made it's way back towards the medical building that the party had woken up in the first place. As Kiran finally finds out where they are, they can pick up a fragment of conversation that they appear to be having with Allyah.
  4. [5:42 PM] SwaDM: Gemini : -served vital functions are nominal."
  5. [5:43 PM] Kiran: "Oh. Hi, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting."
  6. [5:43 PM] SwaDM: Gemini : "User Kiran."
  7. [5:43 PM] SwaDM: Allyah tilts her head - still sat beind the small counter - and upon the raised stool, with one of their talons currently flicking through a small booklet of sorts. "Hm? No, not at all."
  8. [5:44 PM] SwaDM: "Gemini was just confirming that none of you seem to be suffering an side-effects from your coma."
  9. [5:44 PM] Kiran: "Yeah, I'm actually feeling... I'm feeling much better than I thought I would."
  10. [5:45 PM] Kiran: "Thank you both for the care. For all of us."
  11. [5:45 PM] SwaDM: Gemini : "We are designed to perform assigned functions at optimal capacity."
  12. [5:45 PM] SwaDM: Allyah : "We'll just call it even - don't worry about it. Did you need something?"
  13. [5:46 PM] Kiran: "No, but I do have something important I was hoping to speak with Gemini about."
  14. [5:46 PM] SwaDM: "Hm? Well, by all means."
  15. [5:47 PM] SwaDM: Gemini : "Affirmative."
  16. [5:47 PM] Kiran: Is there a chair or something similar? Kiran is not about to ask anyone to leave or for privacy, since I don't believe either Kiran or Gemini have that particular subset of emotions in this case.
  17. [5:48 PM] SwaDM: Well, given that they are essentally in a waiting room for a medical area - yes. There would be chairs available. Albeit Kiran and Gemini don't have that subset, however- Allyah does.
  18. [5:48 PM] SwaDM: "Is it a private matter?"
  19. [5:48 PM] Kiran: looks contemplative.
  20. [5:49 PM] Kiran: "I honestly don't know. A part of it may concern you, so you may as well stay."
  21. [5:49 PM] SwaDM: She gives a slight shrug.
  22. [5:49 PM] SwaDM: "Very well. If you change your mind, feel free to use one of the rooms - we're mostly empty right now."
  23. [5:49 PM] Kiran: "Thank you. And good."
  24. [5:49 PM] Kiran: takes a seat and begins looking over Gemini.
  25. [5:50 PM] Kiran: "Did you get hurt at all?"
  26. [5:50 PM] Kiran: may be fussing, slightly.
  27. [5:50 PM] SwaDM: Gemini does not look damaged.
  28. [5:50 PM] SwaDM: "Chassis suffered noncritical damage during engagement of users against unidentified hostiles."
  29. [5:50 PM] SwaDM: "We are currently operating at near full capacity."
  30. [5:51 PM] Kiran: "Alright. Come here, and I'll get you fixed up while we talk."
  31. [5:51 PM] SwaDM: "Negative. We have already received repairs."
  32. [5:51 PM] Kiran: "Ah, I see. In which case, please disregard. Did you self-repair, or should I be thanking someone for helping you?"
  33. [5:55 PM] SwaDM: "Negative. Damage to chassis was initially mended by User identified as Jugo, followed by minor repairs and clean-up by user Allyah and Linda."
  34. [5:55 PM] Kiran: smiles to himself, then looks up at Allyah.
  35. [5:55 PM] Kiran: "Thank you."
  36. [5:56 PM] SwaDM: "As I said, don't mention it. All that they needed was some polishing and buffing up."
  37. [5:56 PM] Kiran: returns his gaze to the construct.
  38. [5:56 PM] SwaDM: They do still have their camouflage.
  39. [5:56 PM] Kiran: Heh
  40. [5:56 PM] Kiran: "Have you considered what you might like to do next?"
  41. [5:57 PM] SwaDM: "Data unavailable."
  42. [5:58 PM] Kiran: "Alright. Well, I've been giving it some thought for a while. I'd like to help you come to a consensus on that, if I can."
  43. [5:58 PM] SwaDM: "Affirmative."
  44. [6:01 PM] Kiran: "You've got three main options, from what I can see. The first one is the one I think might most appeal to Allyah. We learned that the psychopomps rescued Kriendyh children during the war - if their descendants are still alive, in one of the upper planes, you could go search for them. I'd help get you ready, and make introductions to the psychopomps that we know, if you'd like to do that."
  45. [6:01 PM] SwaDM: (It wasn't the Celestials.)
  46. [6:01 PM] Kiran: It wasn't?
