
Uri - StarStruck Eye Implant Onto Xyth

May 20th, 2020
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  2. [00:48] Uri sits down next to Xyth, and with a few things stuck within his mind, from the journey he's had and all that came with it. The young Sanctum thought he'd first greet this friend of his, perhaps, see just how his day was going before even popping the question.
  4. "Hello there, Xyth. How are things going for you?" Uri asked.
  5. (Uri Sanctum)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [00:52] Xyth was sitting down on the bench near the fountains, frowning to himself about his life and the choices around it, but not regretting them more over.
  10. When he saw Uri taking a seat next to him, he rose a brow to him before speaking up.
  12. "Oh, hey Uri. I'm just thinking to myself"
  13. (Xyth)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [00:55] Uri raises a brow to this, "Thinking? About what exactly?" Asked the young Captain whilst taking a wrapped item out of his pocket. Something he treasured from a journey pursued and won long ago. He doesn't reveal it quite yet, but he would first continue to see where Xyth was in his life currently.
  18. How did he feel, where he felt that he belonged. And all he's done, for points where he may have wondered where he went wrong. So where was he in thought? In the events the times have brought. "Not overthinking the ideals that'll be within Osilot are y'?"
  19. (Uri Sanctum)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [01:01] Xyth looked toward Uri, but he didn't pay much attention to the item that he had, only to look away and sighed.
  24. "I'm not thinking about the Ideals of Osilot. But Osilot itself I am thinking about. Over all....I've been thinking about what people have been saying. And doing some thought about some other stuff.
  26. I wont lie. I am stressed out. I cant sleep...My socket hurts sometimes."
  28. He pointed toward the missing left eye that had an eyepatch over it.
  30. "I spoke to Del before...but she just basically insulted me. She believes that trying to make a settlement is hard and I shouldn't make the settlement. I felt angry that she would make the claim, even if it was a dream to be had. But...what's making me think is what she said prior, about how if 'I' needed to make Osilot. I told Del that I didn't need the Settlement. But you, everyone else...needs Osilot. I wanted to make it for my family and for thepeople who wanted to escape the world that seemed to be corrupt in ways not told. But...without my family...I don't know how to justify the existence of Osilot. least..I cant think of any"
  31. (Xyth)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [01:06] Uri would give a pause, looking to Xyth and slightly, rubbing the mysterious item within his hand, soothing it with his own cosmic energy as he spoke to his friend. He heard, everything that was mentioned, nothing went into his ear only to escape the other, and thus, Uri spoke his own.
  36. "People like that, they don't see past the walls we already have. Then there are some who would rather you use your wealth only for the sake of what's already here, Osrona… Both living and dying only for it despite any wrongs it may have done towards you."
  38. He scuffs.
  40. "That's the flaw of this land my friend... Some people fail to see the bigger picture and well, others... They don't get to see it at all, not until they are too late."
  42. Uri would finally... Begin to unwrap the protector, piece by piece, but not actually showing what it was he wanted to give. After finally coming up with some way to utilize the relic he had nearly died for. He looks to Xyth one more time, asking him.
  44. "Do you think, that people who grow up, only wanting to serve Osrona to an absolute, see anything greater than themselves that doesn't involve dying in battle, Xyth?"
  45. (Uri Sanctum)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [01:19] Xyth looked toward the sky, only to grow in his cosmic aura, building up that energy for a moment, but as he spoke he couldn't help but speak in such a way that was oddly strange for him; anger.
  50. "There is a lot to say about this place Uri. The people of Osrona are fighting for what they believe in, even if it was something so blinding.
  52. Yet, when I want something it seemed that it was just out of reach. Out of reason for others and it drives me insane. I've worked for 10 years for that fact of wanting a goal. A purpose for what I wanted. I kept to myself, told no one of my plans and expected my family to help me, knowing full well that my intentions were pure.
  54. I worked hard, setting up works and selling potions and gaining money for my own family to one day be happy.
  56. I found myself begging for more, driving my body up a wall just for that reason.
  58. If anything I am just like everyone else in the city, blinded and single-minded. Yet, when I was gaining the funds for my family's new family....suffered. I lost my brother, Akame, then so many other friends, then Lemuria, then Oracle, Ryuko, Erehn, Nyx, and Aerlion. My family was all I had. What I fought bring smiles to their lives.
