
average #terraria spriting conversation

May 18th, 2013
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  1. <Scizor300> i wish terraria's player sprites weren't so small and hard to work with
  2. <Scizor300> i'd totally make sprites for some npcs
  3. <Sir_Patrick> Just resize them...
  4. <Scizor300> well
  5. <Scizor300> the issue with that is that a) different sprite resolutions in a game would clash too hard
  6. <Scizor300> and b) resizing doesn't solve the initial problem
  7. <Sir_Patrick> Resize it by about 300% in paint or
  8. <Sir_Patrick> once you're done
  9. <Sir_Patrick> just resize it to its original size
  10. <Sir_Patrick> It's kind of a dumb sorta method
  11. <Sir_Patrick> but itw orks.
  12. <Sir_Patrick> *but it works.
  13. <Scizor300> i'd rather not lose a good chunk of quality by resizing a sprite i made at three times the resolution
  14. <Sir_Patrick> That's because you gotta sprite it...uh,
  15. <Sir_Patrick> crap
  16. <Sir_Patrick> what is a good example...
  17. <Sir_Patrick> Just try and find a basis for a sprite, resize it
  18. <Sir_Patrick> then put the detail into it
  19. <Sir_Patrick> then de-size it
  20. <Sir_Patrick> Don't put small details into it, that kills the charm of Terraria.
  21. <Sir_Patrick> I'm gonna have to make a spriting tutorial some day...
  22. <Scizor300> well
  23. <Scizor300> i'd rather just wait until red eventually starts conceptualizing for terraria 2 or something
  24. <Scizor300> that way i could try pushing for a more refined and detailed spriting style
  25. <Scizor300> as opposed to small sprites blown up to be twice as large
  26. <Phlebas> eh, there's never enough pixels.
  27. <Scizor300> well
  28. <Scizor300> it's not that
  29. <Scizor300> it's just that terraria's sprite style leaves so little room for complexity there's not a whole lot you can do regarding player sprites
  30. <Scizor300> it's more difficult to do walk cycles, attack animations, etc. than it would be for something larger
  31. <Sir_Patrick> That's why bases exist.
  32. <Sir_Patrick> Just try and copy the walking animations from existing sprites.
  33. <Sir_Patrick> It helps make the sprites look more professional.
  34. <Scizor300> no, not that
  35. <Scizor300> it's more of making ones from scratch, not copying
  36. <Phlebas> it's not a bad size for animations, every pixel means something.
  37. <Sir_Patrick> Terraria captures a simple, pixelated form, sorta akin to the SNES, or Genesis
  38. <Sir_Patrick> It just doesn't follow the sprite color limit.
  40. <Sir_Patrick> I got a few examples of original sprites I scratched up myself...
  41. <Scizor300> i've done quite a few sprites myself, so it's not like i'm not new to what i do or anything
  42. <Sir_Patrick>
  43. <Sir_Patrick> It's not erally that impressive
  44. <Sir_Patrick> But I like how it's simplistic.
  45. <Sir_Patrick> But for some odd reason, I wanna redo it but base it off of a certain TF2 weapon...
  46. <Sir_Patrick>
  47. <Scizor300>
  48. <Sir_Patrick> That's actually really cool, I like the pallete.
  49. <Scizor300>
  50. <Scizor300> here you know what
  51. <Scizor300>
  52. <Scizor300> just look at this and i'll also look for the texture pack for minecraft i've been working on
  53. <Scizor300>
  54. <Sir_Patrick> Jesus
  55. <Sir_Patrick> christ
  56. <Scizor300> yeah
  57. <Sir_Patrick> Good sir, you are a better spriter than me :V
  58. <Scizor300> three or four years of practice does that
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