

Jan 15th, 2017
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  1. command /punir <player>:
  2. permission: "pudim.modmais"
  3. permission message: &6&lPUDIMCRAFT&7 - Voce nao pode fazer isso.
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is not set:
  6. send "&6&lPUDIMCRAFT &7- Use /punir <jogador>"
  7. if arg 1 is set:
  8. open chest with 1 rows named "&4Punir %arg 1%" to player
  9. wait 5 tick
  10. format slot 0 of player with a water_bucket named "&b&lFLOOD" with lore "&7Kickar por flood." to close then run "kick %arg 1% @FLOOD"
  11. format slot 1 of player with a paper named "&e&lCAPS" with lore "&7Kickar por excesso de caps." to close then run "kick %arg 1% @CAPS"
  12. format slot 3 of player with a book_and_quill named "&f&lOUTRO" with lore "&7Outro motivo que nao foi especificado aqui ||&7porem voce deve usar esse kick com etica||&7e realment ter um motivo muito bom para||&7 kickar essa pessoa." to close then run "kick %arg 1% Voce foi kickado por %player%"
  13. format slot 2 of player with a redstone named "&c&lOFENSA" with lore "&7Kickar por excesso de ofensas." to close then run "kick %arg 1% @OFENSA"
  14. format slot 4 of player with a purple_stained_glass_pane with name "&5[Mod&b+&5]" with lore "&7Aqui voce tem as funcoes de punicao||&7exclusivas para mod+ lembre-se||&7grandes poderes exigem grandes||&7responsabilidades o uso abusivo||&7e sem motivo dessas funcoes causar de voce||&7perder seu cargo, ou ate ser banido." to be unstealable
  15. format slot 5 of player with a barrier named "&4&lHACK" with lore "&7Banir por hack" to close then run "ban %arg 1% @HACK"
  16. format slot 7 of player with a diamond_ore named "&4&LXRAY" with lore "&7Banir por usar xray" to close then run "ban %arg 1% @XRAY"
  17. format slot 6 of player with a item_frame named "&8&lDESLOGOU EM PVP" with lore "&7Banir por deslogar em PVP" to close then run "ban %arg 1% @PVP"
  18. format slot 8 of player with a eye_of_ender named "&5&lVERIFICAR XRAY" with lore "&7Uso indevido dessa funcao pode||&7causar punicoes a voce." to close then run "sudo %player% verificar %arg 1%"
  19. on inventory click:
  20. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&4Punir %arg 1%":
  21. cancel event
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