
Motherscotch and Blitz (non canon)

Oct 16th, 2014
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  1. So, dear reader, I've established pretty well here that Rainbow Blitz is cool with Butterscotch getting his first real kiss (and head, but he doesn't need to know that yet) from his own mom, even if the shy yellow stallion didn't really ask for it.
  2. I mean, Butterscotch was pretty upfront about it, right?
  3. and they are good friends, right?
  4. and friends should forgive friends... right?
  6. ...but what if?
  8. There's a whole realm of possibilities out there...
  9. an infinitely expanding universe worth of different possibilities, choices and actions.
  10. let's go explore for a short while...
  11. and let's see what would have happened if a certain rainbow-maned pegasus made some different choices...
  12. some not so friendly choices...
  14. >A rainbow streak tore through the evening sky
  15. >powered by unfiltered anger and a dash of hurt
  16. >the hurt of betrayal by one of his best friends
  17. >Rainbow Blitz grit his teeth as the high speed winds hit his body
  18. >How could his former best friend do something like... that...
  19. >With his own mom?
  20. >you don't mess with a pony's mom
  21. >and you don't tell that pony that his mom sucked your dick
  22. >especially at another pony's birthday party
  23. >but, that problem was taken care of now
  24. >one hoof to the face and Butterscotch had dropped like a sack of potatoes
  25. >Blitz smiled at that thought
  26. >that little pink-maned pussy
  27. >and he had thrown a few more hooves for good measure
  28. >can never be too careful
  29. >and that problem wouldn't be around for a while
  30. >because Blitz had made a delivery
  31. >to the center of the Everfree woods
  32. >Package: One unconscious yellow pegasus.
  33. >Very fragile.
  34. >well, after he was done with him, he was
  35. >but Blitz made sure it reached it's destination safely
  36. >he dropped it off himself
  38. >but hey, Butterscotch liked animals
  39. >and the Everfree was full of animals!
  40. >so many different types!
  41. >it'd be like a vacation
  42. >Scotch deserved it
  43. >and Blitz was about to go on his own vacation
  44. >No, it was more of a mission
  45. >a mission to get with Butterscotch's mom
  46. >
  47. >Rainbow Blitz flew to the outskirts of Cloudsdale
  48. >he still had a good idea where Butterscrote's family lived
  49. >even though he hadn't visited them in a few years
  50. >he might have still been in flight school the last time he saw Scotch's mom
  51. >But he did remember one thing
  52. >she was a very pretty mare
  53. >Blitz grinned as he flew through the air
  54. >hey, it was only fair
  55. >a mom for a mom
  56. >the stallion's adrenaline had worn off on the flight from the Everfree
  57. >and that cleared his head so he could think
  58. >how was he going to go about this?
  59. >he was going to have to be smart.
  60. >Scotch had said something about his dad going out of town for a while...
  61. >which meant she was all alone in their house
  62. >can't just bust in the house and force himself on her
  63. >that would be very wrong
  64. >Blitz shuddered as he remembered what happened to the last stallion that had forced himself on a mare
  65. >it was the first time that happened in a hundred years
  66. >apparently that stallion was punished by Princess Celestia herself publicly
  67. >and his screams could be heard for miles...
  68. >as the target house came into sight, Blitz decided that he was just going to knock on the door and offer the poor lonely mare some company
  69. >and see where it went from there...
  70. >Blitz landed on the front porch of the modest cloud home
  71. >he un-ruffled his mane and ran a hoof over his wings
  72. >gotta make a good impression
  73. >he brought his hoof up and knocked on the door
  75. >as the light clip-clop of hooves neared the door, Blitz put on a smile
  76. >the door began to slowly open, and he sat up straight
  77. >gotta look good
  78. >"well, I always look good" he thought to himself
  79. >the door had opened only a crack
  80. >"um, Who is it?"
  81. "Hello, miss Butterscotch's mom."
  82. >Blitz said in his smoothest voice
  83. >there was a light gasp from behind the door
  84. >the door closed, the latch was fumbled with, and the door opened again
  85. >Rainbow Blitz's eyes grew slightly wider
  86. >before him stood an absolutely beautiful mare
  87. >she was a tall, thin pony with a lovely yellow coat
  88. >not like Buttscotch's faded yellow, but a nice warm yellow
  89. >her long, light blue mane draped to one side with one streak of light gray through the middle
  90. >and it was very well maintained. Not a hair out of place
  91. >her petite wings rested on her sides, in a way similar to Scotch's
  92. >he must take after his mom
  93. >Blitz was slightly taken aback as he looked into her soft, light orange eyes
  94. >"Rainbow Blitz, is that you?"
  95. >she smiled at him
  96. "Y-yes ma'am."
  97. >"My, how you've grown!"
  98. >she hugged the blue stallion
  99. >"Why, you shot up from a colt to such a handsome little stallion so quick!"
  100. >Blitz wanted to tell her that she had aged like the finest wine, but that could wait
  101. >can't use his best lines right out the gate
  102. "You look very nice too, ma'am"
  103. >"Aww, and such a sweetie too."
  104. >yeah, sweet
  105. >"It's good to see you, but... um, what are you doing here, dearie?"
  107. "oh. uh..."
  108. >maybe he hadn't thought this all the way through
  109. >come on brain, think
  110. "uhh... Butterscotch said I could come over..."
  111. >nice save
  112. >"Aww, he must have told you we were having dinner tonight and invited you."
  113. "...yeah. That."
  114. >"Well, that's fine. I made plenty and I do not mind sharing. Especially with my sweet little colt's good friends."
  115. >Blitz smiled at her soft voice
  116. >"But do come in."
