
And Everything Nice Pt. 4

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Once you arrived at Sugarcube Corner, you got right down to work
  2. >You and Pinkie Pie started setting the table with all kinds of snacks
  3. >As well as getting the music ready and the dance area cleared
  4. >You also had to clear a space for a keg that her friend Applejack was apparently bringing
  5. >According to Pinkie, it’s going to be full of “cider”
  6. >Which you suspect is an alcoholic drink
  7. >Which is fine by you
  8. >If anything, it’ll make things easier
  9. >Just make sure it’s at the right time is all…
  10. Hey Pinkie…
  11. >You ask as you decorate the walls
  12. >”Mhmm?” she responds cheerily
  13. Do you have any… well, stallions in your life?
  14. >She adjusts the chairs and tables just right
  15. >”Mmm… nope!”
  16. >She trots off into the kitchen, you’re guessing to get more snacks out
  17. N-No? How come?
  18. >You call out to her
  19. A mare like you not getting the guys?
  20. >You laugh a little
  21. That’s ridiculous!
  22. >She trots back out with a plate between her teeth
  23. >”I dunno!” she giggles
  24. >…she’s not being very straightforward about this…
  25. >But… it’s Pinkie Pie… were you really expecting her to be?
  26. >No, you won’t get this out by simple conversation
  27. >You’ll have to be more pursuing later in the night
  28. >Read the signs
  29. >Put yourself out there a little
  30. >See how she responds…
  31. >…yeah, that’ll work
  32. >…
  33. >Do you really want to do this?
  34. >…
  35. >You sigh
  36. >…you need to know
  38. >The party has begun, and all of Pinkie Pie’s other friends have arrived
  39. >There’s a purple one, Twilight Sparkle
  40. >A unicorn, by the horn on her head
  41. >Booksmart and a little nerdy
  42. >Rainbow Dash, another pegasus, who’s athletic and a bit tomboyish
  43. >Rarity, another unicorn, apparently in the fashion business
  44. >Her occupation intrigues you the most
  45. >And Applejack, a farm p0ny, who arrived dragging a wooden keg behind her
  46. >”Hey y’all! Th’real party kin begin now!”
  47. >The p0nies all cheer
  48. >You delicately clap your hands as well with a smile
  49. >…that’s strange
  50. >Fluttershy still hasn’t come yet…
  51. >Once all the guests have arrived, Pinkie Pie zips over to you and drags you over to her friends
  52. >”Guys! Guys! This here’s Femanon! The human! The girl I told you about!”
  53. >You practically stumble forward as Pinkie drops you off before them
  54. >They all look up to you with a tinge of wonder on their face
  55. >You giggle a little
  56. Hey girls…
  57. >They all gape their mouths and look at one another
  58. >Then back to you, and smile
  60. >You told the same story for the third time
  61. >What you are, who you are, where you’re from, what you did, [spoiler]as long as you love me[/spoiler]
  62. >They all listened diligently, fascinated with what you had to say
  63. >Applejack fetched you a mug of cider to start sipping on while you spun your yarn
  64. >It’s pretty good stuff!
  65. >Finally, when they’ve all heard as much as they wanted to hear, the real partying could begin
  66. >”Well it’s great ta have another friend among us!” Applejack announces, raising her mug
  67. >They all cheer and raise their mugs in agreement
  68. >”Darling, you absolutely HAVE to let me make some clothing for you!” Rarity announces
  69. >You smile, and look down to your current clothes
  70. >Well… they are pretty dirty
  71. >…and maybe Rarity can make you something cute
  72. I’d love to, Rarity. As long as it’s stylish!
  73. >You say with a wink
  74. >She gives a joking gasp
  75. >”Oh, it. Is. On!”
  76. >You both share a laugh
  77. >Rarity’s alright, too
  78. >They’re all good people… er, p0nies
  79. >You glance over to Pinkie Pie
  80. >She’s stuffing her face with sweets and downing an entire mug of cider
  81. >You crack a little smile
  82. >”…you and Pinkie Pie are awfully good friends already, aren’t you?”