  60. Yet, even then I still wanted to make Osilot in their memory. Yet...I don't know what to fight for anymore. I asked for guidance from my star, but its guidance has lead me nowhere yet.
  62. I thought that maybe I should take a moment to relax in one point of my life....fall in love...and find more meaning...but it wasn't in my guidance to have such a thing..."
  64. Xyth seemed to be an emotional mess. His strong desires for multiple things were reforming and colliding. Some chipping and some sticking in his mind. His words were confusing, but his ideas were clear. Xyth wanted purpose outside of just a 'follower' of some kind. Xyth wanted to be that light that everyone wanted to 'follow' and make the sacrifices that no one could make. But, he hasn't made that grand sacrifice that he has to, but there were times when it was enough.
  65. (Xyth)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [01:27] For this, Uri shook his head. Speaking softly, as he reveals more of the relic that was within his grasp. Looking on over to Xyth from a glance.
  70. "All you need, is some light, and you won't be as blind... Not as much as you were before anyway... Both figuratively and quite literally," said Uri whilst he removed the final wrapping... And there it was, the Starstruck eye, a relix he collected from the cosmic wolf he had slain... Though done through a broken heart, Uri himself thought he could mend this spiritual wound, by giving the eye to someone he thought was deserving.
  72. Not a king, prince, princess or queen. Not a noble, not a hero or anything in-between. But a friend, someone who had found no love, who was always lost on his path, taken and forced astray by either enemies or friends who saw nothing more than their own hubris. "I want to give you that light, and, your first gift... As a Chairmen to be," Uri presents the eye of Mono, the Stargazing Wolfe to Xyth.
  75. Starstruck Eye [SHIELD]
  76. "The eye from a creature that once gazed towards the stars too much, its insides solidifying in a crystalline essence that embodied sheer cosmic energy. It is still soft on the outside, but the insides seem to still bear a fair amount of untapped power, dwindling at each moment it lies unlinked to something alive. This item expires in the year of 1750 AC.
  78. "It belonged to a dear soul I was forced to kill... Please Xyth, accept this, and see the stars through an eye that has watched them for thousands of years, maybe more or less..."
  81. (Uri Sanctum)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [01:37] Xyth heard Uri's words, but he seemed to sigh for a moment. It was true that Xyth had lost his path, but he never walked in that darkness and refused to give up easily on the matter. He was patient and calm, but sometimes he had his fair moments of outbursts when he reached a peak.
  86. When Uri showed off the relic, he blinked, unsure what he was looking at. He looked toward Uri, only to take the item in his hand from the cloth and examine it. It eye?
  88. Xyth took a moment to notice that there was something inside of the eyeball, but it wasn't an object, it felt like a deep well of power, but he wasn't sure what.
  90. Xyth looked toward Uri, speaking up.
  92. "Why would you give this to me Uri? Im not sure what it really is. Though...are you sure?"
  94. A gift for a Chairmen to be was something Xyth never thought to be a thing even.
  95. (Xyth)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [01:43] He nods his head. The Captain was sure about this. Actually, having a gift for a friend worth giving. Something he nearly died for, and something that will surely, and truly, help Xyth see the light upon the path he was taking.
  100. "I doubt anyone else will be as eligible as you, to see the light that this eye will have to offer... So, if you are ready, I'll be within the hospital room," said Uri as he got up with the eye, securing it carefully, and stepping away so slightly, waiting for Xyth to stand and follow.
  102. He stared into the sky with those few butterflies casually floating around the church.
  104. And with children, magi and non-magi alike, running and playing about on the field as he would speak to Xyth whilst walking towards the church door.
  106. "A dream, is only a dream for as long as you want it to be... Until the day your spirits and efforts, give you the strength and courage to make it a reality."
  107. (Uri Sanctum)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [01:54] Xyth looked toward Uri. It was nice to hear his words and more so what he was meant to figure on the whole idea of the gift being toward him.
  112. So, with it, Xyth followed along Uri, pressing a hand toward his left eye socket for a moment. Though he'd take a deep breath, looking at the hospital beds to be around it for himself.
