
hi newbies

Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. [13:33:10] Princess Sherbat: 3
  2. [13:33:10] Princess Sherbat: 2
  3. [13:33:11] Princess Sherbat: 1
  4. [13:33:13] Princess Sherbat: let the rp begin
  5. [13:33:14] Princess Sherbat: begin
  6. [13:33:19] Princess Sherbat: (so they're taking the same path to the city?)
  7. [13:33:34] DatSalamencePowa: (Yeah)
  8. [13:33:35] Princess Sherbat: (dude this also opens up for like background characters too)
  9. [13:33:44] DatSalamencePowa: (^)
  10. [13:33:47] Princess Sherbat: (instead of having 20 main characters)
  11. [13:33:54] DatSalamencePowa: (Just any throwaway characters is great)
  12. [13:33:54] Princess Sherbat: (3 mcs and a few background characters)
  13. [13:35:02] DatSalamencePowa: (So are we gonna have them meet meet in the city or)
  14. [13:35:27] Princess Sherbat: (how about a bit aways from the city)
  15. [13:35:35] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  16. [13:35:36] Princess Sherbat: (and they're on the same path)
  17. [13:35:49] Princess Sherbat: (and one tries to strike up conversation)
  18. [13:35:51] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  19. [13:36:11] DatSalamencePowa: (Sunset is in feral form btw)
  20. [13:36:17] Princess Sherbat: (kk)
  21. [13:36:43] Princess Sherbat: (it's up to slime guy to start the plot)
  22. [13:37:19] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  23. [13:37:28] Princess Sherbat: *so they're just walking/sliding/whatever across a path*
  24. [13:38:08] Princess Sherbat: (i feel like dusk would know SOME english like 'hi')
  25. [13:38:16] Princess Sherbat: (but not enough to actually understand a full conversation)
  26. [13:38:29] DatSalamencePowa: (Yeah)
  27. [13:39:21] DatSalamencePowa: (Slime guy conversation when)
  28. [13:39:40] Princess Sherbat: *Slime guy looks to Sunset, then to Dusk*
  29. [13:39:49] Princess Sherbat: *who i'd assume are slightly further than him*
  30. [13:40:05] Princess Sherbat: *since y'know, i'm pretty sure a bat cat and a fox would be faster than a slime*
  31. [13:40:18] DatSalamencePowa: (Ye)
  32. [13:41:11] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Hmm...
  33. [13:41:15] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Hey.
  34. [13:41:40] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset turns towards slime guy*
  35. [13:42:32] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk's eyes look toward his direction, but otherwise ignores him*
  36. [13:43:34] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: How are you two doing?
  37. [13:43:56] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk slows down a bit to turn to slime guy*
  38. [13:44:34] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset stops*
  39. [13:44:57] Princess Sherbat: (i feel like slime guy would be the most social here)
  40. [13:45:41] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset promptly transforms into anthro since this slime guy really wants to talk*
  41. [13:46:13] Princess Sherbat: (dusk would probably be the least social since he can't talk to a lot of people in the first place)
  42. [13:46:54] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Doing fine, I guess.
  43. [13:47:42] Princess Sherbat: *after catching up to Sunset, slime guy stops*
  44. [13:48:16] Princess Sherbat: *after hearing the birth of a conversation, dusk turns back cause he wants to be in on it even if he can't understand it well*
  45. [13:49:02] Princess Sherbat: (also, even though i won't do any special things for dusk's speech mostly, he's talking in either squeaks or meows)
  46. [13:49:51] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  47. [13:50:45] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk sits down*
  48. [13:51:57] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: I'm doin' pretty alright myself.
  49. [13:52:44] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: What are you here for?
  50. [13:53:15] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Headin' to the city to get a few things.
  51. [13:54:18] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Ah.
  52. [13:54:42] Princess Sherbat: (the voice i'm imagining for slime guy is better than)
  53. [13:54:49] Princess Sherbat: (Brad[My Life as a Teenage Robot])
  54. [13:55:14] DatSalamencePowa: (Lol)
  55. [13:57:20] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk just stares since he can't really contribute*
  56. [13:57:35] Princess Sherbat: (how about *s* for squeak and *m* for meow)
  57. [13:58:21] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  58. [13:58:53] Princess Sherbat: Dusk: *s* What?