  83. >You dart your head back down to Rarity
  84. >The other p0nies have gone off to do their own things
  85. >Rarity sits there with a smile
  86. Oh, um… yeah, we really hit it off…
  87. >You nervously laugh a little to yourself
  88. >”Mhmm… mhmm…” she says while nodding and smirking, “tell me darling, and please take no offense… you’re definitely a girl, right?”
  89. >You’re taken a little aback
  90. Of course I’m a girl!
  91. >She smiles at that statement
  92. >”Just checking… then tell me…” she says, leaning in a little closer
  93. >You raise your eyebrow for a bit, then lean in to meet her
  94. >She whispers
  95. >”Why have you taken such a liking to Ms. Pinkie Pie over there?”
  96. >Pinkie is downing cider from the tap
  97. >She must have the tolerance of an entire fraternity house
  98. >A deep pink hue envelops your face
  99. >You rear your head back
  100. Wh-What? I don’t have a thing for Pinkie!
  101. >You say in a whispery yell
  102. >Rarity giggles
  103. >”Darling, please, I know a look of infatuation when I see one.”
  104. >You glance to either side of you
  105. >You try to think of something to say
  106. >But nothing comes to mind
  107. >You just sigh and drop your shoulders in defeat
  108. >Rarity acknowledges this with a playful punch
  109. >”Ms. Femanon, are female-female bonds among the norm in your species?”
  110. >You glance back over to Pinkie
  111. N-No, not… really…
  112. >Rarity re-grabs your attention
  113. >”Well hun, you may be in luck. Because Pinkie over there is the furthest thing from the norm that I know!”
  114. >You blush again
  115. Y-You mean… she likes… she likes…
  116. >”She likes mares?”
  117. >You nod meekly
  118. >Rarity giggles
  119. >”Sorry to spoil your mood, but we have no idea what Pinkie likes.”
  120. >You both glance over to her
  121. >Still shoveling candy into her mouth
  122. >”She’s… she’s an odd one.”
  123. >You giggle
  124. Yeah… she really is.
  125. >”But!” She says, sharp enough to snap your attention away from Pinkie, “I wouldn’t let that discourage you from trying, my dear.”
  126. >She gives you a wink
  127. >Your cheeks get even redder
  128. >”Who knows? Maybe you’re the one for her.”
  129. >You nervously laugh and scratch the back of your head
  130. Thanks Rarity…
  131. >She smiles back at you
  132. I mean… you know, until recently, I didn’t even have any thought about other girls like this… this was a recent thought…
  133. >You bite your bottom lip
  134. A recent change…
  135. >She gasps, and her eyes twinkle
  136. >”Oh, then it must have been love at first sight!”
  137. >Love at first sight…?
  138. >You think back to the dream
  139. >And your state of waking…
  140. …heh, yeah… maybe that’s it…
  141. >You glance away and scratch your arm
  142. >”Well, no hurry, dearie, but maybe see what you can salvage from the night,” she says with another wink
  143. >You smile and wink back at her
  145. >You are now Rarity
  146. >And this is so cute!!
  147. >Femanon the Human has a crush on Pinkie Pie!
  148. >Oh how long you’ve tried to set Pinkie up with somep0ny nice
  149. >And look who comes along!
  150. >She seems like an absolute joy of a girl
  151. >Maybe Pinkie would actually take a liking to her
  152. >Wouldn’t that be fantastic…
  153. >Femanon goes and refills her cider, then heads to the table for some snacks
  154. >And hopefully to start up a conversation with Pinkie
  155. >Oh, you’ll HAVE to help Femanon out with this!
  156. >She can keep you updated with all the details
  157. >Perhaps you could discuss it over a spa date!
  158. >You squee and giggle silently to yourself
  159. >A new girlfriend to have around
  160. >This is fabulous!