  114. The man trusted Uri, even as he was incredibly short, he trusted Uri like a brother, though he'd lay down in the bed, sighing once more under the feeling that he was still unsure about if this was right for him.
  116. "A something I never really think about. Just goals. Goals that I want to achieve not because they are there, but because they're challenging. There are so many things I want to know, understand, and connect with....yet, I want to do so for a purpose in mind. To me, a Goal for the reason solely because I wanted to show just how important I can become without having to follow suit with everyone around me...A testament to see how far...I could go."
  117. (Xyth)
  118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. [01:57] Uri had his bag ready, his first aid kit wouldn't be used for this but rather, his actual equipment. The mithril wires, the tools he needed for conducting a tight surgery as well as the cleaning utensils that will make sure that Xyth wouldn't get some mysterious infection from what Uri had planned.
  122. "It's something... That's been on my mind for a while... See, originally, I was going to try and find a golem to attach this to, but... That won't be possible, not by a long shot... So, after that... I thought of you Xyth, and remembered the face, the expression on that wolf... Mono..."
  124. He smiles.
  126. "Who better, to have this eye, than someone who looks at their dream the very same way? Like a star-struck wolf."
  128. From here, Uri would take off his fur coat, his actual captain attire, sporting only his pants, boots, belt and white button up shirt. Rubbing his hands and arms with soap.
  130. "Here, wash your face with this rag," he said to Xyth.
  132. During this time, Uri would arrange his tools on the table.
  133. (Uri Sanctum)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [02:06] Xyth listened to Uri, hearing his words before using the rag to clean his face and even his socket for a moment, removing his eyepatch and cleaning the sewed flesh, though he'd point toward the socket and spoke up.
  138. "Well, Im honored to be remembered as a Wolf....when I am actually a feline. Though I get the reference...
  140. The socket is constantly cleaned every few weeks. Erehn cleaned it out, but I personally keep my eye lids cleaned and ensure to wash it out every now and then. Should be easy to work with if you plan to jab that thing into my socket. Though it will take more time...But...I need to be put under so that it can sit properly..
  142. There was a technique I used on Ilsa to put her under. Just take your time. Make sure you do what you need to. I wont feel any of it until I wake up. To wake me up just place energy against my head."
  144. Xyth took a moment to sigh, placing his hands onto his head, slowly channeling his own Cosmic energy around to knock himself out, but it was only as normal as sleeping. Though he would still lightly react to certain things.
  145. (Xyth)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [02:17] With the proper tools at his disposal, Uri would do just that..Calling over one of the non-magi nurses who would give Xyth that shot, one that'll put him under for some time, at least, long enough for Uri to gain access to the old and damaged Optic-nerve deep within the socket... Of course, it wouldn't be the most beautiful sight.
  150. He had to wait, for Xyth to go under, and all the while, the non-magi nurse would stand by, in case they needed a higher dosage especially considering the fact that Xyth was indeed a magi.. This was a needed task to complete, for Uri was going to conduct an operation on the optic nerve...
  152. And what was that to be exact? Well.. The optic nerve is located in the back of the eye. It is also called the second cranial nerve or cranial nerve II. It is the second of several pairs of cranial nerves. The job of the optic nerve is to transfer visual information from the retina to the vision centers of the brain via electrical impulses, and with this being a rather special case. A magi and a special select tools to help Uri along the way. There would be a use of mithril wiring, to act as an artificial nerve, only one to send a few signals, not as much as a natural eye connection would, but one thin and near functional enough to connect the eye of the star-gazer's to that nerve of Xyth.
  154. It was a long process. One that took hours to complete, and one that Uri continued to work on, between breaks, between the hours of shifts between nurses and all. He had the tools and a magical relic that might change everything for them.
  156. So, once Uri had Xyth there, sound asleep, and the old nerve of his eye brought out to surface. Uri...Would prepare for the next, and possibly the final phase of this operation, the most difficult... Attachment and Mana Infusion.
  157. (Uri Sanctum)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [02:28] Eric would once assist Odin into a bed comfortably after they had arrived at the church and entered into the resting quarters of he holy building. With nurses and servants around to help, Eric would stand guard at the bed.
  162. "Is there anything I could help you with, my Prince?"