  47. [6:01 PM] SwaDM: (It was the Psychopomps)
  48. [6:02 PM] Kiran: Shite, thank you
  49. [6:02 PM] SwaDM: (Huge difference.)
  50. [6:02 PM] Kiran: "That said, it might be easier for you than Allyah since you are a construct."
  51. [6:03 PM] SwaDM: Allyah does...actually, she doesn't have eyebrows. Funny that. So all that she can do to show interest facially is to turn said eyes towards Kiran - Gemini quickly speaks, however.
  52. [6:03 PM] SwaDM: Gemini : "This appears highly unlikely."
  53. [6:03 PM] SwaDM: "Processing data. Total numer of Kriendyh recorded as being rescued : ten."
  54. [6:03 PM] SwaDM: "These are insufficient numbers to sustain a population.'
  55. [6:03 PM] Kiran: looks stricken.
  56. [6:04 PM] Kiran: "Oh."
  57. [6:04 PM] SwaDM: Allyah : "I'm..sorry, you two have already lost me. What are you talking about? Children?"
  58. [6:04 PM] Kiran: looks up to her.
  59. [6:05 PM] Kiran: "We learned that psychopomps - outsiders - apparently rescued young Kriendyh during the war, and took them from the material plane."
  60. [6:05 PM] SwaDM: "Well, I know what psychopomps are, but why would they...?"
  61. [6:05 PM] Kiran: "I didn't realise it was so few."
  62. [6:06 PM] SwaDM: Gemini : "The Taran Plague was classified as unnatural. We have attained information that at least a singular high-ranking psychopomp had decided to transport said children way from the plague."
  63. [6:06 PM] SwaDM: "Reasons unknown."
  64. [6:06 PM] SwaDM: Allyah : "I...see. Albeit Gemini is right - if it was just ten, and it's been so long - biologically, it would be completely impossible for them to sustain any sort of population."
  65. [6:07 PM] Kiran: "I'm not sure why they would've intervened, when others didn't. I don't know a lot about psychopomps, myself. It's maybe something worth trying to learn, I think."
  66. [6:08 PM] SwaDM: "I'm afraid I don't know much myself - just the basics."
  67. [6:08 PM] SwaDM: "If they rescued the children, however, it couldn't have been to preserve the Kriendyh people - at least not biologically."
  68. [6:09 PM] Kiran: Were the psychopomps in the same place as the celestials?
  69. [6:09 PM] SwaDM: You mean Scenicia?
  70. [6:09 PM] Kiran: Yep
  71. [6:09 PM] SwaDM: Yes - they were one of the outsiders there.
  72. [6:09 PM] Kiran: I also cannot recall whether Tharail said they're still there
  73. [6:09 PM] SwaDM: Re-check what Lous said. You got a message that at least one psychopomp wants to eventually meet you at Nerville.
  74. [6:10 PM] Kiran: I was just trying to find that, but couldn't.
  75. [6:10 PM] Kiran: Thank you.
  76. [6:11 PM] Kiran: "Lous received a letter from a psychopomp over at Nerville asking to meet with him - I believe it was related to the passing of souls in the area. If it's something you'd like to know more about, I'd be happy to ask them - or you could come with us, Allyah."
  77. [6:12 PM] SwaDM: "I'll...have a think about it. It's been too long, and I doubt that they'd remotely know about any of this, but - noted."
  78. [6:13 PM] Kiran: nods, then once more looks back to Gemini.
  79. [6:13 PM] Kiran: "Alright. As for the other options-"
  80. [6:14 PM] Kiran: "You've helped me a great deal. And we owe you more. You could stay here, and help coordinate things. Or, if you'd prefer, you could come with me."
  81. [6:15 PM] Kiran: "I'm- there's so much to do here. To build, to help people recover, and I want nothing more than to be here for it and guide the people through finding their place. But I know that, eventually, the Void is going to mean I have to leave again."
  82. [6:16 PM] Kiran: "Are you aware of familiars?"
  83. [6:17 PM] SwaDM: "User must ellaborate."
  84. [6:18 PM] Kiran: "Beings that are bound to another, as partners and supporters. Generally these are animals, though some can be homunculi."
  85. [6:18 PM] SwaDM: "Affirmative. We are aware of the general practice."
  86. [6:18 PM] Kiran: nods.
  87. [6:20 PM] Kiran: "As part of my training as an arcane smith, I learned a ritual to bind such a being with myself - but I never made myself a familiar. If you wanted to accompany us into battle against the Void; to see other dimensions, we could do this."
  88. [6:21 PM] Kiran: "If not, then I would be so happy for you to remain here and keeping watch on the world."