  161. >You hear the door open
  162. >The entire party turns their head
  163. >Fluttershy stands at the entrance, slowly making her way in
  164. >”H-Hi everyp0ny… sorry I’m late…”
  165. >Everyp0ny, including Femanon, all wave and vocalize a “hello!” of some sort to her as she walks in
  166. >She makes her way over to you
  167. >”Hello Rarity, are you having a good time?”
  168. >You take a sip of your cider
  169. Marvelous, dear.
  170. >You say with a smile
  171. >”That’s great to hear. I’m hoping this will be a fun night for me too,” she says with a smile
  172. >She glances over to the only human in the room
  173. >”Have you met Femanon yet, Rarity?”
  174. >You silently giggle to yourself
  175. Yes, I have. She’s WONDERFUL. I love her already!
  176. >Fluttershy smiles, still looking at her
  177. >”Yeah, isn’t she the greatest…?”
  178. >Her eyes linger on her
  179. >…for a little too long
  180. >Femanon is bent leaning on the table, talking to Pinkie across it
  181. >Fluttershy’s eyes…
  182. >They’re… all over her flank
  183. >Your heart sinks a little
  184. >Oh no…
  185. >Does Fluttershy…
  186. Darling…
  187. >You say
  188. >You think the worry was a little too noticeable in your voice
  189. >Fluttershy snaps away from Femanon’s plot and back to you
  190. >”Yes, Rarity?”
  191. You’re… you’re well acquainted with Femanon as well, yes?
  192. >She nods
  193. >”Yes, I am. I was the first one she met, and she spent the night at my house her first night here.”
  194. >You nod nervously and take a sip of your cider
  195. You don’t happen to… to have your sights set on her or anything… do you?
  196. >She turns to you
  197. >And her yellow cheeks turn a nice shade of pink
  198. >”…am… am I that easy to read?”
  199. >She says with a meek smile
  200. A little…
  201. >Ohh boy…
  202. >Now look what you’ve done
  203. >You’ve gotten yourself smack in the middle of some bizarre love triangle
  204. >”And… and I think… that Femanon feels the same about me…”
  205. >You turn to her with a flabbergasted expression
  206. >She’s blushing up a storm
  207. H-How do you know that?
  208. >”Well,” she says as she scratches her leg, “I wasn’t really sure I actually could feel this way about another girl… I was so confused and scared…”
  209. >You nod, to keep her going
  210. >What evidence could she possibly have?
  211. >”And, well… when I finally accepted it… I asked Femanon if she’d ever had that kind of experience… thinking you know something about yourself, then it changing…”
  212. And…?
  213. >”And she said…”
  214. >She smiles widely
  215. >”She said she had!”
  216. >You look at her with disbelief
  217. >Where had you heard that before…?
  218. >You glance over to Femanon and Pinkie Pie
  219. >…of course you know where you heard that! Just a couple minutes ago!
  220. >And you know who it was about!
  221. >…not Fluttershy…
  222. Oh, Fluttershy, dear…
  223. >You say
  224. I don’t think—
  225. >…you catch yourself
  226. >…you can’t go around telling people Femanon’s feelings for Pinkie
  227. > She told you those in confidence, surely!
  228. >You must keep your mouth shut, Rarity!
  229. I… I don’t think she meant those about you…
  230. >Fluttershy’s smile fades
  231. >And is replaced with that of confusion
  232. >”Wh-What do you mean…? Of course she did… who else could she mean…?”
  233. >…smooth move, Rarity
  234. >Now you’ve cornered yourself!
  235. >But you have to get her off of Femanon’s scent
  236. >She can’t surely love her, right…?
  237. >She’s just… infatuated
  238. >With the idea of her
  239. >She loves animals
  240. >…not that Femanon is an animal
  241. >Oh Rarity…
  242. >Time to play janitor and clean up this mess
  243. I’m… not sure! But I was just talking with her, and… I don’t think she sees you as more than a friend.
  244. >Fluttershy stares at you
  245. >Her ears flop down slowly
  246. >And her eyes water a little
  247. >Oh dear…
  248. >…then, they perk right back up
  249. >She closes her eyes happily and smiles
  250. >”Oh Rarity, I’m sure you were mistaken. I know she has feelings for me.”
