
Endtown RPG Session #3

Sep 15th, 2015
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  1. *NOTE* At the end of the session, when the log was taken, half of the session wasn't included, so apologies for the sudden jump in the session. In summary, the group returns to Gray's shop to rest and recover. Gray makes himself a shield and makes a revolver into a grappling gun. Later, a bird armed with a hunting rifle named Kieth and a rabbit bouncer called Martin Baron enter the shop to buy supplies. (Snapper wasn't here during the session until halfway through) They talk about the violence on the streets and convince the two to help clean it up. Everyone except Snapper leaves to go do recon at a plaza. There, was a dog and a bull trading something, and then the bull goes under the bridge and comes back up. Kieth and DJ are on the roofs looking down at Bronco and Dawg while Martin and Gray are on the ground level. Eventually, they identify the bull as Bronco, but were noticed by the Bronco and Dawg and engage in combat. DJ-Max directly hits Bronco with the grappling hook after he charged towards Gray, who blocks the attack while Martin attacks him in the ribs with the wooden table leg he gotten from Gray at the shop. The half ends with Kieth trying to hit Bronco in the head with his rifle.
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  4. Status #EndtownRPGX
  5. #EndtownRPG: (no topic set)
  6. [17:07] <DM_Online> Mostly because of the gunshots.
  7. [17:07] <DM_Online> Dawg's turn!
  8. [17:07] <Kieth> But no ones fired a shot yet, have they?
  9. [17:07] <DM_Online> Dawg fires a round up at Kieth!
  10. [17:07] <DM_Online> he has a +10 skill to pistol
  11. [17:08] <Kieth> Uh oh!
  12. [17:08] <DM_Online> .d 1d100
  13. [17:08] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 100 [39%] :: Results [39] ::
  14. [17:08] <DM_Online> +10
  15. [17:08] <DM_Online> Scant hit.
  16. [17:08] <DM_Online> damage:
  17. [17:09] <DM_Online> .d 2d10+20
  18. [17:09] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 40 [97%] :: Results [10, 9] ::
  19. [17:09] <DM_Online> 39!
  20. [17:09] <Kieth> OW
  21. [17:09] <DM_Online> Dawg then takes cover behind a lampost (-30 to hit)
  22. [17:10] <DM_Online> Keith, your turn!
  23. [17:11] <Kieth> Okay, I aim my scope onto the Bull guy and take a shot at his head
  24. [17:11] <DM_Online> (Rapid fire rules are going in tomorrow. I wanted to test range combat at its basics today.)
  25. [17:11] <DM_Online> (I should note that he has cattle skull trait.)
  26. [17:11] <DM_Online> Pop and stop!
  27. [17:12] <Kieth> Does that mean I can't headshot?
  28. [17:12] <DM_Online> It means that he has 180hp for a head
  29. [17:12] <MartinBaron> No, his head health is equal to his total health
  30. [17:12] <Kieth> Ok, I'll try and aim for his torso then, as it's already been weakened
  31. [17:12] <DM_Online> That has armor.
  32. [17:13] <Kieth> You aren't making this easy, are you?
  33. [17:13] <DM_Online> Of course not! He's a toughee!
  34. [17:13] <DM_Online> Gotta throw some challenge at you guys
  35. [17:13] <Kieth> Fine, back to the head, then, final answere
  36. [17:13] <DM_Online> (Dun dun duuuun!)
  37. [17:13] <DM_Online> Shoot!
  38. [17:14] <Kieth> .d 1d100
  39. [17:14] <Internets> :: Total 6 / 100 [6%] :: Results [6] ::
  40. [17:14] <DM_Online> plus skill?
  41. [17:14] <Kieth> I think I get 10 bonus from my rifle skill
  42. [17:14] <DM_Online> plus 5 actually but still.
  43. [17:14] <Kieth> so that should still work, right?
  44. [17:14] <DM_Online> You have another shot.
  45. [17:15] <Kieth> and I take it
  46. [17:15] <DM_Online> Nope 40<
  47. [17:15] <Kieth> .d 1d100
  48. [17:15] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 100 [10%] :: Results [10] ::
  49. [17:15] <DM_Online> Fwip fwip, the bullets fly just past him and blow up the sidewalk.
  50. [17:16] <DM_Online> People have gone from run to paniced sprint
  51. [17:16] <DM_Online> (Police will arrive in 4 turns.)
  52. [17:16] <DM_Online> (maybe)
  53. [17:16] <BeaverGray> (police or rats?)
  54. [17:16] <Kieth> dang, I thought it was rolling below 40
  55. [17:16] <BeaverGray> (who knows)
  56. [17:17] <DM_Online> Turn 2!
  57. [17:17] <DM_Online> Gray! Go!
  58. [17:17] <BeaverGray> How does the bull look?
  59. [17:17] <BeaverGray> damage wise
  60. [17:18] <DM_Online> His jacket is abit damaged.
  61. [17:18] <DM_Online> He seems angry.
  62. [17:18] <DM_Online> "Drag you to hell" angry
  63. [17:19] <BeaverGray> I'll swing at him with my club and yell to my friends, "We need to figure something out, he aint goin down!"
  64. [17:19] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  65. [17:19] <Internets> :: Total 61 / 100 [61%] :: Results [61] ::
  66. [17:19] <DM_Online> Hit,
  67. [17:19] <DM_Online> He's going to block
  68. [17:19] <BeaverGray> so just damage now?
  69. [17:20] <DM_Online> Simply add your strength*5 to the roll
  70. [17:20] <DM_Online> yeah
  71. [17:20] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+50
  72. [17:20] <Internets> :: Total 124 / 150 [82%] :: Results [74] ::
  73. [17:20] <BeaverGray> wait, which roll
  74. [17:20] <DM_Online> You rolled 61 to hit.
  75. [17:21] <DM_Online> This is also a test for the blocking mechanic.
  76. [17:21] <BeaverGray> my "strength power" is 20
  77. [17:21] <DM_Online> So 81
  78. [17:21] <BeaverGray> neat
  79. [17:21] <DM_Online> Now roll damage, he'll take it in the arms.
  80. [17:21] <BeaverGray> .d 2d10
  81. [17:21] <Internets> :: Total 7 / 20 [35%] :: Results [6, 1] ::
  82. [17:21] <BeaverGray> +14 = 21
  83. [17:22] <DM_Online> Thwap.
  84. [17:22] * BeaverGray bomps the angry thug
  85. [17:22] <DM_Online> This is important since you can use the blocking mechanic with the shield.
  86. [17:22] <BeaverGray> yeah ill end my turn and keep my action
  87. [17:23] <DM_Online> Blocking:"Instead of taking an attack directly you put up a limb to absorb the blow. By blocking the damage from a blow is assigned to a select limb instead of your main body. After blocking the player may continue to perform an action. Instead of using speed*, the attacker and defender roll on strength*5. This form of defense is complicated so have your limb hp ready when gaming starts If the attacker wins when blocking then full damage goes to limb and half dama
  88. [17:24] <DM_Online> Broncos turn turn!
  89. [17:24] <BeaverGray> aw fug, how do you do limb damage
  90. [17:24] <MartinBaron> Man, he's so OP even his turn has a turn.
  91. [17:25] <BeaverGray> or I guess my shield would be the limb, right
  92. [17:25] <Kieth> He is become turn, destroyer of worlds
  93. [17:25] <DM_Online> it's his base damage -20
  94. [17:25] <DM_Online> sorry, -40
  95. [17:26] <DM_Online> Sorry, -10. Oi, Gettin mixed up.
  96. [17:26] <DM_Online> Further, targeting limbs is -10, head -15 to hit.
  97. [17:26] <DM_Online> Right right.
  98. [17:27] <DM_Online> Bronco is going to attack DJ
  99. [17:27] <DM_Online> Regular punch.
  100. [17:27] <DM_Online> (He has brass knuckles though.)
  101. [17:28] <MartinBaron> He didn't pull him down yet though.
  102. [17:28] <DM_Online> Thank you for reminding me.
  103. [17:28] <DM_Online> Right, got mixed up again.
  104. [17:29] <DM_Online> DJ! He's going to yank on the rope to pull you down.
  105. [17:29] <DM_Online> Strength contest, I'd say.
  106. [17:29] <DJ_Max> OKAY
  107. [17:30] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  108. [17:30] <Internets> :: Total 59 / 100 [59%] :: Results [59] ::
  109. [17:30] <DM_Online> .d1d100
  110. [17:30] <DM_Online> .d 1d100
  111. [17:30] <Internets> :: Total 59 / 100 [59%] :: Results [59] ::
  112. [17:30] <DJ_Max> OH MAN.