  117. "Yes ma'am"
  118. >Blitz followed behind the mare as she lead him through the house to the kitchen
  119. >thoroughly admiring her flanks along the way
  120. >she had the butt of a mare half her age
  121. >noice
  122. >"He told me he was going to be a little late tonight, so we'll be a little naughty before he gets here..."
  123. >the stallion broke his focus on her rump and swung his head up
  124. "w-wait- What?"
  125. >was it going to be that easy?
  126. >could explain how Butterscotch did it...
  127. >"Yes." the motherly mare giggled
  128. >"We're going to start dinner without everypony here!"
  129. "Oh..."
  130. >"Ooh! I hope my little colt doesn't get mad..."
  131. >wait, Butterscotch... mad?
  132. >well, he wasn't going to get anything anytime soon
  134. >The mare entered the kitchen and began to head towards the pots on the stove
  135. >"Go ahead and take a seat, sweetie."
  136. >Blitz sat at the small kitchen table and began to look around the room
  137. >it was a somewhat small, candlelit room
  138. >with lots of little decorations, flowers and small pictures around
  139. >he slightly furrowed his brow when he saw a photo of a younger Butterscotch right beside the table
  140. >the table seemed like it can only seat two, maybe three ponies
  141. >a very intimate setting...
  142. >which would be a big help for Blitz
  143. "So, uh, what's for dinner?"
  144. >the stallion said while taking in the aroma that filled the kitchen
  145. >"oh, I made Butterscotch's favorite. Spaghetti."
  146. "Sounds good. And smells good."
  147. >the mare giggled
  148. >within a minute, the mare sat a nice, full plate in front of the stallion
  149. >it almost looked like something Elusive would order at some fancy restaurant
  150. >Blitz's mouth was practically watering as he stared at the plate
  151. >he didn't realize he was this hungry
  152. >the mare chuckled lightly
  153. >"Go ahead, dear, You are a growing stallion."
  154. >and she took her seat across from the stallion
  155. >Blitz was quickly stuffing his face
  156. >hey, it was good
  157. >Very good.
  158. >if his mom could cook this good, how come Scotch wasn't fat?
  159. >he looked up to see the mare taking very small bites and slowly chewing them
  160. >maybe he should slow down...
  161. >the two ponies sat there and enjoyed their dinner in the quiet
  163. >after a minute or two, Blitz had cleared his plate
  164. >he resisted the urge to lick it clean
  165. >good impression, and all that
  166. >he looked up to the motherly mare, who had barely made a dent in her plate
  167. >she smiled a warm smile at the stallion
  168. >"Would you like some more, sweetie?"
  169. "I, uh..."
  170. >he didn't want to seem like a pig
  171. >"I'll get you some more."
  172. >the mare got up, took his plate and headed towards the stove
  173. "You didn't... I would have got it."
  174. >"Nonsense. You are a guest in my home."
  175. >Blitz smiled
  176. >she was such a nice pony
  177. >he hoped she was nice in bed, too
  178. >the pretty yellow mare sat another nice, full plate in front of the stallion
  179. >it looked even better than the last
  180. "Thank you, ma'am"
  181. >"You're welcome."
  182. >she took her seat again
  183. >she lightly sighed while looking at her plate
  184. >Blitz looked up from round 2 of stuffing his face
  185. "You ok, ma'am?"
  186. >he said with a mouthful of food
  187. >"Yes."
  188. >she looked up to the clock on the wall
  189. >"It's just Scotchie should have been here by now. He wouldn't miss his favorite dinner."
  190. >she turned her attention to the stallion across from her
  191. >"You must be wonderful at flying, to get here before him."
  192. "Yeah, looks like I beat him"
  194. >Rainbow Blitz's eyes shot to pinpricks
  195. >did he seriously just say that?
  196. "I mean- uh-"
  197. >he started coughing, nearly choking on his food and spilling his plate
  198. >Scotch's mom ran to his side and started patting his back
  199. >"Are you alright!?"
  200. >she asked him with genuine concern
  201. >Blitz was able to quell his coughing fit
  202. "...yeah, i'm good"
  203. >he eventually stammered out, his eyes watering
  204. >"Oh thank Celestia."
  205. >she hugged him and lightly pat his back
  206. >"I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you on my watch."
  207. >the stallion was genuinely touched by her kindness
  208. >maybe he should rethink his plan of visiting Scotch's first apartment...
  209. >he checked out the mare hugging him
  210. >...or maybe he shouldn't
  211. "um, t-thank you"
  212. >"And you shouldn't talk with your mouth full, dear."
  213. >Blitz swallowed and spoke up
  214. "I know..."
  215. >she broke the hug and took her seat again
  216. >"Now where were we?"
  217. >oh yeah
  218. "Scotch probably had to, uh..."
  219. >come on brain, don't' fail me now
  220. "...go check on some animals or something?"
  221. >"Oh yeah, he did say that one of his cats in his care had kittens."
  222. >nice one, brain. You redeemed yourself
  223. >"I wanted to go see them, I bet they are so cute!"
  224. >Blitz smiled while looking at her
  225. >I bet she's got a "cat" that's cute...
  226. "Yeah, that's probably where he is."
  227. >not unconscious, in the middle of the Everfree...
  228. >"Oh,I just hope he makes it here alright."
  230. "I bet he's fine."
  231. >Blitz went back to eating
  232. >he might be fine
  233. >...eventually
  234. >Blitz did give it to him pretty hard
  235. >maybe he shouldn't have...
  236. >wait, was he feeling bad about what he did to Scotch?
  237. >No, he shouldn't feel bad
  238. >that little pussy tried to hook up with mom
  239. >Blitz was replaying the events of the party in his head
  240. >he stared down the timid pegasus
  241. >"She, um, seemed to enjoy herself..."
  242. >the blue stallion grit his teeth
  243. >"and, um, she was good at it... I think..."