  89. [6:22 PM] SwaDM: "We have not reached consensus. Previous directives were listed as discovery of the state of the first Vault, coupled with the removal of unidentified outside threat that users refer to as the Void."
  90. [6:22 PM] SwaDM: "We have accomplished these directives."
  91. [6:22 PM] SwaDM: "Following instructions would have us return to Gem-03 to consolidate and share information."
  92. [6:23 PM] Kiran: "I understand. If that is what you'd prefer to do then I'll help you. I need to return to Vault 03 to access the Krien-Work and Krien-Reconstruction units anyway."
  93. [6:23 PM] SwaDM: "No assistance is required."
  94. [6:24 PM] SwaDM: "We are able to traverse towards Unit GEM-03 unaided."
  95. [6:24 PM] SwaDM: "However, we have also continued analysis of currently recovered data."
  96. [6:24 PM] Kiran: looks slightly disheartened, but continues paying close attention.
  97. [6:25 PM] SwaDM: "Data regarding elimination of outside threats - inconclusive."
  98. [6:25 PM] SwaDM: "We believe preservation of subjects and primary mission directives to still be under threat."
  99. [6:26 PM] Kiran: "Yes. We fought it off, but if it's not stopped, it will return."
  100. [6:26 PM] SwaDM: "Affirmative."
  101. [6:27 PM] SwaDM: "We must continue to process data. However, we believe that consensus when re-convened with Unit GEM-03 will be to continue observation and support."
  102. [6:27 PM] Kiran: "I see."
  103. [6:28 PM] SwaDM: "If curent theory proves to be correct, then we would be interested in amplifying support capabilities like User Kiran has suggested."
  104. [6:28 PM] Kiran: smiles at the robot.
  105. [6:28 PM] Kiran: "I'm glad to hear it. We'd be lucky to have you."
  106. [6:29 PM] SwaDM: "Affirmative."
  107. [6:30 PM] SwaDM: "...Would this require an alteration of Unit Gemini's chassis?"
  108. [6:31 PM] Kiran: "I don't believe so. The major component of the ritual is - well, it's a blood bond. So the only alteration would likely be the securing of a vial of my blood and the application of some additional enchantments. But that said- my previous offer stands. If you would like any alterations, you need only ask."
  109. [6:31 PM] SwaDM: "Processing."
  110. [6:31 PM] SwaDM: "Likelihood of Taran treachery increased by 28% due to the mention of blood bonds."
  111. [6:32 PM] SwaDM: "Raising threat level to yellow."
  112. [6:32 PM] Kiran: "If you believe me to be a Taran agent, you needn't go through with it. But you have my word, I will knowingly take no action that will alter you without your permission."
  113. [6:32 PM] SwaDM: "We have made a joke."
  114. [6:32 PM] SwaDM: "Threat levels are codified by numbers."
  115. [6:32 PM] Kiran: looks blankly at the little construct, then snorts out a laugh.
  116. [6:33 PM] Kiran: "You had me briefly worried there."
  117. [6:33 PM] Kiran: "Are there any changes you would like me to make?"
  118. [6:34 PM] SwaDM: "Processing."
  119. [6:35 PM] SwaDM: "Negative."
  120. [6:36 PM] SwaDM: "Current frame allows for nimble movements and scouting capability. Additions may hamper functionality."
  121. [6:36 PM] Kiran: "Noted. No alterations then."
  122. [6:37 PM] Kiran: gets to his feet, looking up at Allyah.
  123. [6:37 PM] SwaDM: She flips another page from ther book, tilting her head upwards.
  124. [6:37 PM] SwaDM: "Yes?"
  125. [6:38 PM] Kiran: "Uh- nothing. I've-"
  126. [6:38 PM] Kiran: frowns to himself. Damnit Kiran you just fought a dragon.
  127. [6:38 PM] SwaDM: "...Is it my appearance?"
  128. [6:38 PM] SwaDM: "Does it unnerve you?"
  129. [6:39 PM] Kiran: "Oh. No, not at all!"
  130. [6:39 PM] Kiran: "I uh- I like it, actually. Is this how you looked... before?"
  131. [6:39 PM] SwaDM: "It is, yes."
  132. [6:40 PM] SwaDM: "The armor is an...addition, granted, but both Linda and Sigvard had suggested it to me together."
  133. [6:40 PM] SwaDM: "They said that blue and gold is found to be a..."
  134. [6:40 PM] SwaDM: "...Pleasing combination to human eyes."
  135. [6:42 PM] Kiran: "Oh, yes, it's really appealing because of the contrasting colours, and it's associated with luxury and royalty, and it-"
  136. [6:42 PM] Kiran: processes what she said.