  113. [17:30] <DM_Online> His strength: 10 (+50)
  114. [17:30] <Kieth> A TRULY WORTHY ADVERSARY
  115. [17:30] <DJ_Max> DJ's Strength: 4 (+20)
  116. [17:30] <Kieth> Oh
  117. [17:30] <DM_Online> ( Falling After 10 feet (4m), take 2d10 per height of your character. GM discretion considering damage on what characters fall on.)
  118. [17:30] <BeaverGray> dang
  119. [17:31] <DM_Online> So let's say it's 7d10
  120. [17:31] <DM_Online> For three stories.
  121. [17:31] <Kieth> Now you need to roll for luck to see if you landed on a matress, or something
  122. [17:31] <DJ_Max> By chance...could I roll acrobatics to soften the fall...or like grab onto an open window?
  123. [17:31] <DM_Online> Roll tumbling.
  124. [17:31] <BeaverGray> Is it possible for me to tumble using my free action so he can land on me
  125. [17:32] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  126. [17:32] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 100 [53%] :: Results [53] ::
  127. [17:32] <DJ_Max> I have an acrobactics of think I made it.
  128. [17:32] <DM_Online> so deduct 2d10 from the damage
  129. [17:33] <DM_Online> Sound fair?
  130. [17:33] <DJ_Max> Sounds good.
  131. [17:33] <DJ_Max> .d 5d10
  132. [17:33] <Internets> :: Total 18 / 50 [36%] :: Results [3, 4, 1, 2, 8] ::
  133. [17:33] <DM_Online> Nice, 18 damage.
  134. [17:33] <Kieth> Nice tumbling, m8
  135. [17:33] <DM_Online> Rabbits bounce, apparently.
  136. [17:33] * DJ_Max goes "GYAAAAAH" and does a bit of a roll. Ths Rat coughing a bit. "I'm okay!"
  137. [17:34] <MartinBaron> But he's a rat.
  138. [17:34] <DM_Online> (Safe fall, that's now on the list.)
  139. [17:34] <DM_Online> Rats bounce, apperantly
  140. [17:34] <MartinBaron> Radical.
  141. [17:34] <Kieth> RATical.
  142. [17:34] <DM_Online> Bronco is ending turn.
  143. [17:34] <Kieth> (budum-tishhh)
  144. [17:35] <DM_Online> DJ! Your turn
  145. [17:36] * DJ_Max shakes his head a bit. He just fell a few stories and lived, so, kudos to him, but battle is still on... He'll move to face the Bronco!...And give a kick to their leg!
  146. [17:36] <DM_Online> He'll parry
  147. [17:37] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  148. [17:37] <Internets> :: Total 51 / 100 [51%] :: Results [51] ::
  149. [17:37] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+30
  150. [17:37] <Internets> :: Total 129 / 130 [99%] :: Results [99] ::
  151. [17:37] <DM_Online> Add your speed
  152. [17:37] <DJ_Max> 86
  153. [17:38] <DM_Online> We swats away that attack.
  154. [17:38] <DM_Online> (He doesn't have any actions left)
  155. [17:38] * DJ_Max gets blocked. He ends his turn.
  156. [17:39] <Kieth> Finally, maybe I can actually get a shot off on him, now
  157. [17:39] <DM_Online> Martin's turn!
  158. [17:40] * MartinBaron moves towards Bronco to attack the side of his ribs twice.
  159. [17:40] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  160. [17:40] <Internets> :: Total 81 / 100 [81%] :: Results [81] ::
  161. [17:40] <DM_Online> hit
  162. [17:41] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+23
  163. [17:41] <Internets> :: Total 26 / 33 [78%] :: Results [3] ::
  164. [17:41] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  165. [17:41] <Internets> :: Total 100 / 100 [100%] :: Results [100] ::
  166. [17:41] <DM_Online> Crit!
  167. [17:41] <BeaverGray> pawnch
  168. [17:41] <DM_Online> Roll and double
  169. [17:41] <MartinBaron> (All da crits, bby)
  170. [17:41] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+23
  171. [17:41] <Internets> :: Total 25 / 33 [75%] :: Results [2] ::
  172. [17:42] <MartinBaron> Roll again or just double that one's damage?
  173. [17:42] <DM_Online> In a big swing you rip off his armor and sink the flesh beneath.
  174. [17:42] <DM_Online> double one's damage
  175. [17:43] <MartinBaron> Don't have any more moves, so I'll end my turn.
  176. [17:43] <DM_Online> He huffs. He is now Advanced Angry
  177. [17:43] <DM_Online> Dawg's Turn.
  178. [17:43] <MartinBaron> (49 + 26 + 50 on his torso)
  179. [17:44] <MartinBaron> (125)
  180. [17:44] <DM_Online> One hit was a crit
  181. [17:44] <MartinBaron> Yeah, the last one was 25 so I put it in as 50
  182. [17:45] <MartinBaron> That was the attack that critted
  183. [17:45] <DM_Online> So what's the 49?
  184. [17:45] <MartinBaron> That was the last turns total damage
  185. [17:45] <DM_Online> Right!
  186. [17:46] <DM_Online> oh yeah, its right here.
  187. [17:46] <Kieth> Is bull kill? That's a lot of damage.
  188. [17:46] <DM_Online> No.
  189. [17:46] <Kieth> Ok
  190. [17:46] <DM_Online> Bovine's get a bonus and he was wearing studded leather.
  191. [17:47] <DM_Online> So he's about halfway.
  192. [17:47] <DM_Online> So dawg's turn.
  193. [17:48] <DM_Online> He shouts something at the bridge and then pops a shot at Kieth.
  194. [17:48] <Kieth> Again?
  195. [17:48] <Kieth> Huiyuiyui
  196. [17:48] <DM_Online> Well he can't fire on the crowd. Might hit his pal.
  197. [17:49] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+10
  198. [17:49] <Internets> :: Total 30 / 110 [27%] :: Results [20] ::
  199. [17:49] <DM_Online> Zip!
  200. [17:49] <DM_Online> And that's his turn
  201. [17:49] <DM_Online> Keeeeith!
  202. [17:49] <DM_Online> Your turn!
  203. [17:50] <Kieth> So, I'm staying aimed at Bull Man, that increases my chance of hitting him, right?
  204. [17:50] <DM_Online> (You can declare that you're taking cover for an action. -30 to be hit.)
  205. [17:50] <DM_Online> You declare you're aiming and you spend an action doing so.
  206. [17:50] <Kieth> (But cover breaks my aim, I want to be able to actually hit this guy)
  207. [17:50] <DM_Online> You gain +5 per action spent.
  208. [17:50] <DM_Online> Risk and reward!
  209. [17:51] <DM_Online> (Not to sound like a jerk about it.)
  210. [17:51] <Kieth> I thought the rules said that if I stayed aimed at one target between turns I get a higher chance of hitting him
  211. [17:51] <Kieth> Either way, I stay aimed at Bullman and shoot for his head
  212. [17:51] <Kieth> .d 1d100
  213. [17:51] <Internets> :: Total 29 / 100 [29%] :: Results [29] ::
  214. [17:51] <DM_Online> Sorry -15 penalty for cover
  215. [17:52] <DM_Online> so 5+5?
  216. [17:52] <Kieth> Rules say each turn reduces the number I have to hit by 5
  217. [17:53] <DM_Online> Yes, so 5(aim)+5(skill)
  218. [17:53] <DM_Online> Anyway, a miss by a very, very narrow margin.
  219. [17:53] <Kieth> and another 5(aim turn 2), if the rules are to be believed
  220. [17:54] <DM_Online> Well, okay, fine.
  221. [17:54] <DM_Online> So 44, roll damage.
  222. [17:54] <Kieth> .d 3d10+30
  223. [17:54] <Internets> :: Total 54 / 60 [90%] :: Results [9, 9, 6] ::
  224. [17:55] <DM_Online> Yeow. The bullet smashes into his skull. remarkably, he has a very hard skull.
  225. [17:56] <Kieth> At least I contributed something this turn
  226. [17:56] * BeaverGray ducks under his shield, avoiding bits a skull
  227. [17:56] <DM_Online> Well, that really could have killed him.
  228. [17:56] <Kieth> I'll shoot for his torso. Now that he doesn't have his armor, anymore.
  229. [17:56] <Kieth> .d 1d100
  230. [17:56] <Internets> :: Total 37 / 100 [37%] :: Results [37] ::
  231. [17:56] <DM_Online> Right, speed 7
  232. [17:57] <DM_Online> +5
  233. [17:57] <DM_Online> So hit.
  234. [17:57] <Kieth> Noice
  235. [17:57] <Kieth> .d 3d10+30
  236. [17:57] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 60 [76%] :: Results [3, 6, 7] ::
  237. [17:57] <DM_Online> Thwack.