  244. >just thinking about it filled the rainbow maned pony with anger
  245. >and that's the last thing Scotch said before Blitz hauled off and hoofed him square in the jaw
  246. >and a couple more hoofs
  247. >and a buck to a sensitive area
  248. >that'd teach him
  249. >Blitz looked up to the mare across from him
  250. >the sight of her calmed him down considerably
  251. >her youthful appearance and warm smile...
  252. >her long, pretty mane...
  253. >and her look of concern as she ate
  254. >...maybe he was feeling bad about it
  255. >his eyes trailed to the small pictures of her and Scotch that adorned the walls
  256. >she did genuinely care for her son...
  257. >and judging by the pictures, her only child
  258. >maybe he shouldn't have hit him so hard...
  259. >no, no.
  260. >Blitz shook his head, trying to shake the doubt from his head
  261. >Scotch was a horrible pony now
  262. >the blue pegasus lifted his head from his plate and slid it away form him
  264. >"You full, sweetie?"
  265. "uh, Yes, miss."
  266. >"Well, I hope you saved room for desert."
  267. "Oh, I have."
  268. >oh yeah Blitz was gonna have desert
  269. >a Scotch's-mom's-legs split, with extra cream
  270. >the stallion grinned at his own joke
  271. >"But we may have to wait until Butterscotch gets here. The pudding should be set up by the time he gets here."
  272. >Blitz grinned again
  273. >he was gonna eat some of her pudding
  274. >wait, could that be an innuendo?
  275. >a good one or a bad one?
  276. >...
  277. >wait, she was going to wait on Scotch?
  278. >Blitz stared forward blankly
  279. >well, he'd be gone by the time Scotch even thought of heading this way
  280. >...if he made it out of the everfree
  281. >if he could even make it out
  282. >Blitz sat in silence, still staring forward, as Scotch's mom finished her meal
  283. >she got up, gathered the utensils and plates and set them in the sink
  284. >then she walked over and hugged the blue pegasus again, breaking his train of thought
  285. >"Thank you Rainbow Blitz."
  286. >she had caught him off guard
  287. "i-uh, f-for what?"
  288. >"For coming and spending time with an old mare like myself."
  289. "it, uh, It was a pleasure. It's not every day I get to have dinner with a beautiful mare."
  290. >nice one, dude
  291. >"Awww..."
  292. >he hugged her in return
  293. >he could smell her mane. It smelled heavenly
  294. "And a beautiful mare, such as yourself shouldn't have to be all lonely."
  295. >she looked him in the eyes while giggling like a schoolfilly
  296. >"Oh, are you trying to flatter me?"
  297. >Blitz only smiled at her
  298. >"It may be working. You deserve something special..."
  299. >oh shoot now is his chance
  300. >he closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss her
  302. >Blitz felt her soft...
  303. >nothing
  304. >they should have touched lips by now...
  305. *mwah*
  306. >he felt her lips lightly touch his forehead, then she broke their hug
  307. >he opened his eyes to look at her
  308. >she had backed off form him, her face was a beautiful shade of pink
  309. >she giggled again
  310. >"Don't tell anypony I did that. Remember, I'm a married mare!"
  311. "...okay."
  312. >"But for something special..."
  313. >Blitz stared as she headed towards the fridge
  314. >"We can go ahead and eat that pudding. It may be a little runny though."
  315. "...that sounds good."
  316. >the stallion continued sitting and went back to staring forward
  317. >his grand master plan had been foiled
  318. >gonna have to wing it now
  319. >he can do this
  320. >the mare sat a small spoon and an ornate little cup filled to the brim with a creamy, yellow substance in front of the stallion
  321. >"Now, tell me if it's good. I tried a new recipe."
  322. >Blitz raised the spoon to his mouth and took a bite
  323. >his eyes lit up
  324. "This is good."
  325. >runny, but good
  326. >he saw the mare grin at him
  327. "This is very good!"
  328. >"Why thank you, It's an old recipe I found-"
  329. >she was interrupted by
  330. *KNOCK*KNOCK*knock knock knock*
  331. >Blitz's spoon clattered to the floor as his stomach dropped
  332. >"Oh, well I wonder who that could be."
  334. >Blitz started shaking slightly
  335. >his mind was racing
  336. >how could Scotch had followed him that quick?
  337. >he was out cold...
  338. >and he wasn't in any shape to fly
  339. >it took Blitz a few minutes to fly from the Everfree to Cloudsdale, and he was in near-peak fitness
  340. >Scotch couldn't fly that fast
  341. >or go that far without stopping...
  342. >Scotch liked to coast along gently
  343. >unless...
  344. >unless Blitz had awoken something in Butterscotch
  345. >maybe the betrayal of a good friend pushed him over the proverbial edge
  346. >Rainbow Blitz's eyes grew wide
  347. >and maybe dumping him in the forest that was the center of weird, unexplained stuff was a bad idea
  348. >what if he had created some kind of... Nightmare Butterscotch
  349. >a terrible, pink maned, rage filled beast of a stallion powered by a thirst for vengeance
  350. >ripping through the skies, hunting down a rainbow-maned stallion
  351. >to crush him with his hooves...
  352. >...or feed him to an army of the weird, vicious creatures from the Everfree forest he gained control of
  353. >Blitz shook his head back and forth
  354. >that couldn't happen
  355. >...right?
  356. >even though him and his friends has witnessed all kinds of weird things though...
  357. >the kind mare spoke up
  358. >"Maybe I should go see who that is."
  359. >before she could get up, they heard the front door open
  360. >and a loud, booming voice filled the small home
  361. >"GUESS WHO'S HOME!"
  363. >Rainbow Blitz was full on trembling in his chair
  364. >that deep voice had struck to his core
  365. >no way that was Butterscotch
  366. >he couldn't be that loud if he wanted to
  367. >"Ooh! Ooh! Could you please excuse me, Rainbow Blitz?"