  137. [6:42 PM] Kiran: "Yes. It's, uh- a really nice combination."
  138. [6:42 PM] SwaDM: "...Thank you."
  139. [6:43 PM] SwaDM: "The armor also allows me to hide certain..."
  140. [6:43 PM] SwaDM: "...Incorrect recreations. I am still learning how to truly shapeshift."
  141. [6:44 PM] SwaDM: (One brief thing ot note is that the one thing she would not have on would be the mask - which would reveal that she has feathers ranging from white and gray.)
  142. [6:45 PM] Kiran: I had forgotten she had a mask
  143. [6:45 PM] SwaDM:
  144. [6:45 PM] SwaDM: There's a mask in the picture, yeah.
  145. [6:45 PM] SwaDM: Or a helmet.
  146. [6:45 PM] Kiran: Oh, that's a helmet? I just thought her like
  147. [6:45 PM] Kiran: entire face was gold
  148. [6:45 PM] Kiran: Got it!
  149. [6:46 PM] SwaDM: That is clarified, then
  150. [6:46 PM] Kiran: "I'm sure it'll get easier with practice. Everything does! Is there any way I can help? I don't really know how any of it works."
  151. [6:46 PM] SwaDM: "Not...quite. I don't expect you to precisely be an expert in Kriendyh anatomy..."
  152. [6:46 PM] SwaDM: "Linda has attempted to aid me with it already - but neither is she."
  153. [6:47 PM] Kiran: "Hm. Maybe some of the records in the Vaults could help?"
  154. [6:47 PM] SwaDM: She gives a small nod. "I've been planning on retrieving a few of the medical records."
  155. [6:47 PM] SwaDM: "I just haven't had time."
  156. [6:48 PM] Kiran: "Understandable. I believe the Nevians are withdrawing, so vault 2 should be much more accessible soon."
  157. [6:48 PM] SwaDM: "...The...Tarans - they are underground, just by the passageway to Vault 3, if you were wondering."
  158. [6:48 PM] Kiran: "I had been planning to ask, but - well, I wasn't expecting to bump into you so soon."
  159. [6:49 PM] SwaDM: "I've been here for almost a week, yes."
  160. [6:49 PM] Kiran: "In my defence, I have been unconscious."
  161. [6:49 PM] SwaDM: "This is true."
  162. [6:50 PM] SwaDM: "Still - what was it you needed?"
  163. [6:51 PM] Kiran: "I- needed? Oh. Nothing, actually. Sorry. Well. I mean."
  164. [6:52 PM] Kiran: "I'd said I was going to come by and say hello, but I'd meant less when you're working, and more when you're. Not working."
  165. [6:52 PM] SwaDM: She slowly tilts her head. It's a little harder to tell, given the non-human face, but they still look confused.
  166. [6:53 PM] SwaDM: "...Right. Well, I'm studying a bit of common, and just keeping watch here to see if anyone else needs medical aid."
  167. [6:53 PM] SwaDM: "I'll be swapping shifts with Linda come five hours."
  168. [6:53 PM] Kiran: nods.
  169. [6:53 PM] Kiran: "Okay. Five hours. I'll just- I'll come back then."
  170. [6:54 PM] SwaDM: "Sure, Kiran. Take it slowly, and let us know if you start to feel ill."
  171. [6:54 PM] Kiran: "Thanks. I'll... be around, if you need anything."
  172. [6:57 PM] Kiran: I imagine he might literally run to Linda's at this point.
  173. [6:58 PM] SwaDM: By all means. Kiran would know where Linda's lodgings are - given that they are close to the party's, being the same wooden structure created by dryads.
  174. [6:58 PM] Kiran: [sprinting ensues]
  175. [6:59 PM] Kiran: will get to Linda's lodging and knock on the door, without hesitating for once.
  176. [6:59 PM] SwaDM: Linda's voice. Oh, thank the heavens, she is home. Maybe Kiran can stop panicking now.
  177. [6:59 PM] SwaDM: "Yes, who is it?"
  178. [7:00 PM] Kiran: "Hi- hi Linda. It's - Kiran."
  179. [7:00 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, Kiran!"
  180. [7:00 PM] SwaDM: "Come in, my dear, the door's unlocked."
  181. [7:01 PM] Kiran: does as instructed and enters the dwelling, closing the door behind him.
  182. [7:02 PM] SwaDM: Finding Linda is not particularly difficult - she is currently sat upon a couch by the living room. There's what appears to be a white dress set over her lap, with sewing equipment set right beside her - as she currently threads a needle through what appears to be a small hole across it's side.