  251. >She trots off, toward the keg for a drink
  252. >”You’ll see!”
  253. >You stand there, mouth agape
  254. >Oh dear…
  255. >Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy…
  256. >She’s a great friend
  257. >One of your best
  258. >But… you know her
  259. >She can get a little… attached
  260. >She’s just infatuated at the moment
  261. >It’ll pass…
  262. >You glance over to Femanon and Pinkie Pie
  263. >Laughing, talking, having a good time
  264. >You smile to yourself
  265. >That’s where the true feelings are
  266. >That’s what you want to help into fruition
  267. >You’ll assist any way you can
  269. >You are now Femanon
  270. >And this party is turning out to be great!
  271. >All of Pinkie’s friends are great mares
  272. >But you really hit it off with Rarity
  273. >She’s a sweet girl
  274. >And is so very supportive of your awkward feelings toward Pinkie Pie
  275. >You girls should hang out sometime
  276. >And now you’re just relaxing by the sweets table, talking with Pinkie
  277. >You glance behind you and see Rarity and Fluttershy conversing
  278. >You’re glad she finally made it
  279. >You sip your cider, finishing your second mug
  280. >Pinkie Pie has already had countless
  281. >You think you’re finally starting to see the effects
  282. >She’s a little more wobbly than usual
  283. >And even more fluid looking than usual Pinkie Pie
  284. >”Isn’t this just the best welcome party ever!?” She announces
  285. >You grab a cookie and giggle
  286. >Subconsciously leaning over the table to make your breasts look bigger
  287. It’s amazing, Pinkie. Better than I ever expected!
  288. >She trots over to you –clearly a little tipsy- and wraps her hooves around your waist
  289. >”I’m so glad we’re friends…”
  290. >You pause for a moment
  291. >…then return her hug
  292. Me too, Pinks…
  293. >This feeling…
  294. >You want it to last forever
  295. >…she breaks the hug
  296. >…Ohh
  297. >And laughs
  298. >”Silly billy!” she exclaims as she sees your mug, “You have some catching up to do!”
  299. >You look at her, rubbing the area she was just wrapped around
  300. >Your heart is racing
  301. >…yeah, more cider would probably be a good idea
  302. >Pinkie takes your mug and hers, and fills both up to the rim
  303. >She brings it over, and you two cheers
  304. >You down your mug quickly, the sweet taste coating your tongue down to the back of your throat
  305. >”Another!?” She asks hyperactively
  306. Yeah, sure!
  307. >She seems to adamant about it
  308. >You don’t want to let her down or hurt her feelings
  309. >Not tonight
  310. >You down another mug of cider
  311. >”One more!”
  312. >You laugh
  313. >This is high school all over again…
  314. >You hope your tolerance is still up to par…
  316. >Yo[spoiler]u are F[/spoiler]ema[spoiler]non[/spoiler]
  317. >AND YOU’RE [spoiler]SOOO[/spoiler]OO fucking DR[spoiler]UNK[/spoiler]!
  318. >Dammmmn, girl, you weren’t [spoiler]supposed[/spoiler] to get this drunk
  319. >You and [spoiler]Ponky P[/spoiler]oo sit d[spoiler]o[/spoiler]wn and laugh toget[spoiler]nope[/spoiler]
  320. >She’s also
  321. >Ohh…
  322. >[spoiler]Your head swims![/spoiler]
  323. >…[spoiler]what?[/spoiler]
  324. >…oh!
  325. >She’s also pretty drunk!
  326. >[spoiler]You’re bent ov[/spoiler]er the table, both [spoiler]eating so ma[/spoiler]ny cookies
  327. >Holy shit you’re hungry
  328. >[spoiler]Rememb[/spoiler]er back in high sc[spoiler]hool[/spoiler] when you’d eat all that Kr[spoiler]aft D[/spoiler]inner after drinking?
  329. >…[spoiler]what?[/spoiler]
  330. >Oh!