  368. >the motherly mare was bouncing up and down in her seat
  369. "uh..."
  370. >why was she asking him?
  371. "...go ahead?"
  372. >he could have swore she squeaked as she flew from her chair and headed for the hallway
  373. >Wait, she was flying?
  374. >That was the first time he had seen her fly
  375. >then she stopped, hovering just in front of the doorway
  376. >the source of the deep voice walked into the kitchen
  377. >and that's when Blitz saw him
  378. >the stallion was taller than Scotch's mom, who was already taller than him
  379. >he was way bigger than Big Macarena, and she was the biggest pony he knew
  380. >and he looked very strong. Not body-builder strong, but he was still built like a brick shithouse
  381. >with a deep orange coat and short, bright pink hair that continued down into a thick, full, well-maintained beard
  382. >Blitz sunk slightly in his chair at the sight of the pure alpha-male stallion before him
  383. >"Hello dear, I missed you so much!!" the motherly mare said as she hugged his neck
  384. >she seemed even more petite compared to him
  385. >"Aw, I was only gone a few days." He said in a deep, yet soft tone
  386. >his cheek getting peppered by light kisses
  387. >"It was still too long" she replied as he hugged her back
  388. >the huge stallion looked to the table and locked eyes with the shaking blue stallion
  389. >for a moment, those eyes pierced Blitz's very soul
  390. >he tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry
  391. >the stallion took his arm from his wife, and pointed a hoof towards Blitz
  392. >Scotch's dad furrowed his brow slightly and spoke up
  393. >"Maybe I was gone too long. You've gone and moved another stallion in!"
  395. >Rainbow Blitz's eyes started to dart around the room
  396. >pure fear had set in
  397. >he was hunting some way out of here
  398. >there was a small window above the sink, but could he fit?
  399. >he might have to
  400. >"Dear, that's just one of Butterscotch's little friends."
  401. >little?
  402. >the stallion broke the hug with his wife and started walking towards Blitz
  403. >...okay he did feel little now.
  404. >"So, one of Scotchy's little friends, huh?"
  405. >Blitz couldn't move
  406. >that voice had frozen him in fear
  407. >he had both of his front hooves between his legs and was squeezing his rear legs shut
  408. >as the alpha stallion neared him, he sunk down further and shut his eyes
  409. >Blitz almost felt like he was going to pee himself
  410. >"Put 'em there, son."
  411. >Blitz peeked out of one eye
  412. >Scotch's dad was smiling and holding his hoof out towards him for a hoofshake
  413. >"I'm gonna assume from the hair that you're Rainbow Blitz"
  414. "um, y-ye... yes sir."
  415. >the blue stallion slowly extended his hoof out
  416. >and lightly shook his hoof
  417. >"C'mon son, You gotta give a real hoofshake, like you mean it!"
  418. >the huge stallion grabbed Blitz's hoof and shook his whole arm up and down a few times
  419. >almost to the point of hurting him
  420. >then Scotch's dad pulled Blitz close to him and patted him on the back a couple times
  421. >that did kinda hurt
  422. >"There, that's a real hoof shake." he said with a hearty laugh
  423. >the mare wrapped her hooves around her husband's neck
  424. >"Dear, don't be too rough with him."
  425. >"I wasn't too rough. Anyway, he seems tough."
  426. >Blitz was wincing in pain
  428. >"Dear, dinner's already done, so I'll fix you a plate"
  429. >the stallion smiled at his wife
  430. >"What did my little honey pot make tonight?"
  431. >"Butterscotch's favorite."
  432. >the stallion clapped his hooves together
  433. >"Alright!"
  434. >the yellow mare sat a large plate of spaghetti in front of him
  435. >"You are too good to me, honey. I love you"
  436. >the mare giggled as he kissed her on the cheek
  437. >then the stallion started chowing down
  438. >Blitz stared in awe
  439. >that was far more than he ate...
  440. >and he was just putting it away
  441. >the petite mare took a seat beside her husband
  442. >she leaned her head against him
  443. >"So dear, what happened on your business trip?"
  444. >the huge stallion wiped his mouth then cleared his throat
  445. >"So get this. We get to the job site in Manehattan, after flying all the way up there, they don't even have half of the materials I needed there."
  446. >"Not delivered yet?"
  447. >"No, not ordered yet."
  448. >"They don't sound very organized."
  449. >"They aren't. So I told them off and flew straight home. Didn't even stop"
  450. >"Dear, you didn't..."
  451. >"I told the foreman that if I came back up there next week and they weren't ready yet, I'd buck him halfway across the city."
  452. >"You shouldn't have done that."
  453. >"But I did. I think I scared him half to death."
  454. >the mare giggled and playfully pushed against the stallion
  455. >"And how are things at the orphanage, honey?"
  456. >"Oh, it's alright. They loved the toys you got them, but..."
  457. >"What is it honey?
  458. >she had a concerned look on her face as she sighed
  459. >"It's just, um, I think little Featherfall is going to have to have her surgery sooner rather than later..."
  460. >the stallion lifted his hoof to her face
  461. >"Can the orphanage cover it?"
  462. >"They could, but it would wipe out their savings..."
  463. >"Then we'll cover the majority of it."
  464. >"But dear..."
  465. >"I've got plenty in my savings, and I'm getting a bonus for this job."
  466. >the large stallion looked over to Rainbow Blitz
  467. >"But we'll talk about that later. We have company now"
  468. >Blitz felt a huge knot growing in his stomach
  470. >as the couple continued to talk to each other, with various cute pet names thrown about, the blue stallion just sat there staring forward
  471. >he couldn't shake the feeling that he had done something terrible
  472. >...
