
New Features version 0.21b

Apr 19th, 2015
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  1. Switchable 3D Models(HD/Minecraftstyled)
  2. Configfile fully working(Visit our YouTube Channel for a Tutorial on how to do change options)
  3. Fixed all Rendering issues for 3D Blocks(In world+Inventory)-->V 0.22 will be fully Optifine compatible!!!
  4. Fixed Lantern(Lit when night, off when day)
  5. Blockpositions and rotations fixed
  6. Waving trees
  7. Better falling animation for trees
  8. Dress up your player to protect from Creepers and other Monsters or just to have fun :P[Is not saved over world close!!]
  9. Blockbounds fixed for Sideboard
  10. Items/Blocks rendered on sideboard etc
  11. Drawer, Sideboard and Freezer can store Items
  12. Added two new rooftile blocks
  16. Known bugs:
  18. Rooftile 1+2 are not rendered in inventory
  19. Dragging Items in containers let's them disapear[Working really hard on this, if you know a solution, please post it in the forum!!!]
  20. Clicking on last six inventoryslots in DrawerGui causes Gamecrash[Working really hard on this, if you know a solution, please post it in the forum!!!]
  21. Fireplace spits out Flesh that cant be picked up[Removed with next update]
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