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- .include "../framework/src/"
- values:
- .word 199,200,208,210,200,207,240,269,260,263
- eof:
- .export aoc_1a
- .proc aoc_1a
- ;initalize count
- lda #0
- sta tempU16D
- sta tempU16D+1
- ;set pointer to the word list
- lda #<values
- sta tempPtr
- lda #>values
- sta tempPtr+1
- mainLoop:
- ;if we're on the 2nd to last entry, we're done
- lda tempPtr+1
- cmp #>(eof-2)
- bne :+
- lda tempPtr
- cmp #<(eof-2)
- bne :+
- jmp done
- :
- ;load current and next
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta tempU16B
- iny
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta tempU16B+1
- iny
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta tempU16C
- iny
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta tempU16C+1
- ;compare next and current
- lda tempU16C+1
- cmp tempU16B+1
- beq :+
- bcs isHigher
- bcc isNotHigher
- :
- lda tempU16C
- cmp tempU16B
- beq isNotHigher
- bcs isHigher
- jmp isNotHigher
- isHigher:
- ;increase the count
- clc
- lda tempU16D
- adc #1
- sta tempU16D
- lda tempU16D+1
- adc #0
- sta tempU16D+1
- isNotHigher:
- ;go to next number
- clc
- lda tempPtr
- adc #2
- sta tempPtr
- lda tempPtr+1
- adc #0
- sta tempPtr+1
- jmp mainLoop
- done:
- rts
- .endproc
- .export aoc_1b
- .proc aoc_1b
- ;initalize count
- lda #0
- sta tempU16D
- sta tempU16D+1
- ;set pointer to the word list
- lda #<values
- sta tempPtr
- lda #>values
- sta tempPtr+1
- mainLoop:
- ;if we're on the 3rd to last entry, we're done
- lda tempPtr+1
- cmp #>(eof-(2 * 3))
- bne :+
- lda tempPtr
- cmp #<(eof-(2 * 3))
- bne :+
- jmp done
- :
- ;load current and next
- ldy #0
- jsr getWindow
- sta tempU16B
- stx tempU16B+1
- ldy #2
- jsr getWindow
- sta tempU16C
- stx tempU16C+1
- ;compare next and current
- lda tempU16C+1
- cmp tempU16B+1
- beq :+
- bcs isHigher
- bcc isNotHigher
- :
- lda tempU16C
- cmp tempU16B
- beq isNotHigher
- bcs isHigher
- jmp isNotHigher
- isHigher:
- ;increase the count
- clc
- lda tempU16D
- adc #1
- sta tempU16D
- lda tempU16D+1
- adc #0
- sta tempU16D+1
- isNotHigher:
- ;go to next number
- clc
- lda tempPtr
- adc #2
- sta tempPtr
- lda tempPtr+1
- adc #0
- sta tempPtr+1
- jmp mainLoop
- done:
- rts
- getWindow:
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta 0
- iny
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta 1
- iny
- ;pre-load these first because we might carry
- ; while incrementing y
- .repeat 2
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta 2
- iny
- lda (tempPtr),y
- sta 3
- iny
- lda 2
- clc
- adc 0
- sta 0
- lda 3
- adc 1
- sta 1
- .endrepeat
- lda 0
- ldx 1
- rts
- .endproc
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