  473. >maybe because he did
  474. >"So where is Butterscotch?"
  475. >the stallion's deep voice broke Blitz away from his thoughts
  476. >"Oh, he told me that he was going to be a little bit late tonight. He was going to his friend's birthday party. Isn't that right, Rainbow Blitz?"
  477. "I, uh, yes..."
  478. >"But he should have been here by now..."
  479. >the stallion hugged his wife
  480. >"Honey, you know he's a grown stallion now. He can handle himself"
  481. >"But he's still my little colt. I'll worry about him when he's away, just like how I worry about you."
  482. >Blitz had broken into a cold sweat now
  483. >he had to get out of here somehow
  484. >Butterscotch's dad got up from the table and put his plate in the sink
  485. >"C'mon. We can wait for him in the living room."
  486. >the mare was already heading that way
  487. >"Okay, dear. I call the comfy chair!"
  488. >"Aw, not my chair..."
  489. >the orange stallion turned his attention to Blitz
  490. >"Come on, Blitz, we'll show you some of Scotchy's baby pictures. You'll get a kick out of those."
  491. >he said with a chuckle
  492. "o-okay."
  493. >Blitz was following right behind the slowly walking stallion
  494. >he was looking down at his hooves intensely
  495. >the blue pegasus didn't dare look up
  496. >Butterscotch's dad's tail was cropped short, and he didn't want to risk catching a glimpse of what equipment the stallion was packing
  497. >Blitz already felt inadequate enough
  499. >by the time the two stallions got to the living room, Butterscotch's mom had indeed taken command of the big comfy chair
  500. >she was sprawled out in it, laying back
  501. >that chair could easily seat two average size ponies
  502. >"Well, Blitz, looks like me and you got to share the couch"
  503. >the mare giggled as the two stallions got onto the small couch
  504. >it was more like a slightly bigger loveseat
  505. >Blitz nervously sat beside the stallion that towered over him
  506. >the father cleared his throat
  507. >"So Rainbow Blitz, Butterscotch has told us a lot about you."
  508. "R-really?"
  509. >"Yep. He's told us about all of his friends. He thinks highly of all of ya."
  510. "oh, well, that's... good..."
  511. >Blitz felt genuinely terrible now
  512. >"So how's the farm?"
  513. "huh?"
  514. >"Dear, Applejack runs the farm."
  515. >"Oh, okay. How's the Princesses then?"
  516. "i, uh..."
  517. >"Wrong one again, dear." the mare chuckled
  518. >"Which one's that one, then."
  519. >"Dusk. He's the Princess's student."
  520. >"Okay then, What do you do Blitz?"
  521. "I, uh, work for the weather team in Ponyville."
  522. >"Okay then. So which one wanted to be a Wonderbolt?"
  523. "that's me, sir"
  524. >"Okay, okay. Did Scotch ever tell you that my grandpa was in the Wonderbolt Reserves?"
  525. "um, no."
  526. >"Honey, where's the family album at? I gotta show him that."
  527. >the bundle of nerves that is now Rainbow Blitz sat on the couch between the huge stallion and his wife as they recounted old family stories and showed off embarrassing baby pictures of Butterscotch.
  528. >he was too scared to move the entire time
  530. >after a while, the motherly mare spoke up with concern in her voice
  531. >"Dear, it's been nearly an hour since you got here, and Butterscotch still isn't here. I'm starting to really worry."
  532. >Blitz started sweating again
  533. >what if Scotch was lost in the Everfree?
  534. >or still knocked out?
  535. >with huge, hungry creatures sniffing his lifeless body...
  536. >maybe he should just tell them and they all can go help him
  537. >he looked up to the huge stallion
  538. >Blitz decided instantly that telling them would be a bad idea
  539. >he'd hate to see that gentle giant mad
  540. >"Honey, He probably just went on home and fell asleep or something."
  541. >"But that's not like him."
  542. >the stallion chuckled
  543. >"Hey, maybe that party got a little wild..."
  544. >"Dear..."
  545. >Blitz cleared his throat
  546. "Well, uh, I need to be heading home soon or my mom will get worried too, I could stop by there..."
  547. >"I can go with you, and then head back here after we find him." the stallion added
  548. "well, I uh..."
  549. >the worried mare piped up
  550. >"That's a good idea, you two do that."
  551. >well, there goes getting out of here alone
  552. >"I'll go get my saddlebag just in case. Go on ahead, Rainbow Blitz. I'll catch up."
  553. "y-yes sir."
  554. >as Blitz headed for the door while trying to make a new plan, Butterscotch's mom stopped him right in front of the door
  555. >"You be careful now, Rainbow Blitz."
  556. "I will ma'am."
  557. >"And do come back soon. I'll tell Butterscotch you're welcome over anytime."
  558. "Okay."
  559. >Blitz had his hoof on the doorknob
  560. >maybe he could just bolt and hide out somewhere
  561. >his pupils narrowed
  562. >but what if they didn't find Scotch...
  563. >no, that wouldn't happen
  564. >he'll go get him sometime or something
  565. >as the pegasus thought, he slowly opened the door
  566. >something pushed against the door and it quickly flew open
  567. >the mare screamed and the stallion quickly ran into the room
  568. >Blitz could only stare in shock
  569. >a yellow and pink pegasus who was beaten, bruised and bloody crumpled to the floor in the doorway
  571. "Holy shit."