  163. (Eric cos Salis)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [02:28] "Is now, truly the time?" Surely, even from his experience of re-connecting limbs, making new ones and finding his way through even harder solutions. This very task, one that involved making a relic part of the human body was the most difficult for him. So, to make sure that all things were right, that his studies were accurate.. Uri would go back, looking through the books, trying to find a way to make this as painless as possible...
  168. But, he would have no choice, but to place his bets and faith on what he knew, what he's done and what he had. "Forgive me Xyth, if anything goes south," said the Sanctum as he would take the nerve of the Starstruck eye that he possessed... Then, reaching down for the optic nerve of Xyth's open socket... Uri would carefully, and through a magnified glass, he stared closely at what was normally never seen. He did not use any form of heat to attack these, but rather, he called upon the guidance of his own star.
  170. Why would he do this?
  172. Simply put.. This eye was a relic, one that can only be used when attached to a living being... It was not a simple eye either, it was one full of cosmic energy and so, Uri used that as leverage, taking this time, to attach the nerves through a deep and silent meditation method. For he was trying to feel for these steps on a spiritual level.
  174. The eye was coming along.
  176. For each passing moment, Uri took a moment to breathe, to observe how far he'd gotten... And like a plant slowly growing through its early days of life, Uri would do what he could, to mend this socket, to have the Starstruck eye fully attached to Xyth, and make it part of his being.
  178. For every step...
  180. Uri took a break to make sure he did not lose his mind throughout the operation. Speaking with the nurses who would make sure that Xyth had a proper intake of water. To make sure that the nerves were untouched, that Xyth didn't make any sudden jerks or would get up to walk out on his own...
  182. For the very final steps...
  184. Uri would give his full attention to the patient, and his friend, for in this defining moment. He wouldn't rely on his flames, but rather the talents that fueled them, finally speaking. "My friend, this relic of mine... It shall be yours... Forever and always, the starstruck eye that I've obtained from the heavens, so that you too may see what I saw, a masterpiece... Your own horizon that we'll eventually reach... One day," said Uri for the final touches were made... Slowly, he pushed the eye into the socket once the attachments had been done. Through and through, it was all artificial for the very wire that would connect the nerves enough for mana to function properly as a way for Xyth's body to communicate with and accept this foreign piece.
  185. (Uri Sanctum)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [02:28] {Item} You drop Starstruck Eye.
  189. [02:32] While the Prince is conscious, he doesn't respond. His eye clouded and unseeing, he stares through the space between himself and the ceiling - Silently, coldly, brokenly.
  191. There isn't any possible way he can reply to any of this. There isn't any possible way he could ask for anything - Think of anything.
  193. At first, in his captivity - Things were fine. The people of the Underground, despite holding him for ransom, were kind. They were understandable. Even in his position, he still --- Wanted to do something to reach out to them, to connect them back to society.
  195. But, now --
  197. … Now, people have died because of him. Now, he caused so much of an issue for his Kingdom that he is all but catatonic in the trauma of his failure.
  198. (Odin ras Petrakis)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [02:39] Eric should've expected this from his current state. So he couldn't blame him when the Prince didn't respond to his calling. He only stayed there, eyes closed, and a feeling of remorse despite not doing anything.
  203. "I will make sure that your treatment is fruitful. This is an action that can't be forgiven." Eric held a strong respect for the Prince and anyone of the Royal family and much like his own family, anyone who hurt them wouldn't be easily forgiven by him.
  205. For now the young lord would watch over Odin.
  206. (Eric cos Salis)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [02:50] Xyth found himself in a deep sleep, but it was deeper then he would imagine. The use of his Cosmic magic and that of the medicine Uri used on Xyth were all mixing with him.
  211. Though with this, Xyth seemed to delve into his mind, walking up in that of a dark room with a single candle to his side.
  213. The layout of the room was similar to that one he use to have in Sudbury, before he moved around. When he lived in the older house he lived in the attic, closed off from his family from a simple hatch door.
  215. From that stand point, Xyth grabbed the candle next to him, but when he went to move he found his leg chained.
  217. "What the...."