  183. [7:02 PM] SwaDM: "Good afternoon again!"
  184. [7:02 PM] Kiran: "Hi. How's everything?"
  185. [7:03 PM] SwaDM: "Well, things haven't changed much! It's just been a few hours, you know."
  186. [7:03 PM] Kiran: "I suppose that's true."
  187. [7:04 PM] SwaDM: "...Are you sweating?"
  188. [7:04 PM] SwaDM: Linda's expression immediately turns into a frown. "...I do hope you've not immediately taking to forging and crafting again."
  189. [7:04 PM] Kiran: "I haven't even figured out where the workshop is yet."
  190. [7:05 PM] Kiran: "I actually went to speak with Gemin- oh, thank you for helping take care of Gemini."
  191. [7:05 PM] SwaDM: "Oh - sure! He's a fun little guy to be around."
  192. [7:05 PM] SwaDM: "Cute, really."
  193. [7:06 PM] Kiran: "Right? They really helped us a lot while we were out fighting. I think at least one of us might be dead otherwise."
  194. [7:07 PM] SwaDM: "Perhaps he should get a medal, or a ribbon..."
  195. [7:07 PM] Kiran: looks thoughtful.
  196. [7:08 PM] Kiran: "That would be a really nice idea. I agree."
  197. [7:08 PM] Kiran: "I'll come up with something."
  198. [7:08 PM] SwaDM: "Let me know if you need help with it!"
  199. [7:09 PM] Kiran: "I will do. I'm sure you know more about bestowing honours than I do."
  200. [7:09 PM] Kiran: "May I sit?"
  201. [7:09 PM] SwaDM: "Please! Make yourself comfortable."
  202. [7:09 PM] Kiran: will take a seat.
  203. [7:10 PM] Kiran: tilts his head and looks down at the dress.
  204. [7:10 PM] Kiran: "What are you working on?"
  205. [7:10 PM] SwaDM: "Oh - just..."
  206. [7:10 PM] SwaDM: "Fixing up one of my old dresses, is all."
  207. [7:11 PM] Kiran: "Ooh. Special occasion?"
  208. [7:11 PM] SwaDM: She briefly clears her throat, smiling. Upon closer inspection...yes, Kiran. That is a dress. Congratulations. It also appears to be a rather fancy one, given that it does have inlaid silver and gems across small sections of it.
  209. [7:11 PM] SwaDM: "...I suppose you could say that."
  210. [7:12 PM] Kiran: "Wow, it's really pretty."
  211. [7:12 PM] SwaDM: "Thank you! I think so, too."
  212. [7:13 PM] Kiran: "Did you make it, or are you just repairing it?"
  213. [7:13 PM] SwaDM: "Both, really."
  214. [7:13 PM] Kiran: "Huh. Okay then. So what is the occasion?"
  215. [7:14 PM] Kiran: "Also wow! I haven't the faintest idea how to go about making dresses."
  216. [7:14 PM] SwaDM: "...A lady has to have her secrets, Kiran. That's all I'll say on that matter!"
  217. [7:14 PM] SwaDM: "And...well. I would imagine that for you it wouldn't be that difficult. Then again, I have not seen you make armor all that often..."
  218. [7:14 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, right. This is armor."
  219. [7:15 PM] SwaDM: The taps upon the dress itself.
  220. [7:15 PM] SwaDM: ...Kiran can hear a faint clink of metal, several times.
  221. [7:16 PM] Kiran: "Oh, cool! And I can make armour - I made the armour I wear on missions - I just don't often have much cause to make more. Well, didn't before now."
  222. [7:16 PM] Kiran: peers closer at the dress.
  223. [7:16 PM] SwaDM: Linda makes a point to move the thread and needle away - and through the hole...yes. Those are overlaid metal plates akin to lamellar underneath the fabric.
  224. [7:17 PM] Kiran: "Neat. Hidden defence."
  225. [7:17 PM] SwaDM: "Fagian fashion. The metal adds a different little feel and weight to the outfit."
  226. [7:17 PM] Kiran: "I imagine that's really comforting."
  227. [7:17 PM] SwaDM: "For us, yes."
  228. [7:18 PM] Kiran: "Speaking of Fagia, I had a question."
  229. [7:18 PM] Kiran: "If someone prays to Sieglinde, do you hear it?"
  230. [7:18 PM] SwaDM: "Hm?"
  231. [7:18 PM] SwaDM: "Oh."
  232. [7:18 PM] SwaDM: She pauses - and then shakes her head.
  233. [7:19 PM] SwaDM: "I do not, Kiran. If I've still a divine spark, it is much too worn out."