  572. >Blitz didn't mean to say it out loud
  573. >but he did
  574. >he stared, unblinking, at Butterscotch's seemingly lifeless form on the floor in front of him
  575. >the yellow pegasus's breath was quick and shallow
  576. >his mane and coat were matted, coated in dirt, leaves and sticks
  577. >his usually pristine hooves were caked in mud
  578. >the corner of his mouth had a bit of dried blood on it
  579. >one of his wings was unfolded, and barely twitching
  580. >the sight made Rainbow Blitz feel sick to his stomach
  581. >"B-Buttersco..." the mare said quietly, her voice shaking
  582. >her eyes were wide in shock
  583. >the house had grown completely silent
  584. >the image of his friend on the floor was burning itself into Blitz's mind
  585. >it seemed like an eternity before anypony moved
  586. >then Blitz was shoved to the side with considerable force
  587. >by the time he regained his balance, he could see Butterscotch's dad has flown to his son's side
  588. >"Butterscotch!"
  589. >the massive stallion said, almost whimpering
  590. >he was holding his son's head in his hooves, gently petting his cheek
  591. >"Speak to me, little buddy!"
  592. >Scotch barely opened his mouth
  593. >"dad... i-i'm..."
  594. >the small yellow stallion took a shallow breath
  595. >"i'm sorry..."
  597. >"Sorry?" the large stallion said in a loud, shocked voice
  598. >he sunk his head in a bit, tears in his eyes
  599. >"Sorry for what?" he said quietly
  600. >"i'm... late..."
  601. >the father sniffed, his lip trembling
  602. >he leaned down and lightly hugged his only son
  603. >"It's fine, buddy. You're gonna be okay..."
  604. >he barely choked out those last few words
  605. >he looked up to see his wife on the other side of their son
  606. >she had fetched a first aid kit and a rag
  607. >"Butterscotch, dear, what happened?"
  608. >"i...ow"
  609. >he had tried to move, but he couldn't manage it
  610. >"Dear, you need to be still."
  611. >she began wiping his mouth
  612. >Scotch's dad had tears streaming down his face
  613. >"C'mon Scotch, you gotta tell us what happened to you."
  614. >the injured stallion moaned slightly
  615. >"Blitz..."
  616. >"He's right here, honey."
  617. >before Rainbow Blitz could process it, the motherly mare had pulled him beside her
  618. >Butterscotch looked up to his rainbow maned friend
  619. >his left eye was nearly closed, a nice black eye forming
  620. >the pupil of his other eye was narrowed, shaking while focusing on Blitz
  621. >"Blitz... b-blitz...di..."
  622. >Scotch's voice trailed off as his eyes gently closed
  623. "i'm sorry"
  625. >the blue stallion placed his hoof on his friend's quickly rising and falling chest
  626. >the poor yellow stallion on the ground was mumbling
  627. >"Blitz be..."
  628. >Rainbow Blitz's entire body was trembling
  629. >it almost felt like something had his heart in a vice grip
  630. "scotch..."
  631. >every fiber of his being was telling him to run
  632. >go
  633. >get AWAY
  635. >...
  636. >but he couldn't
  637. >he was frozen in place
  638. >he just stared at his childhood friend
  639. >in his terrible state of agony
  640. >...that he caused
  641. >"beat... me up..."
  642. >Scotch said as his head seemed to roll to the side
  643. >his father lightly shook him
  644. >"...beat you up? Who beat you up?"
  645. >Scotch's eye opened again, slightly
  646. >he looked up to his father, his eyes pleading with him
  647. "i did."
  649. >the mother and father stared at Blitz
  650. >"WHAT?"
  651. >they seemed to say it in unison
  652. >Scotch slowly leaned his head up
  653. >"blitz... n..."
  654. >he barely squeaked out
  655. "He said..."
  656. >Rainbow was sweating now
  657. >he slowly started to lower to the floor, cowering
  658. "he said..."
  659. >the two ponies that seemed to tower above him stared at him
  660. "he did... things..."
  661. >the father frowned as his eyes narrowed
  662. "with my mom..."
  663. >the mother turned to him as she furrowed her brow, tears growing in the corners of her eyes
  664. "and-d i..."
  665. >he wanted to cover his head with his trembling hooves
  666. >"How could you..."
  667. >Butterscotch's dad said in a deep, serious tone
  668. >"I invited you in and fed you..."
  669. >the mare added before she started crying
  670. >Blitz wasn't certain, but he thought he peed a little
  671. >He was scared.
  672. >VERY scared
  673. >he whimpered like a small, frightened puppy
  674. >the blue pegasus's eyes started to dart around
  675. >...the door was still open
  676. >should he try for it?
  677. >or face Butterscotch's parents?
  678. >he looked up to the mare crying
  679. >the battered pegasus on the floor
  680. >and the stallion staring him down
  681. >his decision was made
  683. >A rainbow streak shot out of the house into the clear night sky
  684. >Rainbow Blitz was crying as the cool wind hit him
  685. >internally, he was screaming and cursing at himself
  686. >he was so stupid
  687. >he shouldn't have beat up his best friend
  688. >or tried some half-brained mother-fucking revenge scheme
  689. >for now, he had no plan
  690. >just keep flying straight
  691. >eventually he'll think of something...
  692. >anything...