  219. Looking at the chain it connected him to the wall. It was like he was in a dungeon, but he was upstairs. Though suddenly, he heard a loud knock. It was from the trap door. The voice that came through was someone he remembered, Akame.
  221. 'Hey, Xyth, You awake?'
  223. Xyth was shocked to hear his brother's voice. He wanted to reach out to him, call him, but he couldn't move from his spot, only forced to listen to him speak.
  225. Even in his own mind, he was trapped , unable to say the things that he wanted to say. Only begging to himself.
  227. 'Hey Xyth? I know we fought before about what we were doing. Im sure that...even if you don't tell us what your doing 100% of the time, I trust you. I know I don't know what your thinking but...I just wanted to say that...I'm sorry for taking your stuff. I know that it must have been important to you...I should let you get some sleep though.'
  229. With that, Xyth could hear the sounds of the ladder being climbed down, but Xyth started to shout in his mind, but it kept him tied down, shutting out his voice before he left his body burn.
  231. For some reason, he felt like something was searing into his brain, breaking in mildly. On the outside world, Uri would have been easing in the new eye, but as it came in, Xyth felt something he couldn't describe.
  233. When he blinked, Xyth could see around him the grove. The place he fought the witch a few years back, but this time, he saw everyone on the ground, screaming in pain. In his hands he held his old staff, looking toward Matilda before rushing at her, but his arms and legs were quickly gripped by her magic.
  235. He looked toward her eyes, frowning more and more. The Older witch gripped his chin and then walked toward his family. The multitude of them: Jamey, Oracle, Erehn, Del, and Dornar. These were the people around to help him take her out. Though with each one fighting, they fell, only to be under the witches' grasp to break.
  237. The whole situation was replied in Xyth's mind:
  239. Upon the defeat of the party a wild laughter was heard. The battered and weakened bunch would be completely and utterly defeated.
  241. As Jamey would go to protect Oracle her remaining arm would grasped tightly. A searing flame running up the arm and disintegrating it completely to a stump to her shoulder before being blasted away!
  243. 'I told you I'd take it from you..~' She said in a sadistic tone before darting for her original prey! As she got a hold of Oracle she would bind him with occultic energy lifting him up above the ground.. Tendrils squeezing tightly as they drew blood.. Her staff was raised as a small occultic ball of flame shot forward to the bottom of Oracles spine.. After the burning sensation burrowed through his back he would be dropped to the floor.. Unable to feel his legs.
  245. 'Cockiness will only end your careers as heros sooner...That and the inability to take the moral lower ground!' She'd shout as a large occultic tendril would chase down Del! The tendril would then wrap around his throat, squeezing tighter and tighter until SNAP! The mans larynx would be snapped in two.. Effectively crippling his voice for life and choking him asleep before tossing him aside.
  247. 'Preach to your stars when you can no longer speak..' She'd snicker before turning to the main course.. Xyth, the prying man who's ambition drove him too far..
  249. Taunting the man as his comrades were either crippled for life or dying slowly. She'd walk forward to him before restraining him with the very same tendrils that held his brother.
  251. 'Oh what to do.. What to do.. Prying eyes that spied on my garden.. I know exactly what to do..' She'd say as her thumb was driven into his left eye, effectively destroying it. Blood leaking down his from his eye socked to his chin.
  253. He would then be cast away as she turned to face her grove. 'Let this be a lesson.. You chose to be the better man.. And it got you no where.' She'd say just loud enough for the group to hear. Her bloodlust seemingly quenched by injuring the group heavily.. And with that, she was gone.
  255. The whole situation was replied, the pain, the suffering. It all replayed in Xyth's mind. It made him suffer against the pain of guilt and agony with it all.
  257. Xyth gripped his finge
  258. (Xyth)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. [02:55] Eric cos Salis says, "I'll leave any maids and nurses to attend to you, My Grace. For now, I will patrol the surrounding area."
  262. [02:56] Now, washing his hands as the non-magi nurses would all tend to Xyth. They made sure he was well, making sure he was in bed and not suffering from the operation. "It is done," said Uri, watching what little blood get washes away from between his fingernails and skin.
  264. Washing and washing, for over twenty seconds, he spoke. Only giving a glance to Xyth from time to time, wondering... When it would be, when he truly woke up...