  234. [7:19 PM] Kiran: "Okay. I wasn't sure."
  235. [7:19 PM] Kiran: frowns.
  236. [7:20 PM] Kiran: "I'm sorry. I'm not sure if that was insensitive or not."
  237. [7:20 PM] SwaDM: "Ah, don't worry about it, Kiran. It wasn't."
  238. [7:21 PM] SwaDM: "As I said, I'm not Sieglinde in the sense that I am a...reincarnation, so to speak."
  239. [7:21 PM] Kiran: "Of course."
  240. [7:21 PM] SwaDM: "But - a spark is a spark. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Hearing prayers or not - what matters is doing something about it all."
  241. [7:21 PM] Kiran: "I agree."
  242. [7:22 PM] Kiran: suddenly sits straighter.
  243. [7:22 PM] Kiran: "Linda!"
  244. [7:22 PM] Kiran: "I forgot to tell you! I saw Essati!"
  245. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "...yes?"
  246. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "Oh."
  247. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "...Neat!"
  248. [7:22 PM] Kiran: "I know!"
  249. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "I don't know really much about her at all. Does she look nice?"
  250. [7:22 PM] SwaDM: "...Is she nice?"
  251. [7:24 PM] Kiran: "I- she looks like the statues, except her skin is bronze and eyes are emeralds. And we never had time for a conversation. It was just my consciousness that was in Heaven, and she saw me, and she granted me- ... I have no idea how to describe it."
  252. [7:25 PM] Kiran: "So normally Essati will grant some people visions or inspiration to create. She blessed me with visions of battle, and how to fight."
  253. [7:25 PM] Kiran: "Which is- well, it's what I was hoping for. I never expected to see her, or for her to see me, though."
  254. [7:26 PM] SwaDM: "Hm. I see. Well - that's...wonderful, isn't it, Kiran? I do know you've been wondering about divinity for a while now."
  255. [7:26 PM] SwaDM: "Do you feel any better about it now?"
  256. [7:26 PM] Kiran: laughs.
  257. [7:27 PM] Kiran: "I had about a day of feeling much more confident and like I was at peace, before I was confronted with a situation that I still don't know how to handle face to face."
  258. [7:27 PM] SwaDM: "What was it?"
  259. [7:27 PM] Kiran: puts his hands on his face leaning back on the couch.
  260. [7:27 PM] Kiran: "Women."
  261. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "...Women?"
  262. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "...Did you get fangirls?"
  263. [7:28 PM] Kiran: "Woman."
  264. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "Oh."
  265. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "Woman."
  266. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "Wait. Woman."
  267. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "Woman..."
  268. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: Linda pauses. Furrows her eyebrow. She is thinking.
  269. [7:28 PM] Kiran: "The others were right. I may have a crush."
  270. [7:28 PM] SwaDM: "Wait. WAI-"
  271. [7:29 PM] SwaDM: Linda puts one hand over her mouth. "Oh dear - Kiran! I'm so sorry! I didn't...I thought they were just joking!"
  272. [7:29 PM] SwaDM: "I was just playing along, I didn't...I mean, there's nothing wrong with..."
  273. [7:29 PM] Kiran: brings his hands down.
  274. [7:30 PM] Kiran: "It's fine. I just have no idea what to do."
  275. [7:30 PM] SwaDM: "Right - right. Of course, darling."
  276. [7:30 PM] SwaDM: "I...well. Have you ever...?"
  277. [7:30 PM] Kiran: "No. Not really, no."
  278. [7:30 PM] SwaDM: "Okay."
  279. [7:30 PM] Kiran: "One person kissed me, once. Then she died in a plane explosion."
  280. [7:31 PM] SwaDM: "...That just sounded extremely depressing."
  281. [7:31 PM] Kiran: nods.
  282. [7:31 PM] SwaDM: "Well, just-...I suppose..."
  283. [7:31 PM] SwaDM: "Tell me about her, then - Allyah, that is."
  284. [7:31 PM] SwaDM: "Why do you think you like her?"
  285. [7:32 PM] Kiran: "Because-"
  286. [7:32 PM] Kiran: hangs his head for a moment, sighs, then looks back up.
  287. [7:33 PM] Kiran: "Because she got thrown into a world where everything was going wrong - with nobody she knew, and almost nothing left. We- we left her to die, when we thought she was Tara, before Lous rescued her."
  288. [7:33 PM] Kiran: "She woke up in a body that wasn't her own, that was the enemy of her entire people, that killed everyone."