  693. >Blitz heard what could best be described as the sound of thunder behind him
  694. >he snapped his eyes shut as he tried to push his wings to go faster
  695. >but he was already at max speed
  696. >then something violently grabbed him
  697. >two hooves wrapping around his middle
  698. >squeezing him tight
  699. >too tight
  700. >the blue pegasus screamed in fear and pain
  701. >he felt a *pop*
  702. >one of his wings had been folded in wrong
  703. >he was quickly losing altitude
  704. >and the added weight of the pony that had him wasn't helping
  705. >he looked down at the quickly approaching ground
  706. >all he could do is close his eyes and hope for the best
  708. >Blitz heard the flapping of wings
  709. >their descent had slowed somewhat, but not enough
  710. >they hit the ground
  711. >hard
  712. >that pony still had a good grip on him
  713. >the two ponies rolled for a bit before hitting a rose bush
  714. >Blitz had flown free of his captor's grip, and bounced on the hard ground a few times
  715. >he eventually rolled to a stop
  716. >Rainbow Blitz laid there in a daze
  717. >not sure of where he was
  718. >he let out a pained moan
  719. >all he knew now was that every limb of his hurt
  720. >and one of his wings was in extreme pain
  721. >then he heard a deep scream behind him
  722. >a scream that chilled him to the bone
  723. >he closed his eyes
  724. >after a second, he heard hooves hit the ground beside him
  725. >he hoped it was just his mind
  726. >that hope was shattered as a hoof grabbed him and turned him onto his back
  727. >Blitz hissed in pain
  728. >then he felt a weight sit on top of him
  729. >he opened his eyes and met the intense stare of a pair of teary, light orange eyes
  730. >Butterscotch's mom was sitting on top of him
  731. >her teeth gritted in unbridled rage
  732. >she grabbed one of his shoulders and pulled him closer to her
  733. >as she drew her other hoof back, the corners of Blitz's mouth curved ever so slightly into a small smile
  734. >a thought had entered his mind
  735. >he closed his eyes as her hoof shot towards his face
  736. > least he did end up with Butterscotch's mom on top of him
  738. -Epilogue-
  740. >Blitz's eyes fluttered as he woke up
  741. >he was cold
  742. >and too sore to move
  743. >he was laying on his back
  744. >something was holding one of his wings out straight
  745. >the light was too bright...
  746. >the only noise he could hear was various beeps
  747. >and it sounded like a mare was crying, far off
  748. >his eyes eventually began to focus
  749. >ceiling tiles...
  750. >he looked down at himself
  751. >a thin cover was draped over him
  752. >wait...
  753. >he was in a hospital bed
  754. >this was the same one he was in last time...
  755. >he moaned as he tried to get up
  756. >bad idea
  757. >that just made everything hurt
  758. >he laid back down and rolled his head to his side
  759. >he saw Butterscotch sitting in a hospital bed beside him
  761. "Scotch..."
  762. >he said the best he could
  763. >"Oh! Um, good morning, Blitz"
  764. >Butterscotch was sitting up in his own bed, a few feet away
  765. >he had a tray of food in front of him, and was drinking from a juice box
  766. >"um, How do you feel?"
  767. >he wanted to tell his friend "Like shit." but his... everything hurt
  768. "I... how did... get..."
  769. >"How did you get here?"
  770. >Blitz grunted in agreement
  771. >"oh, My mom brought us both up here."
  772. *grunt*
  773. >"They, um, she had them do some tests."
  774. >Blitz laid his head back down
  775. >"The doctor should be back in here soon..."
  776. >the sun was shining into Blitz's eyes
  777. >wait, morning?
  778. >he looked at his friend again
  779. >he was covered in bandages and...
  780. >an eye patch?
  781. "Scotch... what's with... the patch?"
  783. >"...oh."
  784. >he hadn't hurt his friend too bad, had he?
  785. " sorry, Scotch"
  786. >he barely eked out
  787. >Blitz felt that knot in his gut again
  788. >along with soreness that seemed to fill his body
  789. >"No, it's fine..."
  790. >Blitz felt tears in his eyes
  791. >"Mom put it on me, cause of the bad, um, black eye."
  792. "oh"
  793. >Blitz didn't care. tears were still starting to stream down his face
  794. "Sorry i did that... to you Scotch..."
  795. >Butterscotch looked over to his friend
  796. >"It's okay. the doctor said I'm fine. No permanent damage..."
  797. "That's... that's good..."
  798. >Scotch smiled to him
  799. "but why are you... in a bed?"
  800. >"mom insisted on it."
  802. "oh..."
  803. >"I mean, even after she bandaged us up, she thought I should come up here anyway."
  804. >Blitz closed his eyes as he silently cried
  805. >"The breakfast was good, though. And that's nice..."
  806. "my... i dont..."
  807. >his jaw hurt too much for him to eat right now
  808. >Scotch's mom must have had a hell of a right hoof
  809. >"and, I'm sorry, but she ran out of Wonderbolt band-aids on me, so she had to use the flower ones on you."
  810. >so that's what that tugging feeling was on his face...
  811. >"also... um... I, uh, told them everything..."
  812. >Butterscotch was tapping his hooves together
  813. "about what..."
  814. >"um... you know, me, at your house, and your mom..."
  815. >Blitz sniffed
  816. >"and the party, and Zecora finding me in the Everfree, and flying back home..."
  817. "oh yeah..."
  818. >Blitz barely choked out his reply
  819. >there was a light tap of a hoof at the door to the room
  820. >"Come in, please."
  821. >A pretty red-maned mare in a doctor's coat walked into the room
  822. >even though he could barely move, Blitz still tried to check her out
  823. >...noice
  824. >at least those parts of him still worked
  825. >no matter how sore they were
  826. >"Hello, Mr. Butterscotch, how was breakfast?"
  827. >"oh, it was very good!"
  828. >the mare smiled to him
  829. >"Well, that's good to hear, cause I am getting hungry..."
  830. >the doctor mare chuckled slightly
  831. >"Oh, Miss?" Scotch spoke up "um, Blitz is awake."
  832. >"That's great! I'll go-"
  833. >all three ponies heard the wailing cry of a mare from the hallway
  835. >A yellow coated mare flew into the hospital room and shot towards Blitz's bed
  836. >she immediately wrapped her hooves around him and squeezed him in a hug
  837. >"ohgoshohgosh I'm so sorry Rainbow Blitz can you ever forgive me i'm soooooo soorrrryy..."
  838. >Butterscotch's mom was wailing into his chest
  839. >she looked like she had been crying all night
  840. "owwwww..."