  331. >You’re both sitting, eating [spoiler]you fucking LOVE cupcakes![/spoiler]
  332. >She’s saying something…
  333. >[spoiler]What are you saying, you horse?[/spoiler]
  334. >[spoiler]God, she’s cute…[/spoiler]
  335. God… you’re cute, Pinky…
  336. >She [spoiler]replies with a giggle[/spoiler]
  337. >”[spoiler]You too,[/spoiler] Emmmmy!
  338. >[spoiler]Holy shit, these COOK[/spoiler]IES!
  339. >You stuff [spoiler]you[/spoiler]r face
  340. >Who’s this horse?
  341. >OH [spoiler]SHIT![/spoiler]
  342. >[spoiler]IT’S[/spoiler] RARITY!
  343. Yooo Rare!!
  344. >You bellow
  345. >[spoiler]This horse is[/spoiler] giggling at you two
  346. >”[spoiler]Had a li[/spoiler]ttle too much, [spoiler]huh gi[/spoiler]rls?
  347. >WHITE [spoiler]GIRL[/spoiler] WASTEEE[spoiler]EEE[/spoiler]EED!
  348. >You giggle
  349. Maybe… a little…
  350. >Rarity [spoiler]is smiling[/spoiler]
  351. >Pinkie’s saying something now…
  352. >”I haven’t [spoiler]had this much ci[/spoiler]d[spoiler]er in[/spoiler] a long time!”
  353. >That’s what she said, right?
  354. >Yeah, you think that’s [spoiler]damn that tail is cute…[/spoiler]
  355. >You reach [spoiler]over and grab the fluffy[/spoiler]thing
  356. I LO[spoiler]VE you[/spoiler]r tail, Pinkie!
  357. >SHIT! Don’t blow it!
  358. >[spoiler]She can’t know yet![/spoiler]
  359. >You stumble [spoiler]just a lil bit[/spoiler]
  360. >”Darling, maybe you should [spoiler]Fuck, what are you saying, horse woman?[/spoiler]”
  361. What?
  362. >”I said maybe you should lie down for a bit.”
  363. >[spoiler]Ohh man…[/spoiler]
  364. Maybe… maybe that’s a [spoiler](Fuck, you’re a cutie, Pinkie…)[/spoiler]
  365. >”Didn’t catch that, dear.”
  366. Good idea! Probably a good idea…
  367. >”Yeah!” says the [spoiler]pink[/spoiler] one, [spoiler]”Let’s go lie down, Emmmy![/spoiler], I’m a little [spoiler]TIPSY TURVY[/spoiler] myself!”
  368. >HOOLY [spoiler]shoot[/spoiler]! Pinkie wants to lay down [spoiler]FEEL HER ASS[/spoiler] noo, don’t do that… but [spoiler]she wants[/spoiler] to lay with you…
  369. >…no, don’t [spoiler]don’t make the move[/spoiler] just yet… not when you’re [spoiler]blackout drunk[/spoiler] a little tipsy…
  370. >Just enjoy [spoiler]some snuggles if you[/spoiler] can get them…
  371. Yeeah, okay, let’s go do that…
  372. >Rarity is leading [spoiler]FUCKING STAIRS[/spoiler]
  373. >[spoiler]You fall down[/spoiler], you think [spoiler]you may be[/spoiler] hurt
  374. >Rarity picks you [spoiler]HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS THIS MAGIC??[/spoiler]
  375. I’m… ohh, am I in the air…? [spoiler]What was that one Beatles song again…?[/spoiler]
  376. >”Yes, dearie, [spoiler]I don’t want you walk[/spoiler]ing in this condition
  377. >”HI EMMY!”
  378. >[spoiler]Ponkie Poo[/spoiler] is [spoiler]floating too[/spoiler]
  379. >You’re [spoiler]rolling around in the air…[/spoiler]
  380. >[spoiler]fuuuuuck, th[/spoiler]is is fun…
  381. >You hear a door creak open
  382. >[spoiler]This is soft… is it[/spoiler] a bed…?
