
rubocop planner

Jan 28th, 2021
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  1. PR sacar modelo TruckDriver porque no se usa
  3. .rubocop.yml: Metrics/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
  4. The following cops were added to RuboCop, but are not configured. Please set Enabled to either `true` or `false` in your `.rubocop.yml` file.
  7. Layout/BeginEndAlignment:
  8. Enabled: true
  9. Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor:
  10. Enabled: true
  11. Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator:
  12. Enabled: true
  13. Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands:
  14. Enabled: true
  15. Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock:
  16. Enabled: true
  17. Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant:
  18. Enabled: true
  19. Lint/DuplicateElsifCondition:
  20. Enabled: true
  21. Lint/DuplicateRequire:
  22. Enabled: true
  23. Lint/DuplicateRescueException:
  24. Enabled: true
  25. Lint/EmptyConditionalBody:
  26. Enabled: true
  27. Lint/EmptyFile:
  28. Enabled: true
  29. Lint/FloatComparison:
  30. Enabled: true
  31. Lint/IdentityComparison:
  32. Enabled: true
  33. Lint/MissingSuper:
  34. Enabled: true
  35. Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes:
  36. Enabled: true
  37. Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef:
  38. Enabled: true
  39. Lint/RaiseException:
  40. Enabled: true
  41. Lint/SelfAssignment:
  42. Enabled: true
  43. Lint/StructNewOverride:
  44. Enabled: true
  45. Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument:
  46. Enabled: true
  47. Lint/TrailingCommaInAttributeDeclaration:
  48. Enabled: true
  49. Lint/UnreachableLoop:
  50. Enabled: true
  51. Lint/UselessMethodDefinition:
  52. Enabled: true
  53. Lint/UselessTimes:
  54. Enabled: true
  55. Style/AccessorGrouping:
  56. Enabled: true
  57. Style/BisectedAttrAccessor:
  58. Enabled: true
  59. Style/CaseLikeIf:
  60. Enabled: true
  61. Style/CombinableLoops:
  62. Enabled: true
  63. Style/ExplicitBlockArgument:
  64. Enabled: true
  65. Style/ExponentialNotation:
  66. Enabled: true
  67. Style/GlobalStdStream:
  68. Enabled: true
  69. Style/HashAsLastArrayItem:
  70. Enabled: true
  71. Style/HashEachMethods:
  72. Enabled: true
  73. Style/HashLikeCase:
  74. Enabled: true
  75. Style/HashTransformKeys:
  76. Enabled: true
  77. Style/HashTransformValues:
  78. Enabled: true
  79. Style/KeywordParametersOrder:
  80. Enabled: true
  81. Style/OptionalBooleanParameter:
  82. Enabled: true
  83. Style/RedundantAssignment:
  84. Enabled: true
  85. Style/RedundantFetchBlock:
  86. Enabled: true
  87. Style/RedundantFileExtensionInRequire:
  88. Enabled: true
  89. Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass:
  90. Enabled: true
  91. Style/RedundantRegexpEscape:
  92. Enabled: true
  93. Style/RedundantSelfAssignment:
  94. Enabled: true
  95. Style/SingleArgumentDig:
  96. Enabled: true
  97. Style/SlicingWithRange:
  98. Enabled: true
  99. Style/SoleNestedConditional:
  100. Enabled: true
  101. Style/StringConcatenation:
  102. Enabled: true
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