  59. [13:58:58] Princess Sherbat: *Slime guy turns to Dusk*
  60. [14:00:10] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: What did you say?
  61. [14:01:01] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk's face turns to a look of confusion*
  62. [14:02:38] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Hmm...
  63. [14:02:45] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: You two having fun?
  64. [14:02:55] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: I don't think this guy understands me.
  65. [14:03:34] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: *shrugs* What did *points to Dusk* you *points to his face* say?
  66. [14:04:23] Princess Sherbat: Dusk: *shrugging* *s* What?
  67. [14:06:58] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Lack of communication.
  68. [14:08:16] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: We need a better method for this...
  69. [14:08:32] Princess Sherbat: (it's either dusk learns english or you learn bat or cat)
  70. [14:09:21] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: True, I suppose.
  71. [14:11:05] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: *making a 'come here' motion with his hand* Come with *pointing to himself and then Sunset with his other hand* us.
  72. [14:11:28] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk understands the sign language and nods*
  73. [14:11:41] Princess Sherbat: (being social means you gotta figure out how to speak to people who you can't normally speak to)
  74. [14:12:26] DatSalamencePowa: (True)
  75. [14:14:11] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: *turning to Sunset* So where are you going? I'm willing to stay and chat with both of you if you're fine with it.
  76. [14:14:27] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: I'm going to the city as well.
  77. [14:15:11] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Alright.
  78. [14:15:26] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Also, uh, a warning if you ever do feel like touching me, don't.
  79. [14:15:46] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: You're just gonna accidentally get stuck to me.
  80. [14:15:55] Princess Sherbat: (i feel like that's happened before where slime guy forgot to warn people)
  81. [14:15:58] Princess Sherbat: (and he's like 'oh fuck')
  82. [14:16:31] DatSalamencePowa: (Lol)
  83. [14:16:40] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Will do.
  84. [14:17:02] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: I mean, well, won't do, but yeah.
  85. [14:19:55] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Also, a reference, I can only talk when in this form.
  86. [14:20:17] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Ah, okay.
  87. [14:21:12] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk turns to where they were originally going, then makes a pointing motion as if he has to go there quickly*
  88. [14:22:37] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset goes back into feral form and starts walking back to the city*
  89. [14:23:36] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk starts heading back towards the city, Slime guy follows*
  90. [14:26:49] DatSalamencePowa: *so we're going to the city?*
  91. [14:27:05] Princess Sherbat: *yep*
  92. [14:27:36] Princess Sherbat: (also, dusk carries a bag across his neck for his moneys and containment)
  93. [14:29:10] DatSalamencePowa: (Nice)
  94. [14:30:56] DatSalamencePowa: (So since it seeme urgent for Dusk, why's he goin to the city)
  95. [14:31:25] Princess Sherbat: (he's low on food supply)
  96. [14:31:28] Princess Sherbat: (he needs his fruit)
  97. [14:31:33] Princess Sherbat: (he's a fruit bat cat, after all)
  98. [14:31:43] DatSalamencePowa: (Nice)
  99. [14:35:25] Princess Sherbat: *they arrive at a general store area?*
  100. [14:36:05] DatSalamencePowa: *ye*
  101. [14:38:13] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Well, we're here!
  102. [14:39:51] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset retransforms into anthro seeing as there's no need to be in feral*
  103. [14:41:12] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk goes over to a fruit area, ditching the other 2*
  104. [14:41:57] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: That's nice of him.
  105. [14:43:12] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: He seemed like he was in a rush anyway, I guess.
  106. [14:43:22] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: And it's kinda hard for him to really talk to us.
  107. [14:43:32] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Yeah.
  108. [14:47:07] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: What's your name, by the way?
  109. [14:47:33] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Oh, I, er, don't really have one.
  110. [14:47:44] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: You can call me whatever, except for obvious things you don't call people.
