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Mar 16th, 2010
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  1. [22:57] <@cweiske> Sound, http 404
  2. [22:57] <@till> helgi: i can pull up the channel.xml in my browser, but discover fails with 404
  3. [22:57] <@helgi> till: Same here
  4. [22:57] <Sound> helgi: I just tried multiple channels, including mediawiki and I always get that 404.
  5. [22:57] <@till> cweiske: ^^^^
  6. 01[22:57] <gregorycv> So really, we are already doing it right
  7. [22:57] <@helgi> I dont get it, I made it specifically work on his ZF channel and it was a damn breeze ugh!
  8. 02[22:58] * gregorycu (~bob@ Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  9. [22:58] <@helgi> gregorycv: In a way but still, you have a point - Which is why I wanted to expose the discussion with more people
  10. 01[22:58] <gregorycv> Alright, well, I will post this then
  11. [22:58] <Sound> maybe pear is doing a HTTP 1.0 request?   i.e. without the Host: header
  12. 01[22:58] <gregorycv> Basicially I'm unsure now
  13. [22:58] <@cweiske> Sound, can you capture your http traffic with wireshark?
  14. [22:59] <Sound> cweiske: never used it, can you give me some quick and dirty instructions?
  15. 03[22:59] * gregorycv is now known as gregorycu
  16. [22:59] <@cweiske> 1) install wireshark
  17. [22:59] <@cweiske> 2) run it
  18. 01[22:59] <gregorycu> dump it
  19. [22:59] <@cweiske> 3) do your pear channel-disvover
  20. [22:59] <@cweiske> 4) search for the http request
  21. 01[23:00] <gregorycu> I do suggest you shutdown as much network related applications here
  22. 01[23:00] <gregorycu> To get less noise
  23. [23:00] <@cweiske> btw, I can reproduce it
  24. [23:00] <Sound> yeah, fortunately I was building a new box so there's nothing happening on it now
  25. 01[23:01] <gregorycu> Good, then the amount of traffic should be low, you basically want to start capturing the moment before doing your stuff
  26. [23:01] <@cweiske> aha!
  27. [23:01] <Sound> oh, wireshark requires a GUI.  I'm working on a server via SSH
  28. 01[23:01] <gregorycu> And then stop it straight after
  29. [23:01] <@cweiske> pear adds :80 to the host
  30. [23:01] <@cweiske> Host:\r\n
  31. [23:01] <@cweiske> that's probably what makes it fail
  32. [23:01] <Sound> cweiske: sure!
  33. 06[23:02] * Sound apt-get remove wireshark
  34. [23:02] <@cweiske> Sound, try to discover
  35. [23:02] <Sound> cweiske: succeeded
  36. [23:02] <@cweiske> ok
  37. [23:02] <@cweiske> then google's servers bitch around
  38. [23:03] <@cweiske> Sound, clearly a bug in pear
  39. 03[23:03] * richyy ( has left #pear
  40. [23:03] <@cweiske> Sound, workaround:
  41. [23:03] <@cweiske> download the channel.xml file with wget
  42. [23:03] <@cweiske> and channel-add that file
  43. [23:03] <@cweiske> pear channel-add channel.xml
  44. [23:04] <Sound> oh nice, I was thinking about fixing the code but that seems reasonably easier ;)
  45. [23:04] <@helgi> cweiske: yeah it adds 80 for http unless you specifcy a port ya self :S
  46. [23:04] <@radagast> Sound: well, a patch would still be welcome ;-)
  47. [23:04] <@radagast> workarounds aren't bona fide fixes :D
  48. [23:05] <Sound> helgi: still, AFAIK the port number shouldn't be included in the Host header :)
  49. [23:05] <@till> get requests work against the file
  50. [23:05] <@helgi> I wonder why Google complains about that
  51. [23:05] <@till> -vvv doesn't do anything
  52. [23:05] <@till> so helpful
  53. [23:05] <@helgi> Sound: Is it in the host header??? Then that's a clear bug
  54. [23:05] <@cweiske> yep, it's in the host headre
  55. [23:05] <Sound> helgi: that's what cweiske just found
  56. [23:05] <@cweiske> Host:\r\n
  57. [23:05] <@helgi> :80 should be only on the visual output and for the fopen port call
  58. [23:06] <@helgi> Can someone lodge a bug report?
  59. [23:06] <@helgi> Looks like I have to stop working on Pyrus for a bit and get PEAR back in shape :P
  60. [23:06] <@cweiske> doing taht now
  61. [23:06] <@helgi> Thanks mate
  62. [23:06] <Sound> cweiske: thanks from me too ;)
  63. [23:07] <Sound> cweiske: your workaround seems not to be working
  64. [23:07] <@cweiske> what do you get
  65. [23:07] <Sound> cweiske: I get "No releases available for package """ when requesting pear install smarty/smarty
  66. [23:07] <@cweiske>
  67. [23:08] <Sound> maybe it's trying the download with the same bug in the HTTP request?
  68. [23:08] <@cweiske> yeah
  69. [23:08] <@cweiske> damn
  70. [23:08] <@cweiske> then do the following:
  71. [23:09] <@helgi> I can't fix this till Saturday I'm afraid
  72. [23:09] <@helgi> Tonight is out drinking in Dublin and tomorrow is Saint Patricks day and I'm in  ... Dublin :D
  73. [23:09] <@helgi> and Thursday evening is out drinking with clients :S
  74. [23:09] <@cweiske> Sound, pear install
  75. [23:09] <@cweiske> that works for me
  76. [23:09] <@radagast> helgi: I'll say a prayer for your liver :D
  77. [23:10] <Sound> cweiske: great, it worked flawlessly
  78. [23:10] <@helgi> radagast: I got a shouting at from a friend when I decided to relax last night and not drink
  79. [23:10] <Sound> cweiske: thank you very much
  80. [23:10] <@radagast> helgi: what are you doing Sat?
  81. [23:10] <@helgi> radagast: Being in London
  82. [23:10] <@radagast> arse
  83. [23:10] <@helgi> Yeah :S
  84. [23:10] <@radagast> we're heading up to Dub on Sat morning
  85. [23:10] <@helgi> radagast: I'm back for Funconf
  86. [23:10] <@helgi> End of April it is
  87. 03[23:10] * PEARgirl changes topic to ' | just ask your question | please use a pastebin for long lines of text, eg | 564 open bugs (1.03 bugs/package)'
  88. 06[23:11] * Sound found great and quick support in this channel
  89. 01[23:12] <gregorycu> You are lucky :)
  90. 01[23:12] <gregorycu> Help doesn't often come so quickly
  91. 01[23:12] <gregorycu> I'm writing up that email to the newsgroups
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