  238. [17:57] <DM_Online> He's still stands but man is he looking bad.
  239. [17:58] <Kieth> And there goes my turn
  240. [17:58] <DM_Online> (We'll do targeting penalties next game.)
  241. [17:58] <DM_Online> Something splashes in the water...
  242. [17:59] <DM_Online> A bullet hits a brick wall right next to the curfluffle!
  243. [17:59] <BeaverGray> perception?
  244. [17:59] <DM_Online> Roll perception!
  245. [17:59] <Kieth> (They mentioned a fish before, didn't they? I don't think Bull and Dawg are our only oponents)
  246. [17:59] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  247. [17:59] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 100 [13%] :: Results [13] ::
  248. [17:59] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  249. [17:59] <Internets> :: Total 57 / 100 [57%] :: Results [57] ::
  250. [17:59] <Kieth> .d 1d100
  251. [17:59] <Internets> :: Total 15 / 100 [15%] :: Results [15] ::
  252. [17:59] <BeaverGray> what do we add for perception?
  253. [18:00] <DM_Online> mind *5
  254. [18:00] <DM_Online> You can add it to the roll input
  255. [18:00] <BeaverGray> 87 booii
  256. [18:00] <MartinBaron> 28. I don't see jack
  257. [18:00] <DM_Online> Target is 50
  258. [18:01] <Kieth> 35, I've got nothing
  259. [18:01] <DM_Online> You see it in the river... A salmon, with an assault rifle!
  260. [18:01] <BeaverGray> u wot m8
  261. [18:01] <DM_Online> Such is life in endtown
  262. [18:01] <Kieth> Hey! I'M the rifle guy!
  263. [18:01] <Kieth> This guy is toast!
  264. [18:01] <Kieth> Or should I say, chips? (fish and chips? get it?)
  265. [18:02] <DM_Online> Turn 3!
  266. [18:02] <DM_Online> Gray!
  267. [18:02] * BeaverGray points to some ripples in the water "There! Theres a fucking fish with a gun!"
  268. [18:02] <DM_Online> -1d10 mind damage
  269. [18:02] <DM_Online> (Joking)
  270. [18:02] <Kieth> How many turn until the popo?
  271. [18:02] <DM_Online> 1 to 3 turns
  272. [18:02] <BeaverGray> I take a couple swings
  273. [18:03] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  274. [18:03] <Internets> :: Total 54 / 100 [54%] :: Results [54] ::
  275. [18:03] <MartinBaron> (Can I talk or just during my turn?)
  276. [18:03] <DM_Online> Sure, why not?
  277. [18:03] <DM_Online> GM discretion
  278. [18:03] <DM_Online> Bronco parries
  279. [18:04] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+30
  280. [18:04] <Internets> :: Total 88 / 130 [67%] :: Results [58] ::
  281. [18:04] <BeaverGray> oh shoot
  282. [18:04] <BeaverGray> my str
  283. [18:04] * MartinBaron yells to his comrades, "Guys! We may need to bust! I don't like how this is turning out!"
  284. [18:04] <BeaverGray> wait
  285. [18:04] <BeaverGray> I add str x 5 right?
  286. [18:04] <DM_Online> Your speed
  287. [18:05] <DM_Online> He's parrying.
  288. [18:05] <BeaverGray> oh I see
  289. [18:05] <Kieth> Is the fish guy on the water's surface? Can I aim at him?
  290. [18:05] <BeaverGray> so 6 x 5?
  291. [18:05] <DM_Online> Yes, and yes
  292. [18:05] <BeaverGray> pow
  293. [18:05] <DM_Online> So damage
  294. [18:06] <BeaverGray> .d 1d10+17
  295. [18:06] <Internets> :: Total 23 / 27 [85%] :: Results [6] ::
  296. [18:06] <DM_Online> (Blocking is supposed to be an alternative defense for hi str low spd characters)
  297. [18:06] <DM_Online> (In a pervious version it was a free action)
  298. [18:07] <DM_Online> You lay into him. You are certain that hurt.
  299. [18:07] <BeaverGray> okay here I go again
  300. [18:07] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  301. [18:07] <Internets> :: Total 71 / 130 [54%] :: Results [41] ::
  302. [18:07] <DM_Online> He'll take it.
  303. [18:08] * BeaverGray slams his scrapyard excalibur against the bovine
  304. [18:08] <DM_Online> Aargh!
  305. [18:08] <DM_Online> damage
  306. [18:08] <Kieth> Did Bull turn into a pirate?
  307. [18:08] <BeaverGray> "Try using the hook to drag him into the water! Work together!"
  308. [18:09] <BeaverGray> .d 1d10+17
  309. [18:09] <Internets> :: Total 18 / 27 [66%] :: Results [1] ::
  310. [18:09] <BeaverGray> haw
  311. [18:09] <Kieth> "Try to take our that dog! I'm not a fan of being under fire for so long!"
  312. [18:10] <DM_Online> End turn?
  313. [18:10] <BeaverGray> yep
  314. [18:10] <DM_Online> Brongo!
  315. [18:11] <DM_Online> He's going to try to gore Martin!
  316. [18:11] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+30
  317. [18:11] <Internets> :: Total 47 / 130 [36%] :: Results [17] ::
  318. [18:12] <DM_Online> So, roll if you're going to defend
  319. [18:12] <MartinBaron> Oh crud, forgot this was a new turn.
  320. [18:13] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  321. [18:13] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 100 [43%] :: Results [43] ::
  322. [18:13] <DM_Online> And...?
  323. [18:13] <MartinBaron> The speed bonus to melee attack + defend works into this, right?
  324. [18:13] <DM_Online> Yes
  325. [18:13] <MartinBaron> That's 45 + 47 then
  326. [18:14] <DM_Online> There you go.
  327. [18:14] <MartinBaron> So 92
  328. [18:14] <DM_Online> So you have parried his strike.
  329. [18:14] <BeaverGray> nice
  330. [18:14] <DM_Online> And that's Brog's turn
  331. [18:15] <DM_Online> DJ! Turn!
  332. [18:17] <DM_Online> Okay to pass on you DJ?
  333. [18:17] * DJ_Max is gonna try and take this Bull down. He'll go all out! A punch....A dropkick (That he'll try to Acrobat into not spending to actions.) and a third hit that would be a kick!
  334. [18:17] <MartinBaron> Think he might've taken a piss break
  335. [18:18] <DM_Online> HE RETURNS FOR VENGENCE
  336. [18:18] <DM_Online> Let's be fun.
  337. [18:18] <DM_Online> roll 3d100
  338. [18:18] * DJ_Max typed slow.
  339. [18:18] <DJ_Max> .d 3d100
  340. [18:18] <Internets> :: Total 125 / 300 [41%] :: Results [14, 16, 95] ::
  341. [18:18] <Kieth> In his prime, DJ was a professional wrestler!
  342. [18:19] <DM_Online> +35
  343. [18:19] <DJ_Max> That is actually plausible. And yes +35
  344. [18:19] <DM_Online> So hits all round! ORA ORA ORA
  345. [18:19] <DM_Online> Roll punch!
  346. [18:19] <DM_Online> .d 5+1d10+8
  347. [18:19] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  348. [18:19] <DJ_Max> .d 1d10+5
  349. [18:19] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 15 [86%] :: Results [8] ::
  350. [18:20] <DM_Online> 21
  351. [18:20] <DJ_Max> +8 for STRENGTH BONUS
  352. [18:20] <DJ_Max> Yes, 21.
  353. [18:20] <DM_Online> Next
  354. [18:20] <DJ_Max> Dropkick
  355. [18:20] <DM_Online> .d 10+2d10
  356. [18:20] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  357. [18:20] <DM_Online> .d 2d10+10+8
  358. [18:20] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  359. [18:20] <DJ_Max> .d 2d10+10
  360. [18:20] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 30 [63%] :: Results [6, 3] ::
  361. [18:21] <DJ_Max> 27.
  362. [18:21] <DM_Online> 27
  363. [18:21] <Kieth> 27
  364. [18:21] <BeaverGray> 27
  365. [18:21] <DM_Online> A dropkick is technically a double action.
  366. [18:22] <DJ_Max> But Acrobatics can make it a single action.
  367. [18:22] <DM_Online> But whatevs
  368. [18:22] <DJ_Max> >Which I will now roll.
  369. [18:22] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  370. [18:22] <Internets> :: Total 29 / 100 [29%] :: Results [29] ::
  371. [18:22] <DM_Online> Okay, I see what you meant.
  372. [18:22] <DM_Online> Good enough! kick damage!