  111. [14:47:49] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Do you have one?
  112. [14:48:40] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: I'm Sunset.
  113. [14:51:22] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Nice to meet you.
  114. [14:51:28] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Nice to meet you, too!
  115. [14:53:31] Princess Sherbat: (i feel like slime guy can't actually have any money so he just finds samples)
  116. [14:53:37] Princess Sherbat: (the store has samples)
  117. [14:53:40] Princess Sherbat: (because fuk u)
  118. [14:55:13] DatSalamencePowa: (O nice)
  119. [14:55:25] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: Anyway, uh, I need to go get some samples. I don't really have any money.
  120. [14:55:31] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: I can't carry it, y'know?
  121. [14:55:41] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Yeah.
  122. [14:56:18] Princess Sherbat: Slime guy: See ya!
  123. [14:56:25] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: See ya.
  124. [14:56:27] Princess Sherbat: *slime guy slides over to areas where there's samples*
  125. [14:56:50] Princess Sherbat: (slime guy needs samples to eat cause when he walks, he loses some of his slime, so he has to absorb things to gain some of that back)
  126. [14:57:42] DatSalamencePowa: (True)
  127. [14:58:12] Princess Sherbat: *cut to dusk and a cashier, and dusk is checking out?*
  128. [14:58:16] Princess Sherbat: *btw you get cashier lol*
  129. [14:58:20] Princess Sherbat: *worldbuilding is fun*
  130. [14:58:24] DatSalamencePowa: *ok*
  131. [14:59:57] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk shows his fruit that he's buying to the cashier to check out*
  132. [15:00:56] DatSalamencePowa: (Also I'm too lazy to look up realworld prices and this is all bullshit anyway so I'm guessing lol)
  133. [15:01:06] Princess Sherbat: (a coin per fruit)
  134. [15:01:10] Princess Sherbat: (there's your cost)
  135. [15:01:14] Princess Sherbat: (he has about 6 fruit)
  136. [15:01:18] Princess Sherbat: (therefore 6 coins)
  137. [15:01:28] DatSalamencePowa: Cashier: Six coins.
  138. [15:01:51] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk stares for a second*
  139. [15:02:05] Princess Sherbat: Dusk: *making a zipping motion near his muzzle* *m* I can't talk.
  140. [15:03:45] DatSalamencePowa: *Cashier sighs and holds up six fingers to signify six coins*
  141. [15:03:55] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk nods*
  142. [15:03:59] DatSalamencePowa: (Isn't it lucky that he didn't want more than ten)
  143. [15:04:10] Princess Sherbat: (dusk: i bought eleven fruit)
  144. [15:04:15] Princess Sherbat: (cashier: ok eleven coins)
  145. [15:04:18] Princess Sherbat: (dusk: i don't speak english)
  146. [15:04:22] Princess Sherbat: (cashier: kms)
  147. [15:04:49] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk pulls out six coins, and hands them to the cashier*
  148. [15:05:03] Princess Sherbat: (tbh i doubt dusk is the only person like this in our made up world)
  149. [15:05:12] Princess Sherbat: (and i doubt slime guy is the only slime person)
  150. [15:05:20] Princess Sherbat: (and i doubt sunset is the only shapeshifting fox)
  151. [15:05:40] DatSalamencePowa: (True)
  152. [15:05:47] DatSalamencePowa: *the cashier takes the coins*
  153. [15:06:32] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk puts the fruit back into his bag, and makes a pleased noise as a sign of 'thanks'*
  154. [15:06:57] DatSalamencePowa: *Cashier shows a thumbs up*
  155. [15:07:33] Princess Sherbat: (what if to worldbuild and to show interactions outside of just the characters)
  156. [15:07:44] Princess Sherbat: (we all had different interactions with the workers of the store and stuff?)
  157. [15:07:52] DatSalamencePowa: (Oo)
  158. [15:08:06] Princess Sherbat: (just to show that yes, there's a world outside of the 'slime fox bat cat club')
  159. [15:08:16] DatSalamencePowa: (Like this?)