  266. The Non-Magi nurses would wrap Xyth's head and newly placed eye, something he would have to wear for a few days in order to adjust to the sudden change to take in the light slowly... However, this was a special case.
  268. Uri did after all, place an actual relic into Xyth's eye... For all he knew, Xyth was probably going to experience a sudden SHOCK, one where he would see the stars clearly or see something most could not without having the need to meditate in order to see the majestic energies of their stars connection whilstXyth… He had an item within himself now, one very potent with cosmic magic... Again clarifying this...
  271. Starstruck Eye
  272. The eye from a creature that once gazed towards the stars too much, its insides solidifying in a crystalline essence that embodied sheer cosmic energy. It is still soft on the outside, but the insides seem to still bear a fair amount of untapped power, dwindling at each moment it lies unlinked to something alive. No Longer Will It Expire, for it was attached to a living being now.
  274. "Rest easy Xyth… Don't look into the light, not until a month or so has passed... I'm sorry for this would place a big handicap upon your shoulders for a while..."
  276. Uri was no god. He could only do what he learned from experience.
  278. (Uri Sanctum)
  279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. [03:04] The whole situation was replayed, the pain, the suffering. It all replayed in Xyth's mind. It made him suffer against the pain of guilt and agony with it all.
  283. Xyth gripped his fists, he seemed to grit his teeth. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry he wanted to make the suffering end. Though he wanted it more to stop.
  285. Xyth's cosmic aura pulled itself onto him, but as it did he shouted.
  289. Xyth looked toward the void and started to cry, feeling the blood rush from his face, but what was replaced with darkness, was now filled with something else. Xyth looked up to what he thought to the sky in his mind only to shout.
  291. "I don't want this ever again! I don't want to see people hurt because of my task! IOS! I don't want to let this happen again!"
  293. In reality, Xyth's body glew for a moment, flowing again with Cosmic energy, but more so, his new eye seemed to fit in nicely, even syncing with his magic in a way to be compatible.
  295. "IOS! I don't care what I have to give up. I don't care what I need to give! I want more power! I want it because I want to find the very thing I wish to fight for. MORE THEN NOW!"
  297. Xyth recalled when he fought against that same witch, only to frown to himself as he corrected himself. He heard his past self said.
  299. (Past self = ^TEXT^)
  301. "^By the stars you will fall here Matilda! Biblos, I give her soul to you for a cleanse. Please accept it as a tribute!^"
  303. Xyth started to correct himself, standing in the same position, but putting more voice and morale in his voice, pushing his own mind out.
  305. "IOS! I want to cleanse this woman's soul by the stars themselves! I GIVE HER CORRUPTED SOUL TO YOU TO CLEANSE IT FROM HER PATH! ACCEPT IT AS A TRIBUTE!"
  307. With the correction, Xyth started to feel his aura shift. He felt his body aching, feeling the power he received from that day to receive back into his current self. With it, he growled. Even more so, his body grew painful, only to make him growling.
  309. "NEVER AGAIN! IOS, I DONT WANT IT TO HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!! PLEASE, send me the strength to grow!"
  311. With that, his body grew painful, surging his body to turn his aura red for a moment. He felt the increase in energy, but it faded after a moment before he could move. He seemed to fall into that deep unconsciousness for nearly a few hours.
  313. When he woke up, he opened his 'eyes' only to take a breath in. Though when he looked to the side, it would be longer then a day to pass.
  314. (Xyth)
  315. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  317. [03:10] After this, after all had been said and done. After the curtains had risen, only to be brought down for the one task he gave himself today. Uri would give off a wide grin. Unsure, of the pain Xyth was going through during his slumber... Unsure of how things will be for them from this point on.
  319. But certain, that Xyth will see many more hirozons.
  321. And for this, he took out his canteen of wine, a fine glacier wine, all blue. His favorite as he spoke in regards to a successful operation. And the loss of only a single kit and whatever equipment was used.
  323. "Drink up, me heartie yo-ho's," said the Captain with a sigh of relief, kicking it back on one of the other beds.
  325. "It's time... I get my slumber for the morrow to come... Keep your eyes covered Xyth… It might hurt or hallucinate you to take in so much light so soon."
  326. (Uri Sanctum)
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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