  373. [18:23] <DJ_Max> .d 1d10+8
  374. [18:23] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 18 [55%] :: Results [2] ::
  375. [18:23] <DJ_Max> 18.
  376. [18:23] <DM_Online> Alright, he's dropped to the ground.
  377. [18:24] <BeaverGray> woo
  378. [18:24] <MartinBaron> So the bovine is properly tenderized
  379. [18:24] * DJ_Max proceeds to to go. "Hey Hey HEY" after that last kick...
  380. [18:24] * DJ_Max may be celebrating to early.
  381. [18:24] <DM_Online> (HA!
  382. [18:24] <BeaverGray> "Fish!"
  383. [18:24] <DM_Online> Alright, now to ruin it abit.
  384. [18:24] <MartinBaron> "And dog!"
  385. [18:25] <DM_Online> I've got to go eat for afew minutes.
  386. [18:25] <DM_Online> But I want to finish this.
  387. [18:25] <Kieth> "And they're shooting at me! Could you kindly get them to stop?!"
  388. [18:25] <DM_Online> Reconvine in twenty minutes?
  389. [18:25] <BeaverGray> yes
  390. [18:25] <DM_Online> *Reconvene
  391. [18:25] <Kieth> I gotta go for the night, actually
  392. [18:26] <DM_Online> You guys are fantastic players btw.
  393. [18:26] <Kieth> Thanks
  394. [18:26] <BeaverGray> no way
  395. [18:26] <DM_Online> Alright. Maybe we should book mark it here then.
  396. [18:26] <DJ_Max> Hehe, thank you kindly.
  397. [18:26] <DM_Online> Nah, twenty minutes, see you guys then.
  398. [18:26] <MartinBaron> I thought I was just doing decently. Thanks.
  399. [18:26] <MartinBaron> Alright, gonna watch some Payday 2 videos while I wait.
  400. [18:26] <Kieth> Same time next week, m8s?
  401. [18:27] <MartinBaron> Looks that way.
  402. [18:28] == moglog [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  403. [18:30] == Kieth [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  404. [18:46] <DM_Online> I return!
  405. [18:47] <DM_Online> Crude, who's still here?
  406. [18:47] <MartinBaron> I'm still here
  407. [18:47] * DJ_Max is here
  408. [18:47] <DM_Online> Great!
  409. [18:47] <BeaverGray> heyo
  410. [18:47] <DM_Online> Cool!
  411. [18:47] <MartinBaron> Everyone cept Kieth
  412. [18:47] <DM_Online> He will be missed
  413. [18:48] <DM_Online> as in, I'll roll badly
  414. [18:48] <MartinBaron> Haha
  415. [18:48] <DM_Online> Points to Martin for getting the joke
  416. [18:49] <DM_Online> Alright, Let's start.
  417. [18:49] <DM_Online> Reroll intiative
  418. [18:49] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  419. [18:49] <Internets> :: Total 64 / 100 [64%] :: Results [64] ::
  420. [18:49] <DM_Online> .d 2d100
  421. [18:49] <Internets> :: Total 80 / 200 [40%] :: Results [59, 21] ::
  422. [18:49] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  423. [18:49] <Internets> :: Total 63 / 130 [48%] :: Results [33] ::
  424. [18:49] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  425. [18:49] <Internets> :: Total 1 / 100 [1%] :: Results [1] ::
  426. [18:49] <MartinBaron> Plus Mind * 5, right?
  427. [18:49] <DJ_Max> AMAZING.
  428. [18:49] <MartinBaron> Damn son
  429. [18:50] <DM_Online> yes
  430. [18:50] <DJ_Max> 21 all the same.
  431. [18:50] <MartinBaron> 79, ok
  432. [18:51] <MartinBaron> So my turn or do the others get initiative first?
  433. [18:51] <DM_Online> You are third
  434. [18:51] <DM_Online> Gray is first with 93
  435. [18:52] <DM_Online> Gray, GO!
  436. [18:52] <BeaverGray> Whats the satus of our Bull?
  437. [18:52] <DM_Online> Borderline unconscious, prone
  438. [18:52] <BeaverGray> okay, can I do a shield charge against dog?
  439. [18:53] <DM_Online> Sure, it would take you two turns to do it.
  440. [18:53] <DM_Online> Wait, shield charge, sure
  441. [18:53] <DM_Online> Two actions.
  442. [18:53] <BeaverGray> Okay, i spend my first turn moving forward and holding my shield up
  443. [18:54] <BeaverGray> "DJ!, real in the fish!"
  444. [18:54] <MartinBaron> Where would the fish be located when he moves up? On his side?
  445. [18:54] <BeaverGray> reel*
  446. [18:54] <DM_Online> Behind the dog by twenty feet
  447. [18:54] <DM_Online> So both are in front of him.
  448. [18:55] <MartinBaron> Ok, that's good.
  449. [18:55] <DM_Online> Turn?
  450. [18:55] <BeaverGray> oh sorry, I am done
  451. [18:56] <DM_Online> Dawg turn!
  452. [18:56] <DM_Online> He's popping caps as you approach, gray
  453. [18:56] * BeaverGray braces himself
  454. [18:56] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+10
  455. [18:56] <Internets> :: Total 80 / 110 [72%] :: Results [70] ::
  456. [18:56] <DM_Online> hit
  457. [18:56] <DM_Online> .d 2d10+20
  458. [18:57] <Internets> :: Total 37 / 40 [92%] :: Results [7, 10] ::
  459. [18:57] <DM_Online> 37!
  460. [18:57] <DM_Online> To the shield,
  461. [18:57] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+10
  462. [18:57] <Internets> :: Total 54 / 110 [49%] :: Results [44] ::
  463. [18:57] * DJ_Max on his turn goes "Got it." ...when that comes around.
  464. [18:57] <DM_Online> hit
  465. [18:57] <DM_Online> .d 2d10+20
  466. [18:57] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 40 [77%] :: Results [2, 9] ::
  467. [18:57] <DM_Online> So a total of 68 damage to the shield.
  468. [18:58] <BeaverGray> *thud thud thud*
  469. [18:58] <DM_Online> It can take it!
  470. [18:58] <DM_Online> It was made for this!
  471. [18:58] <BeaverGray> "Damn it, I ducked out of the draft to avoid this kind of shi..."
  472. [18:59] <DM_Online> That's that turn,Martin! Your turn!
  473. [18:59] <MartinBaron> Where is Gray right now? Directly in front of the Dawg?
  474. [18:59] <DM_Online> Yes
  475. [18:59] <DM_Online> He's advanced and is being fired upon
  476. [19:00] <MartinBaron> I can sprint 54 feet, can I make it to where he's at so I can try disarming Dawg?
  477. [19:00] <DM_Online> Sure.
  478. [19:01] * MartinBaron sprints, making sure to stay behind Gray and the shield.
  479. [19:01] <DM_Online> Turn?
  480. [19:01] <MartinBaron> Does the speed bonus go into disarming or just melee attacking?
  481. [19:02] <DM_Online> Disarming is a melee attack
  482. [19:02] <MartinBaron> Ok, thank you.
  483. [19:02] <DM_Online> So yea
  484. [19:02] * MartinBaron attempts to disarm Dawg of his pistol.
  485. [19:02] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100+45
  486. [19:02] <Internets> :: Total 136 / 145 [93%] :: Results [91] ::
  487. [19:02] <DM_Online> I've got to refine the rules for disarm.
  488. [19:02] <DM_Online> That's a hit.
  489. [19:03] <MartinBaron> .d 1d10+15
  490. [19:03] <Internets> :: Total 20 / 25 [80%] :: Results [5] ::
  491. [19:03] <DM_Online> I should point out that if you're attacking the dog you won't be able to duck back behind gray
  492. [19:04] <MartinBaron> Yeah, I realized that too. But unless he can duck away in time, I don't think fish can make that clean of a shot.
  493. [19:04] <DM_Online> Depends of if the fish wants to be clean.
  494. [19:04] <DM_Online> He's a dirty fish.
  495. [19:05] <DM_Online> So 28 damage?
  496. [19:05] <MartinBaron> Yeah, forgot strength again like an idiot.
  497. [19:06] <DM_Online> s'alright.
  498. [19:06] <DM_Online> He takes it one the arm.
  499. [19:06] <DM_Online> Feesh turn!
  500. [19:07] <DM_Online> He's firing at Martin!
  501. [19:07] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+5
  502. [19:07] <Internets> :: Total 82 / 105 [78%] :: Results [77] ::
  503. [19:07] <DM_Online> Hit.
  504. [19:07] <DM_Online> .d 50+5d10
  505. [19:07] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  506. [19:08] <DM_Online> .d 5d10+50
  507. [19:08] <Internets> :: Total 84 / 100 [84%] :: Results [1, 6, 9, 10, 8] ::
  508. [19:08] <DM_Online> Hit for 84!