  289. [7:34 PM] Kiran: "And despite all of this, her first instincts were forgiveness, and to take responsibility for the Tarans, and to protect them - to care for them. To help everyone she could, despite her circumstances."
  290. [7:34 PM] Kiran: "I just- I don't understand how anyone could see that and not feel the same way."
  292. [7:35 PM] SwaDM: "I...see."
  293. [7:35 PM] SwaDM: Linda sets folds her arms, smiling towards Kiran. "..Dear me. I swear, you have some Vogelheim blood in you somehow..."
  294. [7:36 PM] SwaDM: "I understand, though."
  295. [7:36 PM] Kiran: looks blankly at her.
  296. [7:36 PM] Kiran: "This reference may be somewhat lost on me."
  297. [7:36 PM] SwaDM: "Well, you mentioned that what interested you in her was her willfulness - mercy, forgiveness, and caring for others - yes?"
  298. [7:36 PM] Kiran: "Yes."
  299. [7:37 PM] SwaDM: "I need not remind you what the tenants for to Vogelheim faith is."
  300. [7:37 PM] SwaDM: "Still, I was but making a joke, my dear."
  301. [7:37 PM] Kiran: "Oh."
  302. [7:37 PM] Kiran: "Huh. I guess you're right."
  303. [7:37 PM] SwaDM: "And - I do agree."
  304. [7:37 PM] SwaDM: "She's...well, to put it bluntly, she is flat out a good person, from what I've experienced with her."
  305. [7:38 PM] SwaDM: "Cultural differences aside."
  306. [7:38 PM] Kiran: nods.
  307. [7:39 PM] SwaDM: "Now, I am unsure if she would see relationships the way we do - since surely those things were so different to her race - but, there's ultimately nothing wrong with just seeing where things take you."
  308. [7:39 PM] SwaDM: "You are going to hate the first step."
  309. [7:39 PM] Kiran: "Yes. That's the quandary I'm in. I have no idea what to do in this situation with humans."
  310. [7:39 PM] Kiran: looks a little apprehensive.
  311. [7:39 PM] Kiran: "... what first step."
  312. [7:39 PM] SwaDM: "The first step to approaching a girl you like..."
  313. [7:39 PM] SwaDM: "...Is to not overthink it."
  314. [7:40 PM] Kiran: continues to stare at her.
  315. [7:40 PM] SwaDM: "I told you that you wouldn't like it."
  316. [7:40 PM] Kiran: "Please tell me there's more to it."
  317. [7:40 PM] SwaDM: "There is, there is. Never you worry about that. But you can't spend time wondering what might go wrong, or right or...whatever else."
  318. [7:41 PM] SwaDM: "What I would recommend is for you two to simply spend some time together. Head somewhere nice - or eat some good food. A place where you both can wind down and relax - speak without aprehension and with privacy."
  319. [7:42 PM] Kiran: "I- is there somewhere like that in Lumo already? I haven't been here long enough to know."
  320. [7:42 PM] SwaDM: "Somewhere like that..."
  321. [7:42 PM] SwaDM: "What do you think she would like, in a place?"
  322. [7:42 PM] SwaDM: "Don't overthink it. First thing that comes to your mind, Kiran - go."
  323. [7:42 PM] Kiran: sighs.
  324. [7:43 PM] Kiran: "Familiarity."
  325. [7:43 PM] SwaDM: "Familiarity..."
  326. [7:43 PM] SwaDM: "Well, I do not think the vaults would work. Hm."
  327. [7:44 PM] Kiran: "I... wait. I actually know where the greatest Kriendyh cities used to be. There might be interesting landmarks near them. Though travelling there doesn't necessarily mean relaxing."
  328. [7:44 PM] SwaDM: "What about something simple to start with? The first date can't exactly be over the top."
  329. [7:44 PM] SwaDM: "She's...Avian, right?"
  330. [7:45 PM] Kiran: "Yes."
  331. [7:45 PM] SwaDM: "Do you think she'd appreciate somewhere with a bit of height to it?"
  332. [7:45 PM] Kiran: considers this.
  333. [7:45 PM] SwaDM: "Because if so, I may have a suggestion."
  334. [7:45 PM] Kiran: "I think she probably would."
  335. [7:46 PM] SwaDM: "I see - I see. And given what I observed from the Kriendyh, they enjoy places that are somewhat..fortified. So."
  336. [7:46 PM] Kiran: "Definitely accurate."
  337. [7:46 PM] SwaDM: "I could use my influence a little. Get one of the towers from Tharail's outpost cleared out."
  338. [7:47 PM] SwaDM: "Set up a little dining area right at the top for you two - and I can even handle the meal."
  339. [7:47 PM] SwaDM: "What do you think?"