  160. [15:08:41] Princess Sherbat: (ye)
  161. [15:08:51] Princess Sherbat: (hell, maybe dusk and sunset have jobs)
  162. [15:08:56] Princess Sherbat: (we could show their lives at their jobs)
  163. [15:11:01] DatSalamencePowa: (Oo)
  164. [15:11:40] Princess Sherbat: (it's better than)
  165. [15:11:50] Princess Sherbat: ('slime guy, dusk, and sunset are alone until they meet each other')
  166. [15:11:57] Princess Sherbat: (aka the same problem in original rp group)
  167. [15:11:59] DatSalamencePowa: (Yeah)
  168. [15:12:13] Princess Sherbat: (the only one who actually was implied to interact with people was meon)
  169. [15:12:27] DatSalamencePowa: (True)
  170. [15:13:59] Princess Sherbat: *Dusk leaves, and cut to Sunset's shit next?*
  171. [15:14:55] DatSalamencePowa: (What would Sunset be doing :thinking:)
  172. [15:15:22] Princess Sherbat: (hmm)
  173. [15:17:42] Princess Sherbat: (what would sunset buy)
  174. [15:19:40] DatSalamencePowa: (Only necessities would really be food and water unless she buys other shit)
  175. [15:22:05] DatSalamencePowa: (Maybe she buys some accessory to wear /shrug or some shit)
  176. [15:22:49] Princess Sherbat: (maybe)
  177. [15:23:59] DatSalamencePowa: (Do we go with cliche necklace :thinking:)
  178. [15:25:26] Princess Sherbat: (what about bows and necklaces)
  179. [15:25:41] DatSalamencePowa: (Ooh nice)
  180. [15:26:40] DatSalamencePowa: (So Sunset just buying some shit to wear?)
  181. [15:28:00] Princess Sherbat: (yes)
  182. [15:28:26] DatSalamencePowa: *cut there then*
  183. [15:28:33] DatSalamencePowa: (You're cashier man)
  184. [15:29:27] Princess Sherbat: (ok)
  185. [15:29:35] Princess Sherbat: (it's a different cashier loll)
  186. [15:29:44] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  187. [15:29:52] DatSalamencePowa: (You act like I wouldn't think that)
  188. [15:29:57] Princess Sherbat: (so is sunset at the cashier)
  189. [15:30:00] Princess Sherbat: (or is she not there yet)
  190. [15:30:06] Princess Sherbat: (crucial information)
  191. [15:30:50] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset places a bow and necklace on the table that the cashier would be at*
  192. [15:31:16] Princess Sherbat: (i feel like accessories would be like 3 coins since they aren't really necessities)
  193. [15:31:27] Princess Sherbat: (maybe bow 3 necklace 4?)
  194. [15:31:31] DatSalamencePowa: (Ok)
  195. [15:31:43] Princess Sherbat: Cashier: Will that be all?
  196. [15:31:59] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Yes.
  197. [15:32:24] Princess Sherbat: Cashier: Alright, seven coins, please.
  198. [15:32:56] DatSalamencePowa: (I'm also assuming Sunset would have some bag for like feral form and shit)
  199. [15:33:15] Princess Sherbat: (yeah)
  200. [15:33:20] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset pulls out seven coins and places them on the table*
  201. [15:34:35] Princess Sherbat: *Cashier takes them*
  202. [15:34:48] Princess Sherbat: Cashier: Thanks.
  203. [15:34:56] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: You too.
  204. [15:34:59] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset takes her items*
  205. [15:35:21] Princess Sherbat: Cashier: Bye.
  206. [15:36:12] DatSalamencePowa: Sunset: Bye.
  207. [15:36:17] DatSalamencePowa: *Sunset leaves*
  208. [15:37:55] DatSalamencePowa: (I don't think slime guy stealing food warrants a scene though)
  209. [15:38:07] Princess Sherbat: (i don't either)
  210. [15:38:31] Princess Sherbat: *end rp, since we got some character development in for an intro rp?*
  211. [15:39:21] DatSalamencePowa: *yeah*
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