  509. [19:08] <MartinBaron> Oh fuck
  510. [19:09] <BeaverGray> dang
  511. [19:09] <DM_Online> (If he misses, I'll reroll to hit the dog. He is a dirty fish!)
  512. [19:09] <DJ_Max> That's a lot of damage.
  513. [19:10] <DM_Online> He has an assault rifle.
  514. [19:10] <DM_Online> On the upside, no armor.
  515. [19:10] <DM_Online> Just a shirt.
  516. [19:10] <DJ_Max> Indeed.
  517. [19:11] <MartinBaron> My health is 80, and the armor I had on the sheet puts it at 110.
  518. [19:11] <DM_Online> He's firing on gray.
  519. [19:11] <DM_Online> Yes.
  520. [19:11] <DM_Online> So that armor just saved your life
  521. [19:11] <BeaverGray> let's do it
  522. [19:11] <MartinBaron> So I'm practically a stone's throw away from death for not thinking tactically.
  523. [19:11] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+5
  524. [19:11] <Internets> :: Total 104 / 105 [99%] :: Results [99] ::
  525. [19:12] <DM_Online> So close to a crit
  526. [19:12] <DM_Online> .d 5d10+50
  527. [19:12] <Internets> :: Total 76 / 100 [76%] :: Results [6, 9, 2, 8, 1] ::
  528. [19:12] <DM_Online> To the shield
  529. [19:12] <BeaverGray> eek
  530. [19:12] <DM_Online> Turn over. DJ!
  531. [19:12] <MartinBaron> God this fish is a damn crackshot
  532. [19:12] <BeaverGray> 76 total?
  533. [19:12] <DM_Online> Yes
  534. [19:13] * DJ_Max has got to GET THAT FISH
  535. [19:13] <DM_Online> He's using a ak-47
  536. [19:13] * DJ_Max RUNS AT THEM
  537. [19:13] <BeaverGray> *thud thud thud*
  538. [19:13] * BeaverGray nervously looks at the cracks in his shield
  539. [19:13] <BeaverGray> "Come on.."
  540. [19:13] * DJ_Max will proceed to grab A: Try to disarm them...and B, GRAPPLE then.
  541. [19:13] <DM_Online> What's your target
  542. [19:13] <DJ_Max> The fish.
  543. [19:14] <DM_Online> Trying to figure out distances here.
  544. [19:15] <DM_Online> Were you starting back where Bronco is laying?
  545. [19:15] <DJ_Max> That is where I was last turn so...yes, I'd assume so.
  546. [19:16] <DM_Online> You can't quite reach the fish... in the river. at full speed spending all actions you can just hop in the water.
  547. [19:16] <DJ_Max> Ah. Hmm. Oh wait. Durr. Grapple hook.
  548. [19:17] <DM_Online> So, rethink this plan?
  549. [19:17] <DJ_Max> Yes. Grapple hook.
  550. [19:17] * DJ_Max realizes this may be the BEST CHOICE.
  551. [19:17] <DM_Online> Well, the grapple hook is right there.
  552. [19:17] <DM_Online> It's an action to pick it up.
  553. [19:17] * DJ_Max grabs it and gives it a try.
  554. [19:18] <DJ_Max> "Come on...least let me get the AK or somethin'"
  555. [19:18] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  556. [19:18] <Internets> :: Total 82 / 100 [82%] :: Results [82] ::
  557. [19:18] <DM_Online> It's over sixty feet away.
  558. [19:18] <DM_Online> I mean, sure, go ahead but you don't even have enough rope to cover the distance.
  559. [19:19] * DJ_Max should have probably asked what the distance on that was.
  560. [19:19] <DM_Online> Anyway, it's a hit.
  561. [19:19] <DM_Online> .d 1d10+10
  562. [19:19] <Internets> :: Total 15 / 20 [75%] :: Results [5] ::
  563. [19:19] * DJ_Max would have gotten closer...That said HE SHALL PULL.
  564. [19:20] <DM_Online> ...The rope isn't that long.
  565. [19:20] <DM_Online> It's like ten feet ahead of you if you threw the hook.
  566. [19:20] <DJ_Max> Ah! RIGHT THEN.
  567. [19:21] <DM_Online> There is such a thing as taking cover
  568. [19:21] * DJ_Max pauses a moment. "Not my best plan. COVER." He proceeds to take cover.
  569. [19:21] <DM_Online> Still, a hit is a hit!
  570. [19:21] <DM_Online> (Idea point.)
  571. [19:22] <DJ_Max> (Woo!)
  572. [19:22] <DM_Online> It sounds like police are coming...
  573. [19:22] <DM_Online> Gray's turn
  574. [19:23] <DM_Online> You can hear distant whistles
  575. [19:23] * BeaverGray thinks while his shield takes a barrage
  576. [19:23] <DM_Online> That the turn?
  577. [19:23] <BeaverGray> nah
  578. [19:24] <BeaverGray> "Drag the bull into an alley or something!
  579. [19:24] <BeaverGray> "
  580. [19:24] <BeaverGray> So I charge the dawg
  581. [19:24] <DM_Online> (Note to self, wait actions)
  582. [19:24] <DM_Online> Okay.
  583. [19:24] <BeaverGray> I just want to knock him flat on his ass
  584. [19:25] <DM_Online> Let's use the rules for a dropkick then. Double action. 10+2d10
  585. [19:25] <DM_Online> He'll parry
  586. [19:25] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  587. [19:25] <Internets> :: Total 128 / 130 [98%] :: Results [98] ::
  588. [19:25] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+20
  589. [19:25] <Internets> :: Total 96 / 120 [80%] :: Results [76] ::
  590. [19:25] <DM_Online> Nope, hit!
  591. [19:26] <DM_Online> Roll damage
  592. [19:26] <BeaverGray> .d 2d10+10
  593. [19:26] <Internets> :: Total 16 / 30 [53%] :: Results [4, 2] ::
  594. [19:27] <BeaverGray> oh and strength?
  595. [19:27] <DM_Online> yes
  596. [19:27] <BeaverGray> even 20
  597. [19:27] <DM_Online> He's knocked back 2 feet
  598. [19:28] <DM_Online> He's no longer behind cover, if that matters.
  599. [19:28] <DM_Online> His turn!
  600. [19:28] <DM_Online> He'll get back up.
  601. [19:28] <DM_Online> Martin's turn!
  602. [19:28] <BeaverGray> "We can't get the cops on us, get the bull and make yourselves scarce!"
  603. [19:29] * DJ_Max goes "I GOT IT."
  604. [19:29] <DM_Online> Right!
  605. [19:30] * MartinBaron runs back to Bronco, yelling "Help me drag him into the alley!"
  606. [19:30] * DJ_Max will go help Martin...when you know...its his turn.
  607. [19:30] <MartinBaron> Do I have to roll to try to drag his body?
  608. [19:30] <DM_Online> Okay, it'll be a combined turn (Note, combined combat actions.)
  609. [19:31] <DM_Online> Nah
  610. [19:31] <DM_Online> He's not resistant at this point.
  611. [19:31] <DJ_Max> True.
  612. [19:31] <DM_Online> So on DJ's turn you'll both do it.
  613. [19:31] <MartinBaron> Good, because I have about a pint of blood left in my body
  614. [19:31] <DM_Online> End turn?
  615. [19:31] <MartinBaron> Yeah, end turn.
  616. [19:32] <DM_Online> Feesh turn!
  617. [19:32] <BeaverGray> (I wish we had turtle)
  618. [19:33] <DM_Online> He shouts at the dog and dives under water.
  619. [19:33] <DM_Online> End feesh turn!
  620. [19:34] <DM_Online> Everyone roll perception
  621. [19:34] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  622. [19:34] <Internets> :: Total 65 / 100 [65%] :: Results [65] ::
  623. [19:34] <DM_Online> To catch what he said
  624. [19:34] <MartinBaron> 65+15
  625. [19:34] <DM_Online> 8
  626. [19:34] <DM_Online> 80
  627. [19:34] == moglog [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  628. [19:34] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  629. [19:34] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 130 [29%] :: Results [8] ::
  630. [19:34] <MartinBaron> I have good bunny ears
  631. [19:34] <DM_Online> Alright, you picked it up.
  632. [19:34] <BeaverGray> nice
  633. [19:35] <DJ_Max> .d 1d100
  634. [19:35] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 100 [40%] :: Results [40] ::
  635. [19:35] * DJ_Max was off using the bathroom when the roll was called.
  636. [19:35] <DM_Online> "DOG! Spray and run! I'll get the goods!