  841. >it was Blitz's only response
  842. >"ma'am? MA'AM! please! He's hurt, you know"
  843. >the doctor had her hooves up, pleading with the mare
  844. >"i'm sorry..." the butter colored mom said as she let go of the blue stallion
  845. >as Butterscotch's dad walked into the room, she shot to him and buried her face in his chest, sniffling
  846. >"It's okay, honey..."
  847. >he tried his best to console her
  848. >Blitz noticed his own mom had walked in behind Scotch's dad
  849. "Mom..."
  850. >he moaned to her as she made her way towards him
  851. >"It's okay Blitzie, mama's here."
  852. >she started to pet his mane as the doctor spoke up
  853. >"How ya doing, Rainbow Blitz?"
  854. "i'm... doing."
  855. >"We got you in your old room again. How about that?"
  856. >Blitz chuckled softly at the mare
  857. >"We might need to set up a Frequent Visitor's card for you. Three visits would equal a free ice cream. How's that sound?"
  858. >Blitz laughed for a second before he started groaning from the soreness
  859. >the doctor mare lifted up her clipboard
  860. >"Ma'am, Blitz. I have some news for you...."
  862. >Blitz held his breath in anticipation
  863. >"Well..."
  864. >he was crying now, no sense in trying to hide it...
  865. >his poor wing was hurting intensely
  866. >"You have a hairline fracture on one of your ribs..."
  867. >that explained the soreness in his chest
  868. >"And your wing was dislocated, but it's been reset, so it should heal right up. You're lucky, she could have broke it."
  869. >Blitz let out a sigh of relief
  870. >"So you're going to be out of commission for a little while, but you should be one-hundred percent soon enough."
  871. >"OH thank goodness..." his mom sighed
  872. >"And we got all of his tests back..."
  873. >"Wait, tests?" his mom spoke up
  874. >"Yes, ma'am." the doctor pointed a hoof towards Scotch's mom
  875. >"She insisted that we test him for everything we could."
  876. >Blitz's mom smiled as she looked over to the two ponies hugging, one consoling the other
  877. "did i pass?"
  878. >"Well, besides the rib, you have no other broken bones, your heart beat and blood pressure was fine, you're on no drugs, you have no deadly diseases, no sexually transmittable diseases..."
  879. >Blitz started to blush
  880. >"You're not concussed, his prostate is fine, not under the effect of poison joke..."
  881. >the doctor was flipping through the sheets on the clipboard
  882. >"You had pegasus pox as a foal, right?"
  883. "yeah..."
  884. >"Okay, His kidneys, liver, stomach and all other major organs are fine, no joints hurt, not carrying a clutch of changeling eggs, no other foreign objects, CT scan showed his brain is fine, blood's fine, and..."
  885. >all ponies in the room were staring at the doctor
  886. >"you're not pregnant."
  887. "that's goo... wait, what?"
  888. >"She insisted we did EVERY test we have."
  889. "oh."
  890. >"Yeah, besides the few abrasions, and the contusions on the face and... um, his groin, He's in near perfect health."
  892. >the doctor mare smiled at Rainbow Blitz and his mother
  893. >"So no flying for a bit, then just take it easy. But for now, I'll let you get some breakfast and some rest."
  894. >then she took her leave
  895. >Butterscotch's dad patted his hoof on his wife's back
  896. >she was still crying into his chest
  897. >"Well, I'm going to go and try to get her to eat something. Would you like us to bring you something, Miss?"
  898. >"No, I'll join you two in a little bit." Blitz's mom said to him
  899. >"Sounds good. You coming, Scotch?"
  900. >"Yes, dad." he said while leaving his bed
  901. "Scotch."
  902. >the yellow stallion turned to his friend in the bed
  903. >"um, yeah Blitz?"
  904. "We still cool, dude?"
  905. >Scotch seemed to just stare at his friend
  906. >"...yeah, yeah. I forgive you."
  907. "Thanks dude..."
  908. >Rainbow Blitz held a hoof from beneath the covers
  909. >Both ponies smiled to each other as Butterscotch bumped his hoof to Blitz's
  910. "ow..."
  911. >"I'm sorry, Blitz!"
  912. "it's okay."
  913. >he said through the pain
  914. >Butterscotch quickly trotted to his parent's side as they entered the hall
  915. >Blitz could hear Scotch's dad talking to him
  916. >"That's my boy..."
  918. >Blitz's mom stayed by his side after the rest of the ponies had left the room
  919. >"Oh Blitzie..." his mom said as she pat him on his head
  920. "Mom..."
  921. >"Don't worry, momma's gonna take care of you."
  922. >she gave her son a light hug
  923. >"Even though you are gonna be in trouble..."
  924. "Aw, but..."
  925. >"But it can wait until after you get better..."
  926. >they enjoyed their hug for a long time
  927. "Mom?"
  928. >"Hm?"
  929. "You're not... mad at Butterscotch's mom, are you?"
  930. >she had done a number on Blitz...
  931. >"Nah. Me and her talked all night. She's an old friend."
  932. "really?"
  933. >"Yep. And I've seen her do worse to ponies that wronged her..."
  934. >Blitz just sat in aching silence as he thought about that
  935. >"But she did cry over what she did almost all night."
  936. "Tell her I'm sorry."
  937. >"I will."
  938. >she broke the hug with her son
  939. >"Well, honey, I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat, catch up with them, and then I'll be back."
  940. "Take your time, mom. I'm not going too far."
  941. >"You want something?"
  942. "Nah."
  943. >"I'll bring you something sweet, then."
  944. >Blitz's mom went to leave
  945. >but then she stopped and turned back to her son
  946. >"Hey Blitzie?"
  947. "Huh?"
  948. >he noticed she had a pink tint to her face
  949. >"ohmygosh, Did you see how BIG Butterscotch's dad is?"
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