  383. >Totally is…
  384. >”Now girls, ju[spoiler]st relax and tr[/spoiler]y to sober up a bit, hmm?”
  385. >Rarity… [spoiler]oh wow, she’s like breathing[/spoiler] in your ear almost…
  386. >She’s whispering
  387. >”[spoiler]Tell me about anything after, okay?”[/spoiler]
  388. >[spoiler]You hear[/spoiler] giggles…
  389. Yeah, gotcha!
  390. >You yell
  391. >[spoiler]You thum[/spoiler]bs up in the air!
  392. >[spoiler]Does she even know what that means?[/spoiler]
  393. >”Have a good rest, girls!”
  394. >You hear [spoiler]shit, you hear a lot of things…[/spoiler]
  395. >Oh damn you missed it…
  396. >But there [spoiler]was probably a do[/spoiler]or closing noise…
  397. >You push yourself up higher in the [spoiler]bed[/spoiler] and re-ad[spoiler]fuck descriptions, you climb in bed[/spoiler]
  398. >It’s cozy…
  399. >Oh wow, [spoiler]your side is real w[/spoiler]arm…
  400. >[spoiler]Goddamn it, fucking[/spoiler] look
  401. >Penty Pee is [spoiler]snuggling into you[/spoiler]
  402. >”You’re so warm, Emmy… [spoiler]do you mind[/spoiler] if I cu[spoiler]ddle you a bit…?[/spoiler]
  403. >[spoiler]FUCK SELF CONTROL[/spoiler]
  404. >You grab [spoiler]the pink mare and pr[/spoiler]actically [spoiler]lift her up and into you[/spoiler]
  405. >You wrap your [spoiler]arms around her[/spoiler]
  406. >And hug
  407. >[spoiler]God this hug feels good…[/spoiler]
  408. >Pinkie places a ho[spoiler]of on your che[/spoiler]st, kind of [spoiler]by your taa-taas…[/spoiler]
  409. >”Thanks, Emmy… [spoiler]I love cuddling… you’re a go[/spoiler]od cuddler…”
  410. You too, Pinkie…
  411. >[spoiler]Fucking focus, Femanon, this shit is great…[/spoiler]
  412. >Your b[spoiler]oobs are bouncing a b[/spoiler]it
  413. >You look down…
  414. >[spoiler]Pinkie, eyes closed, is pla[/spoiler]ying with them a bit…
  415. >You don’t mind at all
  416. >[spoiler]Fuuuck, don’t get t[/spoiler]oo wet ton[spoiler]ight… that’d be embar[/spoiler]rassing
  417. >[spoiler]God, this feels so amazing[/spoiler]
  418. >She[spoiler]’s so cud[/spoiler]dly…
  419. >Her warmth envelops you
  420. >[spoiler]You just en[/spoiler]joy and embra[spoiler]ce it…[/spoiler]
  421. >Until [spoiler]sleep t[/spoiler]akes you…
  423. >You are now Fluttershy
  424. >And you’re having a nice time with your friends here…
  425. >You just wish you were hanging out with Femanon a little more…
  426. >Maybe try to talk to her… put the… the moves on…
  427. >You blush at the thought
  428. >Could you really…?
  429. >You mean… it would be nice to see her… parts…
  430. >Or touch them…
  431. >…WITH her knowing…
  432. >Ohh…
  433. >..but until then, it’s not hurting anybody, right…?
  434. >…actually, you haven’t seen Femanon since you got here an hour or however long ago
  435. >She was with Pinkie…
  436. >Now she’s gone…
  437. >You walk over to Rainbow Dash, who just finished talking with Applejack about something
  438. Hey, Dash…
  439. >You ask bashfully
  440. >”How’s it going, Flutters?”
  441. Well, I was just wondering… have you s-seen Femanon around? I can’t find her…
  442. >Rainbow laughs
  443. >”New girl? She got caught up in a drinking competition with Pinkie a while back,” she laughs to herself, “losing battle from the start…”
  444. >Oh my, she’s… drunk…?