  637. [19:36] <DM_Online> Sorry, roll percept
  638. [19:36] <DM_Online> The fish adds, "Time to bail!
  639. [19:37] <DM_Online> And then dives.
  640. [19:37] * MartinBaron hears Feesh's command, and yells out "They're retreating! Dawg's gonna spray and run!"
  641. [19:37] <DM_Online> Anway, DJ's turn.
  642. [19:38] * DJ_Max runs to Bronco and helps pull. "Lets go lets go!"
  643. [19:38] <DM_Online> Okay!
  644. [19:39] <DM_Online> With the both of you pulling you can drag the sucker at 20ft a turn
  645. [19:39] <MartinBaron> How far away is the nearest alley?
  646. [19:39] <DM_Online> 3 feet
  647. [19:39] <MartinBaron> Ooh, nice.
  648. [19:39] <DJ_Max> Very.
  649. [19:39] <DM_Online> (Everyone just pans right)
  650. [19:40] <DM_Online> So you drag him to cover, is that the turn?
  651. [19:40] <DM_Online> Hey moglog!
  652. [19:40] <MartinBaron> Yeah, that sounds good. Only one that's still in danger is Gray, but he's still got a shield.
  653. [19:40] <moglog> yeah
  654. [19:41] <BeaverGray> a third of one anyway
  655. [19:41] <DM_Online> He'll be fine! Fine!
  656. [19:41] <moglog> What all's happened while I was away?
  657. [19:42] <DM_Online> The took the bull by the horns, and experienced the power of modern firearms
  658. [19:42] <MartinBaron> Met Harvy Birdman and Rabbit Hockey (me), went out to fight crime, I ate shit because I wanted to disarm someone instead of getting into cover.
  659. [19:43] <DM_Online> Yeah, he's got a slug in his shoulder
  660. [19:43] <moglog> Sounds like a full day. You guys still going at it?
  661. [19:43] <DM_Online> We're about done.
  662. [19:43] <MartinBaron> A really damn powerful slug, because I only got about 25% health left or so
  663. [19:44] <DM_Online> 5.56mm of russian glory, baby!
  664. [19:44] <DM_Online> Anyway, Gray. it's your turn and your actions are critical at this juncture
  665. [19:44] <moglog> And of course the asshole who had the gun on your guys's side decided not to show up. sorry about that.
  666. [19:45] <DM_Online> Two guys! Ah haha!
  667. [19:45] * BeaverGray turns his head and sees his comrades taking the bull away
  668. [19:45] <BeaverGray> whats the dog doing?
  669. [19:45] <MartinBaron> You were asleep because the chair was too cold
  670. [19:45] <DM_Online> He's aiming his gun at you.
  671. [19:45] <DM_Online> Or pointing at least
  672. [19:45] <BeaverGray> can I duck into a building? shield facing toward gundog
  673. [19:45] <BeaverGray> duck hunt dog from smash 4
  674. [19:46] <BeaverGray> mcgruff the gun hound
  675. [19:46] <BeaverGray> scooby doo with a gat
  676. [19:46] <DM_Online> It's going to take you two turns to do that and keep shield cover
  677. [19:46] <BeaverGray> then thats my course
  678. [19:46] <DM_Online> Okay. You're half way to cover.
  679. [19:46] <BeaverGray> turn done
  680. [19:46] <DM_Online> Roll perception
  681. [19:46] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  682. [19:46] <Internets> :: Total 52 / 100 [52%] :: Results [52] ::
  683. [19:46] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  684. [19:46] <Internets> :: Total 97 / 130 [74%] :: Results [67] ::
  685. [19:47] <MartinBaron> 67, but Gray's got it covered.
  686. [19:47] <DM_Online> You all spot it, the fish has surfaced and is jetting upstream. He's towing what looks like a red cooler
  687. [19:47] <DM_Online> Looks like he's cheesing it.
  688. [19:47] <DM_Online> Dawg turn!
  689. [19:48] <DM_Online> He fires at gray!
  690. [19:48] <DM_Online> .d 1d100+10
  691. [19:48] <Internets> :: Total 71 / 110 [64%] :: Results [61] ::
  692. [19:48] <DM_Online> .d 20+2d10
  693. [19:48] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  694. [19:48] <DM_Online> .d 2d10+20
  695. [19:48] <Internets> :: Total 34 / 40 [85%] :: Results [8, 6] ::
  696. [19:48] <DM_Online> 34 damage
  697. [19:48] <DM_Online> He fires again.
  698. [19:48] <DM_Online> ...Click!
  699. [19:49] <BeaverGray> no pls
  700. [19:49] <DM_Online> He's run out of ammo! it looks like he's going to run the opposite away
  701. [19:49] <BeaverGray> aw ye
  702. [19:49] <BeaverGray> thats 34 damage to my shield?
  703. [19:49] <DM_Online> (I've tried to count his shots. )
  704. [19:50] <BeaverGray> (good job)
  705. [19:50] <DM_Online> I think that was the whole point of your moonwalk, yes
  706. [19:50] <BeaverGray> it has 1 hp
  707. [19:50] <DM_Online> You are holding a handle.
  708. [19:50] <DM_Online> just a handle
  709. [19:50] <DM_Online> (Joking)
  710. [19:51] <DJ_Max> (He only needs THE EDGE.)
  711. [19:51] <DM_Online> Anyway, he's is exiting the combat field. Police are going to flood this area in about ten seconds!
  712. [19:52] <DM_Online> With their hats and their little clubs!
  713. [19:52] <BeaverGray> I want to hide in whatever building is closest to me, making a mental note of the fish with the lunchbox
  714. [19:52] <DM_Online> We're out of combat now.
  715. [19:52] <DM_Online> Duely noted.
  716. [19:53] <DM_Online> Anyway, police are looking the area over. You see that they've apprehended the dog
  717. [19:54] <MartinBaron> (So are we gonna drag him all the way to Gray's shop or break in somewhere?)
  718. [19:55] <DM_Online> I think we can answer that next week.
  719. [19:55] <DJ_Max> True.
  720. [19:55] <BeaverGray> hell yeah
  721. [19:55] <BeaverGray> another couple hours in Endtown survived
  722. [19:56] <DM_Online> Want to get to the xp?
  723. [19:56] <MartinBaron> Yay
  724. [19:56] <MartinBaron> Yeah, that sounds good.
  725. [19:56] <BeaverGray> sure
  726. [19:56] <DJ_Max> Sounds good.
  727. [19:56] <DM_Online> Okay, Skill Use.
  728. [19:57] <DM_Online> Everyone gets 15 for all these percept checks.
  729. [19:57] <BeaverGray> aw ye
  730. [19:57] <MartinBaron> Beaver managed to invent that grapple claw
  731. [19:57] <DM_Online> DJ did that acrobat off the building.
  732. [19:58] <DM_Online> +5 for gray
  733. [19:58] <DM_Online> That was pretty good.
  734. [19:58] <BeaverGray> woo
  735. [19:58] <DM_Online> +5 dj for not going splat
  736. [19:58] <DJ_Max> Woo
  737. [19:59] <DM_Online> I would give +5 to keith for getting the sniper nest thing going, but he's not here
  738. [19:59] <DM_Online> I'll remember next time.
  739. [19:59] <BeaverGray> remember to cut print and send log to aaron
  740. [19:59] <BeaverGray> does he like these things?
  741. [19:59] <DM_Online> I will remember.
  742. [19:59] <DM_Online> Oh yeah, he said the last log was fascinating.
  743. [19:59] <DJ_Max> He's getting our logs. Oh man I can't wait to see what he says if he ever does.
  744. [19:59] <DM_Online> I posted that on /co/
  745. [20:00] <BeaverGray> same
  746. [20:00] <BeaverGray> im estatic
  747. [20:00] <DM_Online> Aleright, next is minor threats.
  748. [20:00] <DM_Online> you didn't have any 'minor' threats this time.
  749. [20:00] <DM_Online> Major threats!
  750. [20:01] <DM_Online> Bronco! +5 to everyone for the team effort
  751. [20:02] <DJ_Max> He was TOUGH
  752. [20:02] <BeaverGray> man
  753. [20:02] <BeaverGray> I held aggro
  754. [20:02] <BeaverGray> and we had sniper
  755. [20:02] <BeaverGray> and melee
  756. [20:02] <DM_Online> Gray and Mart confronted dawg so +5 to that.
  757. [20:02] <BeaverGray> shit was classic dungeon crash
  758. [20:02] <DJ_Max> Real talk.
  759. [20:02] <BeaverGray> sweet
  760. [20:02] <moglog> yo DM
  761. [20:02] <DM_Online> Yeah?
