

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. Name: Neema Gafhux, Title; Lord Vindictis
  2. Age: 26
  3. Race: Human
  4. Homeplanet: Ziost
  5. Afflictions: Unknown, Former; Sith Empire
  6. Current Occupation: Unknown, Former; Dark lord of the Sith.
  9. Born to two socialite Lords of the Sith on the planet Ziost, Neema Gafhux was like any gifted child, strong in the force, but just as naive. At a young age, her parents knew she would be destined for greatness, and had her sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban as soon as she came of age. Eager to learn and ready to take on whatever life had to throw at her, Neema succeeded in mostly everything she did, but as the years passed out, she almost completely forgot about everything she was born into, including her home planet and her parents, but that wasn't too much of a problem to her.
  11. As a teenager, she would mostly stay silent on her view and attitude towards things, and even when something was happening, but it wasn't an act of cowardliness, no. She simply prefer to listen and view the situation before considering getting involved, and it had saved her more time than not. It also saved her the trouble of having to deal with anyone, and gave her a lot more time to focus on her studies, and even led to her getting her crystals before anyone else in the academy.
  13. However, unlike any Sith for generations, Neema had acquired her crystals a very different and unique way, and if it wasn't for the great power in them accompanied by the tight lips of her mentor, she would of been killed for acquiring them in such a way. Sensing her two crystals, perfectly attuned for her and grown specifically for her, she made her way stealthy through the unknown regions to the icy planet of Hoth, and going behind enemies lines, with only the force and her wits about her, she managed to obtain the two crystals and escape back to Korriban.
  15. Upon arriving, she immediately went to her quarters, and began the lengthy process of creating her lightsabers, almost mimicking the Jedi way of doing so. After almost days of focusing and meditating on her crystals and items, she finally put her weapons together, and to her surprise, the moment she activated her sabers, they glowed a bright white light back at her, and illuminated the dark room around her.
  17. After acquiring her sabers and their unique colour, Neema kept them a secret from everyone but her mentor up until the day she had been promoted to a Sith lord, where she realized her life had really started. Not only had she been finally set free of her chains, but she had been giving a ship where she could explore anywhere in the universe, and access to a power network some Sith would dream to have. Which as helpful as it was, had cause more problems than it was worth in the long run.
  19. A few years and a promotion to Darth, Neema had been living a pretty lavish life, relishing in the fortune from her immense power network, she had nothing to fear, or so she thought. She always knew how the Sith were, and manipulating was one of her strong points, but like anyone with more power than they need, they get cocky and they fall.
  21. A day unlike any other, she was most casually returning to her apartment on the Sith Capital Dromund Kaas after a long mission. Entering her apartment as usual, she notices its awfully empty, and the guards she usually has on watch there are no where to be found. Anyone would see this as fishy, but to her, it was okay. Walking upstairs to her room, she makes it to the lobby before her room when she hears the click of a stealth generator, and before she knows it, she's surrounded in her own house at gunpoint by her own men.
  23. Swiftly, and with only the force to guard her in such a moment, she pulls out her lightsabers, and deflects any blaster fire aimed at her, before escaping through her apartment window, only to plummet several stories down only another residents balcony. Badly injured and unable to trust anyone anymore, she does what anyone would do. She flees.
  25. -
  27. Fleeing to the remote and fairly unused planet of Yavin IV, Neema finds being without power a lot harder than she anticipated, but she wasn't going to give up so easily, nor would she ever go back to the situation she was in. She couldn't believe in an empire so easy to betray on another, and so fragile that it's breaking from the inside, but she couldn't believe in the Republic either.
  29. Without options, Neema takes resident in a ancient and abandoned temple on Yavin iv, and begins rebuilding her life together, hoping to one day rise back to her former glory, or at least get revenge on those who betrayed her.
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