  445. >Oh dear…
  446. >Oh my…
  447. >What could you do with her in that state…?~
  448. Do… do you know where she is now then?
  449. >Dash sips her drink
  450. >”Yeah, Rarity put her and Pinkie Pie upstairs to sleep it off for a bit.”
  451. >Your hearts sinks a little
  452. >Pinkie Pie…?
  453. >They’re… sharing a bed…?
  454. >Oh dear…
  455. >…no, they’re just friends, right?
  456. >It’s nothing…
  457. O-Okay… thanks Rainbow Dash…
  458. >”Anytime,” she calls to you as you walk towards the stairs
  459. >You arrive at the bottom of the stairs
  460. >You gaze up the long, lonesome ascent
  461. >Ohh, you hope nothing bad is happening up there…
  462. >One hoof
  463. >In front of the other
  464. >Then the other…
  465. >Soon, you’re up the stairs
  466. >You round the corner
  467. >And approach the room…
  468. >Slowly, you open the door
  469. >…
  470. >Oh dear…
  471. >Femanon and Pinkie Pie are locked in a cuddle
  472. >Pinkie Pie has a hoof and head on Femanon’s bouncy chest nipple area…
  473. >And Femanon’s arms encapsulate Pinkie…
  474. >…this is just a misunderstanding
  475. >A drunk one…
  476. >You take to the air, flutter over the two, and begin detaching their cuddling hands
  477. >Drunk, they don’t even care
  478. >Eventually Pinkie’s grip gives, and she rolls over to the other side
  479. >Femanon, who’s probably much farther along than Pinkie, doesn’t even budge
  480. >She’s passed out hard
  481. >You approach her, ready to haul her onto your back
  482. >You get a good whiff of her crotch before you do
  483. >…she’s wet
  484. >Ohh my~
  485. >You drop her from the bed onto your back, and begin carrying her out of the room
  486. >Down the stairs, into the main area
  487. >The other girls catch sight of you carrying her
  488. >”Whoooah nelly,” Applejack chimes in, “poor girl. She didn’t know any better. Drinkin’ against Pinkie’s bound ta end in a blackout.”
  489. >The other girls giggle along
  490. >Not in a demeaning way, just for fun
  491. >”Admirable nonetheless.” Twilight says, “Are you carrying her back to your place, Fluttershy?”
  492. >You pause for a second
  493. >Then nod
  494. Y-Yes, she’s quite intoxicated, I gotta make sure she’s properly put to bed…
  495. >Rarity slowly walks over
  496. >She gives you a look
  497. >You can’t tell what kind
  498. >”…darling, maybe it’s best if Femanon stays here for the night.”
  499. >Your heart skips a beat
  500. Oh, no Rarity! She said she wanted to stay at my place… it’s where she first came, and she thinks of as her… hotel, kind of…
  501. >Rarity raises an eyebrow
  502. >She knows your feelings for her
  503. >”…now,” she whispers so the others can’t hear, “no funny business, okay?”
  504. >You listen intently
  505. >”I know you’re not one for that, so I trust you. Just… make sure she sleeps alright, and don’t do anything to her. Alright?”
  506. >…wow, she’s letting you do it
  507. >And here you thought she’d stop you dead in your tracks!
  508. >Good thing she trusts you so much!
  509. Not a thing, Rarity, right to bed!
  510. >Rarity, with a straight face, nods
  511. >”Tell her in the morning to stop by my boutique,” she says, walking back to the other girls, “I have some things I want to tell and share with her.”
  512. >You nod
  513. I will, Rarity. Goodnight, everyp0ny!
  514. >Everyp0ny bids you a good night
  515. >You leave the building, the night air still and chilly
  516. >You start your small trek back to your cottage
  517. >You look up to the unconscious, blacked-out Femanon on your back
  518. …ohh my~
  519. >You say, thinking of all the things to do
  520. >The places on her to explore
  521. >To… play with
  522. >And she’ll never know…
  526. End of Part 4
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