  762. [20:02] <DJ_Max> That Breaver is the real Mvp
  763. [20:02] <MartinBaron> Yeah, I say the MVP award goes to Gray
  764. [20:02] <BeaverGray> aw man
  765. [20:03] <MartinBaron> He invented the grappling hook and took the brunt of all of the bullets for us.
  766. [20:03] <DM_Online> +10 to gray for grinding metal in a hail of death
  767. [20:03] <BeaverGray> thanks guys
  768. [20:03] <DM_Online> True.
  769. [20:03] <moglog> I'm thinking, if you're available at some point before next tuesday, if we could roleplay up some reason why why I was absent this week? Maybe Snaps got jumped at his apartment or something?
  770. [20:03] <DM_Online> DJ get's 10 for hooking the bull and fish.
  771. [20:04] <DM_Online> Sure thing mog
  772. [20:04] <MartinBaron> Ooh, I'd like to see the log for that.
  773. [20:04] <DM_Online> I was saying that you got to cold and fell into a coma but that would be cool!
  774. [20:04] <moglog> cool
  775. [20:05] <DM_Online> Next!
  776. [20:05] <DM_Online> +10 to rat and rabbit for rescuing bull
  777. [20:05] <DM_Online> You didn't need to do it, and he is actually alive.
  778. [20:05] <DM_Online> So that's a rescue
  779. [20:06] <MartinBaron> I thought we were taking him to interrogate him
  780. [20:06] <BeaverGray> well we need him
  781. [20:06] <BeaverGray> yeah
  782. [20:06] <DJ_Max> Well, we are, But yeah.
  783. [20:06] <MartinBaron> Or beat him up some more for shits and giggles
  784. [20:06] <DM_Online> Well, you didn't eat him for his delicious meat. That's better than most of my groups
  785. [20:06] <DJ_Max> Speaking of Beat up. I believe Martin is living on a prayer...and I do have first aid.
  786. [20:06] <BeaverGray> haha wat
  787. [20:06] <DJ_Max> I can see that.
  788. [20:06] <DM_Online> Yes!
  789. [20:07] <DM_Online> Roll for the xp, right now!
  790. [20:07] <MartinBaron> Oh yeah, I got first aid too. Thought it fit with being a hockey player
  791. [20:07] <BeaverGray> ?
  792. [20:07] <DM_Online> Martin took a shot from the slammin' salmon
  793. [20:07] <MartinBaron> Oh, yeah.
  794. [20:07] <MartinBaron> .d 1d100
  795. [20:07] <Internets> :: Total 90 / 100 [90%] :: Results [90] ::
  796. [20:07] <MartinBaron> Sheeit
  797. [20:08] <BeaverGray> haha slammin salmon
  798. [20:08] <DJ_Max> 1d 1d100
  799. [20:08] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  800. [20:08] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 100 [42%] :: Results [42] ::
  801. [20:08] <DM_Online> +5 hp
  802. [20:08] <MartinBaron> Ok, so I'm at 31 now.
  803. [20:08] <MartinBaron> I've taken a few steps back from Death's front lawn.
  804. [20:08] <BeaverGray> oh
  805. [20:08] <DM_Online> you gain back +7. And you are wounded
  806. [20:09] <BeaverGray> I thought we were rolling for xp
  807. [20:09] <MartinBaron> Wait, is the 7 + 5 or is that the total healed?
  808. [20:09] <DM_Online> 10 xp for healing the rabbit!
  809. [20:09] <DM_Online> total healed.
  810. [20:09] <BeaverGray> yay
  811. [20:09] * DJ_Max is on a roll it seems.
  812. [20:09] <MartinBaron> Ok, s0 33
  813. [20:09] <DM_Online> Mutants regen really quickly so it's more just fixing the wound
  814. [20:10] <MartinBaron> And getting the five or so bullets out
  815. [20:10] <DM_Online> And it'll be healed in three days.
  816. [20:10] <DJ_Max> Yeah you don't want those in there.
  817. [20:10] <DM_Online> roughly
  818. [20:10] <DM_Online> Back to XP
  819. [20:11] <MartinBaron> That's good then. Did any specific body part take damage, or should I just mark it as total health lost and keep everything the same?
  820. [20:11] <DM_Online> Keep everything the same.
  821. [20:11] <DM_Online> Simple is better.
  822. [20:11] <MartinBaron> Ok good, just wanted to know if that shoulder blast left my arm hanging by a string of muscle or not.
  823. [20:12] <DM_Online> Actually it was just a single bullet
  824. [20:12] <DM_Online> But yeah, meat shot.
  825. [20:12] <DM_Online> It'll be fine with a rest.
  826. [20:12] <MartinBaron> Oh. I thought the multiple damage rolls was a bunch of bullets
  827. [20:12] <DM_Online> Nope! The damage is actually barrowed from another system.
  828. [20:13] <DM_Online> That's just a single shot.
  829. [20:13] <MartinBaron> Ok. Any other xp gains?
  830. [20:13] <DM_Online> It would have been like *30 for a burst
  831. [20:13] <DM_Online> This is a big one: Preventing disasters.
  832. [20:14] <MartinBaron> I think Gray gets a big one for bringing that shield
  833. [20:14] <DM_Online> You busted the marketeers, but the leader got away.
  834. [20:14] <DM_Online> k, +5 for gray.
  835. [20:14] <BeaverGray> man, you guys
  836. [20:14] <DM_Online> Anway, you stopped a criminal enterprise in your town.
  837. [20:15] <DM_Online> You took out it's enforcers and half the leutenents
  838. [20:15] <BeaverGray> woah
  839. [20:15] <BeaverGray> call Jackrabbit
  840. [20:15] <DM_Online> But the boss got away with the goods.
  841. [20:15] <BeaverGray> >the boss
  842. [20:15] <DM_Online> So this counts as preventing a minor disaster
  843. [20:15] <DM_Online> Fish boss.
  844. [20:15] <BeaverGray> you mean this guy
  845. [20:16] <DM_Online> Oh dear god that is where I got it from!
  846. [20:16] <DM_Online> It's subliminal.
  847. [20:16] <MartinBaron> I can barely imagine him blasting us with an AK in his fins.
  848. [20:17] <DM_Online> Anyway, everyone gets +10 for Crime Fighting Time and kicking their gig in the nads
  849. [20:17] <DM_Online> He had to practice, I won't lie.
  850. [20:17] <BeaverGray> haha sweet
  851. [20:17] <DM_Online> So, is anyone over 100 xp yet?
  852. [20:17] <BeaverGray> yeah
  853. [20:17] <MartinBaron> Nope, I'm at 45
  854. [20:17] <BeaverGray> im 101
  855. [20:18] <DM_Online> Gray is now Level 2! He gets 6 skill points to spend.
  856. [20:18] <BeaverGray> holy sheez
  857. [20:18] <DM_Online> Yeah, it's not that much.
  858. [20:18] <DJ_Max> I'm at 110
  859. [20:19] <BeaverGray> 6 skill points sounds like a lot to me
  860. [20:19] <BeaverGray> wait
  861. [20:19] <DM_Online> You get skill points equal to your mind.
  862. [20:19] <BeaverGray> I see
  863. [20:19] <DM_Online> Additional +10hp and +10mp
  864. [20:20] <BeaverGray> oh cool
  865. [20:20] <DJ_Max> Same here I imagine? Cool. 4 points it is.
  866. [20:20] <DM_Online> It's kind of a sloping system that rewards increasing greater deeds of daring do, at least in theory.
  867. [20:21] <DM_Online> So, feed back:
  868. [20:21] <DM_Online> How did you guys think this system works and how do you like d100?
  869. [20:22] <BeaverGray> its confusing have some roll under, and roll over checks
  870. [20:22] <DJ_Max> I've never played d100 before.
  871. [20:22] <MartinBaron> Haven't used the previous system, so I have no reference of that, but I find the d100 to be just fine.
  872. [20:23] <DM_Online> True.
  873. [20:23] <DM_Online> I was thinking of making everything roll over.
  874. [20:23] <BeaverGray> you can have roll under, and our skills decrease the DC
  875. [20:23] <BeaverGray> or just make full roll over
  876. [20:23] <DM_Online> That way bonuses are aways added and penalties are always subtractions
  877. [20:23] <BeaverGray> your choice
  878. [20:24] <DM_Online> I would like to have skill rolls be almost the same as combat
  879. [20:24] <BeaverGray> rogue trader has a similar system
  880. [20:24] <DM_Online> That way there is no transition in thought.
  881. [20:25] <DM_Online> I like the d100
  882. [20:25] <BeaverGray> Well using a weapon should be the same as using a skill
  883. [20:25] <BeaverGray> *cough* like roll and keep *cough*
  884. [20:25] <DM_Online> It's alittle more precise than d20. I thought that having larger numbers for the rolls would be more confusing but it seemed fine.
