

Nov 13th, 2021
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  1. How is it that during the whole pandemic there was no problem with butchery or getting HGV drivers but 2 months before Christmas there's a crisis. You would have to assume the European workforce went home before the pandemic. Which is now almost 2 years old. So how suddenly is there a workforce problem there wasn't a problem last Christmas we still had butcher's and HGV drivers. The whole thing again is manufactured by the build back better great reset brigade. Especially obvious as it is again a world wide problem.
  3. They want to control the food chain. It’s easier if it’s all made in a factory. Control the food, control the people. Wheat is basically synthetic meat with a lot of soy to make it taste like organic meat.
  4. Low T soy-ciety.
  6. soy is full of GMOs. GMOs negatively affect the Gut System flora. Gut System is essential for a healthy Immune System.
  8. The target is the european man, the hunter, the 0 (zero) blood type, the r1a1 haplogroup... In other words the white man. Ashkenazi bill gates - whose ancestors are half jew and half caucasian (in the geographical sense) trying to deprive the northern european man from his daily testosterone intake from meat. Its a scientific siege. There are so few of them... so what do they do? They put up banks, bought out newspapers, computer and pharmaceutical companies, made money, bribed all the politicians of the world, put everybody in fear and now they are closing in on us.
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