  340. [7:47 PM] Kiran: "That would be-"
  341. [7:47 PM] Kiran: looks thoughtful.
  342. [7:48 PM] Kiran: "That would be incredibly generous of you. But I think I'd like to try cooking."
  343. [7:48 PM] SwaDM: "Hmm. I like it. Shows independence."
  344. [7:48 PM] Kiran: "I doubt it'll be as good as what you could make, but... yeah. Exactly."
  345. [7:49 PM] SwaDM: "Now what kind of food do you think she would like?"
  346. [7:52 PM] Kiran: "I have absolutely no idea."
  347. [7:52 PM] Kiran: "I doubt that the Kriendyh had much in the way of live food for... well, a very long time. So it's possible that she doesn't know what sorts of food she likes."
  348. [7:52 PM] SwaDM: "You could try something classic."
  349. [7:52 PM] Kiran: "Did she seem to gravitate toward anything in particular when you were cooking for us?"
  350. [7:53 PM] SwaDM: "Hmn..."
  351. [7:53 PM] SwaDM: "I have seen her eating meat - so ,she's an omnivore. Or at least her tastes are."
  352. [7:53 PM] SwaDM: "She appears to enjoy foods that are easier to eat - and solid."
  353. [7:53 PM] Kiran: shakes the bit of his brain that contains Knowledge (Nature)
  354. [7:53 PM] SwaDM: By all means, roll it.
  355. [7:54 PM] Kiran: This is me trying to determine whether Kiran would know that birds tend to eat fruit, but not vegetables, because they aren't naturally digging animals.
  356. [7:54 PM] Kiran: But sure!
  357. [7:54 PM] Kiran: 1d20+6
  358. [7:54 PM] Kiran: Oh, right
  359. [7:55 PM] Kiran: 20, evidently.
  360. [7:55 PM] SwaDM: He can figure that out, yeah. Something with fruit or meats? Perhaps both? Could he bake something with that?
  361. [7:56 PM] Kiran: "Well. Thinking about it, I've never seen birds eating vegetables, but I've seen birds eating fruit and seeds and meat."
  362. [7:56 PM] Kiran: "I've had at least one meat dish with fruit before. I bet I could work something out."
  363. [7:57 PM] SwaDM: "See? You're already piecing things together."
  364. [7:57 PM] SwaDM: "If you'd like, once we change shifts, I can extend the invitation to her."
  365. [7:57 PM] Kiran: "I may have previously accidentally agreed to come back at the end of her shift."
  366. [7:58 PM] Kiran: "And I'd like to do what I'd said I would. So I'll go and cook, and then run things over to the tower, and come back and get her when you relieve her."
  367. [7:59 PM] SwaDM: "Well, you're sounding confident already."
  368. [7:59 PM] Kiran: "I work better when I have a to do list."
  369. [8:00 PM] SwaDM: "I noticied. Well, I will at least head over towards Tharail and make the rest to free up the space for you - and yes, I will be handling that part - because trust me, I can get you the better spot that way."
  370. [8:00 PM] Kiran: laughs a little.
  371. [8:00 PM] Kiran: "Thank you."
  372. [8:01 PM] SwaDM: "Mhmm! Is there anything else I can do for you?"
  373. [8:01 PM] Kiran: "I have no idea. You've already helped more than you can imagine."
  374. [8:01 PM] SwaDM: "Well, setting up young couples is a part of my duties as an adherent to Swordfagian faith - so don't mention it!"
  375. [8:02 PM] SwaDM: Linda chuckles to herself, shooting a playful grin on over towards Kiran.
  376. [8:02 PM] Kiran: "Oh god, it is? No wonder Lous is constantly trying to do that."
  377. [8:02 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, it is."
  378. [8:02 PM] Kiran: takes a deep breath, then exhales.
  379. [8:02 PM] SwaDM: "I missed doing it, honestly! It's rather fun."
  380. [8:03 PM] Kiran: "I'm glad."
  381. [8:03 PM] Kiran: "Alright. I need to go cook. If you need anything, you know where to find me, right?"
  382. [8:03 PM] SwaDM: "Of course!"
  383. [8:04 PM] Kiran: gets to his feet - considers for a second, then sits back down and hugs Linda, before letting go and getting back up again.
  384. [8:04 PM] Kiran: "Okay. Here we go."
  385. [8:04 PM] SwaDM: And Kiran is most certainly huged back again.
  386. [8:04 PM] SwaDM: "Do have fun!"
  387. [8:04 PM] Kiran: "Thanks! I'll do my best."
  388. [8:04 PM] Kiran: exits.
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