  885. [20:25] <BeaverGray> yeah its fun
  886. [20:25] <DM_Online> Point.
  887. [20:25] <BeaverGray> you get a tangbile sense of the percent chance
  888. [20:26] <DM_Online> true d100=100%
  889. [20:26] <BeaverGray> I have speed 6, so I know I get a thirty percent increase on rolls
  890. [20:26] <BeaverGray> speaking of which
  891. [20:26] <BeaverGray> how do I increase my core stats?
  892. [20:26] <DM_Online> Spend 50 skill points
  893. [20:27] <moglog> just 9 more levels to go beaver!
  894. [20:27] <DM_Online> I figure, you be a hero a few times or some way out there grand adventure and you'll rack up the xp.
  895. [20:27] <BeaverGray> jeebus
  896. [20:27] <DM_Online> But looking at how this is all added I might lower the costs.
  897. [20:27] <DJ_Max> Might be good to do.
  898. [20:28] <DM_Online> Well, it's +25 if you had stopped the whole gang
  899. [20:28] <MartinBaron> Oh yeah, what about stress points?
  900. [20:28] <DM_Online> Could point. I wanted to introduce that when we'd have a grasp of the system.
  901. [20:29] <DM_Online> We can try it now. sure.
  902. [20:29] <moglog> I don't think we did stress points for last session either did we?
  903. [20:29] <DJ_Max> We didn't
  904. [20:29] <BeaverGray> this would be the first time
  905. [20:29] <MartinBaron> I think the only character here getting stressed out is me and maybe DJ, but he stuck the landing decently well.
  906. [20:29] <BeaverGray> hey now
  907. [20:29] <BeaverGray> I got shot at a lot
  908. [20:30] <MartinBaron> That is true.
  909. [20:30] <DM_Online> Moglog would get 3d10 for first kill!
  910. [20:30] <BeaverGray> I knew i was safe, but gray didnt
  911. [20:30] <moglog> and I think I took about 50 something damage
  912. [20:30] <DM_Online> Martin would get -10 for getting wounded.
  913. [20:30] <moglog> would you happen to have the log from last game?
  914. [20:31] <DM_Online> Sure.
  915. [20:31] <DM_Online>
  916. [20:31] <moglog> thank you
  917. [20:32] <DM_Online> Aaron's reaction: "That log made a pretty fascinating read! Thanks for sending it along.. I'm wondering if I should approach my current publisher for this.. Still thinking. Enjoying the hell out of the expanded scope of this dream sequence. Sometimes I just get tired of drawing characters sitting around in rooms talking."
  918. [20:32] <DM_Online> So, mind damage.
  919. [20:32] <BeaverGray> wait waaaat
  920. [20:32] <BeaverGray> publisher
  921. [20:33] <BeaverGray> Im taking mind damage irl
  922. [20:33] <DM_Online> Yeah. Aaron has physcial books of his comic
  923. [20:33] <DM_Online> I think that's what he's referring too.
  924. [20:33] <DM_Online> to
  925. [20:33] <DJ_Max> Seems about so.
  926. [20:33] <DM_Online> So that's why we all have to bust some ass and make this game a good one!
  927. [20:33] <BeaverGray> writing a comic
  928. [20:33] <BeaverGray> is what we're doing I guess
  929. [20:34] <BeaverGray> cray
  930. [20:34] <MartinBaron> I think it's only gonna go up and up from here. Next time we're gonna be fighting an entire gang of coi fish armed with assault rifles
  931. [20:34] <DM_Online> Yes!
  932. [20:34] <MartinBaron> And Snapper's happy because he can finally eat fish again
  933. [20:34] <BeaverGray> hah
  934. [20:34] <DM_Online> Remember, there are plenty of explosives that can be made cheaply
  935. [20:35] <DM_Online> So mind damage
  936. [20:35] <DM_Online> Anyone experience horrible failures?
  937. [20:35] <moglog> I'm only an accidental canibal, come on.
  938. [20:35] <DM_Online> .d 3d10
  939. [20:35] <Internets> :: Total 16 / 30 [53%] :: Results [7, 3, 6] ::
  940. [20:36] <MartinBaron> Can't think of any aside from that nasty hit I took
  941. [20:36] <DM_Online> You took 16 mind damage for that.
  942. [20:36] <DM_Online> It's cool, you still have 53 points
  943. [20:36] <DM_Online> I've got to flesh out traumas as well.
  944. [20:36] * DJ_Max hasn't, thankfully.
  945. [20:36] <MartinBaron> 53 points?
  946. [20:37] <MartinBaron> My MP's 30
  947. [20:37] <DM_Online> Mog's character has 70 mind points
  948. [20:37] <MartinBaron> Ooh, sorry, got mixed up.
  949. [20:37] <DM_Online> Yeah martin, with getting shot to heck you now have 20 mp
  950. [20:38] <moglog> sorry, I was recalculating HP from the log, what are we talking about?
  951. [20:38] <DM_Online> If anyone's mp drops below zero then they start getting alittle crazy
  952. [20:38] <DM_Online> Mind damage
  953. [20:38] <DM_Online> Really it's just a precursor for when I put in dittos or campaigns topside
  954. [20:39] <DM_Online> Where you don't really get rest or relaxation easily
  955. [20:39] <MartinBaron> Reminds me a bit of Darkest Dungeon's sanity meter.
  956. [20:39] <BeaverGray> DD is fucking rad
  957. [20:39] <MartinBaron> It really is.
  958. [20:39] <DM_Online> That game is on my list.
  959. [20:39] <BeaverGray> Honestly, Im secretly hoping the way this game goes is like
  960. [20:40] <BeaverGray> We get are dicks wet busting a gang. yay, its like Im really playing a pulp crime adventure. Then we got topside, and get stuck in a secret lab with fucking crazy mutants
  961. [20:40] <DM_Online> Well, topside is a completely different beast than in-colony adventuring
  962. [20:40] <BeaverGray> and one by one we get killed, looking for beans
  963. [20:40] <BeaverGray> war never changes
  964. [20:41] <DM_Online> As do beans
  965. [20:41] <DM_Online> Anyway, so. That's session #3. Thanks everybody for playing.
  966. [20:41] <MartinBaron> And when the lone survivor escapes with his hard earned beans, he learns that the can was a prank can filled with snakes, and the building they raided was a degraded prank store
  967. [20:41] <moglog> It sure was fun
  968. [20:41] <BeaverGray> thanks for hosting
  969. [20:42] <DJ_Max> Indeed.
  970. [20:42] <DM_Online> YES
  971. [20:42] <MartinBaron> It was very nice, thank you for the game and helping me out earlier.
  972. [20:42] <DM_Online> No prob.
  973. [20:42] <MartinBaron> I hope Aaron likes this log
  974. [20:42] * BeaverGray grabs dick
  975. [20:42] <BeaverGray> you mean this one
  976. [20:42] <DM_Online> Im sure he will.
  977. [20:42] <DM_Online> err.
  978. [20:42] <MartinBaron> Hohoo
  979. [20:42] <moglog> so DM, any idea when or if you'll be available this week?
  980. [20:43] <BeaverGray> but nah, I hope he enjoys it
  981. [20:43] <DJ_Max> I do as well.
  982. [20:43] <DM_Online> Anytime except thursday.
  983. [20:43] <DM_Online> Let's do it tomorrow, lest I forget
  984. [20:43] <moglog> cool, I can do tomorrow, same time?
  985. [20:44] <DM_Online> Yeah.
  986. [20:44] <MartinBaron> I'll be keeping an eye on the co threads for when you post his adventure
  987. [20:44] <DM_Online> 3 pm PST?
  988. [20:44] <moglog> yeah
  989. [20:44] <DM_Online> And... Logged
  990. [20:44] == MartinBaron []
  991. [20:44] == realname : Rizon Web IRC @
  992. [20:44] == channels : #EndtownRPG
  993. [20:44] == server : * [Where are you?]
  994. [20:44] == : is using a secure connection
  995. [20:44] == : MartinBaron is a CGI:IRC client
  996. [20:44] == End of WHOIS
  997. [20:44] == MartinBaron []
  998. [20:44] == realname : Rizon Web IRC @
  999. [20:44] == channels : #EndtownRPG
  1000. [20:44] == server : * [Where are you?]
  1001. [20:44] == : is using a secure connection
  1002. [20:44] == : MartinBaron is a CGI:IRC client
  1003. [20:44] == End of WHOIS
  1004. [20:44] <BeaverGray> woo
  1005. akunim-
  1006. BeaverGray
  1007. DJ_Max
  1008. DM_Online
  1009. Internets
  1010. MartinBaron
  1011. moglog
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